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Lifestyle Health & Wellness
March 20, 2024

A healthier you: 9 simple healthy habits to start now and sustain for months ahead

5 minutes

Your checklist of healthy habits to start, including getting more exercise, improving sleep, prioritizing healthy eating, and managing stress

Looking for healthy habits to start to help you live your best life? We've got you. At Evidation, we work to help you make sustainable changes that create an actual difference in your physical and mental health. We understand that a total lifestyle overhaul can be overwhelming, and that building small habits that you can keep up over time is usually a better way to work toward the results that you want. Here, we'll take a look at why getting started with healthy habits can make a world of difference when it comes to your well-being.

Importance of healthy habits

When it comes to getting healthy, you don't need to make an immediate lifestyle overhaul—it's about creating new routines that help you thrive and changing old behavioral patterns that have been holding you back. Implementing small daily habits can help create sustainable change you can keep up over time. Here, we'll take a look at some simple daily habits you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help you feel your best.

Incorporate daily physical activity

Adding exercise to your schedule doesn't just boost your cardiovascular health. It also can help you get better sleep, lower stress levels, and boost your energy.

Not sure where to start? We get it. Try these ways to add a little more activity to your day:

Take a brisk walk during your lunch break or after dinner.

It sounds simple, but adding a daily walk to your routine can go a long way to boosting your health. According to a study at Harvard, walking can lessen the effect of genes that promote obesity, while also lowering joint pain and boosting the function of the immune system.

Use stairs instead of elevators whenever possible.

Believe it or not, taking the stairs boosts cardiovascular fitness, reduces the risk of stroke, and strengthens your muscles. Forgo the elevator and enjoy the burst of energy you feel at the top.

Do a quick body weight workout at home, such as push-ups, squats, and lunges.

Not sure where to start? Check out this simple body weight workout you can use to feel the burn without any equipment.

Prioritizing nutritious eating habits

What you eat matters, and it can be easier to make positive changes to your nutrition habits by focusing on what you can add to your life—instead of thinking about what you're taking away.

Try making these additions to your diet to boost your energy and fuel your body:

  • Include a serving of vegetables with every meal. Bonus points if you get more than five servings of veggies in a day!
  • Choose whole grains over refined grains, such as brown rice instead of white rice. There's no reason to cut out carbs—they're a great energy source. That being said, choose less-processed carbs whenever you have the option.
  • Snack on fruits, veggies, nuts, or yogurt instead of processed snacks. When your body is hungry, eat! Choosing healthier snack options can give you the fuel you need without the energy crash that comes after a sugar rush.

Cultivating consistent sleep patterns

When you're working hard to create healthier habits, it's important to give your body the high-quality rest it needs. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet to help you drift off to sleep—and stay asleep—more easily. It's also a good idea to stop using screens one to two hours before you go to bed, and to cut out caffeine after noon to help you relax.

Prioritize mental health care

When it comes to overall well-being, your mental health matters. Practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga can enhance your sense of well-being. It's not always easy to find ways to de-stress, but you don't have to try to figure it out on your own. Talking with a licensed counselor or therapist to learn strategies to manage stress is a smart, effective way to feel your best.

Strategies for sustaining healthy habits over time

Ready to get started? Check out these strategies for keeping the positive momentum going:

  • Set small goals that keep you moving. Rather than commit to completing a triathlon in a few months, set smaller goals—like exercising four days each week consistently.
  • Leave some wiggle room in your schedule. This can help you make adjustments that keep you on track.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. Working with a licensed dietitian, personal trainer, or talking with your doctor about how to move forward in supporting your health can all provide valuable insights on how to move forward.

Overcoming challenges and staying motivated

Stress, work, family, health issues, financial problems, relationship issues—there are countless lifestyle factors that can make it tough to stay on track with healthy habits. Thinking through the tools you'll use to stick to your new habits when times get tough can make all the difference in helping your new routine hold up over time.

Some ways to stick with your new lifestyle habits when life gets in the way include:

  • Remind yourself that done is better than perfect. If your workday ran later than you anticipated and you missed your workout class, taking a brisk, 10-minute walk around the block is a far better option than ditching exercise for the day.
  • Rely on an accountability partner. When you share your goals with someone and ask for accountability, it can motivate you to stay on track when times get difficult.

Taking the steps necessary to be healthier isn't always easy—but it is worth it. Taking small steps, like incorporating a walk after lunch into your daily schedule or enjoying an extra serving of veggies with dinner can help to set you up for success. When you incorporate new healthy habits into your life, take your time noticing how much better you feel, and use that success to encourage you to continue boosting your health, one choice at a time.

Download Evidation Today!

At Evidation, we're here to support you as you work toward becoming the healthiest version of yourself. We use the health data you choose to share to provide you with personalized tips and insights that can help move your health forward. Learn more about what we do and download the Evidation app today.

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
March 15, 2024

Breathing techniques for sleep: 3 powerful strategies to help you sleep better

4 minutes

Breathing techniques, including belly breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, and alternate nostril breathing can help you get the rest you need.

If you're struggling to fall asleep at night, you're not alone. Studies show that many people around the world struggle to fall and stay asleep at night. Women are more likely to have trouble sleeping than men, younger adults are more likely to have trouble sleeping than older adults.

No matter what your demographic, prioritizing sleep is a key for good health. Here, we'll explore why sleep is so important, breathing techniques you can use to make it easier to get the rest you need, and some habits you can put into place to set yourself up for sleep success.

Why sleep matters

Failure to get enough sleep doesn't just leave you feeling tired the following day—it can also endanger your physical health. Poor sleep can weaken the immune system, increase the risk of developing diabetes, lower the libido, and increase the risk of heart disease.

Mental and emotional health can also be affected by failing to get enough sleep. People who don't get enough sleep may struggle to cope with changes, find that it's difficult to control their emotions and behaviors, and struggle to make decisions. Research has also shown that sleep deficiency is linked to an increase in risk-taking behavior, depression, and suicide.

Effective breathing techniques for sleep

Using simple breathing techniques can make it easier for you to fall and stay asleep by initiating your body's relaxation response. You may also find these techniques helpful for stress management during your waking hours.

Taking just a few moments to practice the following breathing exercises before bed can decrease your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and help your brain and body understand that it's time to rest.

1. Belly breathing

Also known as diaphragmatic breathing, belly breathing requires the perfect amount of focus—just enough to calm your mind, but not enough to stop you from nodding off.

Give it a try:

  • Lie comfortably on your back with your head resting on a pillow.
  • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.
  • Slowly breathe in, working to expand your abdomen as you fill your diaphragm with air. Focus on keeping your chest still as you work to expand your belly.
  • Fully exhale, feeling your abdomen lower.
  • Continue the practice for two to five minutes, or until you fall asleep.

You may want to pair belly breathing with meditation, positive affirmations, or quiet, calming music.

2. 4-7-8 breathing

4-7-8 breathing takes a bit more focus than belly breathing, but many people find that the additional focus is especially helpful if they're dealing with worries or a stressful situation that's making it difficult to rest.

Give it a try:

  • Find a position that feels comfortable.
  • Inhale for 4 seconds.
  • Hold your breath while you count to 7.
  • Exhale slowly for 8 seconds.
  • Repeat for up to 5 minutes.

This practice doesn't just help your mind focus—it also works to decrease your heart rate and blood pressure while activating your body's parasympathetic nervous system and supporting your brain's production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

3. Alternate nostril breathing

This yoga technique can help to calm the mind and body when you're winding down at the end of the day.

Give it a try:

  • Use your finger to gently close one nostril.
  • Inhale through the open nostril.
  • Close the opposite nostril and exhale through the nostril that was originally closed.
  • Inhale on the now-open side of your nose, and continue alternating nostrils and breaths for up to 5 minutes.

Additional healthy sleep practices

While using breathing exercises can help make it easier to fall asleep, there's more that you can do to get high-quality rest. Try adding these techniques to your nighttime routine.

Relaxation and stress reduction techniques

Using relaxation tools just before bed can help set your mind and body up for sleep success. You can also use these practices throughout the day to manage stress and clear your mind long before it's time for your head to hit the pillow.

Try these practices to calm the nervous system:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Physical exercise (if exercise tends to energize you, be sure to finish your workout no less than two hours before bed)
  • Spending time with family (pets count!)
  • Reading a favorite book

Create a comfortable sleep environment

Entering your bedroom should tell your brain that it's time to get some rest. There are a few changes you can make to help make your sleep environment as relaxing as possible, including:

  • Temperature: Research shows that the ideal temperature for sleep falls between 60 and 68 degrees for most people.
  • Clutter: When your bedroom is used as a catch-all for the clutter of the day, it can be tough for your mind to realize that it's time to rest. Keeping your bedroom clear of work, laundry, and other task-oriented items can help your brain enter the sleep zone.
  • Shutting off screens: The blue light that comes from your phone, computer, or TV can keep your brain active after you've turned off the lights for the evening. Stopping the use of screens an hour or two before bed can go a long way toward helping you get the rest necessary to wake up rested.

Keep consistent sleep hygiene habits

Keeping a sleep schedule that works for you is an important part of maintaining great sleep hygiene. Whenever possible, go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This can help your brain begin to wind down. It's also a good idea to form a bedtime routine, as performing the same actions at the same time each day can also help to signal to your brain that you're preparing to rest.

Evidation: Here to help you feel your best

Evidation provides you with activity tracking, stress monitoring, and other valuable information that can complement your efforts to get the rest you need. Click here to learn more and download the Evidation app today.

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
March 13, 2024

How long is a sleep cycle and how to understand yours

4 minutes

You experience four to six sleep cycles each night. Here, we'll explore what happens during a typical sleep cycle.

Whether you feel like you're not getting enough sleep, you've recently realized that magnesium helps you maximize your shut-eye, or you've started to track your sleep data so you can start learning more about your individual sleep needs, understanding your sleep cycles is key to determining your sleep health.

Each night, you move through four to six sleep cycles. Each cycle is made up of four stages, and each stage is imperative to helping you feel rested and supporting your overall well-being. There are many factors that can cause issues with sleep, including anxiety, stressful life events, and health issues. Understanding your sleep cycles—and the amount of time you're spending in each cycle—can help you optimize your sleep routine to help you feel your best.

What is a sleep cycle?

Getting enough sleep isn't the only thing that matters when it comes to feeling refreshed in the morning. As you move through sleep cycles each night, your body moves through four different stages.

As you move through the night, the amount of time you spend in each stage within each sleep cycle changes. In addition to this normal variation, certain factors can affect the amount of time you spend in each sleep stage, including alcohol consumption and age.

Now, we'll take a look at what each of the four stages of sleep entails.

The four stages of sleep

The breakdown of your sleep cycles is known as sleep architecture, and is composed of stages that are split into two categories: NREM (Non-REM) sleep and REM sleep.

Stage 1: N1

Lasting up to 7 minutes, the N1 stage of sleep occurs when you first fall asleep. The body is beginning to ease into full relaxation as movements of both the brain and body begin to slow. You may experience sleep twitches during this stage, and you may hear non-existent loud noises that startle you awake. While it's easy to wake someone up in the first stage of sleep, an undisturbed stage 1 can quickly lead to deeper sleep.

Stage 2: N2

During the second stage of sleep, your body temperature drops, your heart rate slows, and your muscles begin to relax. Eye movement ceases, and breathing begins to slow. This cycle lasts about 15 minutes in the first sleep cycle of the night, and becomes longer as cycles progress. This stage typically repeats between stages 3 and 4.

Stage 3: N3 slow-wave sleep

In this deep sleep phase, many of the body's processes, including pulse and breathing, slow even further. Current research suggests that despite the reduced level of brain activity during stage 3, spending time in this phase can promote memory, creativity, and deep thinking. This stage of sleep is very deep, and people who are awakened during this phase may feel foggy if awakened before moving on to REM sleep. You spend 20 to 40 minutes in this phase earlier in the night. This time slowly diminishes as you move toward the morning.

Stage 4: REM sleep

Your brain is super-active during this phase, as are your eyes and your respiratory system. The rest of the body experiences temporary paralysis. Dreams are most common during this phase, and tend to be more intense than dreams during other phases. REM stages get longer throughout the night. In your first sleep cycle, your REM sleep may only last a few minutes. During your last sleep cycle, your REM sleep can last for an hour or more.

REM sleep is thought to assist in the formation of memories, and can work to help your mind process stressful information. Motor learning is also supported by REM sleep. Failing to get enough REM sleep can cause serious health problems—evidence even suggests that prolonged REM sleep deprivation can cause death.

How long is a typical sleep cycle?

Typically, a sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes (although this can vary). It's ideal to aim for four to six sleep cycles per night, but even a single sleep cycle can help your body and mind feel refreshed.

Understanding individual variations in sleep cycles

Sleep cycles can vary, and what you see from your sleep data one night may differ from what you see the next night. Factors that you might not notice during your day—such as the amount of time you spend in the sun and the type of light you're around at night—can impact your sleeping cycles.

Other factors, like traumatic brain injuries, depression, age, and certain medications can all impact your sleep cycles. If you're struggling to get restful sleep and you aren't sure why, it's a good idea to talk with your doctor about whether it would make sense to schedule a sleep study.

Tracking, monitoring, and interpreting your sleep cycles

Understanding your current sleep patterns and your sleep needs can help you make the most out of your rest. Tracking your sleep isn't just about seeing the numbers and charts on your tracking device when you wake up—it's also about paying attention to how you feel each day to understand what amount of sleep is the best fit for your needs.

Using an app like Evidation can help you learn more about how your sleep habits intertwine with your overall sense of well-being, allowing you to make the changes necessary to feel your best. Taking your data to an appointment with your health care professional can also help you work together to determine changes you could make to get more restful sleep.

The role of Evidation in sleep cycle monitoring

No matter what type of sleep tracker you use, Evidation is here to help you put your health data to good use. With your permission, we'll use your health data to provide you with personalized insights and information that you can use to support your well-being. Get started by learning more and downloading the app today

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
March 8, 2024

National Sleep Awareness Week: 6 evidence-based strategies for better rest with the help of Evidation

8 minutes

Identifying existing sleep issues, managing stress, incorporating exercise, creating a sleep routine, and optimizing your sleep environment can all help you get better sleep.

High-quality sleep and good health go hand-in-hand. March 10th-16th of 2024 is National Sleep Week, which provides the perfect reminder to check in with yourself and think about whether you're getting enough rest.

Prioritizing sleep, making adjustments that make it easier for you to fall and stay asleep, and paying attention to how your body feels when you get enough rest versus when your sleep is lacking can all work to support your well-being. Here, we'll explore why it can be tough to get enough sleep and some simple steps that you can take to make your shut-eye count.

Sleep Awareness Week: goals and challenges

Whether you're having trouble sleeping or just aren't waking up as rested as you'd like, Sleep Awareness Week is a great time to focus on making sure you're getting the best shut-eye possible.

If you struggle to get sleep that helps you feel your best, you're not alone. Common issues that can make it hard to get enough sleep include:

  • Anxiety and stress: If you're feeling constantly worried, dealing with a stressful life situation, or are living with an anxiety-related mental health condition, you may find that it's difficult to fall asleep.
  • Irregular schedule: Whether you work double shifts or are tending to a brand-new baby, having an irregular sleep schedule can take a toll on your mind and body.
  • Electronic device use: Blue light emitted from cell phones and other electronic devices interferes with your body's production of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin, making it tough for your body to maintain its natural sleep-wake schedule.
  • Caffeine: Drinking caffeine can keep your nervous system up and awake long after your body's preferred time to go to sleep.
  • Medical issues: Medical conditions like sleep disorders, chronic pain, gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory problems can all make sleep more difficult. Certain medications can also make it difficult to fall and stay asleep.

The importance of quality sleep

There are many factors that can make it difficult to get the sleep you need, and it's important to take steps to remedy and accommodate issues that make it harder to rest.

Risk factors associated with not getting enough sleep include:

The science is clear: getting enough high-quality, restful sleep is vital to your overall well-being. Let's take a look at some of the tips and tricks you can use to make your time asleep count.

1. Establish a consistent sleep schedule

While it can be tempting to stay up far too late one night and make up for it by sleeping in the next morning, experts agree that routine matters. Creating healthy sleep habits includes sticking to a schedule that makes sense for your sleep needs.

Most adults between 18 and 64 years of age need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night, while those aged 65 or older typically need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each night. Paying attention to the amount of rest that lets you feel your best can help you determine the bedtime and wake-up time that makes the most sense for your needs.

2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine

Nighttime routines aren't just a good idea for little ones—adults can benefit from having a step-by-step before-bed process as well.

Some tips for creating a bedtime routine that can help you optimize your sleep include:

As with most activities that contribute to your health, consistency matters. Understanding what makes a great sleep routine is fantastic, but it's necessary to actually implement the routine consistently to make a difference in your sleep.

3. Optimize your sleep environment

Creating an environment that supports high-quality sleep can both help you feel more comfortable and signal to your brain and your body that it's time to rest.

Creating a relaxing environment can help you relax. Clearing clutter is an important part of creating a bedroom environment that can help you drift off to dreamland. While it can be tempting to make your bedroom a catch-all space for laundry, projects, and other loose ends, doing so can make it difficult for the brain to shift from busy mode to rest mode.

Making your bedroom as dark as possible can also contribute to helping you get great rest. Using blackout curtains or an eye mask can help you block out any light, helping your brain to understand that it's time to sleep.

Sound control is vital for a good night's sleep. If you live in an area where you can't control the noise in or around your bedroom, using a white noise machine (or a white noise app) can help. Playing soothing music can also work to block out noise.

Temperature is also an important consideration for creating an environment that welcomes sleep. Most experts recommend that you keep your bedroom between 60 and 71 degrees, as excessive heat can make it harder for you to drift off.

4. Manage stress and anxiety for better sleep

There's no way around it—stress and anxiety are an unavoidable part of life. When these issues interfere with your sleep, you may begin to feel anxiety about your lack of sleep, creating a cycle that's difficult to break.

Adding some stress relief techniques into your day can make it easier for you to fall asleep at night. As we mentioned, meditation, breathing exercises, and stretching can all help your body wind down from stress.

Progressive muscle relaxation is a tool that many people find helpful to manage stress. Follow these steps to give it a try:

  • Sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • As you breathe, tense a muscle group, hold for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat this in muscle groups progressively, taking a moment to feel the difference between tension and relaxation at each level.
  • Repeat for muscle groups where you still feel tension.

If you're dealing with heavy life stressors, you don't have to try to handle it on your own. Talking with a licensed counselor or therapist can help you develop coping strategies unique to your situation that may make it easier for you to fall asleep.

5. Incorporate physical activity for improved sleep

It sounds counterintuitive, but getting exercise can help you fall asleep at night. Much like taking a hot bath or shower, exercise can raise your body temperature, and as your temperature lowers, your brain will have an easier time going into sleep mode.

Not everyone experiences the same effects from exercise, however. While some people find that the change in body temperature and boost in endorphins a good workout creates helps them fall asleep easily, others find that they feel energized after exercise. If you need time to wind down after you exercise, it's smart to leave at least two hours between the end of your workout and the start of your nighttime routine.

You don't have to go crazy to reap the benefits of exercise when it comes to getting better sleep. Adding just half an hour of aerobic activity to your day can help you sleep better that evening. The type of physical activity that you do doesn't matter—just find something you love and will be able to stick with over time.

6. Evaluate dietary habits impacting sleep quality

What you eat before bed matters, and carefully considering your choices at (and after) dinner can make a difference in how well you sleep. Taking stock of your current dietary habits and finding sleep-healthy adjustments can go a long way to support your overall sleep health.

You might want to forgo the glass of wine with dinner. While many people feel like alcohol helps them drift off to sleep, this positive effect is short-lived. Alcohol can disrupt the restorative stages of sleep, and can increase sleep apnea symptoms.

Eating high-fat and high-protein foods slows your body's digestion, and this can result in a lower quality of sleep. Fat and protein molecules take longer to break down than carbohydrates. Leaning heavier on the carbs in the evening—especially complex carbohydrates, like whole-wheat bread—can help you rest more easily.

Research suggests magnesium can help people who struggle to fall asleep. While more research is needed to determine the role that magnesium plays in supporting healthy sleep, adding magnesium to your diet may help you get the rest you need. In addition to taking a magnesium supplement, it can also be helpful to add foods high in magnesium to your diet, including greens, nuts, seeds, beans, and grains.

Getting high-quality sleep can help you feel energized, support a healthy immune system, and provide your body and mind with the time needed to rest and recharge. It can take some trial and error to discover which of the sleep tips discussed above are the best fit for you. It's a good idea to implement one tip at a time, allowing you to discover what works well for you. Small lifestyle changes can go a long way to set the scene for great sleep. 

If, despite your best efforts, you're still struggling to get restful sleep, it's important to reach out to your doctor to discuss other issues that may be making it difficult for you to rest.

Some other resources to explore as you embark on your sweet-dreams journey include:

Evidation: Here to support your sleep-well journey

At Evidation, we're here to help you get the most out of your health data by providing personalized, helpful insights that can support you as you work to take your health to the next level. We're passionate about supporting your health! Learn more about how Evidation works and download the app today.

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
March 6, 2024

7 ways to identify restless sleep and improve sleep quality with Evidation

5 minutes

Restless sleep is loosely defined as a pattern of sleep consisting of constant movement, frequent waking up, and difficulty staying asleep all night.

If falling asleep has ever been difficult for you, or you find yourself tossing and turning a lot when you're sleeping, you're no stranger to restless sleep. And you're not alone. In fact, a study conducted by the American Sleep Apnea Association revealed that 11% of American adults report having poor sleep every night. Also, a whopping 70% of people report having restless sleep at least one night every month.

Unfortunately, it's not just a matter of not feeling rested the next day. Prolonged restless sleep has an effect on nearly every area of a person's life. For example, if you're waking up several times every night, it can make driving dangerous or affect your mood.

The key to getting more restful sleep is to first identify the underlying cause of your sleeplessness. It could be a sleep disorder such as insomnia or sleep apnea, but lifestyle changes and careful monitoring of your sleep health can also help you get better sleep. The good news is there are solutions out there for you if you're living with restless sleep.

What is restless sleep?

While waking up a couple of times during the night is normal for many people, tossing and turning all night long isn't something people with good sleep health normally do. There isn't a specific clinical definition for restless sleep because it's subjective. Generally, restless sleep is loosely defined as a pattern of sleep consisting of constant movement, frequent waking up, and difficulty staying asleep all night.

It's important to note that the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) reports restless sleep isn't a medically recognized sleep disorder at this time. However, some sleep experts are in the early stages of recognizing "restless sleep disorder (RSD)" as a possible new sleep diagnosis for teens and children.

How restless sleep can affect your routine

Regardless of an official definition, restless sleep can have a significant impact on a person's life. A person who experiences restless sleep may find their energy ebbing and flowing during the day. A lack of restful sleep will make most people feel lethargic during the day, especially if it becomes a regular problem.

If you're tired during the day, it's usually challenging to complete your to-do list or all you want to accomplish. Equally important, many people who experience restless sleep the night before find their moods affected during the day. This has the ability to impact relationships, whether at work or with your family. You may also experience:

  • Falling asleep when driving
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing
  • Experiencing response time issues
  • Memory problems
  • Unexplained mood changes

Restless sleep also significantly impacts our cognitive functions. When we don't have good sleep health, our memory can feel impaired, we may make poor decisions, and our creativity can suffer.

Long-term restless sleep can also cause or aggravate any of these conditions:

  • Chronic pain
  • Weakened immune system
  • Nocturia (waking up more than one time a night to go to the bathroom)
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cognitive decline
  • Health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity

Understanding the causes and symptoms of restless sleep

We now have a good understanding of what restless sleep is and how it can impact our lives negatively. So how do you know if your sleeplessness is restless sleep? Restless sleep can be identified by any or all of these five symptoms:

  1. Frequent tossing and turning throughout the night
  2. Waking up often and finding it difficult to quickly go back to sleep
  3. Awakening in the morning without feeling rested
  4. Stirring frequently during sleep because of racing thoughts
  5. Difficulty going to sleep
  6. Difficulty staying asleep all night
  7. Frequently needing a daytime nap

Causes of restless sleep

While there may not be an official medical definition for restless sleep, it's usually possible to pinpoint causes.

Recreational drugs or medications

Any of these medications, substances, or recreational drugs can impact our ability to achieve restless sleep:

  • Stimulant drugs such as amphetamines or psychostimulants
  • Some SSRI antidepressants, including Zoloft and Prozac
  • Water pills (diuretics)
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids
  • Beta-agonists and beta-blockers
  • Appetite suppressants
  • Nicotine replacement treatments
  • Decongestants and cold medications
  • Steroids
  • Niacin
  • Medications for Parkinson's disease

Common sleep disorders and their effects

Four of the most common sleep disorders can contribute to or cause restless sleep.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by nighttime breathing challenges. When a person has sleep apnea, they stop breathing while they're sleeping, which can cause snoring or gasping for air.


Perhaps the most commonly known sleep disorder is insomnia, which is the inability to sleep or difficulty sleeping. When a person lives with insomnia, they may experience restless sleep as one of the symptoms.

Restless leg syndrome

Also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, restless leg syndrome isn't precisely a sleep disorder. Rather, this condition causes restlessness in the leg, which can contribute to restless sleep. Because restless leg syndrome symptoms worsen at night, it can add to the restlessness people experience.


Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the chemical signaling of the brain. Individuals who live with narcolepsy experience several different symptoms, which can include restless sleep.

Evaluating lifestyle factors impacting sleep quality

If you've eliminated a medical cause for your restless sleep, taking a look at your daily routines and lifestyle may help you identify steps you can take to find better quality sleep.

  • Sleep hygiene: Good sleep hygiene consists of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, sleeping in a room that's dark and relaxing, and avoiding large meals before bedtime.
  • Anxiety and stress: If you're feeling stress or anxiety, you may have restless sleep.
  • Caffeine and alcoholic beverages: Caffeine consumption late in the day or having too much alcohol at happy hour can affect the quality of your sleep.
  • Irregular sleep schedules: People who follow regular sleep schedules are often less likely to have restless sleep.
  • Late-night screen time: Spending time on a computer or other device late at night can make it harder to drift into a restful sleep.

Utilizing Evidation to analyze and improve sleep patterns

Many things can cause restless sleep, from medications to sleep disorders and lifestyle. Understanding what causes your restless sleep is the first step to getting the quality sleep you deserve.

The next step is monitoring your sleep with analytics and tracking, and Evidation can help. Find out more on the Evidation blog and download the app for personalized insights and help tracking your sleep patterns.

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
March 6, 2024

Unraveling the mystery of sleep debt: understanding the risks and taking action for better health

3 minutes

Discover the hidden costs of sleep debt on your health and well-being. Learn how understanding and addressing sleep debt can transform your life. Read more on the Evidation blog.

In our fast-paced world, sleep often takes a backseat to the demands of work, family, and social life. Many of us may find ourselves sacrificing sleep to fit more into our day, but what we don't realize is that this can lead to a phenomenon known as sleep debt. Understanding what sleep debt is, its risks, what your sleep debt is can empower you to take action for better health.

What is sleep debt?

Sleep debt, or sleep deficit, is the difference between the amount of sleep someone needs and the amount they actually get.

It occurs when you regularly get less sleep than your body needs to function optimally. For most adults, the recommended amount of sleep is between 7 to 9 hours per night, although individual needs may vary. When you consistently get less sleep than your body requires, the hours of missed sleep add up, resulting in a sleep debt.

Risks of sleep debt

The risks associated with sleep debt are numerous and can impact both your physical and mental health. Here are some of the key risks:

  • Impaired Cognitive Function: Lack of sleep can impair cognitive function, including concentration, memory, and decision-making abilities. This can lead to decreased productivity at work or school and increase the likelihood of accidents or errors.
  • Mood Disturbances: Sleep debt is closely linked to mood disturbances such as irritability, mood swings, and feelings of stress or anxiety. Chronic sleep deprivation can also contribute to the development of mood disorders like depression.
  • Weakened Immune System: Adequate sleep is essential for a healthy immune system. Sleep debt can weaken the immune response, making you more susceptible to infections such as colds and flu.
  • Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of various chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormonal balance and metabolism, contributing to these health conditions over time.
  • Impaired Physical Performance: Sleep debt can impair physical performance and recovery, affecting athletic performance and increasing the risk of injuries during physical activities.

Taking action to improve sleep debt

Understanding your sleep debt can empower you to take action to improve your sleep quality and overall health. Here are some strategies to help you reduce sleep debt and prioritize sleep:

  • Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency helps regulate your body's internal clock and promotes better sleep quality.
  • Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Develop a calming bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. This may include activities such as reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
  • Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Make your bedroom conducive to sleep by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows, and limit exposure to electronic devices before bedtime.
  • Prioritize Sleep Hygiene: Practice good sleep hygiene habits, such as avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime, limiting alcohol consumption, and exercising regularly (but not too close to bedtime).
  • Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you're struggling with chronic sleep issues or suspect you have a sleep disorder, consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and treatment options.

Monitoring sleep debt with Evidation:

Sleep debt is a serious concern that can have significant implications for your health and well-being. By understanding what sleep debt is, recognizing its risks, and taking proactive steps to improve your sleep habits, you can reclaim restful nights and enjoy the numerous benefits of adequate sleep. 

But for many, keeping track of sleep debt can be challenging. That’s why we provide valuable sleep debt insights designed to help you track and improve your sleep debt over time. To learn more about Evidation’s sleep debt insights and how you can use them to improve your sleep schedule, check out our post highlighting this new feature.  

Prioritize sleep as an essential component of your overall health and make a commitment to repay your sleep debt starting today. Want to get this valuable insight, but don’t have the Evidation app? Download today!

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
January 10, 2024

How to maintain weight: a practical guide

5 minutes

Utilizing tracking apps, staying active, and revamping your nutrition are all keys to how to maintain weight as you age.

While weight is just one measure of health, maintaining a healthy weight for your body can be an important part of feeling your best. If you've ever been curious about how to maintain weight after losing it, or you're concerned about gaining weight as you get older, we've got you covered. Here, we'll explore how to understand your body's needs and simple steps you can take to help you stay within the weight range that's healthiest for you.

Comprehending your body's needs

In order to maintain your weight, it's important to understand your body's caloric needs (this is especially important if you have special health conditions, or if you've had weight loss surgery). There are many factors--including age, body composition, gender, and activity level--that can play a role in how many calories your body needs in order to thrive.

Using a simple calculator--like this one from the Mayo Clinic--can give you a baseline idea of how many calories your body might need each day. Of course, calculators like these only account for age, height, weight, and gender, and it's a good idea to talk with your primary care provider about whether you need to change your caloric goal based on your body's unique needs.

Metabolism--the amount of energy your body needs to maintain its weight and activity levels--changes with age. Around age 20, the body's metabolism begins to slow down. This change continues over time, with the body's metabolism slowing down by about 10% each decade. There are several factors that contribute to this change, including changes in physical activity levels and loss of muscle mass.

Once you understand your body's caloric needs, you're able to make decisions that can help you feel your best for years to come. Here, we'll take a look at some actionable tips you can use to maintain your weight at any age.

Create sustainable habits

Creating habits is an important part of maintaining your weight in a healthy way. Many of us have experienced the dip in willpower that comes after a surge of motivation (such as resolving to overhaul eating habits as a New Year's resolution). Willpower almost always fades, but habits are more likely to stand the test of time.

Rather than changing your entire life to work toward maintaining your weight, implementing small habits that you can stick with can be a more effective way to create lasting health. As you browse through the habits discussed below, think about the small ways that you can incorporate these ideas into your day-to-day life.

Balanced nutrition matters

Woman with basket full of fresh vegetables in kitchen

It's important to work with your health care provider to get an understanding of what a balanced diet means for your body. That being said, following general guidelines that prioritize foods with a higher nutritional value can help you make the changes that will allow you to maintain your weight as you get older.

While foods with a lower nutritional value (such as baked goods, salty snacks, and sweets) can fit into most nutrition plans from time to time, it's important that the bulk of your calories come from whole, unprocessed foods. Incorporating vegetables, fruit, protein (like meats, fish, and nuts), and whole grains into your daily diet can help you maintain your weight and feel your best.

Mindful eating

Busy schedules can make it tough to sit down and fully enjoy a meal, but doing so is vital to help you maintain your weight over time. It's easy to eat more food than your body needs when you're always on the go, and it's even easier to forget to track foods that you pick up from the refreshment table at a meeting or at the drive-thru on a lunch break.

Planning, recording, and taking time to enjoy your meals can make it easier to stay on track with eating the foods that make you feel your best. Preparing meals as a family, trying a new fruit or vegetable each week, and carving out time in your calendar to sit at the table--distraction free--can all contribute to a heightened sense of satisfaction from food.

Incorporating physical activity

Exercise matters! While keeping your body moving will certainly help you maintain your weight as you get older, the benefits don't stop there. When you're active, you're lowering your risk of diabetes, cancer, cancer, stroke, and heart disease.

While it's recommended that you get about two and a half hours of exercise per week, you don't need to start there if you haven't exercised in a while. Going for a ten-minute walk around the block after dinner, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and choosing the farthest parking spaces while you're running errands can all help you begin to incorporate movement into your life.

Using a step tracker and checking your data each week can help you set achievable yet challenging goals that will encourage you to keep moving. Invite your friends and family to participate as well--when the people around you are prioritizing movement, it's easier to stay on track.

Utilize tracking tools

Like we mentioned, using tracking tools is key to increasing your physical activity and understanding your nutritional habits. Consistency is key, and it's important that you know where you're at in order to make the changes that will boost your health. Integrating an app that allows you to utilize data can provide you with support and insight on how to make changes that can help you maintain your health over time.

Evidation: Here to support you as you move toward your health goals

With Evidation, you get both the tracking and support that you need to work toward your health goals. Our clear guidelines help you know the steps you need to take to optimize your health--and our data tracking allows you to celebrate your progress. Our team is here to support you. Download the app today to make the most of your health data.

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
December 27, 2023

Why does my weight fluctuate so much? Understanding the reasons behind fluctuations

5 minutes

If you've been wondering, "why does my weight fluctuate so much?" you're in good company. Learn more about this normal occurrence and why it happens.

When you’ve been focused on healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle, stepping on a scale to see an unexpected increase or decrease can be disheartening, to say the least. Yet weight fluctuations are actually quite common, even when you’re choosing healthy foods and movement. If you’re seeing weight fluctuations, even unexpected increases or decreases in your weight, don’t be alarmed. This is something everyone experiences, and here are some of the reasons why it happens.

Common causes of weight fluctuations

Is weight fluctuation normal? Yes, it is, and everyone experiences it. So what causes the weight to go up or down on the scale, even when you’re focused on making healthy changes to achieve your weight goals? Here are some common causes of weight increases:

  • Foods, especially foods high in sodium or carbs
  • Hormonal changes, especially menstruation
  • Medications you take
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Lack of a bowel movement

Here are some common causes of drops in your weight:

  • Exercise and sweat
  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Recent urination or bowel movement

Daily and weekly weight variations

How much does weight fluctuate throughout the day or week? Weight variations happen both on a daily basis and a weekly basis. In a healthy adult, it’s common for weight to fluctuate as much as five to six pounds a day and even more after eating a meal. For this reason, you might want to try to weigh yourself at the same time each day.

Yet even day to day, you can experience weight fluctuations, even when all other factors are similar each day and you’re weighing at the same time of day. According to Henry Ford Health, the average healthy adult will gain or lose two to eight pounds every few days, and that’s not due to fat loss but rather normal weight fluctuations. In addition, weight tends to be higher at the beginning of the week for most people, and lower toward the end of the week.

Water weight and hormonal influences

One of the reasons your weight will change over the course of a week is due to hormones, which can cause you to retain, or sometimes to lose, water weight. Hormone changes, especially in people who are assigned female at birth, are a common reason for weight gain. When a woman is nearing her menstrual period, she often retains water and gains weight, and that weight comes off after her cycle. How much do you gain on your period? This varies from person to person and may depend on how much unhealthy food you consume, but increases of between 1 and 5 pounds are common over that week.

In contrast, you can also lose water weight which can cause a drop in weight. Going on a run on a hot summer day may make you lose water weight as you sweat. These types of weight gains or losses aren’t directly related to fat gain or loss, and as such, are temporary in nature.

Dietary factors: how food choices impact temporary weight changes

Hormones are just one reason people might gain water weight. Your dietary choices also impact your weight. Remember, all food has weight, so you’re going to weigh more after eating than before, but some foods can carry over long after the meal and cause temporary increases in your weight.

For example, if you eat a large amount of salty or processed foods in a day, you might retain more water over the next few days as your body works to flush out the salt and processed chemicals. Large meals, such as a holiday feast, can also cause temporary weight increases until your body processes all of the food.

Foods high in carbohydrates may also lead to water retention, which leads to increases in weight. This is why you might notice temporary weight gain after you eat out or after several holiday parties full of sweet treats. Restaurant foods, even healthier choices at restaurants, tend to be higher in salt and processed chemicals than foods you make at home, and as such, they’ll create a temporary increase in weight.

Sometimes, people are surprised to know that not drinking enough water can actually cause you to gain weight temporarily. Your body will retain more water when you aren’t drinking enough, and this, in turn, can lead to temporary weight gain.

What and how often you eat can also cause weight decreases. Periods of fasting, including overnight when you’re sleeping, will cause your weight to decrease temporarily. Similarly, if you eat a high protein, low carb diet for a while, you may see the scale moving down, but adding in healthy carbs can help it balance back out.

How should you weigh yourself? Long-term trends vs. short-term changes and what to focus on

These temporary changes in weight can be discouraging for many people who are trying to make healthy changes, but they’re a normal part of being human. One way to counteract the disappointment at seeing that number go up (or down, if you’re trying to gain weight) is to weigh yourself in the best way.

First, try to weigh yourself at the same time each day, preferably without shoes on. Wear similar clothing each time you weigh, and, if possible, weigh after using the restroom. Many people find it convenient to weigh after they get up in the morning before eating breakfast.

After learning to weigh yourself well, consider looking at long-term trends rather than short-term fluctuations, recommends Very Well Fit. If you’re seeing the scale increase day after day, with no drops, it may be time to consider making a change. However, if you’re seeing gradual decreases, with occasional increases, and your goal is to lose weight, then you’re succeeding. Those increases are likely due to normal, natural causes.

Another option to consider is using a body weight scale that measures more than just pounds. These scales will measure your body fat and water percentage to help you see where you stand in your health goals. If you’re adding healthy exercise to a change in your diet, this will help you know if your weight increases are due to increasing muscle mass, which might be part of your goal, rather than increases in body fat.

You can also use another measure to weigh your success instead of your weight. For example, rather than jumping on the scale, see how your clothes fit. If they're getting a little tight consistently, and your goal isn’t to gain, then you’ll want to reevaluate your changes, but if they're getting looser, you might be on the right track toward your healthy living goals.

You can also use a tool, such as Evidation, to track your health goals, including exercise and food choices, and earn rewards for the positive changes you make. Remember, wellness is about more than just weight, and using a health tracker and pairing it with Evidation can help you take your next steps towards healthy living so that you can focus less on normal weight fluctuations and more on your healthy lifestyle progress. Track your health with Evidation today.

Lifestyle Health & Wellness
December 6, 2023

Winter weight gain: keeping healthy during holidays

4 minutes

Are you wondering, "Why do I gain weight in the winter?" Here are some reasons, along with strategies to help avoid this problem.

When winter hits, so does the holiday season. This brings many challenges if you’re focused on healthy living. From shorter days and colder weather that make it harder to get your exercise in, to the many treats and extra alcohol consumption common around the holidays, you’ll face many challenges to your healthy living goals during this time of year.

If you’re wondering, “Why do I gain weight during the winter?” know that you’re in good company. On average, people will gain between 1 and 3 pounds during the holiday season. There are many reasons for this. The stress of the holidays, extra food available, less motivation to get outdoors and be active, and increased cravings for comfort food are all contributing factors to winter weight gain.

So, what can you do if you want to avoid coming out of the winter with a few extra pounds? There are some simple yet effective strategies you can use to prevent holiday weight gain. With the right plan in place, you can enjoy some holiday festivities and still achieve your health goals during this season.

1. Be active and socialize

A key factor of a healthy lifestyle is exercise, but many people lose motivation to be active when the days get shorter and the temperature colder. The holiday season is about friends and family. While many events do focus on food and treats, they can also be about the people you’re spending time with. Focus on the social aspect of the event and look for ways to be active. Can you get together with family for a hike through the winter woods, or play a game of basketball in the driveway after a holiday meal? Being active and social may help counter any extra treats you enjoy over the season.

2. Mindful eating and portion control

Having one holiday cookie isn’t going to derail all of your healthy eating goals. Having two holiday cookies every day between Christmas and New Year's may be more than your body needs.

One key to balancing your desire to maintain a healthy weight with the extra treats of the holiday season is to practice mindful eating and portion control. Eat what’s available when you’re hungry, even if it’s not the healthiest option possible, but stop when you’re full. Take a half portion, too, and evaluate if you’re sufficiently full before returning for seconds. These small steps can make a big difference in the total number of calories you consume.

3. Smart snacking and healthy choices

When you want a snack during the holidays, it’s tempting to reach for another treat. Instead, grab some fresh fruit, or keep some cut-up veggies in the fridge. If you can focus on smart snacking and save the treats for an occasional after-meal dessert, you may find that you’re consuming fewer empty calories. Also, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which can help you feel full longer. They’re also packed with vitamins that can help boost your immune system throughout the winter months.

4. Manage stress and sleep

There’s no denying the holiday season can feel stressful. There are concerts, programs, parties, and events to attend nearly every weekend. Over time, you can start to develop significant stress as you work to manage this busy schedule. Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which triggers the body’s natural fat storage tendencies. When you have high cortisol levels, it can be harder to lose weight. Also, high cortisol levels can make you want to indulge in sugary or salty treats, which can add to your weight gain.

Add to the schedule the expectations this time of year to have the perfect, Pinterest-ready holiday, and you can see why it’s a recipe for high levels of stress. Find ways to weave in some relaxation throughout the winter as you manage your emotional wellness during this season. Curl up with a favorite book or holiday movie to unwind, or draw yourself a warm bath to add some relaxation. Maybe relax by listening to your favorite holiday music or attending a peaceful religious service. What feels relaxing is going to be highly personal to you, but find some ways to unwind.

Getting enough sleep is also essential during the winter. Sleep keeps your immune system functioning properly while also lowering your stress levels.

5. Mindful indulgence and alcohol consumption

It’s probably not reasonable to say you need to avoid all treats during the holidays, but as with your mindful eating, be mindful of your indulgence. Take small portions of the holiday treats that are so prevalent this time of year. Avoid taking seconds. This will help you consume less of these tasty but potentially unhealthy items.

Similarly, be considerate of how much alcohol you consume. Whether it’s wine, beer, or something else, alcohol contains calories, and too many calories can lead to weight gain. Have alcohol on occasion if you want it, but don’t overdo it.

6. Planning and self-compassion

The best way to protect against winter weight gain is with a plan. Find tools you can use to track your health, such as Evidation, and know how you will approach parties and treats brought to work. Give yourself some grace to enjoy some of these items, but have a plan in place to say “no” in a gracious way when needed.

In addition, practice self-compassion. You may gain some weight in the winter. For some, it’s the nature of the season and all of the celebrations it brings. If you do gain some weight and want to try to get back to your baseline after the holidays, you can easily do so. A little bit of extra winter weight, especially over the holidays, doesn’t need to derail the work you’ve put in throughout the year.

Are you looking for additional insights that can help you fight winter weight gain? Check out these 23 surprising health facts, or our guide to healthy eating during the holidays.

If you want a tool to help you prevent winter weight gain, consider Evidation. By rewarding you for your efforts, Evidation can make it easier to focus on healthy choices throughout the holidays. Start tracking your health with Evidation today.

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