Non-Profit Organizations

Advance research with everyday health data collected directly from individuals

Engage and retain participants in long-term research programs with an ongoing, two-way connection to individuals that facilitates low-burden, streamlined data collection.

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Circular design in yellow and purple gradient

Research Recruitment

Accelerate recruitment with our well-characterized, engaged community and precision segmentation

Identify hard-to-find participants with predictive algorithms for symptoms indicating possible health events and diseases

Tighten your recruitment funnel by re-engaging audiences throughout the enrollment process

Prepare upcoming trials for success by building and engaging representative cohorts that you can activate into research opportunities over time

Collaborate with patients on trial design and promotion before scaling to broader programs

Strengthen participation and data collection with enjoyable, gamified engagement and non-invasive prompts triggered by health events

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search icon

Research Enablement

Enable researchers to find new ways to prevent, detect, and treat diseases earlier with enriched data and advanced, actionable analytics

Build a deeper understanding of a whole person’s health with longitudinal ePROs, surveys, and digital measures from wearables and devices

Improve data quality with sophisticated, high retention engagement models and passive data collection

Understand true patient burden, unmet needs, and quality of life outside of traditional care settings

Build more inclusive, representative datasets with low burden methods to collect data directly from individuals outside of traditional care settings

Answer requests and validate hypotheses faster with permissioned, retrospective data and access to responsive participants

A woman with headphones on, enjoying music outdoors on a sunny day.
an icon of two people

Longitudinal Research Programs

Collect longitudinal, prospective data directly from participants by licensing our Research & Engagement Platform—or have Evidation manage your study end-to-end

Support ongoing, site-facing longitudinal research programs with a participant-facing component

Raise awareness of research opportunities and prime specific populations for participation in longitudinal research programs with personalized content and insights

Run long-term studies to develop biomarkers, understand disease progression, and manage surveillance

Woman in yellow jacket and glasses checking her phone.
an icon of a line graph showing growth

Solutions we offer for non-profit organizations, including academic institutions, patient advocacy groups and more:

Helping cardiovascular patients better understand and act on their heart health
american college of cardiology foundation logo

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) launched the Heart Health patient engagement program on the Evidation platform to allow patients to track their everyday health and proactively manage their care beyond traditional clinical settings.


participants joined the program


of individuals who shared their personalized insights report with their care team found it helpful or extremely helpful

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Creating the first large-scale, nationally representative digital health dataset
usc and rand logos

Evidation partnered with USC and the RAND Corporation on American Life in Real-time (ALiR), a first-of-its-kind, publicly available benchmark registry and research infrastructure for person-generated health data collected from smartphones and wearables to advance equitable precision health.

Digital engagement program launched to more than



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Members who suffer from migraines receive personal health feedback

Evidation developed, and deployed, MigraineSmart, a symptom tracking health program that collects direct-from-participant data and provides educational content and personalized insights to participants, helping them better understand and manage their migraines.


individuals participated in the MigraineSmart program


said that tracking helps them better understand symptom patterns and migraine triggers

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Better Understanding of the Metamorphosis of Pregnancy (BUMP)
4you+me logo

Evidation partnered with 4YouandMe to provide a platform to manage data collection, processing, and storage for the BUMP longitudinal feasibility study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy symptom experience using digital tools.


participants targeted for enrollment onto the platform

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Therapeutic experience
icon of an heart
icon of a magnifying glass inspecting a hand
icon of lightning through the top of a head showcasing an idea
Mental Health
brain icon
icon of lungs
female symbol
Women's Health
Vaccines and Infectious Diseases
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Who we work with

Evidation partners include nine of the top 10 biopharma companies in the world, as well as insurers, health systems, technology companies, academia, professional societies, and government agencies.

WORK WITH USEve: Evidation's brand mark which is a yellow glowing orb