Real-World Studies

Generate stronger evidence by measuring health in everyday life

Run prospective, real-world research on the Evidation platform and generate evidence using our end-to-end study services.

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Accelerate market entry with faster insights

  • ~5M research-ready members on Evidation’s platform
  • Fully enroll your study in as little as 2 weeks*
  • Get full service, expert-led study design and management
Circular clock icon symbolizing time management and efficiency.

Characterize patient experience beyond the clinic

an icon of a person
  • Collect data directly from patients through privacy-focused, low-burden methods
  • Achieve high levels of retention and protocol compliance
  • Continuously collect digital measures from wearables

Quantify health outcomes with robust insights and evidence

  • Demonstrate outcomes around participants’ quality of life and productivity
  • Measure symptom burden in day-to-day life
  • Assess risks and barriers in diverse populations
an icon of a line graph showing growth

*Dependent on population availability and inclusion/ exclusion criteria


A faster path to study participants and evidence

individuals participated in research
Highly characterized
data points collected daily
of U.S. zip codes represented
daily survey completion
study compliance
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Key features

Our studies streamline the collection of real-world data directly from patients, improving decision-making and supporting compelling scientific evidence and publications:
A woman in a headscarf and headphones looks at her watch

Rapid recruitment from our highly-characterized, responsive health community— meeting specific inclusion/exclusion criteria

checkmarkcheck mark iconA screenshot on a phone showcasing the home screen of the Evidation app; it lists the users points at the top and potential studies to join, the study shown is a card that says "Join our depression study".
A screenshot of a form to be completed with the following fields; electronic signature, signature date, first name, last name, and place of birth. checkmarkcheck mark icon
A man sitting on a bench, focused on his phone, typing a text message

Enhanced participant experience and support with seamless eConsent and onboarding

A cheerful woman in an orange sweater smiling warmly at the camera.

Low-burden, active and passive data capture from participants, configurable to the study activity schedule

checkmarkcheck mark iconTwo phones stacked side by side and slightly on top of eachother. The top phone has a screenshot of a survey that is over 30% completed, the question shown is as follows: "Has a healthcare provider ever referred you to a cardiac rehabilitation program to improve your cardiac health?" The bottom phone showcases a screenshot of the Evidation app and a screen of the connected Apps that have been connected by the user to the Evidation app; the connected app shown is Fitbit with the ready to connect app being Garmin.
A screenshot of the Evidation app, showcasing an option to start a Cardiac Rehab Study and the FAQ of the study. The questions are as follows: Who is running this market research study? What are the option activites? What happens to my data? The answer for this question is shown as follows: We take your privacy and data security very seriously. Your Study Data will be stored securely at all times on limited access, encrypted serves. Only authorized Evidation staff can view your Study Data and external partners will have access to those portions of your study data which they administer. All analyses will be conducted using Coded Study Data (meaning anything that could be used to identify you, such as your name or contact information, will be removed). The last question shown is: What do I get for participating? checkmarkcheck mark icon
A man in a green sweater typing on a laptop.

Ongoing participant support, including intuitive, easy to understand resources

target image
Work with us

How it works

Evidation provides customers with end-to-end management of direct-to-patient research, from study design, through analysis and delivery of study results.
magnifying glass icon
a small dotted line
an icon of a chart

Study Design & Management

  • Primary, or supporting, study services to optimize study design and the direct-to participant experience
an icon of the number one
an icon of two people

Participant Recruitment

  • Rapid and targeted recruitment from nearly 5 million members in the Evidation Community
an icon of the number two
an icon of a paper with a magnifying glass

Data Collection & Participant Support

  • Low-burden, multi-modal data collection:
    • ePROs and surveys
    • Devices
    • Health records
    • At home sample collection
  • Ongoing clinical support
an icon of the number three
an icon of a line graph

Data Curation, Analysis & Delivery

  • Curation of high volume data streams
  • Structuring of data into analysis ready datasets
  • Delivery of datasets and/ or analysis
  • Publication support
an icon of the number 4

See how we drive success for our customers:

Improving blood pressure in overweight individuals through a digital self-management program
omada logo

Omada ran a pilot study run managed by Evidation to demonstrate the value of a digital hypertension self-management program by quantifying its impact on blood pressure control. As a result of this study, Omada was able to publish evidence that their app improves blood pressure and medication adherence.


individuals with hypertension recruited from the Evidation Community

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FluSmart participants receive alerts and nudges to seek care
barda logo

In partnership with BARDA, Evidation developed and deployed a flu monitoring program, FluSmart, within the Evidation Community to collect rich, longitudinal data and activate high-risk participants into research and care.


individuals partcipated in FluSmart


engagement rate

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Identifying and addressing gaps in the patient experience
Myovant Sciences Logo

Myovant uncovered significant unmet needs among individuals with uterine fibroids (UF) in a direct-to-patient 4-month study with 350 women living with UF.


weekly survey completion


daily survey completion

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Low-burden, objective assessment of symptoms and disease progression

Evidation partnered with a large pharmaceutical company to conduct a real-world study to create a more complete picture of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients’ experiences by combining data from wearable devices with medical claims and demographics data.


individuals with MS recruited from the Evidation Community

Patients who switched therapies had neuro MRIs


more often than those on a single therapy

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Increasing treatment rates with co-created patient engagement
sanofi logo

Evidation partnered with Sanofi to test and refine content and messaging for a Type 2 diabetes flu vaccine education program.


indviduals recruited from the Evidation Community

Up to


increase in vaccination rates for participants who engaged with customized diabetes campaign vs. those who engaged with generic messaging

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Developing an early warning algorithm for individuals at high risk for COVID-19
nih logo

Evidation conducted a study to demonstrate that person-generated health data, including data from smartphones and wearable devices, has the potential to enable applications ranging from individual-level early warnings or population-level hotspot detection for COVID-19.


individuals recruited from the Evidation Community


compliance with study activities

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Developing an early warning algorithm for individuals at high risk for COVID-19
nih logo

Evidation conducted a study to demonstrate that person-generated health data, including data from smartphones and wearable devices, has the potential to enable applications ranging from individual-level early warnings or population-level hotspot detection for COVID-19.


individuals recruited from the Evidation Community


compliance with study activities

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Rapid enrollment of representative population in COVID-19 research

Evidation partnered with a leading pharmaceutical company to build a patient engagement program focused on COVID-19 that engages a representative population across the United States.


individuals enrolled into reseach program in 5 weeks


program engagement


of those participants recruited into real-world evidence study in 2 weeks

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Measuring cognitive impairment with direct-from-patient real-world data
lilly logo

Evidation partnered with Eli Lilly to develop new endpoints and identify digital signals of cognitive impairment through the use of digital and wearable devices, mobile apps, and sleep sensors.


of multimodal data collected over 12 weeks


features extracted from participant behaviorgrams

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Better Understanding of the Metamorphosis of Pregnancy (BUMP)
4you+me logo

Evidation partnered with 4YouandMe to provide a platform to manage data collection, processing, and storage for the BUMP longitudinal feasibility study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy symptom experience using digital tools.


participants targeted for enrollment onto the platform

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Developing more successful digital health programs with patient perspectives
sanofi logo

Evidation partnered with Sanofi to get data-driven insights to prioritize program features and future development of a connected ecosystem for managing type 2 diabetes (T2D).


insulin-dependent adults with T2D recruited from the Evidation community

Recruitment completed in

3 weeks
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Demonstrating improved quality of life and activity levels in PNH patients

Evidation partnered with a leading pharmaceutical company to conduct a 32-week direct-to-participant study with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) patients to characterizes patient experiences while using a C5 inhibitor.


individuals diagnosed with PNH and taking a specific therapy recruited from the Evidation Community


compliance with study activities

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Therapeutic experience
icon of an heart
icon of a magnifying glass inspecting a hand
icon of lightning through the top of a head showcasing an idea
Mental Health
brain icon
icon of lungs
female symbol
Women's Health
Vaccines and Infectious Diseases
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Who we work with

Evidation partners include nine of the top 10 biopharma companies in the world, as well as insurers, health systems, technology companies, academia, professional societies, and government agencies.

WORK WITH USEve: Evidation's brand mark which is a yellow glowing orb
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