About Us

We’re creating new ways to measure and improve health in everyday life.

We believe everyday health data is the most compelling force in medicine—because under rigorous study, it’s proving to be a new and exceptionally powerful lens on health. These novel discoveries—emanating from data generated and controlled by individuals—can be turned into tools individuals use to take control of their health.

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Our story

What happens at the doctor’s office or hospital makes up a tiny fraction of our lives. Yet that tiny percentage informs the vast majority of healthcare recommendations and decision-making. Evidation was founded in 2012 on the belief that a direct connection with individuals and their everyday, real-world health data can unlock a deeper understanding of health and disease—and drive powerful discoveries across healthcare.

Evidation now has  millions of members in its community and has pioneered novel research and health programs across dozens of conditions. Our partners include organizations across healthcare, biomedicine, government, technology, and non-profits committed to using real-world data to advance healthcare.  

What makes Evidation different?
Built on a foundation of trust and transparency

Evidation experiences are designed with individuals at the center, and feature a user-permissioned approach to data sharing that ensures people have control over their data.

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We can quickly connect individuals and organizations to power novel discoveries

Enabled more than 175 virtual real-world studies and programs


Published over 70 peer-reviewed publications in collaboration with our partners

We have deep expertise developing digital measures to understand health in everyday life—and prompt healthy action
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We reward our population of individuals for engaging with their health

Our members live in 97% of US zip codes 

1 million+

members identify as having a chronic disease

951 billion

steps taken by members in 2021

Exploring potential to reduce stroke risk with earlier detection of Afib

Study aims to assess whether the Heartline™ Study app on iPhone, and the ECG app and irregular rhythm notification feature on Apple Watch, can reduce the likelihood of stroke and improve health outcomes with earlier detection of atrial fibrillation.

Data sources integrated include Medicare claims, HealthKit app data, and ePRO data.

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American Life in Real-Time: Creating the first large-scale, nationally representative digital health dataset
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Better Understanding of the Metamorphosis of Pregnancy (BUMP)
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Evidation partnered with 4YouandMe to provide a platform to manage data collection, processing, and storage for the BUMP longitudinal feasibility study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy symptom experience using digital tools


participants targeted for enrollment onto the platform

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Rapid enrollment of representative population in COVID-19 program

individuals enrolled into market research and engagement program in 5 weeks


program engagement


of those participants recruited into real-world evidence study in 2 weeks

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Our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

At Evidation, we strive to build an equitable and inclusive space where everyone—employees, partners, and participants—belongs and feels valued.

Our support


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