Life Sciences

Accelerate research with a direct connection to patients

Access Evidation’s highly engaged health community to effectively recruit for your trials, engage patients over time, and go to market faster.

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Circular design in yellow and purple gradient

Trial Recruitment and Experience

Understand patients’ experiences and unmet needs to reduce burden and increase retention through an ongoing connection to patients

Quickly test hypotheses with digital measures and fast responses from an engaged health community

Accelerate enrollment into your trials by recruiting from a well-characterized, engaged, and research-motivated community

Meet your diversity goals with access to 97% of U.S. zip codes and social determinants of health data

Elderly woman with gray hair wearing a pink shirt.
an icon of two people

Generating Real-World Evidence

Quantify health and quality of life outcomes with longitudinal data collected directly from patients, including validated ePROs and objective digital measures

Demonstrate value at every stage of treatment development through a deeper understanding of the patient experience, unmet needs, and underserved groups

Differentiate treatment value and support stakeholder decisions with evidence aligned to emerging drivers of market value

Publish peer-reviewed communications to increase treatment consideration and shape clinical guidelines with data collected through prospective, longitudinal real-world studies

Two elderly women enjoying a swim in the pool.
search icon

Commercial Planning

Build more robust patient journeys with longitudinal surveys, validated ePROs, and digital measures

Increase access by uncovering patient journey barriers and opportunities to intervene outside of traditional care settings

Respond to questions faster with access to our responsive, well-characterized community

Boost marketing effectiveness with more nuanced segmentation based on real-world measures

Prioritize investment decisions with a deeper understanding of what’s actually driving patient behavior and outcomes in everyday life

A woman sitting on a couch, looking at her phone.
An icon of a target symbol
Segmenting patients by real-world symptom control

Evidation partnered with a leading pharmaceutical company to understand the asthma patient journey and management experience.


individuals with asthma recruited from the Evidation Community

Recruitment completed in

1 week
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Identifying and addressing gaps in the patient experience
Myovant Sciences Logo

Myovant uncovered significant unmet needs among individuals with uterine fibroids (UF) in a direct-to-patient 4-month study with 350 women living with UF.


weekly survey completion


daily survey completion

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Low-burden, objective assessment of symptoms and disease progression

Evidation partnered with a large pharmaceutical company to conduct a real-world study to create a more complete picture of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients’ experiences by combining data from wearable devices with medical claims and demographics data.


individuals with MS recruited from the Evidation Community

Patients who switched therapies had neuro MRIs


more often than those on a single therapy

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Increasing treatment rates with co-created patient engagement
sanofi logo

Evidation partnered with Sanofi to test and refine content and messaging for a Type 2 diabetes flu vaccine education program.


indviduals recruited from the Evidation Community

Up to


increase in vaccination rates for participants who engaged with customized diabetes campaign vs. those who engaged with generic messaging

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Members who suffer from migraines receive personal health feedback

Evidation developed, and deployed, MigraineSmart, a symptom tracking health program that collects direct-from-participant data and provides educational content and personalized insights to participants, helping them better understand and manage their migraines.


individuals participated in the MigraineSmart program


said that tracking helps them better understand symptom patterns and migraine triggers

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Exploring potential to reduce stroke risk with earlier detection of Afib
johnson and johnson logo

Evidation partnered with Johnson&Johnson to support a multi-year, observational study that sought to assess whether the Heartline Study app on iPhone, and the ECG app and irregular rhythm notification feature on Apple Watch, can reduce the likelihood of stroke and improve health outcomes with earlier detection of atrial fibrillation.


participants aged 65+

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Rapid enrollment of representative population in COVID-19 research

Evidation partnered with a leading pharmaceutical company to build a patient engagement program focused on COVID-19 that engages a representative population across the United States.


individuals enrolled into reseach program in 5 weeks


program engagement


of those participants recruited into real-world evidence study in 2 weeks

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Measuring cognitive impairment with direct-from-patient real-world data
lilly logo

Evidation partnered with Eli Lilly to develop new endpoints and identify digital signals of cognitive impairment through the use of digital and wearable devices, mobile apps, and sleep sensors.


of multimodal data collected over 12 weeks


features extracted from participant behaviorgrams

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Developing more successful digital health programs with patient perspectives
sanofi logo

Evidation partnered with Sanofi to get data-driven insights to prioritize program features and future development of a connected ecosystem for managing type 2 diabetes (T2D).


insulin-dependent adults with T2D recruited from the Evidation community

Recruitment completed in

3 weeks
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Demonstrating improved quality of life and activity levels in PNH patients

Evidation partnered with a leading pharmaceutical company to conduct a 32-week direct-to-participant study with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) patients to characterizes patient experiences while using a C5 inhibitor.


individuals diagnosed with PNH and taking a specific therapy recruited from the Evidation Community


compliance with study activities

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Therapeutic experience
icon of an heart
icon of a magnifying glass inspecting a hand
icon of lightning through the top of a head showcasing an idea
Mental Health
brain icon
icon of lungs
female symbol
Women's Health
Vaccines and Infectious Diseases
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Who we work with

Evidation partners include nine of the top 10 biopharma companies in the world, as well as insurers, health systems, technology companies, academia, professional societies, and government agencies.

WORK WITH USEve: Evidation's brand mark which is a yellow glowing orb
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