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Men’s Health Matters — During International Men’s Health Week and Beyond

June 17, 2021
2 minutes
Personal Health

Men’s Health Matters — During International Men’s Health Week and Beyond

International Men’s Health Week is celebrated every year the week before Father’s Day. The focus of the event is on men’s health, wellness, and prevention — which is critical to lowering risk factors for disease.

Statistically, men tend to avoid routine medical care and avoid seeking medical care until much later than other genders.

A 2019 survey from the Cleveland Clinic’s MENtion it campaign highlights some of these statistics.


According to the Cleveland Clinic Survey, stereotypes and social conditioning surrounding gender play a large part.

“Why do men avoid the doctor? Stereotypes taught at a young age may be to blame. Two-fifths (41%) of men were told as children that men don’t complain about health issues.”

International Men’s Health week is an opportunity to focus on the specific health concerns men face, and a way to say, “Hey, guys, your health is important!”

It’s a great time to schedule events, have informed conversations, and raise awareness around men’s health and wellness.

But, the importance of men’s health doesn’t stop at the end of the week. It’s critical that we continue to focus on men’s health throughout the year and remind the men in our lives that they matter and that their health matters!

Regardless of gender, we can all play a part in helping men to feel confident seeking health care!

Luckily, today more than ever, there are many resources focused on the issue of men’s health! We’ve included a short list of resources below. And we encourage all men, everywhere, to remember that their health matters!


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