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15 best fruits for weight loss: how to incorporate them into your recipes

May 29, 2024
10 minutes
Healthy Eating
Diets and meal planning

Fruits are delicious and refreshing, but there's so much more to them than that. For a weight loss diet, fruits are the perfect treat. They're low in calories but rich in fiber, both of which may help with weight loss.

Besides being low in calories and high-fiber foods, some fruits also make you feel fuller. When you feel full and satisfied, you might be less inclined to overeat later in the day. What are the best fruits for weight loss? Let's dive in and find out.

The role of fruits in weight loss

Fruit has an important link to lower body weight. Also, fruits such as apples and grapefruit have compounds that may reduce body fat in overweight individuals.

Foods rich in fiber, including berries and kiwi, can support your weight loss journey by adding fiber to your diet. A diet rich in fiber can result in you feeling fuller for longer and decreasing your appetite. Equally important, replacing high-calorie desserts or snacks with fruit reduces your total calorie intake for the day.

Nutritional benefits of fruits for weight management

While fruit is an important part of a weight loss plan, the fact is fruit provides tons of nutrition. Eating whole fruit is your best option, but healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss are also a way to get more fruit into your diet.

Many fruits are high in vitamin C, while other fruits provide fiber, protein, and other nutrients. Lots of fruits also have antioxidants that help with inflammation and support your overall health.

Strategies for incorporating fruits into daily meals and snacks

Fruit is famously used for salads, but adding fruit to your favorite hot and cold cereals is also a delicious and healthy option. If you don't like a big breakfast, consider making a fruit smoothie. Smoothies are light while also giving you a head start for a productive day and a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy fruits for weight loss aren't limited to breakfast and snacks. Many fruits are also ideal for side dishes at dinner. For example, baked apple works well with lean pork dishes, and berries add an antioxidant boost to a hearty chicken salad.

Best fruits for weight loss and their specific health benefits

Below, we share all of the benefits and recipe ideas for some of the best fruits to eat for weight loss. Add any of these to your grocery list to have easy and quick access to them.

1. Avocado

Whether you add decadent avocado slices as a side dish to a meal or prefer your avocado mashed up into creamy guacamole, this powerhouse food is a treat that's hard to resist. Avocados have more calories than most fruits, so it's important to practice portion control when enjoying them. However, this calorie-dense fruit will increase your feeling of fullness, decrease your appetite, all while improving cholesterol levels.

One clinical trial found that people who are overweight or obese have significant weight loss when they include an avocado in their diet every day.

How to integrate avocado into your meals

Avocados serve as a satisfying addition to a healthy weight loss plan because they feel indulgent. In addition to guacamole, you can serve avocado sliced as a side dish, blend them into protein-rich smoothies, or dice them to top salads or tortilla soup. If you're doing a fruit diet for weight loss, avocados add a lot of protein to your eating plan.

2. Blueberries

At 85 calories for one cup, blueberries are one of the fruits lowest in calories. For weight management, a clinical study assessed 133,000 women and men who ate 16 of the most common fruits, including blueberries. Over a period of 24 years, the participants who ate a lot of blueberries experienced less weight gain than those who ate other types of fruit.

The anthocyanin antioxidants in blueberries also support healthy weight management, and they've been associated with less midsection fat and lower fat mass.

How to integrate blueberries into your meals

Adding blueberries to a hot breakfast cereal such as oatmeal is a wonderful treat. Blueberries are also delicious in cold cereals. For an occasional dessert, whip up a batch of blueberry muffins. Add blueberries to a salad for a sweet addition.

3. Cherries

Cherries play an interesting role in weight management. Eating both tart and sweet cherries has been shown to improve the amount of sleep people get and their sleep quality. Within just three days of eating 25 cherries a day, people in a study slept better.

Why is quality sleep important in weight loss? Research indicates people with a healthy sleep practice have a lower body mass index and are less inclined to develop obesity.

How to integrate cherries into your meals

It's hard to resist a cherry cobbler, but be sure to find one that's lower in calories and uses healthy low-calorie sweeteners. You can also use cherries to make a sparkling summer drink made with seltzer and served with mint sprigs. Or opt for a frozen cherry slushie. Cherry popsicles are a great way to get more cherries into your diet.

4. Grapefruit

A cross between an orange and a pomelo, grapefruit has a long reputation for being beneficial in weight loss. One grapefruit half has just 37 calories while providing 51% of your Daily Value (DV) of vitamin C. Varieties of red grapefruit also have some vitamin A.

Equally important, the antioxidant-rich grapefruit slowly releases sugar into your bloodstream because it has a low glycemic index (GI), which can make you feel fuller for longer. Low GI foods have the added benefit of serving as an intervention in diabetes and heart disease. Also, the naringenin in grapefruit may help with inflammation.

How to integrate grapefruit into your meals

Like all fruits, you can enjoy grapefruit raw as a satisfying breakfast food or afternoon snack. Grapefruit is also a popular breakfast smoothie ingredient. Another way to enjoy grapefruit is in salads.

5. Kiwi

Nutrient-dense kiwi fruits are an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber, and folate. Kiwi can help with controlling blood sugar, improving cholesterol, helping with constipation, and supporting gut health. All of these have weight loss benefits. Kiwi has even been shown to help reduce waist circumference.

Because of kiwi's low glycemic index, the sugar in these tasty berries is released more slowly. This means you'll experience a smaller spike in blood sugar.

How to integrate kiwi into your meals

Add kiwi to your cereal to reduce glycemic response. Or enjoy kiwi raw for an afternoon treat. Another way to enjoy kiwi is in salads or baked goods.

6. Lemon

Most of us know lemons are a rich vitamin C source, but this tart fruit also has numerous other benefits. A whole lemon has less than 20 calories and adds loads of flavor to tea, water, or healthy fruit smoothies for weight loss.

One study observed the impact of lemon juice for 100 women who were trying to lose weight. The women added lemon juice to their diets and experienced a reduction in body mass index and weight. Also, the women measured their upper arms, hips, and waists and noted significant loss of inches in these areas.

How to integrate lemon into your meals

Lemon is commonly juiced and used for beverages. Lemonade is a refreshing and hydrating summer drink, and it's great for weight loss if prepared with a healthy sugar alternative. Lemon slices can also grace grilled or baked fish to add a burst of flavor. Squeeze lemon juice over seafood for a tangy pop of flavor.

7. Mango

A juicy, sweet mango has an indulgent feel, but research has backed this fruit's weight loss benefits. A seven-year study found that adult males who added mango to their diet experienced lower body weights, reduced body mass index scores, and lower waist measurements.

How to integrate mangoes into your meals

Creamy mango is the perfect fruit for freezing into fruit popsicles because mangoes freeze very well. You can also make mango salsa to serve with main dish meals and meats. Grill mangoes for a sweet side dish.

8. Oranges

Orange juice is one of the most popular fruit juices and also perhaps the best fruit juice for weight loss (along with grapefruit juice). Be sure to read the ingredients list on the bottles. Many commercial orange juices have lots of sugar. Also important, this fruit is famous for providing loads of vitamin C. However, studies have shown that when you eat the whole fruit instead of juicing oranges, you may be less hungry and feel fuller for longer.

How to integrate oranges into your meals

In addition to eating orange slices, you can also add oranges to a dessert or salad. Blend oranges into a smoothie for a refreshing breakfast or afternoon treat.

9. Papaya

A sweet tropical fruit with orange flesh, papaya is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin A. The papain enzymes in papaya aid in digestion. Because they're a hydrating and filling snack, papayas can be a solid addition to your weight loss plan. This is a sweet fruit with a lower glycemic index than most tropical fruits. The B vitamins in papaya boost metabolism, which helps burn more calories.

How to integrate papaya into your meals

Some of the best fruit smoothies for weight loss have creamy papaya as a main ingredient. Diced papaya also adds a sweet touch to a salad. Papaya makes a delicious summer fruit relish.

10. Pears

Pears have natural compounds that have been shown to curb inflammation and reduce blood sugar levels, making them an excellent source for managing and losing weight. In a study of 40 women and men with metabolic syndrome between the ages of 45 and 65, participants ate two fresh pears or drank pear juice with the same number of calories as fresh pears per day for 12 weeks. This change to their diets resulted in reduced waist-to-hip ratios.

How to integrate pears into your meals

A baked pear is an excellent side dish when served with meat. Diced pears add a nice crunch to a green salad, and a pear sauce can be added to your favorite meats.

11. Pineapple

A sweet tropical fruit, pineapple gives you a sweet treat that's low in calories. One cup of pineapple has about 82 calories and boasts a whopping 131% of a person's daily recommended vitamin C intake. Pineapple helps with weight loss by giving you a sweet treat without the calories of sugary snacks.

How to integrate pineapple into your meals

Pineapple slices are a great way to enjoy this delicious tropical fruit, and you can also add pineapple to yogurt or cereal. Pineapple is also an essential ingredient in main dishes such as teriyaki chicken.

12. Raspberries

A cup of raspberries provides 36% of the daily recommended value of vitamin C, 12% of vitamin K, and manganese. Add to this the fact that raspberries have just 64 calories per cup, and you've got a power food.

Because they're higher in beneficial fiber and lower in sugar than many other fruits, raspberries are an excellent addition to a healthy weight loss plan. In adults, raspberries regulate blood sugar levels after meals. This is especially true for overweight people or individuals living with insulin resistance or prediabetes.

How to integrate raspberries into your meals

You can add raspberries to protein bars or fiber bars when you want to have some quick breakfast bars on hand. Raspberries are especially delicious in baked goods for when you want a sweet treat. Like all berries, raspberries work well as a salad topper.

13. Strawberries

With just 50 calories per cup, strawberries are an excellent addition to a healthy weight loss plan. A cup of strawberries packs 99% of the vitamin C you need every day, along with 26% of the daily recommended amount of manganese. The dietary fiber in strawberries is also good for digestion.

People trying to lose weight may also find that most types of berries lower obesity-related inflammation, which can also help with weight loss.

How to integrate strawberries into your meals

Eat strawberries whole for a tasty treat, or add strawberry slices to your favorite salad at lunchtime. Strawberries are also great for adding to cold cereal, oatmeal, or a breakfast smoothie. Or serve strawberries as a nutritious dessert with some fruit dip.

14. Watermelon

For the ultimate fruit for hydration, there are few better summertime treats than watermelon. Watermelon is comprised of lots of water, and this can support weight loss. Keep in mind that watermelon has a higher glycemic index than most fruits, so use portion control when eating watermelon for weight loss.

How to integrate watermelon into your meals

Melons are at their most delicious when you indulge in a slice right after cutting it. You can also use watermelon balls or cubes to add some liveliness to your favorite fruit salad. For even more hydration, blend watermelon into smoothies or freeze it to make summer fruit popsicles.

15. Apples

Apples have a high fiber content, and they're low in calories. Research shows people with varied weights and body mass index (BMI) can prevent visceral fat accumulation because of the polyphenols in apples. Additionally, apple peels are rich in nutrition, containing beneficial compounds and antioxidants that may reduce obesity risk.

When it comes to weight loss, apples can be your best friend. According to research, eating whole apples reduces appetite and increases satiety.

How to integrate apples into your meals

In addition to munching on raw apples, pair apple slices with nut butters for a quick and easy protein-rich snack. Apples are also delicious when added to oatmeal, yogurt, and salads. For a side dish, add chunks of apples to stews or bake whole apples.


On your weight loss journey, enjoying treats such as fruits can be key to healthy weight loss. In addition to being good for you, fruit is also versatile and accessible, giving you a natural fast food that's nutrient-dense. Best of all, you can experiment with a wide variety of fruits and recipes to find what works best for your preferences. Evidation is here to serve as another tool for living your best life. Download the Evidation app today to learn more about healthy eating, get tips for being more active, and track your healthy habits.

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