Last June, Evidation Members started seeing a new kind of offer in the Evidation app—the Daily Check-In. These Check-Ins provided what proved to be a much-needed opportunity to pause for a moment of reflection.
Inspired by the overwhelmingly positive response to the Daily Check-In offer, in December we created the Daily Mood and Daily Sleep Quality Check-Ins. Look familiar?
Since launch, over 4 million of these new check-ins have been completed!
Today, we’re sharing some insightful and intriguing findings based on the responses, from changes in mood during the holiday season to the connection between sleep quality and mood.
Mood and Sleep During the Holidays
Perhaps it’s no surprise that the festive spirit has a positive impact on our mood, but Christmas Day (December 25th) proved to be the day with the highest mood reported since we launched the Daily Mood Check-In on December 7th.
More specifically, on Christmas Day:
- 31% of people reported they were in an excellent mood, which is 8% higher than the average.
- 78% of people reported they were in a good or excellent mood, which is over 6% higher than the average.
Christmas wasn’t the only holiday where we saw a spike in good cheer. People also reported better moods than average on New Year’s Eve. 74% of people reported they were in a good or excellent mood, which is over 2% higher than the average.
What about sleep? It appears people had better sleep quality than usual on the first night of 2023. 77% reported good or very good sleep that night, which is over 3% higher than the average.
Perhaps after staying up until midnight (or later) the night before, members needed a chance to catch up on some much-needed sleep. We can’t be sure, but let’s call it a reasonable hunch!
In Other Sleep News…
Since launching the Daily Sleep Quality Check-In, we’ve found that Evidation Members generally report good sleep quality. 74% report good or very good sleep, to be exact.
Our last Community Results post shared which days of the week people felt best. But which day of the week comes out on top when it comes to sleep quality?
Based on the Daily Sleep Quality Check-In, we’ve found members report:
- The highest sleep quality on Friday nights, with 76% of members reporting good or very good sleep quality.
- The lowest sleep quality on Monday nights, with 73% of members reporting good or very good sleep quality.
You may be wondering about the connection between sleep quality and the amount of sleep members get. Fortunately, since many of our Evidation Members have a connected app such as Fitbit or Oura, we’re able to see if there’s a connection.
When members reported good or very good sleep, they slept an average of 7 hours and 11 minutes a night. That’s 11% more than when members reported poor or very poor sleep. See the chart below for more details.

Mood, Steps, and Sleep Quality
The results are in, and we see an undeniable connection between more steps and an improved mood.
Since launching the Daily Mood Check-Ins, we’ve found that Evidation Members who said they were in an excellent mood walked an average of 8,600 steps a day. That’s 19% more than members who said they were in a bad mood.
When it comes to mood and sleep quality, 96% of members reported they were in a good or excellent mood on days following a night of very good sleep.

Stay tuned for our next round of findings in the coming weeks, and don’t forget to fill out your Daily Mood and Daily Sleep Quality Check-Ins to participate and contribute!