Evidation Highlights
March 22, 2024

Optimize your physical health with these 5 metrics from Evidation

4 minutes

Evidation provides health insights based on your activity level, stress level, sleep, mental wellness, and more

Information is key when it comes to figuring out how you can take your physical health to the next level. At Evidation, our team is proud to offer you the tools necessary to track and analyze your health-related data, using your personal metrics to provide recommendations, information, and suggestions that allow you to make informed decisions that support your well-being.

Evidation's health monitoring capabilities

Using the Evidation app is simple—we're here to help you understand the health data you're already tracking, and reward you for actions that support your health.

We start by asking your permission to utilize the data you're already tracking through apps like Fitbit or Apple Health. Our app will then ask you questions to help us learn more about you and your goals, as well as offer surveys and articles tailored to your personal health needs. With your permission, we'll use your data both to provide you with information and suggested action steps that will support your health, as well connect you with opportunities to contribute to research that supports the development of modern medicine.

Key metrics for physical health optimization

In today's age of information overload, it can be tough to figure out what health information actually matters. At Evidation, we're here to provide you with the support that you need to make the most of your health data. Here, we'll take a look at the metrics that are most important for you to keep track of in order to optimize your health.

Role of activity tracking in health improvement

We all know that it's recommended that we get 10,000 steps a day, and using a step tracker is a great way to encourage yourself to increase your activity. At Evidation, our activity tracking allows you to see the ways that movement is improving your health.

New research shows that people who receive prompts to keep up with physical activity took an average of over 800 steps more than people who did not receive similar prompts.

Keeping track of your activity throughout the day and week can help you pinpoint the times when you're less active, which may make it easier to find ways to add more activity to your day, according to Harvard Health.

Sleep data for better physical health

Understanding your sleep data can provide you with the insight you need to get better rest. Most sleep trackers can tell you how much time you're spending in each stage of sleep, helping you to understand how your energy levels are affected by the time you spend asleep each night.

Tracking your sleep data can also provide your health care provider with valuable information in the event that you're experiencing difficulty sleeping. While sleep trackers don't take the place of a sleep study, they can work to help your doctor determine whether it's possible that you're experiencing abnormal sleep disturbances.

Sleep trackers can also help you to maintain good sleep hygiene, as you can get crystal-clear data on the time you go to bed each night and wake up each morning. This can help take away the temptation to put off going to bed or to scroll on your phone once you lie down.

Stress levels and their impact on well-being

Stress can affect all systems in your body, and understanding how your stress levels fluctuate can help you learn more about how to use stress management techniques to support your health.

Tracking your stress levels can help you see if your stress is related to particular situations, as well as whether your stress levels could become a health concern. Stress that isn't managed well can lead to several health issues, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Nutrition tracking and its influence on physical health

Life is hectic, and it can be tough to stay on top of your daily nutrition habits. Simply tracking what you eat—even if you're not making any changes to your normal routine—can help you spot connections between your food and your health.

Nutrition tracking can also help you learn more about what foods help you feel your best. You may find that you have your best workouts after eating a complex carbohydrate-heavy meal, or you may find that eating a large amount of protein right before you go to sleep makes it harder for you to get a restful night’s sleep. Many people are surprised to find that tracking their nutrition makes it easier for them to understand other aspects of their health.

Mental wellness metrics for holistic health improvement

It can be easy to forget to check in with yourself throughout the day, but doing so is important in understanding how your habits and activities are affecting your mental health. Evidation regularly asks you simple questions about your mood and well-being. By taking a second or two to tap an answer, you'll be well on your way to learning more about how your activities—from exercise to sleep and everything in between—positively or negatively affect your mental health.

The information gathered from tracking your mood can help provide your mental health care provider with valuable insight into how you're coping with stress, as well as how different activities affect your well-being. You may find it helpful to pull up your mood tracker during therapy sessions, as this can provide you with clues as to how you and your care provider can work together to support your mental health.

Evidation: Here to help you live your healthiest life

The Evidation app takes the information you're already tracking and puts it to good use, helping you to understand how your daily habits and actions affect your health. Click here to learn more about how Evidation works and download the app today.

Evidation Highlights
March 7, 2024

Introducing My Health: your personalized health Hub on Evidation

2 minutes

We're thrilled to unveil a new addition to the Evidation app: My Health. This new feature is designed to provide you with valuable insights into your well-being.

We're thrilled to unveil a new addition to the Evidation app: My Health. This new feature is designed to provide you with valuable insights into your well-being. 

At Evidation, we understand that your health journey is unique, which is why My Health is tailored to provide personalized guidance and correlations between essential aspects of your lifestyle.

What Can You Expect from My Health on Evidation?

  1. Daily Surveys for Comprehensive Insights: By answering the daily questions you see on the home screen, you'll gain deep insights into your health trends over time. You can now find these in the My Health tab. 

            Currently, you’ll see quick surveys each day asking about your sleep and mood, allowing you to track your progress and make informed decisions about your well-being. 

            In the future, we’ll add other topics such as healthy eating, prevention, exercise, and so on. 

The screenshot below illustrates how these surveys offer valuable insights into your daily habits and behaviors.

  1. Seamless Device Integration for Real-Time Data: Take your health monitoring to the next level by connecting your health-tracking devices to Evidation. By syncing your wearables and other health-tracking apps, you'll unlock real-time data insights and gain a deeper understanding of your health trends. 

            Additionally, we’ll provide you with valuable information about conditions you may be at risk for, empowering you to take proactive steps towards better health. Expect to             start receiving these insights within 1 day after connecting your device. 

The screenshot below demonstrates how connecting your devices offers a comprehensive overview of your health metrics.

How to Maximize Your My Health Experience

  • Stay Consistent: Make a habit of answering daily surveys to ensure accurate and meaningful insights into your health trends.
  • Dig into My Health: Check out your My Health tab often to get meaningful insights into your activities and patterns. 
  • Utilize Device Integration: Connect your devices promptly to start receiving real-time data insights and personalized recommendations.
  • Act on Insights: My Health isn't just about tracking; it's about taking actionable steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Use the insights you get to make informed decisions and prioritize your well-being.

At Evidation, we believe that proactive health management is the key to living your best life. With My Health, we're putting the power of personalized health insights directly into your hands. 

Whether you're striving to improve your fitness, manage stress, enhance sleep quality, prevent illness, or adopt healthier eating habits, Evidation is your trusted companion on your journey to optimal well-being.

Get Started with My Health Today

Ready to take control of your health? Update your Evidation app now to access the My Health feature and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you. Don't have the app yet? Download it today and unlock a wealth of personalized health insights at your fingertips.

Here's to a healthier tomorrow with My Health on Evidation!

Evidation Highlights
March 6, 2024

Sleep debt insights on Evidation

3 minutes

Introducing sleep debt insights. Track your sleep debt and improve your sleep patterns with Evidation. Learn more.

Evidation Members tell us they love seeing insights in the app such as how their sleep and mood are connected or how their mood or sleep impacts their activity levels. So we’re always working to provide new and valuable health insights for our members.

To that end, we’re kicking off an exciting new project… 8 new insight types in 8 weeks!

Here, we’ll dive into the first of these new insights — sleep debt! Keep an eye out for more insight types coming soon.

What is sleep debt?

At a high level, sleep debt is just a measure of how much you sleep compared to how much you ideally should sleep. 

There are two kinds of sleep debt: 

  • long term sleep debt that you accumulate over months and years, and 
  • short term sleep debt that you accrue over days and weeks. 

Both are important, but the measurement we provide members focuses on short term sleep debt — specifically sleep debt calculated over the last 14 days.

Learn more about sleep debt and the associated risks here

How Evidation tracks your sleep debt

Here’s the overview of how Evidation calculates sleep debt:

  1. First we estimate your “ideal” nightly sleep duration based on sleep data logged on your sleep tracker. This number is personalized to you, but for almost everyone this number will be between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.
  2. We then look at your actual sleep duration over the past 14 days. For each day, we take the difference between your ideal sleep and your actual sleep to calculate a daily sleep debt score.
  3. The daily sleep debt scores are then adjusted to account for the fact that recent sleep debt is more impactful than sleep debt you accrued far in the past. For example, sleeping only 2 hours last night will make you feel terrible today if you’re used to consistently sleeping 8 hours each night, but if you had a night where you slept 2 hours a week ago, it would impact you far less today, assuming the other nights you slept your usual 8 hours. 
  4. Finally, we take the adjusted daily sleep debt values and sum them up over the last two weeks. This is your total short term sleep debt.

How do I interpret my sleep debt score?

The graph you’ll see in the evidation app shows four different pieces of information:

  1. Your daily sleep duration over the past week
  2. Your ideal sleep duration (the dotted horizontal line)
  3. Your daily sleep debt (the red bars that are stacked on top of your daily sleep duration on days you slept less than your ideal sleep duration)
  4. Your total sleep debt calculated as discussed above (the final red bar)

How do I get my sleep debt score?

In order to receive a sleep debt score you must do the following:

  1. Use a wearable device that logs sleep and connect it to the Evidation platform. Make sure you enable sharing of sleep data when you connect your device.
  2. Wear your device while you sleep as often as possible. In order to receive your sleep debt score, we need at least 10 days of sleep data every two weeks. Too few data points will make our calculations inaccurate.

How often will I get my sleep debt score?

For now, you’ll see your sleep debt score weekly. In the future, we’ll begin updating your sleep score daily so you can better track your score over time. Knowing your sleep debt score makes it possible to take steps to improve your sleep and get the rest you need to feel your best.

Get sleep debt insights with Evidation

Want to receive sleep debt insights and other valuable health metrics? Be sure to download Evidation and connect a health-tracking app today!

Evidation Highlights
March 4, 2024

Discover what members say about health research at Evidation!

2 minutes

Did you know that Evidation connects members with exciting clinical trial opportunities? Join our community to contribute and shape the future of medicine.

Did you know that Evidation connects members with exciting clinical trial opportunities? Join our community to contribute your everyday health data and shape the future of medicine.

At Evidation, we believe in the power of real-life experiences to improve healthcare. That's why we partner with various organizations to offer clinical trials in areas like diabetes, migraine, and more, allowing our members to share their insights on new treatments and health challenges.

However, in a recent survey on our app, only 44% of Evidation Members were aware of these opportunities.

Unlocking health insights: our clinical trial series

To bridge this gap, we launched a comprehensive 3-part clinical trial series in June 2023:

  1. Assessing Knowledge: We gauged our members' understanding of clinical trials through a survey.
  2. Educational Journey: Engaging videos, images, and blog posts were shared to enlighten members about clinical trials.
  3. Knowledge Boost: A follow-up quiz measured the impact of our educational content on members' understanding.

Insights from our community

Here are some key findings from the survey:

  • Only 28% of members felt "very familiar" or "extremely familiar" with clinical trials.
  • Surprisingly, 61% expressed willingness to participate in future clinical trials.
  • Educational content significantly improved members' understanding of clinical trial processes and eligibility criteria.

Want to see the data for yourself? Check out this community results post for a more in-depth look at what our members had to say.

Tailoring trials to your lifestyle

We understand the importance of convenience in participation. That's why we offer virtual trials, allowing you to contribute from the comfort of your home. In fact, over two-thirds of our members prefer virtual trials over in-person ones.

Join the Evidation community

Ready to embark on your health journey with Evidation?

  • Download our app now to earn points for your daily health activities.
  • Gain insights into your health trends and receive personalized content.
  • Participate in virtual trials and contribute to groundbreaking research from anywhere.

Our commitment to you

Rest assured, your privacy and data security are our top priorities. We never share your personal information without your consent and ensure transparency in all our practices. Learn more about our privacy practices here

Join almost five million members today!

Become a part of our growing community and make a difference in healthcare!

Evidation Highlights
March 1, 2024

Community results - how Evidation Members feel about participating in health research

6 minutes

Discover how Evidation Members are learning about and contributing to health research.

Did you know that Evidation helps match members with relevant clinical trial opportunities? 

At Evidation, we believe that contributing everyday health data to clinical trials is important to determine how well new medicines and other treatments work in real life. When solely developed and assessed in highly controlled research settings, treatments might not fit well within our often chaotic lives, especially when we’re not feeling well. 

That’s why we’ve partnered with multiple organizations to provide clinical trial opportunities in areas such as diabetes, migraine, and influenza-like illnesses, so our members can provide information about their real-life experiences with their health or a new treatment.

Yet, only 44% of Evidation Members reported being aware of these opportunities in a recent survey on our app.

Clinical trials on the Evidation app

To better understand this gap in awareness, we wanted to explore how much our members know about clinical trials in general. We thought that sharing educational information about clinical trials with our members could increase knowledge and the likelihood that someone might participate in a trial with Evidation and beyond. 

Therefore, in June 2023, we launched a 3-part clinical trial series in our app:

  1. We shared a survey to measure our members’ knowledge about clinical trials.
  2. Educational content was provided using videos, images and graphics, and blog posts.
  3. We asked members to complete a quiz to see if the educational content in Part 2 increased their knowledge about clinical trials.

Almost 7,000 of our members responded to the initial survey. Some of the results are described below.

Part 1: Knowledge about clinical trials

Only 28% of Evidation Members reported being “very familiar” or “extremely familiar” with clinical trials. So, if you feel like you know very little about clinical trials, you’re not alone!

Quick fact: What is a clinical trial?

Clinical trials look at new and different ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease. Scientists, doctors, and other specialists work with members of the public to determine if a new or improved medicine, vaccine, or other treatment works and is safe for people to use. To do this, they carefully plan the clinical trial, which is reviewed by an independent group of experts, and follow strict rules to make sure everything is done safely, ethically, and fairly. Specialized agencies, such as the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), review the final results to make sure that the new treatment is, in fact, safe and works well before the public can use it.

In addition:

61% of members reported being “likely” or “very likely” to participate in a clinical trial in the future if given the opportunity.

48% of members reported being “likely” or “very likely” to refer a friend or family member for a clinical trial

We found it interesting that, although not many of our members know much about clinical trials, they still view trials in a positive light. 

We performed additional analysis to see if there are differences in the willingness to participate in a clinical trial by age and type of neighborhood. It’s often thought that older adults and people living in rural areas might find it more difficult to participate in clinical trials, and this analysis allowed us to explore the attitudes toward clinical trials for these groups.


In all age groups, most people reported not being “very familiar” or “extremely familiar” with clinical trials. 

Despite low levels of familiarity, most people in all age groups also believed that participation in clinical trials is important, especially Baby Boomers. 

More than one-half of each age group also reported they would join a clinical trial in the future, led again by Baby Boomers, who reported the greatest likelihood.

Quick fact: Where are clinical trials run?

Evaluations and activities for clinical trials can be performed in different locations. For example, they could be completed:

  • In person at a clinic.
  • By a nurse in your house.
  • Online or in an app on your phone or computer.

When all evaluations have to be completed in person, we call that an “in-person” trial. “Virtual” trials allow you to complete all evaluations at home, and “hybrid” trials use a combination of “in-person” and “virtual” assessments. Virtual or hybrid trials are typically considered to be more convenient because they require less travel and time away from work, family, and other responsibilities.

To determine which type of clinical trial (in-person or virtual) our members prefer, we asked: 

“Imagine that Evidation notified you that you may be eligible for a clinical trial. Please rate how likely you would be to complete the eligibility screener in each of the following scenarios.” 

An “eligibility screener” is a questionnaire used to determine if you meet the requirements to take part in a trial. For example:

  • The trial might be only for a specific health condition or disease, like diabetes or heart disease.
  • You might have to currently be non-medicated for that condition.
  • You might also have to be experiencing symptoms at a certain frequency or severity.

Over two-thirds of all age groups said they were “likely” or “very likely” to participate in a virtual trial, compared with only one-quarter to one-third of members for in-person trials.


Our members living in small towns or micropolitan areas were less familiar with clinical trials than those living in metropolitan areas.

Members in all neighborhood types were more likely to participate in a virtual trial than an in-person trial. Specifically, there were about 8 times more people who would “very likely” participate in a virtual trial than an in-person trial. This was true even among rural and small town members who can find it challenging to participate in clinical trials because of their distance from a research center.

Part 2: Educational content about clinical trials

Shortly after completing the initial survey, we delivered educational content about clinical trials to members. The educational content and more were presented in cards like these on our app during Part 2:

Part 3: The effect of education on knowledge about clinical trials

After reviewing the educational material in Part 2, our members’ knowledge about clinical trials improved, including:

Quick fact: Who can participate in clinical trials?

Some clinical trials focus on a specific disease or condition, while others are interested in testing the safety and effectiveness of, for example, a vaccine for everyone (healthy volunteers).

What does this information tell us?

This type of information from our members helps us understand how we can continuously improve the materials we share in our app. For example, we saw that clinical trials are generally viewed favorably by members, but a lack of knowledge about clinical trials and what’s expected might contribute to limited involvement. In addition, although the education in the app slightly improved knowledge, there is more we can do to help our members understand this topic better. 

One additional learning for us was that most of our members would be more likely to participate in a virtual trial, where all study activities can be done at home. Did you know that Evidation offers many opportunities to participate in virtual trials? Look out for new recruitment offers from Evidation to see if you qualify for our upcoming studies!

Interested in joining our community to learn more about how you can participate in health research? Download the Evidation app today!

Evidation Highlights
August 16, 2023

Nurturing health and well-being: How Evidation's rewards and information motivate positive change

4 minutes

With access to real insights and statistics from their own physical activity, Evidation Members are empowered and motivated to keep going, make intentional decisions that impact their well-being, and pursue an overall healthy lifestyle.

For many people, signing up for one of the many health and wellness apps on the market is one step in a long journey towards setting themselves up for lifelong healthy habits and choices.

Because so many of these apps and programs fail to engage with their users on a personal level, Evidation set out to be different in this regard. In order to increase engagement, boost member participation, and authentically nurture and promote healthy habits from the start, Evidation’s creators wanted to curate a different user experience in every possible way.

Evidation’s commitment to nurturing members’ health and well-being is rooted in everything we do. We leverage powerful forms of motivation to achieve this; incentive-based rewards and a wealth of knowledge and information set our members up for success from the first time they open the app.

Let’s explore how these pillars are the foundation of our goals as a healthy company and what Evidation Members can expect to gain from this approach to living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

The power of incentives & how Evidation rewards help members

The psychology behind human motivation explains that humans are not designed to be passive creatures. It’s rooted in our core as humans to strive and yearn for things out of our reach, to set out on a journey to new limits, and to discover what we can achieve.

Evidation springboards off this idea of motivation by offering members cash-based incentives by collecting points for daily activities. People can collect points everyday by tracking exercise, completing surveys, and participating in health monitoring events (like tracking sleep, weight, and the food you eat). 

While some Evidation Members may already be exercising and eating healthy, the incentives to add other beneficial actions to their day are rooted in the motivation to collect more points.

The more healthy choices you make each day, the more points you can collect. The more points collected, the quicker you can cash out and receive a cash payment or gift card. Points are simple to find on the Evidation app; once logged in, the total points count is prominently displayed at the top of the home screen.

By promoting positive behaviors and choices through the Evidation app, we’re changing the way people look at health and wellness. As members continue to make positive changes regularly, the impact becomes more significant.

They may have a better understanding of their sleep patterns or caloric intake, and they can make adjustments as they see fit. Or maybe the health information they’ve been reading about in the app has taught them something valuable about their own health conditions.

We’re leveraging motivation from within a person’s core to challenge and change their lives... and they make a little cash along the way. What’s better than that?

We believe in empowering through knowledge and education

The phrase “Knowledge is power” is one that Evidation is most passionate about, and it’s how we encourage our members to make impactful changes in their lives.

Evidation Members are prompted to answer questions and respond to surveys regarding their mental health, sleep, physical activity, mood, and more when using the app. Over time, we compare the responses against their activity data and then share these insights with members.

This data reveals helpful, relevant information about health patterns and behaviors in their daily lives and empowers them to continue making positive changes. Think about any potential changes you could make if you had the information and resources to fill in the gaps. Evidation aims to help our members make small but impactful changes based on the information they’ve provided.

With access to real insights and statistics from their own physical activity, Evidation Members are empowered and motivated to utilize this knowledge to keep going, make intentional decisions that impact their well-being, and pursue an overall healthy lifestyle.

Minor adjustments can lead to significant lifestyle improvements. Getting started is the first step in the journey, and Evidation is there every step of the way.

Why cultivating a supportive community matters

Many factors contribute to a healthy lifestyle, from eating a well-balanced diet to getting regular physical exercise and taking care of your mental health, just to name a few.

Additionally, having a supportive community plays a very significant role in any person’s health journey, regardless of if they’re just getting started or have been actively pursuing their health for many years.

Community offers connection, support, involvement, and a feeling of togetherness that human beings need. When people feel like they have a safe space where they are accepted and belong, it can positively affect their physical and mental health.

In order to provide valuable insights to the Evidation community, we aggregate and share member insights from various check-ins, which people can participate in within the app. These include daily mood, sleep quality, steps taken, and much more. Members can understand how other people feel around specific time periods, like the holidays, or their average amount of nightly sleep and how it impacts energy and mood.   

In doing so, more members are encouraged to meet their goals, try new things, and make healthy, inspired choices on a daily basis. Being lifted up by a community of like-minded individuals is not only inspiring, but it can motivate change in everyone involved.

Nurturing our members’ health and well-being

Providing relevant, informative data and empowering people to take control of their health is the cornerstone of Evidation and exists in everything we do.

As we continue to evolve and develop new features in the platform, there are so many opportunities for more personalized and impactful health experiences for members.

From providing personalized health data and insights to participating in exciting health-related research and clinical studies, our members’ well-being is at the forefront of everything we do.

Through activity tracking, collecting points, and community insights, the Evidation app can help improve people’s lives by empowering healthy choices and simple changes. By keeping track of their health and wellness, members learn how a healthy lifestyle can improve their lives and, ultimately, commit to staying on track to achieve their goals.

Keep track of your health - download the Evidation app today.

In the News
August 9, 2023

The future of digital health and Evidation's role in it

5 minutes

Thanks to incredible advancements in technology, healthcare has drastically changed and improved through the accessibility of mobile apps like Evidation.

As technological advancements continue to change the world around us, the impact on healthcare is nothing short of amazing. Technology has improved the way healthcare organizations can communicate with individuals and how their health records are stored and accessed. Additionally, it has streamlined telemedicine, making appointments much easier and more accessible.

Technology has also provided significant opportunities for research and medical advancements to take place in the field, opening the door for better treatment plans, early diagnoses, and more knowledge and understanding of medical conditions and diseases.

This post will explore the evolving landscape of technology and its impact on healthcare and what Evidation is doing to participate and fuel innovation and discovery.

What is digital health?

Digital health encompasses an expansive landscape, including wearable devices, telehealth and medicine, health information technology, and personalized medicine.

Thanks to the incredible advancements in technology, the healthcare and medicine sectors have drastically changed and improved through the accessibility of mobile apps, software, and machine learning.

The types of digital health technology vary from electronic health records to simple apps to track daily wellness and activity to heart monitors, along with innovative devices and sensors that can potentially save lives.

These advancements have made it more efficient to diagnose and treat various health conditions and diseases, along with customizing treatment plans designed specifically for individuals, rather than a blanket solution for the masses.

How wearable health monitoring devices enhance our lives

As we see technology impact the healthcare industry significantly, the health tools we have access to daily are improving as well.

Female athlete setting up smart watch before workout in a forest

Take Evidation, for example.

Many health and fitness apps and wearable devices support users in logging daily meals and tracking exercise. Evidation takes it several steps further by providing our members with motivation to take positive steps to build healthy, lifelong habits.

Connecting the Evidation app to a fitness tracker or wearable device will allow you to begin tracking your activities. You’ll also be prompted to complete health surveys and polls about your daily habits, sleep, energy levels, and more. Over time, the Evidation app will provide insights to help you improve your health and achieve your goals.

Additionally, Evidation provides a unique opportunity for its members to participate in research and clinical studies geared toward their specific medical conditions. In doing so, members can can help to advance healthcare for everyone.

How personalized medicine and care changes lives

In healthcare, a one-size-fits-all solution, unfortunately, does not exist. Why’s that? We’re all different and unique, making it impossible to diagnose and treat every person the exact same way. This approach may work for the common cold, but personalized medicine is essential for more complicated medical issues.

Precision health is the idea that an individual’s unique genes, environment, and lifestyle all play a role in their overall health. In a precision health treatment plan, a person’s care is designed based on their background, health condition, and many other factors. It’s a more tailored approach to healthcare and saves time and energy for the individual and their healthcare team.

Aside from personalized treatment, custom health insights and data are extremely helpful in tracking and improving overall health. Evidation tracks regular activity by integrating with popular fitness apps to help you build healthy habits, one day at a time.

The Evidation app also sends members daily surveys and health-related questions to gather data and insights and then compares this information to their regular activity.

Over time, these health insights can become efficient and resourceful in tracking health patterns and understanding where members are (physically and mentally) with their health and wellness. As you can see, personalized medicine and healthcare can begin in the hands of the individual.

With apps like Evidation, people can share a wealth of data and health insights with their healthcare team, making it easier to design a suitable treatment plan for a healthier life.

Concerns surrounding the security and privacy of health data

One of the most significant concerns with the adoption of digital health is consumer security and privacy. Consumers worry about organizations releasing their personal information and improperly sharing their data throughout the healthcare system and its entities.

From data breaches to ransomware attacks, many consumers don’t feel comfortable with their health records stored electronically. The fear of personal information being shared online is a common roadblock for many individuals regarding electronic health records and sharing personal health information through wearable devices.

These are valid concerns and ones that Evidation addresses head-on. Our robust privacy policy shares in-depth information about your right to privacy, the rights you have with respect to your information as an Evidation Member, and we secure and protect your personal information.

As an Evidation Member, your consent is required whenever we request your data. Our members have control over who can or can’t see their health data, empowering them to share (or not) as much as they want.

Precision health: Bridging the gap between research and practice

As we’ve discussed on numerous occasions, participation in healthcare research is the foundation for discovery and innovative treatment plans. Without willing participants for research, medical advancements simply won’t happen.

Many organizations already have scientists and doctors to complete the research, but the missing link is often finding participants who are open and willing to participate in a medical study.

That’s where Evidation comes in. With such an active community of members, Evidation makes it easy for members to participate in different studies. We gather personal information about each member (with their consent) through surveys, data from connected apps, and cards to match each member with the appropriate opportunities.

Evidation is designed to make substantial contributions to healthcare research by offering studies and clinical practice opportunities for members. Eligible members can participate in research studies that include actions like monitoring vitals, lab work, and more. We’ve offered our members opportunities to participate in studies on migraines, chronic pain, sleep patterns, COVID-19, mental health, and many others.

Here’s the great news - nearly one million Evidation Members have participated in medical research with Evidation, and our scientists publish their findings in the top medical journals around the world.

After becoming eligible and consenting to participate, Evidation Members can have a front-row seat to medical advancement and discovery. This is one of the many ways Evidation is driving innovation for precision health in the United States.

Digital Health & Evidation

As digital health evolves, the Evidation health app makes it simple and efficient to track and improve your health. Whether you want to set specific exercise goals or just track your progress, Evidation supports you every step of the way.

Our points-based system provides motivation for members to achieve their goals and build healthy, long-lasting habits that can improve their lives. Keep track of your health with Evidation - download the app here.

Evidation Highlights
June 12, 2023

Neuroticism and Your Health

3 minutes

We each have a unique personality. Research suggests our personality traits may impact our health. Learn more about tendencies toward anxiety and depression can impact overall health and wellbeing.

Many researchers generally agree that personality is made up of 5 unique traits: 

  • Conscientiousness (organization, productiveness, responsibility)
  • Extraversion (sociability, assertiveness; its opposite is Introversion)
  • Agreeableness (compassion, respectfulness, trust in others)
  • Openness (intellectual curiosity and creative imagination)
  • Neuroticism (tendencies toward anxiety and depression)

Some people may have very high or low levels of any single trait, but most of us fall somewhere in-between.

What is neuroticism?

Neuroticism is a broad personality trait that describes how much a person may experience difficult emotions, such as guilt, sadness, or anxiety. 

  • Those with high levels of neuroticism may be more likely to experience emotions such as moodiness and worry. They may also be more likely to experience self-consciousness or shyness, or to think of certain situations as threatening. 
  • Those with low levels of neuroticism may be less likely to experience negative emotions, and might tend to experience more balanced feelings and reactions during stressful situations. Low scorers may also experience a lot of optimism and resilience. 

Why does neuroticism matter for health?

The relationship between neuroticism and physical health is complicated. In general, high neuroticism may be related to more disease and worse self-reported health. 

However, people who are high in neuroticism may also be more likely to notice and report symptoms than people who are low in neuroticism. Basically, it’s unclear whether people with high neuroticism might actually have worse health or are more likely to report their symptoms. 

When looking at more concrete measures of health such as how long a person lives, the research is mixed. Just like with some of the other personality traits, it’s likely that any level of neuroticism is health-protective in some situations, and risky in others.

Although research has found that neuroticism relates to mental and physical health, having a low or high score doesn’t necessarily mean someone will have poor health. No matter what level of neuroticism a person has, they can use what research has uncovered about personality and health to improve their well-being. 

We recently offered our members the opportunity to take a survey to see where they fall on the spectrum for neuroticism. If you’re an Evidation Member who took the survey and received your neuroticism results, read on to understand what a high or low score may mean for your health. If you’re not a member and want to see results like these, download the Evidation app.

I scored high on neuroticism. What could this mean for my health?

If you tend to experience high levels of stress and worry, take a moment to think about how you deal with those emotions. If your ways of dealing with stress could harm your health, consider replacing those behaviors with new methods of stress relief, such as: 

  • Going for walks
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Calling a trusted friend 

However, if you cope with stress with healthy amounts of exercise and leaning on social support, you may be less likely to experience some of the negative health effects of high neuroticism.

And remember–being high in neuroticism is different from being diagnosed with an affective disorder such as major depressive disorder. Though you may be more likely to experience unsettling emotions, it is not a diagnosis.

If you feel as though your emotions are preventing you from enjoying your life, talk to your healthcare provider. 

I scored low on neuroticism. What could this mean for my health?

Interestingly, being worry-free doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Some research suggests that individuals who are low in neuroticism may be less likely to seek medical attention when experiencing symptoms. 

Make sure you keep up with your doctors’ appointments and have a healthcare provider investigate any new symptoms you may be experiencing. 

Want to receive more personalized health insights? Complete cards daily in the Evidation app and, if you haven’t already, connect a compatible health app. 

Don’t yet have an Evidation account? Download the app today!

Evidation Highlights
June 9, 2023

How does Evidation work: Collecting points

6 minutes

How Evidation's point-based rewards promote healthy lifestyle changes that are attainable, sustainable, and long-lasting.

Creating a healthier lifestyle begins with an individual feeling empowered and informed to do so. Using the Evidation app, members can track their health information, connect to other fitness and health apps, and make engaging, smart decisions about their lifestyles.

The main difference between Evidation and other health apps lies in the points-based reward system we’ve created for our members.

Let’s explore the Evidation point system and discover the healthy actions members can take to earn daily points through exercise, data, and education.

Evidation 101: The point system

Using points as rewards for daily activity, education, and health monitoring is precisely how Evidation works. Along the way, members can track their physical and mental progress and create sustainable, long-term healthy habits that will stick.

This section will answer all your questions about collecting and redeeming points.

How do points work?

Points are based on your daily activity within the Evidation app and the physical exercise you perform that’s tracked through compatible wearable devices and fitness apps like MyFitnessPal, Apple Health, Strava, and many more.

Points can be earned from the data collected through your existing health and fitness apps and the information you input there. For example, logging your sleep, tracking your weight, and using a food diary are ways to collect points within Evidation.

Other data points you may track include the following:

  • Blood pressure
  • Glucose
  • Heart rate
  • Water consumption

Numerous forms of exercise will earn you points within the Evidation app, and these points are calculated and measured using different units, including:

  • Calories burned
  • Kcals
  • Kilometers
  • Laps
  • Meters
  • Miles
  • Minutes
  • Seconds
  • Steps

Depending on the form of exercise you’re performing, you could receive up to 100 points for tracked health activities each day.

Aside from physical exercise and health monitoring, research is integral to what Evidation contributes to the health industry and science.

Evidation Members may be able to participate in health-related studies that are specific or relevant to their conditions. For example, some Evidation Members have chronic pain and could potentially contribute their experiences to pain studies, gain insight into what may be going on, and share their learnings with their medical team to improve their lives.

Health research is essential to improving healthcare and individual treatments for various health conditions and ailments. Evidation Members can contribute to a better understanding of their conditions and earn points for participating along the way.

Ways to earn points

Within the Evidation app, members can earn points throughout the day in many ways.

If you’re already using a fitness tracker app or have a wearable device that tracks your activity, you can quickly sync your profile with Evidation, so the two can share data, earning you points along the way.

Evidation is compatible with the following fitness and health apps:

  • Apple Health
  • Dexcom
  • Fitbit
  • Garmin
  • Google Fit
  • MapMyFitness
  • MapMyHike
  • MapMyRide
  • MapMyRun
  • MapMyWalk
  • MyFitnessPal
  • Oura
  • Qardio
  • RunDouble
  • RunKeeper
  • Samsung Health
  • Strava

If you’re already using a wearable device to track your activity, Evidation is compatible with the following:

  • Fitbit
  • Garmin
  • Apple Watch
  • Oura Ring

This post shares even more fitness apps and wearable devices that are compatible with Evidation.

Once your Evidation account is confirmed and your apps are synced, it’s time to start earning points! Members can earn points in the Evidation app in several ways, including tracking your health activities and completing cards in the Evidation app.

These types of activities are equally important because they impact physical and mental health uniquely. Empowering our members with data points about their physical activity, tracking their sleep patterns, and what they eat each day can provide an unbiased look at what they’re doing well, what needs to be modified, and how they can improve through small, actionable changes.

Many people struggle with knowing where to start when it comes to improving their lifestyles, and we believe that a point-based system can help individuals understand how to make small changes over time. In doing so, health habits are formed without anyone feeling overwhelmed or disheartened by a lack of instant progress.

Members can also rack up points by participating in unique activities within the app, like answering survey questions, participating in health programs and research studies, and reading articles.

We introduced Cards to the Evidation app as a way for members to earn more points and to educate people through relevant articles, tips, and educational resources.

Members can answer daily questions about their mood, mental health, physical activity, and much more within the cards prompted to them each day.

Access points information in the Evidation app

When you open the Evidation app, you’ll see how many points you’ve accrued thus far during the week. The Points History section provides a detailed look at your weekly activity within the app that tells you from which categories you’ve earned points and any surveys, polls, or information you’ve completed.

Evidation strives to challenge its members to participate daily in numerous healthy actions. Doing so creates long-lasting, sustainable habits that become part of your daily routine instead of a task you must think about or remember to do daily.

That’s why we offer points for different healthy actions that may seem small but can add up to significant healthy changes in a person’s lifestyle.

The benefit of connecting Evidation to your current fitness and health apps is that this data is already being tracked through apps like Apple Health or MyFitnessPal; by syncing these apps with Evidation, you’ll gain more insight into your health and wellness and earn free money along the way. What’s not to love?

For years, Evidation Members have been using the app to track their daily food intake, participate in relevant research studies, and increase their activity levels through accountability within the Evidation community.

Redeeming your points

Once you’ve earned 10,000 points, you can redeem them for $10 via PayPal, a prepaid VISA card, a gift card, or a bank deposit. You can also choose from various charities to donate the money you’ve earned.

Redeeming points is straightforward; once you’ve earned 10,000 points, you’ll see a prompt to redeem your points at the top of the home page, just follow the instructions to claim your reward. You’ll receive an email within five business days, in which you’ll select how you’d like to receive your reward (gift card, Paypal transfer, direct deposit, or a charitable donation).

At this time, Evidation is available for people over 18 who live in the United States.

Do Evidation points expire?

As long as your Evidation account is active (meaning you’ve completed at least one card in the last 12 months), the points you’ve earned will not expire. We do encourage members to log in as frequently as possible so they don’t lose access to their hard-earned points. Plus completing cards daily is one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn points.

Benefits of using a points-based health app

Regardless of your physical health and daily habits, utilizing a points-based health and wellness application could significantly improve your lifestyle in multiple ways.

For one, it can help raiss awareness about your level of physical activity on a daily basis. Simple, easy-to-understand data can help members make informed decisions about their fitness goals or change their daily routines.

By participating in daily food tracking, exercising, logging sleep, weigh-ins, and monitoring health metrics like heart rate and blood pressure, members can begin making healthier, research-supported changes at their own pace to ensure they’re sustainable and manageable.

Reach your health goals with Evidation

Using Evidation, tracking your health and wellness has never been easier or more efficient. By sharing your data, we’ll reciprocate with relevant health information, trends, and insights that you can leverage to make healthy changes in your everyday life.

Evidation values and respects our members’ privacy, so we use technical and administrative safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information. We do not sell any personal information and will only share your health data information outside of Evidation with your consent.

You can find our full Privacy Notice here.

If earning cash for getting and staying fit sounds like something you’d love to be a part of, Evidation may be an excellent fit for your lifestyle. Learn more about Evidation and here.

Or download the app below.

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