Woman lying on a bench looking at her step count data on her mobile phone. She is wearing a heart rate tracking device on her wrist
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New week over week changes insights: steps and resting heart rate

March 18, 2024
2 minutes
Evidation Highlights

Often it’s interesting to know how your body and behavior change over time. That’s why we’re introducing a new insights feature: week over week changes. Beginning next week, members will receive weekly insights when Evidation observes a significant change in your weekly step count or average resting heart rate.

How it works

If you connect a wearable device to Evidation and give us permission to analyze your data, we’ll analyze your daily steps and resting heart rate data each week to determine if there was a notable change between last week and the week prior. In this case a “notable” change means at least a 20% change in your average daily step count. For resting heart rate, notable means at least a 5 beat per minute change in your average daily resting heart rate.

How do I interpret my week over week changes?

Example of insight showing average heart rate and changes over time
Example: week over week heart rate insight
Example insight showing step counts and changes over time
Example: week over week step count insight

How do I get my week over week change alerts

In order to receive week over week change insights you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Use a wearable device that logs either steps or heart rate (or both!) and connect it to the Evidation app. Make sure you enable sharing of steps and heart rate data when you connect your device.

Learn more about pairing connected devices here

  1. Wear your device at least 6 days per week. We need enough data on a weekly basis in order to accurately detect meaningful changes.

How often will I get my week over week change alerts?

You’ll receive weekly alerts if you wore your device enough during the week, have your device connected, and we detect a meaningful change. If you do not receive an insight and have your device connected, it means we didn’t find any significant changes in your steps or resting heart rate. 

Health insights on Evidation

We’re constantly adding new insight types to help our members learn more about their health and take control of their health journey. Keep a look out for additional insight types coming soon. 

Interested in seeing insights like this, but don’t have a device connected yet, Find out which devices are compatible with Evidation and how you can pair your device here

Don’t yet have the Evidation app? Download now on iOS or android. 

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