Evidation Highlights
February 28, 2025

Giving back: How to find opportunities to participate in medical studies

4 minutes

Explore how your willingness to participate in medical studies can make a difference to your health and to the future of medicine.

At Evidation, we're here to support you as you work to become the healthiest version of yourself. When you choose to share your health data with us, we analyze your daily actions and use them to provide you with content-based insights that can help you make the best health decisions for your needs. In addition to providing you with information to support your health, we also—with your permission—use the data we gather to support health research. Joining Evidation can help you have a lasting impact in helping the medical community understand patterns, develop treatments, and improve public health.

Here, we'll explore everything you need to know about participating in health research, including the difference between clinical research and medical studies, why your participation makes a difference, how you can participate in health research, and how Evidation protects your privacy when you choose to share your data with us.

Clinical research vs. medical studies: what's the difference?

Sometimes, the terms clinical research and medical studies are used interchangeably. While both terms fall under the umbrella of health research, they have different meanings and purposes.

Clinical research works to explore new treatments, interventions, and medical devices. Often, clinical trials require human participants to determine the safety and side effects of potential new treatments. Generally, clinical research has a narrow focus, such as exploring a single new treatment for a disease. This type of research works to advance the scientific understanding of and treatment for specific diseases.

Medical studies, in contrast, encompass all studies in the field of medicine (including clinical research). Basic science research, clinical research, epidemiological studies, genetic research, and analysis of public health trends all fall into the medical studies category.

Medical research with Evidation

At Evidation, we're committed to contributing to medical research, and we're proud that more than one million Evidation Members have participated in studies that contribute to the future of medicine. In 2024, Evidation Members completed 4.5 million research surveys, and thousands participated in medical studies including FluSmart2024, MigraineSmart, and the BARDA Study, a large-scale study designed to explore whether wearable devices can predict the presence of the flu.

There are many ways to contribute to medical research with Evidation, including choosing to share the health data that you're already tracking with our team. Many of our members also agree to join health studies run through our platform.

Here's how it works:

  • Step one: determine eligibility. After you download the Evidation app, you'll notice opportunities to participate in health studies or programs. When you indicate your interest in joining a health study or research program with Evidation, we'll ask you questions about your habits and health conditions to determine whether you might be a candidate to participate. Sometimes, the information you provide will be enough to determine whether you're a good candidate for a study. Other times, more information might be needed (such as lab work) to determine whether you fit the profile researchers need.
  • Step two: learn about the study. If you're determined eligible and are asked to participate in the study, you'll be presented with the opportunity to learn more. It's important to us to provide you with all the information you need to ensure that you feel comfortable participating. The Evidation team is always here to answer your questions at each step of the process.
  • Step three: participate. You don't need to travel to participate in health studies with Evidation. Most of the studies we offer don't require you to use devices beyond your phone. In the event that you do need to use an activity tracker, smart scale, or other device, we'll send it to your door free of charge.

Why participation matters

When you participate in medical studies, you aren't just getting to learn more about your own health—you're also doing your part to support the health of others. Clinical trials and other forms of medical research can explore how different variables affect various facets of health. The information you provide by participating in health research can help to improve the quality of life of others, as well as provide you with insight into how your actions affect your own well-being.

Your privacy: how Evidation protects your data

Your privacy is our top priority, and our security team is dedicated to keeping your data as secure as possible. You choose the data you'd like to share with Evidation, and you have the right to revoke sharing at any time.

If you decide to participate in a study, we'll explain the information that will be used for the study. You'll be asked to sign an informed consent document to ensure you understand what data will be collected and how it will be used.

If you have any questions about what data we collect, how we use data, or who we share data with, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to help.

Hit your goals and help others with Evidation

If you're searching for ways to contribute to medical research, we're glad you found us. At Evidation, we use the data you choose to share to help take modern medicine to the next level. We're excited for you to join us in making a difference.

Click here to get started by downloading our free app. We appreciate your participation in driving medical research forward.

Evidation Highlights
March 18, 2024

New week over week changes insights: steps and resting heart rate

2 minutes

We’re introducing a new insights feature: week over week changes. Members will now receive weekly insights when Evidation observes a significant change in your weekly step count or average resting heart rate.

Often it’s interesting to know how your body and behavior change over time. That’s why we’re introducing a new insights feature: week over week changes. Beginning next week, members will receive weekly insights when Evidation observes a significant change in your weekly step count or average resting heart rate.

How it works

If you connect a wearable device to Evidation and give us permission to analyze your data, we’ll analyze your daily steps and resting heart rate data each week to determine if there was a notable change between last week and the week prior. In this case a “notable” change means at least a 20% change in your average daily step count. For resting heart rate, notable means at least a 5 beat per minute change in your average daily resting heart rate.

How do I interpret my week over week changes?

Example of insight showing average heart rate and changes over time
Example: week over week heart rate insight
Example insight showing step counts and changes over time
Example: week over week step count insight

How do I get my week over week change alerts

In order to receive week over week change insights you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Use a wearable device that logs either steps or heart rate (or both!) and connect it to the Evidation app. Make sure you enable sharing of steps and heart rate data when you connect your device.

Learn more about pairing connected devices here

  1. Wear your device at least 6 days per week. We need enough data on a weekly basis in order to accurately detect meaningful changes.

How often will I get my week over week change alerts?

You’ll receive weekly alerts if you wore your device enough during the week, have your device connected, and we detect a meaningful change. If you do not receive an insight and have your device connected, it means we didn’t find any significant changes in your steps or resting heart rate. 

Health insights on Evidation

We’re constantly adding new insight types to help our members learn more about their health and take control of their health journey. Keep a look out for additional insight types coming soon. 

Interested in seeing insights like this, but don’t have a device connected yet, Find out which devices are compatible with Evidation and how you can pair your device here

Don’t yet have the Evidation app? Download now on iOS or android. 

Evidation Highlights
November 2, 2022

Why participants are so important to health research

3 minutes

Health research isn’t possible without the contributions of research participants. Find out how participants help contribute and how you can participate.

Health research is very important for improving health care for all

As we mentioned in a previous article, What is Health Research?,  this type of research helps medical researchers understand people’s health and how we can make treatments better for everyone. 

But health research isn’t possible without the contributions of research participants. Research participants are volunteers who consent (in other words, give their permission) to be in a study. They provide the data (from surveys, lab tests, interviews, etc.) that researchers need to answer important questions that improve health care. 

In fact, research participants are the most important part of research — without participants, medical advancements can’t happen!

Why participate in research?

There are a lot of great reasons to participate in research! Some common reasons people participate include:

  • Contributing to medical science
  • Learning more about health and health research
  • Wanting to help improve treatment options for a variety of conditions
  • Wanting to find a better treatment for a condition they have

Whatever your personal reasons for participating, being a part of health-related research can have a lasting impact.  

Why do researchers need research participants?

Did you know that most research studies don’t enroll enough people on time? When this happens, research efforts to develop medications, devices, and treatments get delayed. It causes studies to take longer than expected and ends up costing researchers more. This can lead to increased medication prices and delays in getting new treatments to market.

These factors limit progress in developing new treatments for conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Cancers, Autoimmune Disorders, and many others. 

Many of us have loved ones or know someone living with a condition that has no treatment and limited options for improving quality of life.

You may wonder, “with all the science and technology in the world, why isn’t there a cure or better treatment for this condition?” 

Without research and participants, we can’t develop new or improved treatments.

That’s why it’s important that those who want to participate in health research have the ability and support to do so. 

How to participate in research

There are many ways to learn about research participation opportunities. You can find opportunities online, in ads, through medical professionals, on the Evidation app, and more. 

Here are some resources that can get you started if you’re interested in participating in a study!

  • Evidation Studies specializes in decentralized research which is an easy way to contribute to medical science. To learn how to participate in one of our studies, check out our article How to Participate in a Research Study on Evidation. You can also download the Evidation app to learn more!
  • Check out clinicaltrials.gov, which is a registry of clinical trials that provides the public with information on past and current trials.
  • Talk to your healthcare providers to see if they know of research studies that may apply to you.

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Check out How to Participate in a Research Study on Evidation or reach out to us at study@evidation.com and one of our friendly team members can help you get started. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

Evidation Highlights
October 5, 2022

Results of Research Studies

2 minutes

Participants belong to a large community of people who help researchers learn more about important health conditions and treatments. Because they devote their time, data, and effort to research that can improve health care for all, it’s important that participants receive value in return for their contributions. 

Return of Results to Participants

When researchers want to learn more about people and their health, they perform research studies. The individuals who agree to participate in these studies are called participants. 

Participants belong to a large community of people who are helping researchers learn more about important health conditions and treatments. They play a key role in research studies by contributing their time and information about their health (researchers call this, personal health data) to help us better understand certain health conditions or behaviors. 

Because participants devote their time, data, and effort to research that can improve health care for all, it’s important that participants receive value in return for their contributions. 

One important way to give value back to participants is to give them a summary of the study they participated in. Study summaries are easy-to-read descriptions of the research conducted.

What information is found in study summaries?

The content and format of study summaries is different depending on the study. At Evidation Studies, our study summaries are typically sent as emails and may include the following information:

  • Why the study was done
  • What happened during the study
  • Who participated in the study
  • What the results of the study were
  • Where you can learn more

These summaries are a great way for participants to see the impact they made when participating in study. Sometimes, participants may even be able to extract useful information from the summaries that they can use to improve their day-to-day health.

Why are study summaries important?

Participants contribute their personal health data to scientific studies. Understanding the impact of those studies and the contribution their data makes can be rewarding and can positively impact their research experience. 

For example, these summaries can help participants understand the overall study outcomes. They can also explain what the study results really mean. They allow participants to engage with the study on a deeper level. Sometimes, the results can even give participants insight into their own health and how to improve it.

Evidation Studies is committed to continuously identifying ways to improve the study experience, and we’ve started to return study summaries to participants when possible. We will continue to work towards a better understanding of the needs of our participants, so that we can return value in the most meaningful ways possible.  

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Check out How to Get Involved in Evidation Studies, or reach out to us at study@evidation.com and one of our friendly team members can help you get started.. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

two researchers in a lab examining data with the Research 101 and Evidation logo overlayed
Evidation Highlights
September 7, 2022

Health Research Studies on Evidation

3 minutes

In 2018, Evidation launched the DiSCover Program, a study designed to help us gain a better understanding of what it’s like to live with this condition. More than 10,000 members participated in the program over the course of a year. 

With almost 5 million members, we’ve been able to launch a variety of health research efforts that study topics like chronic pain, how people use their wearable devices, and sleep patterns. 

We've partnered with healthcare and life sciences companies to launch large-scale research programs that look at type 2 diabetes, heart disease, the flu, Alzheimer’s Disease, and most recently COVID-19, to name a few.

With over 77 research publications, we’d like to highlight two notable studies to give you a better idea of the impact our members have when they decide to participate in a study.

DiSCover Program (Digital Signals in Chronic Pain)

About 50 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. 

In 2018, Evidation launched the DiSCover Program, a study designed to help us gain a better understanding of what it’s like to live with this condition. More than 10,000 members participated in the program over the course of a year. 

We looked at patterns in activity levels and asked participants to take daily surveys in order to get a better understanding of the day-to-day impact of living with chronic pain. 

Here’s what we learned from these participants:

  • Chronic pain had an impact on participants’ physical activity. On average, they were about 25% less active than those without chronic pain.
  • Chronic pain affected participants with many different conditions (for example, fibromyalgia, cancer, arthritis, etc.).
  • To manage their pain, participants used a wide range of treatment options from over-the-counter pain medications and prescription opioid medications to meditation apps, medical marijuana, and acupuncture treatment.
  • Participants with chronic pain reported lower quality of life and had higher rates of depression and anxiety symptoms than those without chronic pain. 

Through their participation, these study participants helped our researchers understand their lived experiences with chronic pain.

COVID Signals Study

At the height of the pandemic in 2020, Evidation and our study partners launched the COVID Signals Study.

Over 800 individuals who were at higher risk of getting COVID-19 (for example, doctors, nurses, and first responders) joined the study. They provided data from wearables, lab tests, and surveys for over 3 months. 

Together, these participants completed: 

  • 59,485 daily surveys 
  • 7,571 weekly and monthly surveys
  • 6,328 weekly COVID-19 test kits
  • 841 final surveys

This information is helping us explore if there are ways to predict when someone might be sick, and what their recovery might look like. 

How can I learn more?

These are just a couple examples of how participants like you make research possible. As a result, individuals living with conditions like chronic pain, COVID-19, and others can potentially benefit from this new research. 

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Check out How to Get Involved in Evidation Studies, or reach out to us at study@evidation.com and one of our friendly team members can help you get started. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

Evidation Highlights
August 3, 2022

What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

3 minutes

An IRB is a review board designed to protect the rights and well-being of research participants. It acts as a system of checks and balances for any research involving people. 

Welcome to the next article in our Research 101 series! We're excited to share with you some important information about Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), which are essential to the research process. 

If you’ve ever thought about participating in research, you may have had some questions about how the research could affect you. You may have wondered:

  • What are the risks and benefits?
  • How will my data be used?
  • How do I know I am safe?

Researchers care a lot about providing a safe and ethical study experience. One way we do this is by submitting our research protocols to an Institutional Review Board (IRB). 

What is an IRB?

An IRB is a review board designed to protect the rights and well-being of research participants. It acts as a system of checks and balances for any research involving people. 

IRBs work to ensure the following: 

  • Research studies have scientific merit and purpose 
  • The activities involved in the research are ethical 
  • All regulatory requirements are followed 

Every IRB has at least five members with different backgrounds. The members may have training in scientific areas, have expertise and training in non-scientific areas, or be members of the community who may represent the people who would participate in the research study.

IRBs are the gatekeepers when it comes to being able to conduct research involving human beings. Without IRB approval, researchers are unable to conduct their research.  

History of the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The idea of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) began in 1974 when President Richard Nixon signed into law the National Research Act. The act led to the creation of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Events such as the Tuskegee Trials and the Willowbrook Experiments, where research was conducted in an improper manner, proved there was a need for unbiased oversight. 

This commission was in charge of identifying the principles that should underlie the conduct of research. They also created guidelines to make sure research is carried out following those principles. In 1979, the commission published "Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research," also known as the Belmont Report

The Belmont Report is made up of three core principles:

  1. Respect for Persons - Giving people the right and capacity to make their own decisions.
  2. Beneficence - Minimizing potential harms and maximizing benefits 
  3. Justice - Distributing benefits and risks fairly 

IRBs were founded on these three basic principles which are still referenced when reviewing research proposals. 

What does the IRB review? 

The people who make up the committee carefully consider the following:

  • Are procedures in place to reduce any harm or risks to the participants? 
  • Do the benefits outweigh the associated risks?
  • Is the selection of participants equitable and fair?
  • Are potential participants able and willing to give informed consent?
  • Will a participant's consent (or permission) be properly documented? 
  • Do the researchers have a plan for monitoring the quality of the study data to ensure participant safety?
  • Are there adequate procedures in place to protect the privacy of participants? 
  • Will the researchers be able to maintain the privacy of study participants?
  • Are there protections in place for vulnerable populations? 
  • Does the research meet all regulatory requirements? 

Evidation Studies & IRB Oversight 

Research conducted by the Evidation Studies (formerly Achievement Studies) team often requires approval from an IRB. The decision to have a study approved by an IRB is based on the design of the study and what the researchers will use the results for.

At Evidation Studies, we have a dedicated team of researchers who help oversee the protection of our study participants every step of the way. Even when IRB approval is not required. 

Our study participants can be confident that we’re committed to their safety and that our studies are conducted according to the highest standards. 

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Reach out to us at study@evidation.com and one of our friendly team members can help you get started. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

Evidation Highlights
July 6, 2022

What is Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and why is it important?

4 minutes

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international guide for how to conduct ethical and good quality research. GCP applies to all stages of research: design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses, and reporting of any research involving people. 

It’s important to understand what Good Clinical Practice is and why it matters. Especially if you are participating (or thinking about participating) in research.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international guide for how to conduct ethical and good quality research. GCP applies to all stages of research: design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses, and reporting of any research involving people. 

GCP consists of 13 principles focused on the following: 

  • Safety 
  • You feel protected throughout the entire research study.
  • Rights are Protected
  • You have the right to information about the research. 
  • You decide whether or not you want to participate in the research. 
  • You have the right to withdraw from the research at any time without penalty.
  • Your privacy and confidentiality will be protected.
  • Quality of Research Data
  • The data collected from you is for the purpose of the research and is based on a scientific protocol approved by an ethics committee.

Why do we need Good Clinical Practice (GCP)?

The idea of a “good physician” and “good clinical/medical practice” dates back to the Hippocratic Oath from about 400 B.C. This oath represents the earliest idea of medicine being practiced in a just and ethical manner. It established several principles of medical ethics that remain important today. These include the principles of “confidentiality,”  “privacy,” and “doing no harm.” 

While the oath itself was a good start, it was not enough to protect all of the people who participated in research from harm. Additional rules and regulations were necessary to help keep people safe. 

The United States put into place the first legislation to help regulate drugs that are available over the counter, The Food and Drugs Act of 1906. Before this legislation, harmful and deadly drugs could be purchased by anyone, just like any other product. These unsafe products led to serious illness, injury, or death because the ingredients were not tested for safety. 

Well known examples of drugs available at the time include: 

  • Kopp’s Baby’s Friend - contained a mixture of morphine and alcohol
  • Dr. King’s Consumption Cure - contained a toxic mixture of chloroform, morphine, and pine tar
  • Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup - contained dangerous amounts of opium

In 1938, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. This was the first time manufacturers were required to not only test drugs for safety, but to also provide real-world evidence of that safety to the FDA prior to being available to the public. 

The importance of Real-World Evidence 

Real-world evidence comes from real-world data, and is evidence about the use, risks, and/or benefits of a medication, product, or treatment.  Without real-world safety evidence, the product could not be sold. Companies that broke this rule could now be fined, sued, or even prosecuted by law if their products caused harm. 

While research can be used to help people, the label of “research” has also been used across history to cause harm, particularly in times of war. 

One of the most well-known occurrences was in World War II, when German physicians conducted horrific experiments on individuals in the concentration camps of Europe. These war crimes, performed under the banner of “research,” resulted in the development of the Nuremberg Code in 1947. This code is part of the reason research participants have the right to decide whether or not they want to participate in a research study. 

Your voice and your choice matters.

GCP over time 

Over time, new guidelines have been developed to better define the idea of ethical medical practice in clinical research. Unfortunately, nearly all of these guidelines were created in reaction to research that was harmful to participants or was unethical. 

These guidelines include the Declaration of Helsinki (written in 1964, updated in 2013), the Belmont Report (1979), and the International Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects (1982). 

The primary goals of these guidelines are to protect research participants, allow people to participate in research when it can be helpful to the world, and treat all research participants equally and justly. As new research types emerge, like the use of technology or developments in genetic research, new ethical challenges arise. These documents help guide researchers through ethical challenges and define the principles within GCP guidelines.

How does the team at Evidation Studies ensure Good Clinical Practice?

From the design of our research studies to the final analysis of the information that’s collected, our research team holds each other accountable. 

Our team is trained in GCP annually and attends discussions on the importance of Good Clinical Practice in human research studies. It is our guidebook for making sure our research is safe and the rights of our participants are protected. 

Additionally, our research studies are reviewed and approved by an ethics committee called an Institutional Review Board (IRB), whose goal is to keep people safe and make sure research is done ethically. 

We feel strongly about the importance of GCP because our participants are top priority to us. 

Our mission is to encourage everyone to participate in better health outcomes. In order to fulfill our mission, we must provide a safe and educational experience for all of our research participants. 

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Reach out to us at study@evidation.com and one of our friendly team members can help you get started. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

Evidation Highlights
June 1, 2022

What does Informed Consent Mean?

4 minutes

Researchers use the process of informed consent to give potential participants important information about a study. They do this so an individual understands the purpose of the research, potential risks, benefits, and alternatives available and has the voluntary option to participate based on what is best for them.

At Evidation (formerly Achievement) Studies, our primary goal is to put individuals first.

One way we do this is by ensuring the safety, protection, and comfort of the individuals who participate in our studies. 

To make sure we ALWAYS meet this goal, we follow a standard process for outlining important information related to the study and providing that information to potential participants to support knowledgeable, voluntary decision-making. We call that process Informed Consent.

We hope this information helps you better understand the informed consent process and how it fits into health research as a whole.

What is Informed Consent?

Informed consent is both a process and an action.

Researchers use the process of informed consent to give potential participants important information about a study. They do this so an individual understands the purpose of the research, potential risks, benefits, and alternatives available and has the voluntary option to participate based on what is best for them.  

To provide consent, participants sign an Informed Consent Form (ICF). This form guides a person through all the relevant information related to the study and gives them the option to enroll. At Evidation studies, this process is done online through our online platform.


Infographic showing the steps of the informed consent process. Receive the ICF, Read and review the ICF, Understand the information in the ICF, As questions, sign the ICF

What information is in an Informed Consent Form? 

It’s important that study participants understand all the important details of a study before providing their consent (in other words, their permission) to participate. To make sure participants have all the information they need, the Informed Consent Form (ICF) includes the following:

  • The purpose of the research
  • A description of each activity they will need to do and how long each should take to complete
  • What data will be collected, who will have access to the data, how the data will be used, and how we will make sure the data stays safe
  • Potential risks and benefits of participating in the study
  • A statement that participation is voluntary and that participants can withdraw at any time during the study
  • If and how they will be compensated for participating in the study (for example, direct deposit, gift card, travel vouchers, products, etc.)

Evidation Studies puts a lot of time and care into developing the Informed Consent Forms for each study. This helps to ensure that we communicate openly, honestly, and clearly with our participants.

Who creates the ICF?

Every study has a team of individuals dedicated to protecting the safety of participants. This team works together to decide what the ICF should include for each study and then submits it to an Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review and approval. An IRB is a group of qualified individuals who work to protect the rights and well-being of research participants. One way they do this is by making sure our ICFs are clear and thorough. 

Why is Informed Consent Important?

Informed consent is important from an ethical point of view, because we need to make sure that everyone who participates in our studies is doing so voluntarily (by choice) and is comfortable with everything the study will involve. 

 Informed consent is also a legal requirement: it has to occur before a participant is enrolled in any clinical research study.  

The guiding principles of the informed consent process are taken from historical documents that focus on respecting the people who participate in research. Documents like the Nuremberg Code and the Belmont Report detail the ethical principles of ‘Respect for Persons’. These principles include:

  • Participants have the choice to agree to participate or not (“voluntary consent”).
  • Participants have the option to withdraw at any time (that is, they are free to stop at any time).
  • People are autonomous and should be treated with respect
  • Protected groups like participants who are unable to consent for themselves/require additional protections. (The consent in these cases may be provided by a caregiver or legal guardian.) 

Who do I contact if I have questions about the Evidation Studies informed consent process?

The Evidation Studies Support team is available to answer any and all questions participants may have about a study before signing the informed consent form, as well as any questions that come up throughout their study participation. We have a team of individuals (dedicated to making the experience as easy and comfortable as possible.

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Reach out to us at study@evidation.com and one of our friendly team members can help you get started. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

Evidation Highlights
May 4, 2022

What is Eligibility?

3 minutes

We encourage all of our members to actively participate in better health outcomes. One way to do that is by joining a research study! Before you can join a research study, you’ll first need to learn if you’re eligible.

Welcome to the next article in our Research 101 Series! This post talks about eligibility for health research studies.

We encourage all of our members to actively participate in better health outcomes. One way to do that is by joining a research study! Before you can join a research study, you’ll first need to learn if you’re eligible. But what does that mean?

Below, we describe the research eligibility process and how this process matches you to the right research opportunities. 

What is the eligibility process?

The eligibility process is a way for researchers to make sure that you’re a good fit for a study. All research studies have rules that outline who is eligible to participate in the study. Those rules are called the eligibility criteria

There are two main reasons for this: 

1. We use eligibility criteria to make sure the participants who are included in the study are able to help us answer the questions that the study hopes to answer. For example, in a study about birth control in women, we would only include women because that is the only group that’s appropriate for the purposes of the study.

2. We also use eligibility criteria to make sure that we don’t include people in studies when they may be harmed by study activities. For example, we would not enroll individuals with heart disease in a study that asks participants to take a daily medication that could have side effects for people with heart disease

The eligibility criteria are usually related to things such as age, sex, medical conditions, or medical history. All of these factors are assessed by researchers and compared to the study definitions to decide if you’re a match for the study. Every study has different eligibility criteria, because every study is different.

How can I find out if I’m eligible for a study?

Once you find a research study that you’d like to participate in, you’ll go through the eligibility process. 

At Evidation, we ask potential participants to answer an eligibility screening questionnaire which is completed online before joining a study. We may also ask you to take part in other eligibility activities, such as interviews or lab tests depending on the study requirements. All of this helps us determine if a person is a fit for the study.

How does eligibility affect me?

By finding the right participants for a study, we’re able to conduct good research. It also allows researchers to obtain meaningful results. Research studies have the possibility to impact healthcare for all, and so it’s important to do them right.

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Reach out to us at study@evidation.com and one of our friendly team members can help you get started. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

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