At Evidation, we’re all about encouraging our members to actively participate in their health. One way to do that is by participating in health research.
In order for the information gathered during a study to represent and benefit everyone, it’s important that the individuals who are participating in that research are truly representative of society.
When research is fully representative it contributes to health insights that have the potential to improve lives. Not the lives of a few, but the lives of all.
But you might be wondering…
Whether or not you should participate is a personal choice that only YOU can make, but hopefully the information here and in the rest of our Research 101 series can help provide some useful information to help you make an informed decision.
How do I get offered a research opportunity on Evidation?
In general, finding the right research opportunity can be difficult. There are so many studies and knowing which ones are right for you can be especially challenging. At Evidation, we try to make it easier by matching you with research opportunities we feel are likely to be a good match for you - based on what you tell us of yourself and your preferences.
So, before we can match you with study opportunities, we need to learn more about you. This helps us find opportunities that are relevant to you.
And because we know that one way doesn't work for everyone, you have several choices about what information you share and how you choose to share that information.
And you always have the right to change those choices or to opt out of any of our surveys or offers.
Tell us about yourself
Currently, there are three ways you can tell us more about yourself. You can share information through any or all of these. The more you’re comfortable sharing, the higher the chances that we can find the right research opportunities for you.
1. Complete Surveys
Surveys are a quick way to tell us about who you are and about your individual health journey. These surveys take an average of about 1-5 minutes to complete, and you earn points just for filling them out! The points you earn can be redeemed for cash or donated to a variety of charities.
2. Connect your health apps/devices
If you’re currently using health apps and/or devices, you can connect these to your Evidation account. This way you can earn points for some of the activities you’re already doing and create additional opportunities to participate in research.
How does pairing an app or a device help with research opportunities?
Some research studies are interested in information like how many steps individuals walk in a day or how your pain levels affect your sleep. If you have a device that provides that information (for example, a smartphone, a Fitbit, or an Apple Watch), you’re more likely to qualify for that particular study.
3.) Respond to 1-click offers
One-click offers are a fast, easy way to tell us more about yourself. Typically, we ask Yes or No questions about your health and other personal information. Again, the more we know about you, the better chance we have of helping you find information and research opportunities that are relevant to you!
To learn more about how we protect the information you share, click here.
How do I get matched with a research opportunity?
Our expert team analyzes the data you provide and matches you with opportunities you may be interested in or eligible for[link in article 5]. Some examples of what we look at are your age, your health factors, etc.
When we find an opportunity that we think you may be eligible for (and interested in), we send you an offer!
What happens once I get an offer to participate?
When we send you a research participation offer, we’ll include information about the study, the topic, and the study commitments. Once you receive this offer and information, there are a few steps you need to take to help determine if the study is right for you.
Step 1: Decide if you’re interested
- Read about the topic of the research.
- Understand the time commitment and activities involved.
- Review the guidelines to see if you feel you’re eligible.
Step 2: Complete the eligibility survey
- Answer questions to confirm that you’re eligible to participate in the research. Learn more about eligibility here.
Step 3: Provide your consent
- Read and sign the informed consent. You can learn more about informed consent here.
Step 4: Start participating in activities.
- Activities will vary from study to study, but typical examples include answering questions, at-home test kits, wearing an activity tracker, using an app or device, and so on.
Why should I participate in research?
People participate in research for a variety of reasons. Some want their voices to be counted, others want to contribute to better health outcomes for themselves and others. Whatever your personal reasons for participating, being a part of health-related research can have a lasting impact.
But don’t take it from us -- here’s a breakdown of what over 36,000 participants said about why they chose to join our recent COVID-19 Experience Study:
What kind of support can I expect if I participate?
Our team is here to help you through the research participation process. We have a dedicated team of individuals (the Participant Support Team) who are here to make the experience as easy and comfortable as possible.
Some of our support features include:
- Answering questions about the study
- Helping with the enrollment process
- Providing technical or troubleshooting support for most study activities
- Assisting with payment inquiries
Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members can help you get started.
If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources:
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections
- FDA, Clinical Trials and Human Subject Protection
- National Institutes of Health (NIH), Educational Resources
- Clinical Research Resource HUB, Resources for Participants