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Personal Health
July 19, 2024

Evidation as your best companion for wellness and weight loss success

4 minutes

By analyzing your health-related data, Evidation can provide you with the insights and articles you need to make the most of your wellness journey.

Figuring out how to lose weight is tough—and there's no reason to go through your weight loss journey alone. Whether you love swapping healthy recipes with friends, using technology to support you as you work toward your goal, or enjoy working with a professional to get the tips you need to take your weight loss to the next level, it can be helpful to lean on positive support as you work to become your healthiest self.

Introducing Evidation: a comprehensive health app

Knowledge is power when it comes to your health, and understanding your health data can provide you with the information you need to take your wellness to the next level.

The Evidation app is a simple, effective tool that helps you make the most of the data you're already tracking. Using the health-related information that you choose to share (such as data from fitness apps, nutrition apps, etc.), Evidation gives  recommendations, suggestions, and information that provide you with the knowledge you need to support your well-being.

How Evidation supports your weight-loss journey

Whether you're in the process of losing fat or you're trying to reduce your overall body mass index, Evidation allows you to see how your movement is supporting your overall health goals. By keeping track of your movement patterns throughout the day and week, we're able to provide you with the info you need to keep moving. 

Recent research shows that people who receive encouragement in the form of notifications tend to move more than those who don’t receive these notifications. Receiving nudges from your fitness and nutrition apps paired with the weekly insights you get from Evidation can support your forward progress.

Tracking what you eat can provide insights into your physical health and weight loss journey, and Evidation can provide you with the tips and suggestions you need to keep moving forward. When you're staying on top of your nutrition, you're better able to find patterns that can inform the decisions that help you feel your best.

Tracking your movement, nutrition, stress levels, and sleep patterns are all helpful when it comes to wellness and weight loss, but this information is even more powerful when it's analyzed on a macro level, allowing you to see connections and effects that might otherwise go unnoticed. At Evidation, we're here to help you make the most of the tracking you're already doing, pushing you toward success one day at a time.

Using Evidation to set and track personal goals

Evidation doesn't just give you the encouragement and insights you need to stay on track—it also rewards you for participating in activities that support your health. When you click on the "My Health" section of the Evidation app, you'll see your current behaviors compared to your recommended behaviors, allowing you to use research-based data to motivate and support positive changes.

If you're new to exercising, it can be tough to figure out where to start. When you connect your workout tracking apps, Evidation can provide you with workout tips, fitness-related nutrition tips (like finding the perfect pre-workout snack), and insights on how your movement is positively or negatively affecting your health.

Rewarding your steps toward wellness

No matter how you're sweating—walking, Pilates, at-home workouts, running, taking a fitness class—the Evidation app rewards you for working to be your best self. You'll also be rewarded for taking surveys, reading articles, and completing other activities that help to inform your next steps when it comes to hitting your goals.

Ways that you can earn points through the Evidation app can include:

  • Completing cards: When you open the app, you'll often see a survey or short questionnaire. Filling these out provides us with the information necessary to find nuanced insights within your health data—and provides you with points to use toward cash rewards.
  • Connecting a fitness app: That's right—simply connecting apps that track your health data is a step in the right direction, and we want to reward you for taking baby steps toward wellness.
  • Incorporating healthy movement: Managed to take 10,000 steps? Got a tough workout in? These actions contribute to your well-being and weight loss (if that's what you're working toward), and can earn points toward your next cash out.
  • Inviting others: You already know that weight loss is easier when you have community support. To encourage you to get your friends and family on board, you'll get points each time someone you invite decides to download and use the app.

Cashing out is simple. You'll earn $10 for every 10,000 points you earn on the app, and you can cash out through a bank deposit, PayPal payment, a prepaid VISA gift card, a gift card to a favorite merchant, or you can donate your cash to charity.

How Evidation can help you reduce anxiety in the weight loss process

Healthy movement and nutrition aren't the only factors when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. Understanding the role anxiety and other mental health issues play in weight loss is key to moving toward your goals.

Often, people who are working to lose weight feel anxiety when it's time to step on the scale. It can feel frustrating when you've put in a week or month of hard work, only to see that the scale isn't showing the results you hoped for.

By looking at the big picture, it can be easier to recognize that the scale is one form of measuring progress—but it's not the only form. Evidation can help you see the connections between your weight loss and wellness efforts and other facets of your well-being, reminding you that what you're doing is paying off, even if the numbers on the scale have yet to reflect your efforts.

Making the most of Evidation for wellness and weight-loss success

Whether you're getting started with a weight loss journey or you're working to maintain your weight, Evidation can support you as you move forward. Connecting your tracking apps (we support many apps, including MyFitnessPal, RunKeeper, Apple Health, Fitbit, Oura, Garmin, Google Fit, and more) can provide you with the insights you need to learn how one behavior affects another. We're excited to support you! Learn more about how Evidation works and download the app here.

Personal Health
July 17, 2024

Finding calm beyond the scale: navigating anxiety during the weight-loss process

5 minutes

Anxiety management is important for weight loss—check out some simple solutions for keeping your anxiety in check while you lose weight.

Stepping on the scale while trying to lose weight can be a source of anxiety for many. While the number on the scale is influenced by many factors, it's hard not to see it as a report card, letting you know if you've worked hard enough to get your desired result.

If you feel anxiety when it's time to step on the scale during your weight loss journey, you're not alone. Here, we'll take a look at why weight loss can trigger anxiety, why it's important to use the scale as a single tool in your toolbox of measurements for tracking your progress, and how you can reduce your anxiety as you work toward your goals.

Why weight loss can trigger anxiety

There's no way around it: losing weight is hard work. From increasing your movement to changing long-standing eating habits, changing the number you see on the scale is no small feat. Much like sitting down at a performance review or waiting to see your score on a test, it can be tough to get numerical feedback on your performance.

In addition to scale-related anxiety, giving up comfort behaviors (like eating food with low nutritional value as a means of coping with stress) can also ramp up anxiety. The idea of giving up these behaviors can be anxiety-producing, but it's important to discover new methods of self-care that also support your long-term goals.

While ups and downs are a normal part of every weight loss journey, taking steps to reduce anxiety can help you feel your best, stay focused, and can even help you continue to make forward progress. Let's take a look at why it's important to consider factors outside of the scale.

The risks of focusing solely on the scale

There are many factors that can influence the day-to-day numbers you see on the scale. Hormonal issues, new stressors, water retention due to sodium consumption and/or sore muscles, sleep, and even your body's rate of digestion can all cause normal fluctuations in weight.

When you only focus on what you see on the scale, you may be more inclined to self-sabotage your own hard work if your weight doesn't reflect your efforts. Seeing normal fluctuations can also cause some people to increase the intensity of their new habits, creating unsustainable routines. This can result in an endless cycle of ups and downs on the scale that can make it tough to stay motivated.

Tips for dealing with anxiety and weight loss

Thankfully, reducing anxiety and working toward healthy stress management doesn't just make it easier to stay on track. Over time, steps that you take to reduce your stress and anxiety levels can actually contribute to your progress.

Some ways that you can reduce anxiety while you're working to lose weight include:

  • Develop new comfort behaviors. Instead of turning to food or binge-watching TV for comfort, try reading a new book by a favorite author, listening to your favorite music, taking a walk, or engaging in a workout to lower stress and anxiety levels.
  • Remind yourself that change is uncomfortable. If it were easy to lose weight, you would have done it already. Reminding yourself that any type of life change is uncomfortable can help you remember that when things get tough, it's a sign you're doing the right thing.
  • Talk to loved ones. If you typically bond with your partner or other family members over food, talk to them about how you're working to get healthy, and work together to develop new routines to enjoy each other's company.
  • Prioritize self-care outside of the gym and the kitchen. Getting healthy isn't just about what you eat and how much you move. A solid self-care routine also means scheduling regular check-ups with your primary care provider, going to the dentist on at least a yearly basis, and learning to set boundaries at home and at work.

How to set realistic weight-loss goals

Talking with your doctor, certified personal trainer, or registered dietitian can be helpful in setting your weight loss goals. If the ever-rising costs of healthcare are stopping you from being able to chat with a healthcare provider or fitness professional, calculating your ideal body mass index can give you a general guideline to a healthy weight range for your body.

Losing one pound per week is a fantastic way to sustainably work toward your goals. It's important to remember that not every week will result in a lower number on the scale. Look for an overall downward trend over a couple of months, rather than focusing on your numbers from one week to the next.

Creating a supportive environment for weight loss

When you're working to lose weight and are living with anxiety, it's important that you prioritize your mental health. Creating a supportive environment is key to developing the behaviors that will keep you moving toward your goal weight.

Try these tips to begin the process of creating the supportive environment you need to stay on track throughout your weight loss process:

  • Consider exercising first thing in the morning. While you may need to wake up a bit earlier, getting healthy movement in before the day begins can help to ensure that nothing gets in your way when it comes to exercise.
  • Get your family on board. Letting others in your household know that you want to become healthier can help you get the support you need in the tough moments of your journey.
  • Try new healthy recipes (and keep your kitchen stocked with food that supports your goals). Eating well doesn't have to be bland (unless that's your thing), and trying new recipes can help you to get excited about discovering new foods that will become a part of your ongoing routine.

Health, powered by you

Developing an anxiety management plan while working toward sustainable weight loss requires a balanced approach. While the scale is a tool that can help you keep an eye on your progress, it's important to focus on the broader benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Focusing on how great you feel as you implement healthier habits can help you to stay on track, even during the weeks (or months!) when the scale isn't showing you the numbers you want to see.

At Evidation, we're here to provide you with the supportive, informative, results-driven content you need to make the most of your health journey. We're excited to help you make the most of your health data as you work to achieve the weight that makes you feel your best. Learn more about how Evidation works and get started today.

Personal Health
July 12, 2024

Weight loss worries: how anxiety may impact your journey to a healthier you

5 minutes

Anxiety can make it harder to lose weight. Emotional eating, sleep disturbances, and hormonal factors all play a role.

Anxiety can have a distinct impact on weight. Anxiety affects everyone differently, and the way that you handle anxiety and stress can determine whether it causes you to gain or lose weight.

If you're embarking on a weight loss journey, it's important to understand how your mental health can impact the time it takes for you to hit your goals. Here, we'll explore how anxiety can affect your weight loss, and what you can do to manage your anxiety in a way that supports your journey toward health.

Understanding the link between anxiety and weight loss

Physical and mental health are intertwined in myriad ways. For some people, anxiety and other mental health issues can manifest physically in the form of digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, changes in appetite, and more. For others, anxiety can cause a temporary decrease in appetite, only for the appetite to resurge as soon as the stressor is removed.

Regardless of whether anxiety causes your appetite to increase or decrease, many people living with anxiety find that it's tough to maintain a healthy weight. Anxiety can cause changes in the body's endocrine (hormone) system, which can make it even harder to change long-standing patterns that are stopping you from being your healthiest self.

Common anxiety-related barriers to weight loss

While combating anxiety can be a key component of successful, sustainable weight loss, understanding the barriers that anxiety and stress create is key to developing a plan that works for you.

Some of the issues related to anxiety that can make it harder to lose weight include:

Emotional eating habits

If you've ever found yourself mindlessly working your way through a family-size bag of chips after a stressful event, or you've absent-mindedly hit up the fast food drive-thru after a tough day at work, you're not alone. Emotional eating refers to using food to soothe stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions. For many, overcoming emotional eating is the first step toward lasting weight loss.

Hormonal issues

Hormones facilitate most processes in our bodies, including those related to appetite and metabolism. For women, life changes like perimenopause and menopause, bring hormonal changes that can affect body weight and body fat. For many people (men and women alike), hormonal issues are correlated with anxiety. Problems with gut health and anxiety are also commonly correlated, as the gut is responsible for the production of many different hormones.

Sleep problems

Getting enough sleep is vital for regulating the hormones that control hunger and appetite. Failing to get enough sleep can slow your metabolism, making it tougher to lose weight.

Skipping meals

We get it—it may feel tempting to skip a meal if you're not super-hungry, feel like you ate more than you needed earlier in the day, or if you're simply feeling a high level of anxiety. It's counterintuitive, but skipping meals can actually make it harder for you to lose weight.

When you don't get the calories and nutrients that you need to support your body, it's likely that you'll develop cravings for high-calorie, hyper-palatable foods. Eating balanced, nutrient-dense foods throughout the day is the best way to combat the binge-restrict cycle often experienced by people with anxiety who are trying to lose weight.

Strategies to manage anxiety while pursuing weight loss

Thankfully, there are plenty of techniques you can use to reduce anxiety while you're working toward your weight loss goals, including:

  • Exercise: Exercise isn't just great for your body—it's also hugely beneficial to your mind. Aerobic exercises (such as walking at a brisk pace or taking a dance class) have proven to be especially beneficial for anxiety management.
  • Meditation: Practicing meditation can help you get and stay in tune with your body. A 2017 research review showed that people who engaged in weight loss programs that included mindfulness practices like meditation were more easily able to lose weight and keep it off than those who used diet and exercise alone.
  • Journaling: Take a few minutes to journal your thoughts when you feel the urge to engage in emotional eating. Doing so may provide you with the anxiety relief you need without sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
  • Therapy: Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If your anxiety is interfering with your goals to get healthy and strong, talking to a professional can provide you with the personalized strategies you need to move forward.

The importance of mental health in weight loss

When it comes to losing weight, managing stress and anxiety is key. When mental health issues and anxiety are not addressed, emotional eating, sleep problems, and other factors can make it harder to move toward your goal. Working with a mental health professional can provide you with ongoing support to ensure that you're able to continue engaging in behaviors that contribute to you becoming your healthiest self.

How to build a supportive environment for anxiety management

It's important to create an environment that helps you keep the potential for anxiety low as you lose weight.

Some tips for creating a supportive environment for anxiety management include:

  • Keep your home clutter-free. Taking a few minutes each day to clear clutter can help you feel more relaxed at the end of each day.
  • Get social support. Joining a walking or jogging club, taking a workout class with friends, or even meeting up with others for a book club can all help reduce anxiety through strengthening social connections.
  • Be open about your goals. For some reason, it can be tough to tell others when we're working to lose weight. Being open and honest (instead of saying you already ate, you're not hungry, or you don't feel well) when offered foods that trigger your anxiety or don't align with your goals can help those around you offer the support you need.

Using technology to support a balanced, healthy approach to weight loss

Stress is a fact of life, and using technology can help you to manage your stress and anxiety levels when it comes to weight loss. Apps that track your activity levels, nutrition, and mood can all play a valuable role in helping you understand what's working for you in your weight loss journey (and where you can make adjustments to support your progress). When you use a variety of apps to support weight loss, you're better able to see the big picture, including changes in your mood, anxiety levels, and energy, than if you only relied on the number on the scale to determine whether you're moving toward your goals.

At Evidation, we're here to help you manage anxiety through the weight loss process by supporting a holistic approach to health and wellness. When you use apps to track your health data (such as physical activity, nutrition, sleep, hydration, etc.), and share that data with Evidation, we provide you with insights and articles that give you the information you need to stay motivated. Download the app today and get started—we can't wait to see what you accomplish!

Personal Health
July 10, 2024

Understanding the risks of rapid weight reduction strategies

9 minutes

Rapid weight loss can harm your metabolism, bone health, heart health, mental health, and more. Here's how to do it right.

Perhaps you have a big event coming up in a few weeks, or you're excited for a first date that you finally feel good about. Maybe you're prepping for a job interview, or you're getting ready for a vacation. There are many reasons why people search for terms like "how to lose weight fast" and "quick weight loss diet," but sadly, quick-fix weight loss often does more harm than good.

We get it—the promise of quick results can make rapid weight reduction strategies tempting. When you've decided that you're ready to start feeling better in your own skin, you want to get to your goal as soon as possible.

At Evidation, it's our goal to help you feel great, look great, and achieve optimal health. Here, we'll explore why rapid weight loss can be counterproductive to maintaining a healthy weight long-term, the physical and mental health risks that come with rapid weight loss, and how you can create a sustainable weight loss plan that will leave you feeling energized and motivated—not exhausted and insatiably hungry.

The impact of rapid weight loss on metabolism

Rapid weight loss doesn't just leave you ravenous in the short-term—it can also lead to metabolic changes that complicate long-term weight management.

When weight is lost quickly through significant calorie restriction, the body's basal metabolic rate (BMR)—the amount of calories the body burns in order to maintain basic physiological functions while at rest—decreases. From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes sense, as the brain and body receive the message that food is scarce.

By decreasing the number of calories your body burns at rest (a process known as metabolic adaptation or adaptive thermogenesis), your metabolism increases the likelihood that you'll make it out on the other side of a famine or other disaster. When your BMR drops, it makes weight loss more difficult, and can make it easier to regain the weight you've lost.

Loss of muscle mass is another factor that can cause the body's BMR to drop. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, meaning it uses more calories when the body is at rest than other types of tissue. When we lose weight rapidly, we often lose muscle along with fat and water. This means that while the scale may be showing weight loss, the weight that's being lost may negatively affect weight loss and maintenance efforts in the future.

Your endocrine (hormone) system can also be disrupted when you lose weight too quickly. Hormones that can be affected by rapid weight loss include:

  • Leptin: Produced by fat cells, this hormone works to regulate the body's energy balance by suppressing hunger. When you lose weight quickly, your body's leptin levels decrease, leading to increased appetite and a decreased BMR.
  • Ghrelin: Known as the hunger hormone, ghrelin stimulates appetite. When we lose weight too quickly, ghrelin levels tend to increase—perhaps as an evolutionary last-ditch effort to encourage our ancestors to procure and eat a healthy amount of calories.
  • Thyroid hormones: Your thyroid works to regulate your metabolism. Losing weight quickly can reduce the amount of thyroid hormones your body produces, which can lead to lower energy expenditures and slower metabolic processes.
  • Insulin: While weight loss is typically positive for people who are diabetic or pre-diabetic, rapid weight reduction can cause dangerous blood sugar and insulin fluctuations that can cause metabolic disturbances.

If you've used rapid weight loss strategies before and fear that you may have negatively affected your metabolism, it may be more difficult—but not impossible—for you to lose weight in the future. If you have a history of yo-yo dieting or rapid weight loss, it's a good idea to talk with your doctor about what type of nutrition and exercise plan will best support your weight loss efforts.

Health effects of losing weight too quickly

Your metabolism isn't the only bodily system that can be negatively affected by losing weight too quickly. Some of the additional health effects of rapid weight loss include:

  • Nutrient deficiencies: Nutrient deficiencies are common among people who lose weight fast, as it can be difficult to maintain a low calorie diet while still consuming all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive. Many people who lose weight too quickly find that they feel tired and get sick more often. Providing the body with the right nutrients in the right dosages can help to boost your energy and support a healthy immune system while you're working to lose weight.
  • Gallstones: When your body loses weight quickly, the liver releases extra cholesterol. While this effect is usually temporary, you may experience the formation of gallstones. These hardened bile deposits can cause sudden and intense abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and more. If you develop gallstones and experience symptoms, you'll likely need to have surgery to have them removed.
  • Loss of bone density: Your body needs adequate nutrients to support your bone health. When you work to lose weight through crash dieting, it's likely that your body is not getting all of the bone-healthy nutrients necessary to keep you healthy and strong, leading to an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
  • Cardiovascular stress: Weight loss is taxing on the heart, and it's important to prioritize your cardiac health as you're working to become your healthiest self. Extreme and rapid weight loss can stress the cardiovascular system, eventually leading to arrhythmias or other dangerous cardiac issues. If you've gone through extended periods of extreme weight loss, it's a good idea to talk with your doctor about any health screenings you may need to protect your heart.

Psychological effects of rapid weight loss

We know that rapid weight loss wreaks havoc on the body—but it can also harm your mental health. The psychological effects of rapid weight loss are unfortunately myriad, and can require help from a trained mental health professional to overcome.

Some of the psychological issues associated with rapid weight loss include:

  • Increased eating disorder risk: Some people who lose weight quickly find that they develop unhealthy eating behaviors and an obsessive focus on how they look. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorders can all take hold following a period of rapid, unhealthy weight loss.
  • Increased stress and anxiety: While going through a period of rapid weight loss, it can be hard to stick to the rules and regimens that come with a serious cut in calories (and a serious uptick in exercise). Some people find that sticking to a strict diet can cause constant feelings of stress and anxiety. These negative issues can become even more difficult to handle if the person who is crash dieting is afraid of regaining the weight.
  • Mood swings: In order to stay calm and productive throughout the day, it's important to provide your body with the nutrients that it needs to thrive. Severe calorie restriction can result in irritability and a lack of mood regulation, and can eventually alter brain function.
  • Obsessive thoughts: There's nothing wrong with thinking about the foods that help you feel your best. That being said, you're venturing into dangerous territory if you're beginning to obsess about your weight loss plan. If you're noticing obsessive thoughts about your body image, weight, or the food you eat, it's a good idea to reach out to a mental health professional who specializes in obsessive thoughts (OCD) and/or eating disorders.

Many people who have experienced rapid weight loss followed by rapid weight gain feel discouraged and unmotivated to keep working to get healthy. It can be helpful to remind yourself that once you lose weight the right way, you’re more likely to keep it off. Making one healthy decision at a time, and taking the process one day at a time, can help to move you toward your goal weight.

Sustainable weight loss: a healthier alternative

Exercising regularly and eating the right amount of calories for your body sounds simple, but doing so is often easier said than done. Understanding your caloric needs, properly estimating the amount of calories you burn during exercise, and managing your stress levels can all help you reach your weight loss goals.

To create a plan for sustainable weight loss, it's important to start by understanding your unique caloric needs. While understanding your body mass index (BMI) can give you some insight into how many calories you're burning each day, a registered dietitian or nutritionist can help you determine how to create a healthy meal plan that you love to support your weight loss efforts.

Not quite ready to reach out to a professional for help with your diet? We get it! It can take some time to understand how different foods affect your body. Keeping track of what you eat can help you identify patterns and find weak spots that are keeping you from hitting your goals. If you're struggling to understand where you're at nutritionally, you may want to take a week or two to log all the drinks and food you consume, allowing you to get a crystal-clear picture of your starting point. Remember, there's no need for shame—you're working hard to get your health on track, and that's an admirable pursuit.

You'll also need to accurately estimate the amount of calories that your body burns while you're exercising. Using a wearable fitness tracker can help motivate you to keep moving during the day. You may notice that different apps and tracking devices provide you with different estimates of how many calories you burn during physical activity. Stick to a single wearable fitness device and/or fitness tracker that you enjoy, wear it consistently, and set achievable movement goals that will keep you motivated and moving forward.

Finally, reaching out for help is often a key part of a sustainable weight loss plan. If you're experiencing physical health issues due to past rapid weight loss, it's important to talk with your doctor or other healthcare provider about potential issues that may need to be addressed before you begin a new weight loss plan. If you find that you're obsessing over calories eaten and calories burned, it's a good idea to talk with a mental health professional who specializes in eating disorders.

There's no need to try and drop weight quickly—as you know, when you lose weight rapidly, it comes back just as quickly as it left. Setting a goal of losing 1 pound per week gives your body the time it needs to adapt to your new, post-weight-loss metabolic needs, and also provides your mind with the time it needs to become accustomed to new, healthy behaviors.

Common myths about rapid weight loss debunked

If you've been spending some time searching for information about how to lose weight quickly, it's likely that you've spent plenty of time reading contradictory articles, leading you to wonder what's true and what's false when it comes to weight loss.

Let's take a look at some of the most common myths about weight loss:

Myth: You have to avoid carbohydrates in order to lose weight.

Truth: Carbs hold water, and when you cut them out of your diet, you're likely to experience a quick drop in water weight. That being said, carbs are an essential source of energy that can keep you pushing through a tough workout. Eating the right carbs at the right times can help you feel your best and move toward your healthiest sustainable weight.

Myth: You can't snack and lose weight.

Truth: If you're experiencing extreme hunger regularly, it's likely that your plan isn't sustainable. Fiber-packed snack options like vegetables, fruits, and nuts can help to hold you over to your next meal when you're feeling peckish.

Myth: Nighttime eating leads to weight gain.

Truth: Weight gain happens when you consistently take in more calories than you burn. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat, as long as your meals are contributing to your energy levels in a way that helps you feel your best.

When it comes to weight loss, looking for a quick fix typically backfires. No matter where you're at on your weight loss journey, exploring sustainable ways to improve your health will carry you closer to your goal.

Sustainability is key when it comes to creating a weight loss plan that works. You're likely already using apps like Lose It!, Apple Health, FitBit, and other fitness and nutrition trackers—and at Evidation, we're here to help you put the health data you share with us to good use. With your permission, we use the health data you're already tracking to provide you with insights that can help you understand how you can take your progress to the next level. Learn more and download our app today to learn more about healthy eating, get the accountability you need to stay on track, and get rewarded for engaging in the healthy activities you're already doing.

Personal Health
July 3, 2024

Proactive health, bright future: the vital role of regular check-ups in men's health

5 minutes

Going to the doctor isn't a sign of weakness—it's a sign of intelligence and responsibility. Learn more about why check-ups are vital to men's health.

Studies show that men assume they're healthier than others—even when this isn't the case. 65% of men believe they're "naturally healthier than others in general," while 40% of men state that they get their health advice from social media.

One possible reason why so many men believe they're healthier than others: many health conditions that affect men are silent killers. Heart disease, colon cancer, and high blood pressure can all quickly turn life-threatening, despite patients having no prior symptoms.

Here, we'll explore why check-ups are so important for men, the numbers you should be discussing with your doctor annually, and how you can make small lifestyle changes to support your overall wellness.

Why regular check-ups are essential for men's health

Regular health care screenings and check-ups are essential for men's wellness, yet only three out of every five men get an annual physical. 40% of men only schedule an appointment with their doctor when they have a serious medical condition.

While it can be easy to put off a doctor's appointment when everything is going well, doing so can be deadly. According to the Centers for Disease Control, if all U.S. residents received the recommended preventative care protocols, over 100,000 lives could be saved each year.

Regular check-ups also give you a chance to get to know your doctor, allowing them to develop a baseline for your health. For example, if you typically have low blood pressure, your doctor will realize that deviation from that is abnormal for you, even though your number may register as normal on a typical scale. When you're familiar with your doctor through regular visits, you also get to develop a level of comfort that can make it easier to reach out in the event that something feels off.

What to expect during a typical men's health check-up

It's normal to be unsure of what to expect during a check-up if it's been awhile since you've seen a doctor.

Typically, a men's health check-up includes:

  • Physical exam: Your doctor will likely check your eyes, ears, throat, reflexes, abdomen, limbs, breathing, heart rate, genitals, and joints. Your doctor will also listen to your heart and address any concerns.
  • Screenings: Depending on your age, family history, and health history, your doctor may take your blood pressure, perform a prostate exam, and/or perform a hernia exam.
  • Lab testing: Your doctor may perform or order lab tests, such medical imaging tests, or a cholesterol screening.
  • Immunizations: Your care provider will likely recommend some vaccinations, such as the flu shot, COVID-19 vaccine, or a tetanus shot.

Your check-up will be tailored to your needs, and your doctor will work with you to address any concerns that you bring to your visit. Your doctor may recommend a follow-up visit to discuss new medications or to monitor a health issue.

Key health metrics to monitor during regular check-ups

Keeping tabs on certain health metrics can help you and your doctor spot health issues early on, leading to simpler/more effective treatment. If your doctor is unable to treat a concern within your metrics, they may refer you to a specialty provider who can provide the diagnosis and care that you need.

Health metrics that your doctor may monitor at your yearly appointments include:

  • Blood pressure: There's a reason healthcare professionals call high blood pressure the silent killer—the condition usually doesn't present any noticeable symptoms until it's too late. Your doctor may talk with you about lifestyle changes or medications that can help control your blood pressure.
  • Cholesterol levels: According to a study from Harvard University, one in six Americans has high cholesterol. Exercising, quitting smoking, and eating a diet low in processed food can all help to lower your cholesterol.
  • Waist circumference: Keeping an eye on your waistline can help you understand your risk for certain health conditions, including metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. The risk of developing these conditions rises for men with a waist circumference of more than 40 inches.
  • Resting heart rate: Used in conjunction with your blood pressure reading, keeping track of your resting heart rate can provide you and your physician with insights into your cardiac and overall health.

The impact of lifestyle on men's health

Your doctor will talk with you about your lifestyle during your check-up. While it can be tempting to fib, be honest with your doctor about smoking, drinking, eating habits, mental health, and other issues that may feel a little uncomfortable to talk about.

Your doctor isn't there to judge you—they're there to help you stay healthy and feel your best. Your doctor has already seen and heard it all, and nothing you say is going to surprise them when it comes to your habits and health. The more information you provide your doctor, the better they're able to support your healthcare needs.

The connection between regular check-ups and longevity

Men are at a higher risk than women for heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and suicide. On average, men die six years before women, and getting regular check-ups can help to lengthen your life and preserve the quality of your day-to-day life. Even when you're feeling fantastic, checking in with your doctor once a year can give you peace of mind that you're doing well.

How technology is changing men's health check-ups

From wearable devices to online doctor's appointments, technology is making it easier than ever to get the care that you need. While virtual care can be an excellent stand-in when you aren't able to make it to the doctor and have an acute care need, it's vital that you see your doctor face-to-face for a check-up at least once a year. If you haven't seen your primary care provider over the past year, make an appointment today (and encourage others to do the same).

Taking action before there's a problem is one of the smartest things you can do to preserve your health. When you check-in with your doctor on a regular basis, you're lowering the likelihood that a symptom of something serious could go unnoticed. Tracking your own health can help, too—check out how the Evidation app utilizes your health data (with your permission) to provide content and insights designed to support your needs.

Personal Health
June 28, 2024

Summer fruits to stay hydrated and healthy: how to turn them into a habit

4 minutes

Enjoying fresh summer fruits like tomatoes, watermelon, cucumbers, apples, and strawberries can provide your body with a hydration boost.

Spending time in the summer sun can feel amazing, but it's important to make sure you're taking steps to protect your body from the heat. Staying hydrated is vital for your overall well-being, especially when you're spending time in hot temperatures, when the risk of dehydration is higher.

Drinking plenty of water is an important part of staying hydrated, but the fruits that you enjoy can also play a vital role in making sure you're getting enough H2O.

Here, we'll take a look at exactly why it's so important that you keep your body hydrated during the summer, and what fruits and vegetables you can rely on to provide your body with an extra water boost (and some fantastic additional health benefits).

The importance of hydration in the summer months

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is important no matter what the temperature outside. When you become dehydrated, your body no longer has the water it needs to function properly. This can cause problems with digestion, regulating your body temperature, moving oxygen throughout the body to fuel activity, and regulating bodily chemicals.

Between increased activity levels to sky-high outdoor temperatures, it's easy to become dehydrated in the summer. After just a few hours in the sun, dehydration can easily set in. If you're sweating, you're at an even higher risk of losing the water you need to feel your best.

If you're engaging in cardiovascular exercise (like hiking, swimming, or playing a sport), it's easier to become dehydrated. Certain groups, including older adults, children, and babies, are more likely to become dehydrated than other groups. In addition to taking frequent breaks, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding the sun when it's at its peak (generally from 10 am to 2 pm), eating summer fruits that have a high water content can help you get the hydration your body needs.

Nutritional benefits of summer fruits

In addition to helping you stay hydrated, enjoying fresh fruit provides multiple health benefits, including:

Top hydrating fruits for summer

Ready to give your body what it needs to stay hydrated this summer? Fantastic! In addition to drinking the recommended amount of water for your needs each day, add these summer fruits to your meals and snacks for an extra hydration boost.


Believe it or not, cucumbers are actually considered a fruit, and these refreshing delights are perfect for upping the hydration of both sweet and savory summer favorites. Made up of 95% water, cucumbers pack a hydration punch! Chop fresh cucumbers to sprinkle on a salad, or slice them up to create these Mexican-inspired spicy cucumber sandwiches.


Made up of 92% water, watermelon isn't just great for staying hydrated—it's also loaded with fiber and vitamin C. For an extra-refreshing treat, slice watermelon into cubes, stick each cube with a popsicle stick, and freeze for a vitamin-packed, hydrating boost that cools you off fast.


Red tomatoes are loaded with even more water than watermelon! The fruit's 94% water content makes it a great way to add hydration to summer sandwiches and salads. Snacking on chilled cherry tomatoes can help you hit your hydration goals while also enjoying the fruit's antioxidant punch.


Apples: they're not just for fall! Coming in at 84% water content, fresh apples are a delicious option to help you get the water you need. Believe it or not, studies show that eating an apple first thing in the morning can provide you with more of an energy boost than drinking a cup of coffee. Apples can also support gut health and may lower the risk of heart disease.


There's nothing better than a ripe, juicy orange, and with a water content of 87%, oranges are the perfect way to hydrate on hot summer days. An important note: while orange juice can be hydrating, you're better off eating the whole fruit. The blood sugar spike caused by a glass of juice can leave you feeling less than your best, but eating a whole orange gives your body the fiber it needs to process the fruit's high sugar content.


Tying with watermelon at a 92% water content, ripe summer strawberries are a great fit to help you stay hydrated. Try enjoying a few with your breakfast, slicing some up for a snack, or mixing them into yogurt for a refreshing mid-afternoon treat.

Creative ways to incorporate summer fruits into your diet

Looking for fun ways to enjoy more fruit this summer? Try these ideas:

  • Slaws: When you're making a slaw for a picnic, add diced strawberries or matchstick-sliced apples for an unexpected burst of sweetness.
  • Grill it up: Brush your favorite summer fruit with a little bit of oil, then grill for a few minutes to bring out the fruit's natural sugars.
  • Smoothies: Creating a whole-fruit smoothie once a day can be a great way to get a wide variety of fruits into your diet.
  • Swap syrup for purees: Instead of topping your favorite waffles or pancakes with sweet maple syrup, make your own puree out of your favorite summer fruits.

Ready to Feel Your Best? Download Evidation Today!

Staying hydrated during summer doesn't have to be boring—it can also be delicious. Loading up on your favorite fruits can help you enjoy nutrient-dense hydration. When you download the Evidation app, you'll receive content-based suggestions that provide you with even more tips to help you stay healthy and hydrated. You'll also get personalized insights on sleep, activity, and mood to help you make the most of your health data. Download the app today to get started and learn more!

Personal Health
June 7, 2024

15 Men's health and wellness tips and how to track habits with Evidation

10 minutes

Explore several strategies to support men's health, including prioritizing mental health, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, getting quality sleep, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Today's world is more fast-paced than ever, and it can be especially tough for men to stay on top of health and wellness needs. At Evidation, we're here to help. Our app utilizes the health data you're already tracking (with your permission) to provide you with personalized advice and insights to help you achieve your health goals.

Here, we'll take a look at men's health concerns, discuss steps that you can take to feel your best, and explore how technology can support your health journey.

Men's health concerns and conditions

In today's society, many men are expected to be self-reliant. This can make it tough to discuss and ask for help with self-care and wellness issues. Doing so, however, can be life-saving.

The Evidation app works to provide you with targeted action steps designed for your specific needs. We utilize your health data to give you the information you need to move your health forward, one action at a time.

Some of the data points that you may choose to share with Evidation include:

  • Daily steps
  • Workouts
  • Food tracking
  • Water consumption
  • Heart rate
  • Sleep data
  • Weight
  • Body fat percentage
  • Blood pressure

We'll also ask you simple, quick survey questions that will help us get a better picture of your overall mental and physical health, so we can provide you with the articles and insights you need to feel your best.

While we love providing our members with personalized tips that help them move forward. We're also here to support your health with action steps that fit well into the health plans of most men. Let's take a look at behaviors you can begin to incorporate into your daily life to give your wellness a boost.

Incorporate regular exercise

It's easy to get into a rut when it comes to exercise. Maybe you've fallen into the "I'll start on Monday" trap, only to find yourself perpetually waiting for a fresh start. Perhaps you're hitting the gym, but spending more time searching for the perfect playlist than actually hitting the weights.

When you sync your fitness tracking app with Evidation, you'll get tips and tricks that can help you make the most of your workouts. Challenging your body is key to boosting your fitness level, and to maintaining the gains you've already made.

First, consider your expectations. Focusing on how great you feel after a good workout—rather than how fast your biceps are growing or how quickly the scale is changing—can help you stay on track even when your results take more time than you'd like to come through.

It's also key to remember that some exercise is better than none. Going for a 15-minute jog after dinner might not get you the same results as spending hours in the gym, but it still contributes to your overall health.

Finally, consider what types of exercise you enjoy. If you love playing soccer, for example, check out adult leagues in your area. If you can't get enough time outdoors, ask a friend or family member to join you for a hike next weekend. Exercise you enjoy is just as effective as exercise you hate. While it can be tempting to overdo it when you're working to get fit, doing so can contribute to burnout.

Follow a balanced diet

Eating within your daily caloric limit is smart for maintaining your weight, and one of the keys to feeling your best is ensuring that you're including foods that support your health in your nutrition plan. When you sync your food tracking app with Evidation, we'll provide you with tips and tricks that can help you move toward your health goals.

Foods that support men's specific health needs include:

  • Turkey breast: With seven grams of protein per ounce, it's hard to beat turkey when it comes to fueling your workouts. Turkey is also loaded with zinc, B vitamins, and selenium, a cancer-fighting mineral.
  • Cherries: Men experience gout more frequently than women, and research has shown that eating cherries regularly can help to prevent the condition. Cherries are also packed with anthocyanins, an anti-inflammatory compound.
  • Seafood: Oysters, shrimp, clams, crab, and other shellfish contain loads of zinc, which can boost testosterone levels and support prostate health. Salmon, halibut, and sardines are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which work to reduce inflammation, lower the risk of heart disease, and reduce levels of unhealthy fats in the bloodstream.
  • Blueberries: Snacking on a handful of blueberries doesn't just give you a boost of antioxidants—they also pack vitamin K, vitamin C, and flavonoids, which can help support men's reproductive health.

Prioritize mental health

We know it can be tough to talk about mental health, especially if you typically manage your emotions in private. Mental health issues can be caused by myriad factors, including genetics, past trauma, family history, brain chemistry changes due to medications for other issues, and more.

Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness. Around the world, men are twice as likely to die of suicide than women. Mental health is the same as any other type of health. You wouldn't try to tough your way through cancer without treatment, and there's no reason to try to tough your way through a mental health issue.

Reaching out to a counselor is a great way to start talking about mental health. If you’re unsure of what to expect when starting therapy, you aren’t alone. Your therapist isn’t there to judge you or criticize your choices. Rather, they’re there to provide an impartial, third-party view into your life, allowing you to talk through problems, consider new ideas, and work through issues that may be affecting your current happiness.

If you're having thoughts of suicide, or you're experiencing a crisis, call or text 988 to talk with a mental health professional for support.

Get quality sleep

Racing thoughts, anxiety, digestive issues, late-night work emails—there are countless factors that can make it tough to get the quality sleep you need to thrive.

Using a sleep tracking app can be a smart way to understand how much shut-eye you're actually getting, and syncing your sleep tracking app with Evidation can help us provide you with the information you need to boost the quality of your rest.

Some tips to boost your sleep quality include:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day
  • Stay away from alcohol within six hours of bedtime
  • Avoid eating large meals or exercising before bed
  • Keep your bedroom cool (around 65 degrees) and dark

If you're consistently tired despite seeming to get enough sleep, contact your healthcare provider, as this can be a sign of a health condition like sleep apnea.

Maintain a healthy weight

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is just one facet of wellness. People who have obesity or are overweight are at higher risk for a variety of health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, osteoarthritis, mental illness, chronic pain, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and more.

Keeping track of your weight, exercise, and nutritional intake can all help you work toward and/or maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to sync your fitness and nutrition trackers to Evidation so we can provide you with the information you need to get to or maintain a weight that's right for your body.

Manage stress

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and learning how to manage stress well can make a major difference in your overall well-being. If you're exhibiting signs of stress like trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, irritability, or using substances to cope, it's time to develop an effective stress management plan.

Some tips to lower stress levels include:

  • Prioritize social connection
  • Get higher-quality sleep
  • Increase physical exercise (get outside if you can!)
  • Talk to a mental health professional

Stay hydrated

Drinking water is vital to feeling alert, fighting illness, and getting the most out of your workouts. Carrying a large water bottle throughout the day can make it easier to get the hydration you need to thrive.

Using a water tracking app can help give you reminders to drink throughout the day. If you have a water tracking app, sync it to Evidation so that we can support you in meeting your hydration goals.

Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol affects people differently. While some men have no problem having a beer once a week, others struggle to limit their alcohol consumption.

Risks of heavy alcohol consumption (consuming 15 drinks or more per week, or consuming more than five drinks in a period of two to three hours) for men include:

  • Higher risk of violence and injury
  • Increased likelihood of risky behavior
  • Sexual dysfunction and endocrine issues
  • Increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer

If you'd like to cut down on your drinking but aren't sure where to start, click here to talk to someone who can help.

Don't smoke

This one is a no-brainer: smoking increases your risk of cancer, harms your respiratory and circulatory systems, and can wreak havoc on your teeth. If you smoke, quit. If you're having trouble quitting, talk to your healthcare provider about how you can stop smoking for good.

Prioritize preventive care

It's easy to put off regular check-ups, skin cancer screenings, colonoscopies, dental appointments, and other important health-related appointments. Doing so, however, can be harmful to your health.

Health screenings can help your care provider detect conditions early, which can increase the likelihood of an effective treatment plan. If you're not sure whether you're up to date on health screenings, reach out to your care provider(s) to schedule any necessary appointments. Good news: most health plans are legally required to cover preventive care services at no cost to you.

Practice safe sex

Practicing safe sex habits can protect your overall health. Talking to new partners about their sexual history and contraception, using condoms, and getting regular tests for STIs can help you stay safe.

If you're at risk for HIV, it's a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider about pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, a medication that reduces the likelihood that you'll contract HIV after exposure. Your doctor can work with you to help you decide if this is a good option for you.

Cultivate social connections

Connecting with others is key to boosting your well-being, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Supportive, stable relationships with family, friends, and others in your community can make it easier to cope when life gets tough.

If you're working to build your social connections, it's OK to start small. Sending a text to a friend you haven't talked to in a while, reaching out to your parents to see how they're doing, or making small talk with your neighbors can all be solid starting points in creating the relationships that will support your mental health.

Protect your skin

After age 50, skin cancer becomes more common in men than women, and about 1 in 27 men will experience melanoma at some point in their lifetimes, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your skin from sun damage, including:

  • Stay out of the sun between 10 am and 2 pm, when the sun is at its peak
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30
  • Cover your body as much as comfortably possible when outdoors
  • Stay away from tanning beds
  • Seek shade outdoors whenever possible

Limit screen time

Falling into the trap of non-stop scrolling? You're not alone. Worldwide, people spend about 40% of their waking hours on screens. Not every moment spent looking at a screen is detrimental, but cutting down on the amount of time you spend looking at your phone can help you reconnect with the people who are around you in your real life.

Try these tips to cut down on your screen time:

  • Know where you're starting. Checking your screen time on your phone can give you some insight. Remember, watching TV, scrolling on a computer or tablet, and playing video games also count, so your phone's screen time tracker isn't the end-all-be-all when it comes to understanding your screen time.
  • Make it harder to grab your phone. If you can, place your phone in another room for an hour or two a day. Notice how often you reach for your device—despite not actually needing it.
  • Create screen-free times at home. Setting your phone aside while you're eating, playing with your kids, spending time with your partner, or enjoying a hobby can help reset your brain so that you're not constantly craving a quick scroll.

Seek professional help

No matter how hard you try, no man is an island. Reaching out to others for help is vital in keeping your body healthy and getting the support that you need. Working with a personal trainer, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or simply getting that check-up you've been putting off for years can work wonders in helping you protect your health.

Exercising regularly, prioritizing your mental health, getting out of the constant scrolling habit, maintaining a social life—taking care of your own wellness can feel like a full-time job, and we're here to help. June is National Men's Health Month, and there's no better time than the present to start the process of taking control of your health. At Evidation, we're excited to partner with you and help you take the steps necessary to feel your best. Click here to download Evidation and learn more about how our app can support you.

Personal Health
May 31, 2024

Understanding men's mental health: breaking the stigma

5 minutes

Societal stigma and fear of judgment can make it tough for men to discuss mental health. Here, we're tackling the topic together.

In 2021, it was estimated that nearly 20% of men were living with a mental illness. In the same year, 82% of men reported dealing with extreme stress, and 73% reported experiencing anxiety. If you're a man living with a mental health issue, you may feel like you're alone, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Men's health is often ignored due to stigma and societal conditioning. While the tides are slowly turning, many men still feel uncomfortable discussing mental health issues, reporting embarrassment and negative stigma as the reasons they're hesitant to reach out. While talking about mental health can take courage, it's essential that men in crisis seek help. In 2021, deaths by suicide were four times higher in males than in females.

Here, we'll explore the steps that you can take to protect your mental health, as well as how you can get the care you need if you're struggling.

An important note: if you're having thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else, or if you're dealing with a crisis or emergency, call or text 988 to connect with a mental health professional who can support you.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety

Sometimes, it can be hard to recognize the signs of mental health distress in men.

Physical symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Clenched jaw and/or grinding teeth
  • Pounding heart and/or high blood pressure
  • Indigestion, stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea
  • Unexplained weight changes
  • Chest pain, pounding heart, and/or high blood pressure

Psychological symptoms may include:

  • Decreased productivity
  • Increased substance use
  • Decreased anger control
  • Changes in relationships
  • Withdrawal
  • Sadness and crying

The role of healthy habits in mental health management

Incorporating healthy behaviors into your day-to-day life can go a long way in supporting your mental health. If you've been feeling overwhelmed, or you've fallen off of using healthy habits to manage your stress levels, it can feel like a struggle to get back into the habits that help you feel your best. Thankfully, adding just one or two healthy habits to your daily routine can support your mental health.

Stress management techniques: mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises

Taking just a few minutes each day to incorporate stress management techniques can help you keep your cool throughout the day, no matter what life brings your way. Paying attention to your surroundings can help you practice mindfulness. Simply put away your phone and take a few moments to notice what's happening in the world around you. Using meditation apps and other relaxation tools can also help you stay centered despite stressors that occur in your day.

Exercise and physical activity: boosting mood and reducing anxiety

Exercise can work wonders when it comes to stress relief. Using a tracker on your phone can be a great way to keep an eye on your physical health, and to notice how your stress levels shift depending on your activity. The positive effects of exercise aren't in your head—research shows that physical activity works to stimulate chemicals in your brain that reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

Nutrition and diet: fueling the mind and body for mental wellness

When you eat in a way that fuels your body, you get the energy that's necessary to cope with difficult emotions, including stress, according to Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Adding omega-3 fats (such as those found in seafood) and loading up on veggies can help to regulate your body's levels of cortisol (a stress hormone).

Sleep hygiene: the importance of quality sleep for mental health

Getting high-quality sleep can make a world of difference when it comes to mental health, but often, getting a good night of shut-eye is more easily said than done. Using a sleep tracking app can provide you with some insight on where you're starting with your sleep hygiene, and can inform your next steps when it comes to getting the rest you need.

Thankfully, there are some simple steps that you can take to increase the quality of your sleep:

  • Wake up and go to bed at the same time each day
  • Abstain from drinking alcohol for at least six hours before going to bed
  • Stop drinking caffeinated beverages after noon
  • Spend some time exercising each day, and don't exercise too close to bedtime if it makes it harder for you to sleep
  • Keep your room around 65 degrees
  • Use light-blocking curtains to make your room as dark as possible

Social connection and support systems: building strong relationships

Connecting with friends, family, and those in your community can help to bolster your mental health. Spending time with others doesn't just help your well-being in the moment—doing so can also help you to recover from anxiety, stress, and depression, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Seeking professional help: therapy, counseling, and other resources

If you're struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, or another mental health issue, you aren't alone. While it can feel nerve-wracking to reach out for help, doing so can be a life-saving sign of strength. If you're not sure where to start, click here to take a look at Mental Health First Aid, where you'll be able to access screenings and learn more about treatment options. Working with a therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist can help you learn the coping strategies necessary to manage stress, anxiety, and depression.

If you notice that a friend or a loved one is struggling with their mental health, don't hesitate to reach out to them and offer them support when necessary. Letting them know that you're on their side and there to help can turn the tides for someone who is in the throes of anxiety, depression, or extreme stress.

While prioritizing your mental health can take some practice, it's an important step in creating an overall sense of well-being. Taking steps to manage anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health issues can help you fully enjoy your life, and incorporating healthy habits into your routine can support your efforts to improve your mental health. The Evidation app, with your permission, uses the health data you're already tracking to provide you with personalized insights and articles to help you make the most of every day. Click here to check out the app and learn more.

Personal Health
May 24, 2024

10 easy tips to stay healthy in the summer with Evidation's expert advice

10 minutes

10 tips for the summer season to keep you healthy, including travel health advice, self-care planning, and staying safe when exercising outdoors.

The warmth of the summer sun is just around the corner! From the feel of the ocean on your toes to the sound of little ones playing outside enjoying the warm weather, summer is a fantastic chance to reset and relax. At Evidation, we're here to help you feel your best, and that includes providing you with expert tips to help you stay safe and healthy this summer. Let's take a look at 10 ways you can boost your wellness in June, July, and August.

1. Sun safety: Tips for protecting your skin

Wearing sunscreen every day is a simple, effective way to protect both the health and the appearance of your skin. Even if you've already been applying SPF as a part of your normal skincare routine, be sure you're also following this expert advice to keep your skin healthy this summer.

  • Get the SPF you need. For daily skincare, you'll want to choose sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. If you're going to be spending time outdoors, you'll want to shoot for an SPF of at least 60.
  • Use the correct amount. Most people don't use enough sunscreen, which can lessen your protection against the sun's rays. You'll need to use about an ounce of sunscreen to protect your arms, legs, face, and neck. An ounce of sunscreen is enough to completely cover your palm prior to application.
  • Reapplication matters. Experts recommend that you reapply your sunscreen at least every two hours, especially if you're swimming or sweating. If you're only spending time indoors, however, reapplication may not be necessary.
  • Take additional precautions. While sunscreen is a simple and effective way to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, using additional sun protection is a smart move. Sunglasses, protective clothing, and wide-brimmed hats can all provide a physical barrier that can work to keep your skin safe.

2. Hydration: Staying cool and hydrated in the heat

Nothing beats a cold glass of water on a hot summer day, and your body will thank you every time you hydrate while you're spending time in the heat. This is especially important when you're exercising outdoors, or when you're spending time in extreme temperatures.

According to Sarah Adler, a performance dietitian with UCLA Health Sports Performance, about 60% of the body is made up of water, and it's super-important that we replenish water lost through sweat during the hot summer months. Adler says that proper hydration is necessary to support brain function, support mood, regulate body temperature, and to keep the digestive system running smoothly.

Not sure how much water you need to drink each day? We get it – there's plenty of conflicting information out there, and it can be hard to pinpoint your exact hydration needs. Adler recommends that people should drink between .5 and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day, and people who are exercising or working in the summer heat should make the 1 ounce per pound guideline their hydration minimum.

"We may need more, we may need less," says Adler. While you should certainly drink when you're thirsty, this isn't always the most reliable indicator that you need to hydrate. For some people, thirst doesn't become apparent until the body has already become dehydrated. Adler says that noting the color of your urine can be a much more accurate way to assess your body's hydration needs – a light, pale yellow color can be a sign that your body is properly hydrated.

3. Healthy eating: Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables

In addition to drinking plenty of water, enjoying hydrating foods can help you feel your best. Produce options loaded with water include lettuce, watermelon, strawberries, bell peppers, celery, and tomatoes.

Enjoying fresh summer produce isn't just great for keeping your body hydrated, however. Many fruits and veggies are in season during the summer months, allowing you to enjoy maximum flavor and maximum nutritional benefits.

While the exact fruits and vegetables that are in season during the summer vary depending on your location, common summer season produce includes:

  • Apples
  • Artichokes
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Beets
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Grapes
  • Kiwi
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Peas
  • Strawberries

If you're able, summer can be a fantastic time to load your freezer up with produce. Freezing fruits and veggies in-season can give you a delicious treat to enjoy once the weather turns chilly in a few months.

4. Exercise: Fun and fitness in the sun

It feels great to get out and enjoy exercise in the summer, but it's important that you take precautions to stay safe in the heat. It can be easy to overdo it, and you may not notice signs of struggle until your body is already in the throes of a health issue.

Follow these tips from the American Heart Association in order to prioritize your safety while exercising in the summer:

  • Consider your timing. If possible, you'll want to exercise in the morning or evening. Summer days tend to be the hottest between noon and 3 pm, so avoid exercising outdoors during these hours if you can.
  • Drink water regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty. If you're hitting the road or the trails, bring water with you, or plan for water stops along your route. If you're exercising in especially hot temperatures, or you're going to be working out for more than an hour, you'll also need to replenish electrolytes (packing a banana can be a good idea to give your body what it needs in addition to water).
  • Don't push it. We're all for encouraging you to go the extra mile, but if your body is telling you that something feels off, listen. It can take time to adapt to the heat (up to two weeks). If it's hotter than you're used to, you may not be able to work out as hard or for as long as normal. There's nothing wrong with this – take breaks, spend time in the shade, and call it quits early if necessary.

5. Allergy management: Coping with seasonal allergies

Sniffing, sneezing, watery eyes – seasonal allergies can make it tough to fully enjoy summer. When your body has an allergic response to environmental irritants, you may also feel tired and sluggish.

Thankfully, there are plenty of options to manage seasonal allergies that can help you enjoy all that the warm months have to offer. Over-the-counter options like saline rinses, eye drops, and antihistamine sprays may be all that you need to soothe occasional seasonal allergies.

If you find that your seasonal allergies are interfering with your daily life, it's a smart move to make an appointment with your primary care provider to discuss prescription options that can support your health.

In addition to medication, there are lifestyle modifications you can make to lessen the effect of seasonal allergies, including:

  • Invest in an air purifier. No matter how clean you keep your home, it's impossible to keep it free of all allergens, especially those that you track in on your shoes and clothes. Running an air filter can help remove allergens from the air in your home, providing symptom relief.
  • Shower after spending time outdoors. While it may not be practical to shower every time you leave the house, taking a shower when you notice your allergy symptoms are acting up can be helpful, as it physically removes pollen and other allergens from your hair and body.
  • Check the pollen count. Taking a look at the pollen count in your area can help you decide whether it makes sense to spend more time indoors or outdoors. When you notice that the pollen count is especially high, you may want to take over-the-counter allergy medication proactively (if you're not already using a daily medication prescribed by your doctor).

6. Sleep hygiene: Tips for quality sleep during hot nights

It can be tough to get high-quality sleep when your area is in the midst of a heat wave. Thankfully, there are some tricks you can try to get the rest you need when the temperatures outside are sweltering.

  • Hydrate early. Keeping your body hydrated can make it easier to sleep on a hot night, but it's important that you stop drinking water early enough that you won't be running to the bathroom all night. For most people, finishing up water an hour or two before bed works well.
  • Skip the cocktails. The damage of booze in hot weather is twofold: alcohol dehydrates your body, and makes it more likely that you'll experience night sweats. On super-hot days and evenings, it's a good idea to forgo the booze in favor of a more hydrating beverage.
  • Exercise early. Getting plenty of physical activity can make it easier for you to fall asleep. During a heat wave, however, it's a good idea to get your workout in early. Exercising too close to bedtime can make it difficult for your body to cool down. Getting your workout in as soon as you wake up – during the cooler hours of the morning – can be a good idea.

7. Mental health: Stress management and relaxation techniques

Summer is associated with kicking back and relaxing, but this doesn't mean that your self-care practices can take a backseat. For many, summer brings new and different schedules, increased family gatherings, and social obligations that can bring stress.

Setting boundaries can be key to protecting your mental health during the summer. Between kids' sports schedules, vacations, filling in for others at work, and social obligations, it can be tough to find time for yourself. Keep a calendar just like you do during other times of the year, and don't be afraid to say no when things begin to look too busy.

Immersing yourself in nature can also be helpful for relieving summer stress. According to Harvard Health, spending as little as 20 minutes in nature can lower stress levels. Enjoying a hike, swim, or yoga class outdoors can help your mind relax and reset, no matter how busy your schedule gets.

As always, don't be afraid to reach out for professional help if you're struggling. Talking with a counselor, therapist, or other licensed mental health professional can provide you with the support you need to feel your best.

8. Safety precautions: Preventing heat-related illnesses

While children, seniors, people who live with obesity, and people who are physically ill are at higher risk for heat-related illnesses, anyone can fall victim to heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and more. Taking precautions to keep yourself healthy in hot weather can help you rest assured that you and those you care about are enjoying the sun safely.

Important heat-related illness prevention tips include:

  • Stay in air-conditioned areas when possible. Spending time in air conditioning can help your body get relief from the heat. If you don't have air conditioning in your home, spending time in a mall, community center, or public library can help.
  • Slow down. When temperatures spike, move your workouts indoors, or schedule them for early in the morning or during the evening hours.
  • Avoid hot foods: While burgers and corn are delicious straight off of the grill, eating hot foods and drinks can make it tough for your body to cool down. On especially hot days, opt for salads, smoothies, cold sandwiches, and other heat-free options.

9. Travel health: Staying healthy on summer vacations

There's not much that feels worse than getting sick on vacation, and taking some precautions to help you stay healthy when you're enjoying a getaway can be well worth the extra effort.

  • Talking with your doctor before going on a long trip – especially if you're traveling overseas – is a smart move. Your physician will talk with you about any vaccines or medications you'll need to stay safe, and can discuss whether you should make an appointment to check in upon your return.
  • Get rest. Traveling is taxing, and traveling to a different time zone can do a number on your well-being. Rest when you're feeling tired, and give yourself time to adjust to a different pace.
  • Stay hydrated. We said it earlier, and we'll say it again – water matters. When you're traveling, drink plenty of water (and be sure to check whether you need to opt for bottled water if you're in a new location).

10. Use Evidation to track your health during summer

Tracking your health data can provide you with valuable insights into what your body needs, and at Evidation, we're here to help. With your permission, the Evidation app safely and privately uses the health data you're already gathering to provide you with the information you need to support your health. Bonus: with your OK, we're also able to use your health data to inform medical studies, allowing you to effortlessly contribute to a healthier world.

Evidation is built upon a foundation of privacy, and we adhere to an opt-in model. That means:

You control who sees your data—or doesn’t

You give consent every time there’s a request for your data

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