Webinars & Videos
AWS Health Innovation Podcast
AWS Health Innovation Podcast
AWS Health Innovation Podcast
AWS Health Innovation Podcast
Hear more about Evidation's founding story from Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Alessio Signorini, in this episode of the AWS Health Innovation Podcast.

Evolution or revolution: Translating PGHD into measures that matter
Evolution or revolution: Translating PGHD into measures that matter
Evolution or revolution: Translating PGHD into measures that matter

Evolution or revolution: Translating PGHD into measures that matter
Evidation and industry leaders address how to translate patient-generated health data (PGHD) into meaningful measures in this webinar.

The Alldus Podcast - AI in Action
The Alldus Podcast - AI in Action
The Alldus Podcast - AI in Action
The Alldus Podcast - AI in Action
In this episode of the AI in Action podcast, Evidation Co-founder Luca Foschini shares more about the role of data science in helping achieve the company's mission.

Evidation + HealthVerity: The holistic patient journey: Fusing real-world data with person-generated health data
Evidation + HealthVerity: The holistic patient journey: Fusing real-world data with person-generated health data
Evidation + HealthVerity: The holistic patient journey: Fusing real-world data with person-generated health data
Evidation + HealthVerity: The holistic patient journey: Fusing real-world data with person-generated health data
Evidation, Pfizer, and HealthVerity discuss how to fuse real-world data (RWD) with person-generated health data (PGHD).

Enabling individuals to act on heart health insights
Enabling individuals to act on heart health insights
Enabling individuals to act on heart health insights

Enabling individuals to act on heart health insights
Evidation brings together industry voices to address how to enable individuals to act on heart health insights.

The Harry Glorikian Show Podcast
The Harry Glorikian Show Podcast
The Harry Glorikian Show Podcast
The Harry Glorikian Show Podcast
Harry Glorikian catches up with CEO Christine Lemke to talk about Evidation's push to use wearables in healthcare.

The voice of the patient: What participants really want (and don't want) from research programs
The voice of the patient: What participants really want (and don't want) from research programs
The voice of the patient: What participants really want (and don't want) from research programs
The voice of the patient: What participants really want (and don't want) from research programs

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