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Healthy Eating
August 25, 2023

Top 7 Foods to Avoid with Diverticulitis Symptoms

5 minutes

Do you struggle with diverticulitis? The advice can be confusing. Here's a guide to the 7 foods to avoid with diverticulitis to help you heal.

Diverticulitis is a painful condition that can occur when small pouches, called diverticula, form in the lining of the colon. When inflamed, these become extremely painful and can cause diarrhea, constipation, and other problems with digestion. While your doctor may use medications during a flare to treat your condition, you can also regain control by adjusting your diet. This guide will look at some foods to avoid with diverticulitis so you can support healthy digestion.

Things not to eat with diverticulitis

The best diet for diverticulitis is somewhat personal, according to the Mayo Clinic, and you'll want to consult with your doctor before making drastic changes. You'll also want to ensure there's not something else going on with your health to cause your flare-ups. That said, some foods appear to make flare-ups and irritation more common. Changing your diet to eliminate these foods could help reduce inflammation and irritation, making you feel better.

First, aim to follow a generally healthy diet that's balanced between fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. Second, know that dietary treatment of diverticulitis is controversial. Some doctors believe avoiding certain foods helps, while others disagree. In addition, make sure you work with your doctor or a dietitian to safely adjust your diet. Finally, check out this list of the 7 foods to avoid with diverticulitis.

1. Seeds and nuts

Nuts and seeds have high amounts of fiber, which are a healthy part of a balanced diet, but this fiber content makes them hard to digest. They're also usually quite small, and that may allow them to get stuck in the diverticula, continuing the irritation so you can't heal. Substitute this source of fiber with whole fruits, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and whole grains.

2. Popcorn

Popcorn's high fiber content can make it difficult to digest during a flare. In addition, the kernel hull can get stuck in the diverticula, which can increase irritation and trigger a flare. The rough, hard pieces on popcorn can also damage the colon wall in people prone to this condition.

If you choose to eat popcorn and are concerned about diverticulitis, chew the food thoroughly to help your body digest it more quickly so you don't create irritation. You can also swap out the popcorn for other salty, crunchy snacks like pretzels.

3. Spicy foods

Spicy foods may irritate anyone's digestive system, healthy or not. If you're prone to diverticulitis, hot sauces, chilies, wasabi, and curry dishes are foods that could risk a flare. You can keep your foods flavorful without the heat using other spices.

Why are spicy foods a risk? Capsaicin can irritate the colon's lining, which causes inflammation and overall discomfort. This inflammation, in turn, can make the diverticulitis symptoms worse.

4. Fried foods

The fats and oils in fried food are challenging to digest. In addition, the crispy outside of most fried foods can irritate the intestinal lining. Both of these issues cause inflammation and discomfort in the abdomen, which can worsen diverticulitis symptoms.

The link between fried foods and diverticular diseases is well-established, Fatty foods can lead to constipation, and the Cleveland Clinic says constipation can strain the colon and increase the chances of developing the pockets that lead to diverticulitis. The fat in fried food can also block the pockets and allow them to get infected, which, again, is a risk for diverticulitis.

5. Red meat

Red meat's another high-fat food that people with diverticulitis may feel better if they avoid. It's harder to digest than poultry, which means it can add to inflammation of the digestive tract.

Interestingly, some medical research shows that red meat not only increases your risk of irritating diverticulitis symptoms but may also increase your risk of developing it in the first place. One Harvard study found that men who ate 13 servings of red meat a week for 26 years were more likely to have diverticulitis than those who ate less.

6. Dairy products

Dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese, and milk, are problematic for people with diverticulitis for two reasons. First, if you have diverticulitis, you may also have lactose intolerance. This means that eating dairy may create bloating, diarrhea, and gas symptoms. Second, dairy products are high in fat. The fat worsens diverticulitis symptoms and makes these foods harder to digest.

Sometimes, eliminating dairy altogether is difficult. If you need dairy for your favorite recipes, choose low-fat options. Try to use moderation with dairy when you do consume it. Similarly, avoid dairy products that have lactose, such as milk and cottage cheese, if you find that lactose is a problem for you.

7. Refined grains and sugars

Refined sugars are highly inflammatory in general, and this means they can irritate diverticulitis problems. Some people find that they have increased problems with diarrhea, a common diverticulitis symptom, when they eat a high-sugar diet.

Grains are more complex. If you don't have a flare and want to avoid one, the high fiber in whole grains may help. Fiber keeps the digestive tract moving, preventing constipation. When you prevent constipation, you reduce the risk of developing diverticulitis. However, during a flare, the fiber can irritate the digestive system. When you're in an active flare, you may feel better if you eat refined grains for a short period of time while you heal. This is an area where you'll need to consult with your doctor for expert advice.

Best dietary changes to support your health

In addition to learning what foods you shouldn’t eat if you have diverticulitis, it's also a good idea to learn what foods you should eat. First, make sure you're getting plenty of water every day. Water softens stool and reduces the risk of constipation, which, in turn, can reduce the risk of developing diverticulitis.

Second, learn your triggers. If you know a food makes your diverticulitis symptoms flare, work to avoid it. If a certain "no" food is not a problem for you, and your doctor approves, then eat it without worry.

Finally, take some time to learn to cook. Also, pack your lunch instead of eating on the go. Homemade foods often contain fewer preservatives, unhealthy fats, and refined sugars than foods from a fast-food restaurant.

Diverticulitis is a tricky condition. While doctors know what causes the pain and discomfort, they aren't fully sure what dietary changes work best. If you're dealing with this condition, talk to your doctor about what not to eat for diverticulitis. In general, the food to avoid with diverticulitis is the food that makes you feel unwell. Once you've created a plan based on your personal triggers and your doctor's advice, use tools like Evidation to help you plan for healthy dietary choices and track your water intake. Keep track of your health, download the app today!

Healthy Eating
August 23, 2023

Fuel up for success: what to eat before your morning workout

5 minutes

Wondering what to eat before morning workouts? We've got you covered with healthy breakfast ideas and meal options.

When you try to figure out what to eat before a morning workout, it often leads to more questions. What foods are convenient but also healthy and energizing? What type of workout are you doing, and how long does your workout last? Or perhaps you're asking, "Should I eat before a morning workout or after?"

The short answer to these questions is this: It depends. First, you have to factor in your overall health. Also, having access to healthy breakfast foods that you can quickly pull together is important. If you don't have healthy food handy, you run the risk of grabbing an unhealthy snack on the go.

Let's dive in and learn more about what to eat before you work out in the morning.

Eat before or after morning workout?

Whole grain toast with mashed avocado and fried egg on white plate. Tasty healthy breakfast.

Before we get into good pre-workout breakfast ideas, let's answer the question of whether or not you really have to eat before working out in the morning. What if you're not a breakfast person? Is it OK to work out on an empty stomach?

"Fasted" exercise has become more popular in recent years, and some supporters of this type of workout say they have more energy and achieve faster results. Alternatively, other people insist that having a healthy pre-workout meal or snack gives them the energy they need to get their best workout.

Whether or not you should eat before working out in the morning depends on the type of workout you're doing and your individual goals. Blood sugar levels are lower after a night of sleep, so you can feel tired and sluggish during your workout if you skip breakfast.

For this reason, a small healthy snack before working out in the morning will help your blood sugar levels increase enough to give you the energy you need for top performance.

Can you exercise if you haven't eaten? Most people can unless they're doing a high-intensity workout for 60 minutes or longer. In this scenario, it's best to have a light meal or snack before you work out. We recommend waiting at least three or four hours before exercising if you've had a large meal.

Timing also plays a role. Avoid eating a heavy breakfast before you work out because it can cause an upset stomach if your food hasn't been digested. If you've indulged in a hearty breakfast, consider postponing your workout until after your food has had a chance to digest.

Protein before workout

To avoid getting hungry in the middle of your workout, eat food rich in protein before you work out. Protein will effectively curb your appetite without giving you stomach discomfort.

If you're doing workouts that are low or moderate in intensity, a small snack rich in protein is sufficient. Here are some great high-protein snacks you can enjoy before your workout:

  • 2 eggs
  • Small omelet with veggies
  • 1 cup cottage cheese
  • Protein bar
  • Small protein shake

High-intensity or moderate workouts require more fuel. For this type of workout, protein paired with carbohydrates is the ideal pre-workout meal. Protein works for recovery and muscle growth, while carbohydrates provide energy.  

fit young caucasian man drinking a chocolate whey protein shake for energy before a workout while wearing earphones in a kitchen at home.

Pre-workout meal ideas

You'll need to experiment to determine which pre-workout meals or snacks work best for you. The foods you need before working out depend on the type of workout you do. Any of these meal ideas are a great start to your morning if you plan to work out.

Short-duration high-intensity workouts

For interval training or indoor cycling classes, consider these foods 30 to 60 minutes before you exercise:

  • Banana
  • Toast with nut butter
  • Cheese with whole grain crackers
  • Applesauce
  • Plant-based beverages or milk

Long-duration moderate or high-intensity workouts

If you run, cycle, row, or ski cross-country, these foods will power you through your workout:

  • Small bagel with cream cheese or nut butter
  • Fruit smoothie made with a banana and milk
  • Toast with scrambled eggs
  • Rice cakes with nut butter
  • Oatmeal with berries

Long-duration low or moderate-intensity workouts

Long walks, yoga, and tai chi require less fuel, and a protein-rich snack is ideal. Try any of these foods before this type of workout:

  • 2 hard-boiled or scrambled eggs
  • 1 cup cottage cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Small protein shake
  • Half a protein bar
  • Omelet with veggies

Strength training

For strength training, you need greater bursts of power, but you don't have to have quite as much fuel. Try some of these foods before strength training sessions:

  • Oatmeal
  • Sliced turkey sandwich
  • A cup of applesauce with 1 boiled egg
  • 1/2 cup orange juice and beef jerky
  • 1 cup soy or regular milk
  • Berries with Greek yogurt

When you work out in the morning, the small meal or snack you have before working out won't carry you through to lunchtime. After you work out, have a post-workout snack or a solid breakfast with carbs and protein.

Pre-workout breakfast

To ensure you're eating a healthy breakfast before your morning workout, planning is key. As we've already mentioned, having healthy snacks and breakfast foods in your fridge or pantry helps ensure you reach for high-value options.

Here are some more tips to help you stay on track for your pre-workout nutrition:

  • Prepare your pre-workout meal before you go to bed: Make your morning a breeze by having your morning snack or meal ready the night before.
  • Prep for an entire week: Meal prepping works for breakfast, too. Consider spending a couple of hours on Sunday prepping your pre-workout meals for the entire week.
  • Go easy on the fiber: Your body is slower to digest fiber, so you may experience stomach discomfort if you eat a high-fiber meal before working out. If you have high-fiber food in the morning, you may need to wait between one and three hours to allow your food to digest.
  • Drink enough water, but not too much: Staying well-hydrated is important. However, if you drink too much water or other fluids, you might experience an unpleasant sloshing during your workout. Instead of drinking a whole bottle of water, take small sips before you work out and during your session.
  • Listen closely to your body: There's no hard-and-fast rule about what to eat before a morning workout. Experiment with different foods to find the ones that energize you and help increase your performance.

Planning and tracking for optimal health

Keeping track of what you eat before you work out can help you gain a better understanding of which snacks and meals best fuel your exercise. Evidation Members can track meals and exercise, which can ultimately lead to an overall healthier lifestyle. Download the app today to learn more.

Healthy Eating
August 11, 2023

How to break bad eating habits: overcoming unhealthy patterns

5 minutes

Do you want to learn how to break bad eating habits? Check out these strategies to improve your eating patterns.

If you’re looking for better health, one of the first places to look is in your eating habits. Yet learning how to break bad eating habits isn’t always easy. These deeply ingrained patterns can be difficult to break.

You can make changes if you put your mind to it, and tools like Evidation can make it easier. Here’s a closer look at common eating patterns people have and what you can do to find success in changing them. With these strategies, you can learn how to change eating habits permanently.

Evaluate your existing eating patterns

Before changing your eating habits, you should know your current eating patterns. Take a few days to evaluate when and what you eat. Pay attention to:

  • What makes you want to eat?
  • Do you feel hungry, or are you eating for another reason?
  • How quickly do you eat?
  • Do you enjoy your food when you eat?
  • What times of day do you feel like eating most often?

A great way to evaluate these eating habits is with a food diary. Keep one for a few days, then use it to evaluate. Consider not just journaling what you eat, but also what’s going on around you when you choose to eat.

Examples of eating habits that harm

As you evaluate your eating habits, you’re going to notice patterns. Some of these may be healthy, and some may be harmful. You’ll want to identify the harmful eating habits so you can make appropriate changes.

Here are some examples of harmful eating habits according to the CDC:

Eating too fast

It takes time for your stomach to signal to your brain that you’re full when you’ve eaten enough. If you eat too fast, you might overeat. The common rule of thumb is it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that you’re full.

Eating because it’s “time to eat”

Many people eat because it’s time to eat, not because they're hungry. This could cause you to eat food you don’t actually need. While it’s good to plan a tentative eating schedule, if you’re not actually hungry, consider waiting until later.

Cleaning your plate

You don't have to eat everything that’s on your plate. Remember, food’s wasted whether it turns into fat in your body or goes in the garbage in your kitchen.

Skipping meals

Skipping meals can actually cause you to overeat when it’s time to eat. If you reach a mealtime and don’t have time to sit down for a full meal, consider a healthy snack instead, especially if you’re hungry.

Snacking at night

Do you find yourself going to the fridge to see what’s there every single night? Take inventory of what’s going on when you do. Are you hungry or just bored? Are you stressed or truly in need of nourishment? Not only is this usually food you don’t need, but many studies have shown that nighttime snacking leads to weight gain.  

Eating dessert with every meal

There’s nothing wrong with dessert in moderation, but if you’re in the habit of rewarding yourself with dessert every time you eat, or every single day, you might notice some health concerns. Too much desert increases your risk of weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. Enjoy it occasionally, but consider training yourself so you don’t have to have it every day.

Look over your list of patterns, and highlight any of these unhealthy eating habits that you regularly employ. This will give you a good starting point to change.

Relearn Healthy Eating Habits

Now that you’ve got an idea of what you’re doing that may not be helping your health goals, you’re ready to start making some changes. Changing bad eating habits isn’t a fast process, but it’s one worth taking on. Here are some tips to help you relearn healthy eating habits.

1. Start the day right

A healthy, nutrient-rich breakfast can set the stage for healthy eating throughout the day. It may also reduce your cravings for less healthy foods. Aim for protein and produce with some whole grains. Check out these easy and healthy breakfast ideas to get you started.

2. Eat when you’re hungry

Start learning to eat when you feel real hunger. Eat slowly, and stop when you feel full.

3. Take smaller portions

Some of us are used to heaping our plates with food. This, combined with the desire to clear our plates, makes us prone to over-eating. Reduce this temptation by reducing your portion size by about 20%. If you feel full, then you’ve found the right amount to eat.

4. Eat mindfully

Learn to eat with your mind as well as your mouth. Think about the foods you’re putting in your body. Look at ingredient lists for healthy, whole-food ingredients. The more mindful you become about what you’re eating, the healthier your choices will likely become.

5. Make healthy swaps

Do you like to have a snack after school or work? Consider swapping out the crackers or chips with a piece of fruit or a veggie plate. These small swaps will add up to big changes over time, and you’re less likely to feel deprived when you’re eating at times you normally eat.

6. Up your water intake

Drinking enough water may actually reduce food cravings and help you feel full faster. Swap other drinks for water, and ensure you’re getting enough water for your body size every day to improve your overall eating choices and health.

7. Eat (the right) carbs

Carbs get a bad reputation among health enthusiasts, but they aren’t necessarily all bad. Complex carbs, such as whole grains, beans, and vegetables, may actually help with your healthy eating goals. Simple carbs, which are sugary and refined foods, are less healthy. The key is to balance your intake of protein, carbs, and fat and choose complex over simple carbs.

8. Plan for health

One of the easiest ways to go back to your unhealthy eating habits is to fail to plan. Make a meal plan, and cook ahead if it will help you eat healthy meals. Be specific when you plan so you will know what you’re trying to achieve.

Use technology to help with changing your eating habits

Another way to improve your eating habits is with the help of technology. You can use apps to track your food and water intake. Then, use a fitness tracker to see how many calories you burn through movement.

This combination will help you take more control over your eating habits. Evidation connects with several apps and tracking devices to put all of your health information in one place. By using tools like these, you can have a clear picture of what you're doing, what’s working, and where you could improve.

Keep track of your health - download the app today!

Healthy Eating
July 12, 2023

Diabetic diet for beginners: understanding the basics

5 minutes

A diabetes diagnosis comes with certain lifestyle changes, but you can still enjoy delicious foods.

When you're diagnosed with diabetes, you may experience a roller coaster of emotions. Food is an important part of our lives, and making drastic changes in our diet can feel like a daunting task.

People who are newly diagnosed with diabetes may feel overwhelmed and wonder how to get started on a new way of eating. If you're wondering how to get started, we've got you covered. Let's dive in and learn more about diabetic diets for beginners.

Diabetic diet for beginners

The first step to getting started with a diabetic meal plan is making some relatively painless changes. For example, you might swap out sugar-sweetened beverages for water. If you don't like plain water, add some flavoring to it with fruits like berries or citrus fruit. Another good place to start is by cooking at home instead of eating out.

Besides dietary changes, these lifestyle components will also help you become healthier when you're living with diabetes.

  • Regular routine for meals: Get into the habit of having regular meals at the same time every day. Also, enjoy some high-fiber snacks to keep your blood sugar stable.
  • Weight loss: People who are overweight can better control their blood sugar if they lose 5-10% of their body weight.
  • Exercise: A combination of walking, biking, jogging, and strength training helps lower your blood sugar. Low-impact exercises like yoga are also beneficial.
  • Alcohol: The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that women living with diabetes should have no more than one drink every day, and men should have no more than two drinks every day.

Diabetes diet plan

As you make small changes, begin adding more non-starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein to your diet.

  • Protein: Eating proteins such as lean meat, eggs, chicken, fish and seafood, nuts, Greek yogurt, beans, and vegetarian proteins will help improve your blood sugar. By slowing the digestion of carbohydrates, protein keeps your blood sugar levels more stable. This means you'll feel fuller for longer.
  • Fiber: Fiber isn't digested. Rather, it's broken down slowly like protein, and including plenty of beneficial fiber in your diet will help prevent sugar spikes. Choose high-fiber foods such as quinoa, oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and whole-wheat pasta. You can also get a lot of fiber from beans, vegetables, fruits, and lentils.

These are some examples of non-starchy vegetables:

  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes
  • Beets (they do have starch, but it's minimal)
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Bean sprouts
  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplant
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Mushrooms
  • Green beans
  • Okra
  • Sugar snap peas
  • Water chestnuts
  • Cauliflower
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Salad greens
  • Tomatoes
  • Squash and zucchini
  • Turnips

Fruits with seeds and skin are the best ones for diabetic diets. These include apples, berries, dates, plums, peaches, and pears.

Pre-diabetic diet

If your medical care provider tells you that you're pre-diabetic, losing weight may help improve your blood sugar levels, according to a study published in 2022 by the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

Pre-diabetes is a serious health condition. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that you can reverse pre-diabetes with dietary changes and weight loss.

A simple weight loss plan starts you out on about 1,500 calories per day, a level where the majority of people lose weight. Depending on your satiety levels, caloric needs, and blood sugar readings, you may benefit from a 1,200 or 2,000-calorie diet.

Discuss which option is best for you with your healthcare provider.

portrait of a young Black woman celebrating a great workout session

Type 1 diabetes meal plan

In the past, type 1 diabetes used to be called juvenile diabetes. Researchers and medical professionals have since come to understand that type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack pancreatic cells that produce insulin. Insulin is the hormone the body uses to metabolize sugar (glucose) into energy. Essentially, insulin allows your body's cells to admit glucose, which is then turned into energy.

People living with type 1 diabetes don't produce enough—and in some cases, any—insulin. If you're living with this type of diabetes, you require regular blood sugar monitoring and daily insulin therapy.

The ADA places emphasis on three primary takeaways when it comes to healthy eating for people living with diabetes:

  • Limited refined grains and added sugar
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Minimally processed foods (eat whole foods instead)

A healthy nine-inch plate for type 1 diabetes looks like this:

  • ¼ of the plate filled with carbohydrates
  • ¼ of the plate filled with protein
  • ½ of the plate filled with non-starchy vegetables
  • Healthy fats in moderation (olive oil, nuts, and avocado are examples)
Healthy eating plate for diabetics. Infographic chart with proper nutrition proportions. Food balance tips. Vector illustration isolated on a dark grey background.

Diabetes type 2 diet plan

Type 2 diabetes is also known as insulin resistance, a condition that affects about 40% of young adults and 33% of adults who are 65 and older. With type 2 diabetes, your body can't use insulin effectively, and glucose accumulates in your blood at levels higher than normal.

A diet plan for type 2 diabetes looks similar to that of type 1 diabetes, with some modifications. If you aren't taking medication for your diabetes, have no more than 60 grams of carbohydrates per meal. People living with type 2 diabetes can also enjoy healthy starchy vegetables in moderation. These include corn and sweet potatoes.

People living with type 2 diabetes can also eat sugar as long as it's no more than 10% of their daily calories.

The ADA has a "superstar foods" list that includes all of these:

  • Beans: Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, and navy beans all provide minerals like potassium and magnesium. Additionally, beans are high in fiber.
  • Dark green leafy veggies: Include collard greens, spinach, and kale for vitamins C, A, K, and E. Leafy greens are also packed with calcium, iron, and potassium.
  • Citrus fruit: Lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruit can help you meet your daily requirements for folate, vitamin C, and potassium.
  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and other types of berries provide antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. When you satisfy your sweet tooth with berries, you also get the added benefit of vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and manganese.
  • Tomatoes: Enjoy tomatoes however you like, whether raw, pureed, or in a sauce to add vital nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and potassium.
  • Fish with omega-3 fatty acids: Fish high in essential fatty acids include salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, albacore tuna, and trout. Enjoy your fish grilled, baked, or broiled instead of fried to avoid adding more fat and carbohydrates.
  • Nuts: Healthy fat found in nuts can help you manage your hunger. Also, some seeds and nuts—flax seeds and walnuts are examples—are also excellent omega-3 fatty acids sources.
  • Whole grains: Look for products with the word "whole" in them. For example, whole oats, quinoa, farro, and whole-grain barley are all good options.

Healthy diabetic eating plans for healthier living

Evidation Members can track healthy habits such as nutritious eating and physical activity. To participate in research, sign up today and download our app.

Healthy Eating
June 28, 2023

What is a healthy lunch? Tips on how to have a balanced lunch

5 minutes

A healthy lunch helps you power through a busy day, and healthy lunch ideas are the key to getting you there.

Your midday meal is key to making sure you have the fuel you need to function at top capacity throughout the rest of the day. A healthy lunch helps you power through a busy afternoon, and eating the right lunch will keep you satisfied until dinner time.

Here's the good news: If you're wondering "what should I eat for lunch," there are countless nutritious lunch ideas that are easy to pull together. Let's dive in and learn more.

What is a healthy lunch?

Before we explore what you can eat for lunch, let's first define exactly what a healthy lunch looks like. The ideal balanced lunch provides the necessary nutrients and energy to support your health and optimal mental functioning.

Equally important, a healthy lunch regulates your hunger so you're less prone to snacking in the late afternoon and reduces your risk of overindulging at dinner. Take these things into account when planning healthy lunches:

  1. Protein: Protein builds and repairs body tissues and makes you feel fuller. For your protein, choose lean meats such as chicken, turkey, tofu, eggs, legumes, or fish. You can also get your protein allowance with 1½ ounces of cheese.
  2. Whole grains: Whole grains are high in fiber and more filling than refined carbohydrates. Whole grain options include whole grain pasta, farro, rice, or bread.
  3. Fruits and vegetables: Nutritionists recommend filling half your plate with vegetables and fruits to pack in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  4. Healthy fats: Healthy fats are found in foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil. In addition to helping you feel more satisfied, healthy fats are essential for brain function.
  5. Hydration: A balanced lunch has plenty of hydration. Include beverages such as water or herbal tea.

Things to eat for lunch

The ideal healthy lunch has a lean or plant-based protein, a serving of whole grains, fresh vegetables, healthy fats, and fruit for dessert. An easy way to make sure you're implementing all of these foods is to make a salad or a lunch variety plate. You can also have a homemade soup and serve it with a slice of healthy whole-grain bread.

Now that you know how to balance out your lunches, here are some nutritious lunch ideas you can use to brainstorm your own healthy midday meals.

  • Fresh veggies and hummus sandwich
  • Chickpea lettuce wraps with roasted red peppers
  • Egg and avocado sandwich
  • Chopped cobb salad with diced chicken and boiled egg slices
  • Meal-prep vegan lettuce wraps with beans and quinoa
  • Summer rolls made with veggies
  • Sub sandwich with whole grain bread, fresh veggies, and lean protein
  • Chickpeas with sun-dried tomatoes and kale
  • Pear quinoa salad with cranberries, spinach, and pecan
  • Rotisserie chicken salad
  • Protein salad made with albacore tuna, salad greens, chopped nuts, avocados, and tomatoes
  • Lentil vegetable soup
  • Black bean, whole-grain rice, and chicken burrito bowl
  • Veggie burger
  • Ricotta cheese on whole grain toast with toppings like roasted winter squash

How to meal plan for the week

Planning helps you make sure you're leaving the house every day with a healthy lunch. If you work from home, planning is just as important. It can be tempting to skip meal planning when you know you can pop into the kitchen and throw a meal together, but making lunch on the fly can be disastrous for your healthy eating plan.

To set yourself up for a week of lunchtime success, plan your lunches on your day off. Make a list of the lunches you want, and then head to the grocery store to stock up on items you need.

Have portioned meal containers and zipper food bags available so you can pull your lunches together with ease. When you have to scramble around to find a lunch container, it can be tempting to give up and just head out the door.

Meal-prepping is another option. If you're taking lunches that can be packed in advance, prepare an entire week of lunches on your day off. One option is to make a big pot of veggie-filled soup a couple of times a week, especially if you enjoy a hot lunch.

Quick and easy healthy lunch ideas

It happens to all of us at some point. The weekend gets away from us, and before we know it, it's Sunday evening, and we've not meal-prepped or planned lunches for the week. Or we rush out of the house in the morning without making lunch. Fortunately, there are some quick ways to grab a healthy lunch on the go.

If you need to pop into a grocery store to pick up lunch, go for some of these staples:

  • Canned or vacuum-packed tuna on whole-grain bread or tortillas
  • Boiled eggs (most grocery stores have these already cooked)
  • Pre-cut veggies with hummus, tzatziki, or guacamole
  • Nuts and seeds paired with a bagged salad
  • Pre-cooked whole grain rice or quinoa and diced chicken breast
  • Greek yogurt mixed with nuts or fruit
  • Veggie, fruit, and cheese plate with whole-grain crackers

Portion size

Overeating even healthy foods can make you feel sluggish in the afternoon. To keep your lunch portion sizes in check, it helps to understand what a healthy lunch portion is for your individual calorie needs and activity levels.

Very active adults need a higher-calorie lunch, especially if they work out in the morning. If you exercise in the evening or you're not highly active, a lower-calorie lunch probably works for you.

Proper nutrition proportions. Food balance tips. Hand drawn trendy flat style vector illustration with lettering isolated on white background.

Here are some general portion size guidelines:

  • Protein: 3-4 ounces (about the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards)
  • Whole grains: ½ cup cooked grains or 1 slice of whole-grain bread (1-2 servings per meal is appropriate)
  • Vegetables: 2 cups of leafy salad greens or 1 cup of cooked vegetables
  • Fruits: 1 piece of medium-sized fruit (1 apple or orange) or 1 cup of chopped fruit
  • Healthy fats: ¼ to ½ of an avocado, 1 ounce of nuts, 1-2 tablespoons of seeds, or 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • Dairy: 1 cup of yogurt or milk, 1.5 ounces of cheese

Reaching your health goals with nutritious lunch ideas

After eating a healthy breakfast, you can power through your day by following your morning meal with a healthy midday meal. Evidation Members can track  and get rewarded for healthy eating and staying active. Download our app to learn more.

Healthy Eating
March 29, 2023

How many calories should you eat in a day

12 minutes

For some, calorie counting can be an effective way to reach fitness and weight goals, but it can be tricky to know what’s right for you. Our latest post can help.

A comprehensive guide to calorie count calculations

For people starting a health journey, counting calories is a common place to begin. Calorie counting can be an effective way to reach fitness and weight loss goals, and it can also help you take better control over your health. Yet many aren’t fully aware of what calories are and how they should calculate them. 

If you’ve been asking, “How many calories should I eat in a day?” then this guide is for you.

Calories are the units of energy that come from the foods and beverages you eat and drink. The body uses calories to perform all of its functions, from moving and exercising to circulating the blood and digesting food. If you consume more calories than you use, the extra calories get converted into fat, which the body can use later if it has a calorie deficit.

Controlling caloric intake, and consuming fewer calories than you burn through exercise and daily activity, can be an effective weight control method. To do this, you must understand the calorie count in your favorite foods and how many calories you need in a day.

Some foods, like fatty meats, high carbohydrate foods, or fried foods, have high calorie counts. For example, a hamburger patty with no toppings or bun has around 200 calories. Add all of the toppings and a bun, and you can easily have 1,000 calories in just the burger. 

Other foods, usually fruits and vegetables, have lower calorie counts. One cup of fresh cucumber slices has just 16 calories, and one cup of strawberries has 49 calories.

For many people, calorie counting can be a good, healthy way to start taking back their health. Yet many myths circulate about how many calories someone needs to eat a day and how to calculate them. These myths can make achieving your health goals more challenging. Also, there are potential drawbacks to calorie counting. Before you start monitoring your calorie intake or focusing on weight loss or gain, always talk to your doctor. A thorough health assessment from a qualified healthcare practitioner is vital to ensuring you’re doing what’s best for your health with all of your health conditions taken into consideration. 

Here’s the truth about caloric intake and how to effectively calculate the right number of calories for your body, activity level, and age. Keep in mind, each individual is unique, and some health conditions, medications, and other factors not mentioned here can impact your caloric needs. Before you start a journey toward health by changing your diet, always talk to your doctor to ensure you account for all of these potential factors.

Cutting board with orange and grapes, and someone's hands slicing a cucumber

Calorie counting depends on multiple factors

Counting calories isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Many factors impact how many calories you need to eat, including health conditions, age, biological sex, activity level, and your fitness goals. Your body shape also impacts your caloric needs. To accurately calculate your caloric needs, you’ll need to consider all of these.

Health conditions

Certain health conditions can impact the metabolism, which increases or decreases caloric need. These include:

  • Metabolic disorders, like thyroid disorders or Cushing’s syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Wilson disease
  • Mitochondrial diseases
  • Hormonal disorders

If you have one of these or a different chronic health condition, talk to your doctor before working on caloric intake. 


Body mass and muscle density change as you age, which changes caloric intake. 

A child needs a different level of calories than an adult. Most healthy children don’t need to count calories, but rather should learn to eat when hungry and choose healthy, nutrient-rich foods. Children should also focus on regular physical activity as a way to encourage a healthy body mass. 

Counting calories too early can lead to body image and eating issues, unless a parent is working with a doctor for this. That said, Healthline recommends the following ranges for children and teenagers:

  • 5-8 years old: 1,200 to 2,000 calories a day
  • 9-13 years old: 1,600 to 2,600 calories a day
  • 14-18 years old: 1,800 to 3,200 calories a day

Adults also have different calorie needs as they age. Young adults need more calories than older adults, often due to the higher activity levels for these age groups as well as the overall changes your body’s going through as you get older. Here is a general breakdown of calorie ranges for adults:

  • 19-30 years old: 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day
  • 31-59 years old: 1,800 to 3,000 calories a day
  • 60 years old and older: 1,600 to 2,600 calories a day

These ranges are based on a person’s basal metabolic rate, or BMR. This number is the number of calories a person uses for basic daily life functions, such as breathing, digesting or circulating the blood. For all age groups, the range is quite large. That’s because there are other factors at play that impact your ideal calorie count. 

In addition, you should consider average calories per day, as some days you’ll be hungrier or more active than others. Keep your average within your recommended range to keep yourself at a healthy weight.

Biological sex

A person’s biological sex also impacts caloric needs. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center indicates women have a lower BMR than men. In other words, a woman’s daily bodily functions, including breathing and digesting food, take fewer calories than the daily bodily functions of a man. Thus, someone who was born female needs fewer calories than someone who was born male, even if they have similar daily activity levels.

On the recommended calorie intake ranges listed above, women tend to need calorie counts towards the lower end, while men tend to need the counts at the higher end. Recent recommendations from the USDA recommend 1,600 to 2,400 calories a day for adult women and 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day for adult men, according to USA Today.

Those who identify as a gender other than their biological sex should talk to their doctor about how hormone therapy or gender-affirmation surgery affects their caloric needs, as this is an area that’s still under research. Unless the BMR changes, the recommendations typically still remain with the person’s biological sex at birth.

Activity level

The more active you are, the more calories you need to fuel those activities. An elite athlete needs more calories a day than the average person, and may even need numbers higher than the recommended average calories per day on heavy workout days. Conversely, if you live a sedentary lifestyle or have a desk job with little exercise, you may need fewer calories. Your body isn’t working as hard, and thus it doesn’t need as much fuel.

Young person wearing a helmet and elbow/knee pads doing a wheelchair stunt on a skate ramp

Health goals

Your health goals also impact the amount of calories you need. If you want to gain weight, adding more calories that are high in nutritional value may help.

If you want to lose weight, consuming fewer calories than you burn through your regular activities may help you reach that goal. Cutting calories too low can create health issues, though. You won’t get all of your nutrients if you cut calories below your recommended range, and you may put your body into starvation mode, which triggers fat-storage hormones.

Additional factors

A few additional factors that impact your caloric intake needs include:

  • Physical health conditions – If you’re fighting illness, you may need to change your caloric intake to accommodate. Thyroid and other hormone imbalances can also affect your metabolism, changing your caloric intake needs. Similarly, people who are pregnant need more calories than those who are not.
  • Medications – Some medications can speed up or slow down your metabolism, and you may need to adjust your caloric intake accordingly.
  • Body size – Even if you’re trying to lose weight, your body size impacts how many calories you need. Someone who weighs 200 pounds needs more calories for daily functions than someone who weighs 150 pounds. This also means your caloric intake needs will change as you achieve fitness goals and lose weight. Thus, learning to calculate calories by weight is important.

These factors may require the input of your doctor or nutritionist, but it’s worth noting that there are these additional factors at play when determining how many calories you need to eat.

The bottom line – calorie counts are personal

With all of the factors that impact your daily caloric need, learning how to calculate caloric intake is a highly personal process. To help you discover how many calories you need, the right tools can help.

How to calculate caloric intake

One popular method to calculate caloric intake is the Harris-Benedict Equation, which can help you estimate your daily caloric needs. It gives you a person’s BMR, or the number of calories they burn at rest. The BMR is a good starting point for calculating daily caloric needs. Here is a breakdown of the equation:

  • Men: BMR  = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) - (5.677 x age in years)
  • Women: BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 X weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years)

BMR does not account for activity levels. If you’re regularly active, you’ll need to multiply the BMR by an activity factor:

  • Sedentary: BMR x 1.2
  • Lightly Active: BMR x 1.375
  • Moderately Active: BMR x 1.55
  • Very Active: BMR x 1.725
  • Extra Active, such as a physically demanding job: BMR x 1.9

Use a calculator to help

Calorie counting calculators are tools that let you calculate calorie intake by weight, body size, activity level, and age, so you can have a target daily calorie goal to reach. This takes the guesswork out of the process and gives you the tools to consider all of the factors impacting your calorie needs.

Evidation partners with over 20 health and fitness apps, and many offer calorie calculators. Consider these:

  • MyFitnessPal
  • Samsung Health
  • Apple Health

Once you know your daily calorie range, you can use Evidation to track your food and earn points and rewards, while also calculating your caloric intake for the day. You can also connect your fitness tracker to Evidation to get a better picture of how active or sedentary you are, which in turn will help you use a calorie calculator more effectively.

The potential drawbacks of calorie counting

Calorie counting can be a helpful tool as you work toward your weight loss or weight gain goals. However, it can have potential drawbacks. 

First, calculating calories can be time-consuming. Doing it manually leaves room for human error, and using a calculator requires you to log every bite you take. Some people may find this takes too much time if they live a busy lifestyle.

Second, calorie counting may not be appropriate for everyone. Healthline warns that people who have a history of eating disorders could find their symptoms worsening if they focus on calorie counting. One 2018 study indicated that counting calories combined with frequent self-weighing increased the severity of eating disorders among college-age participants. If calorie counting causes you to feel guilt, shame, or anxiety, then this may not be the right tool for you to reach your health goals.

Choosing smart calories

Counting calories is an important part of taking charge of your health, but you also need to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients in the calories you consume. Consuming all of your calories through sugary drinks or foods could leave you void of vital nutrients, and you’ll struggle to achieve wellness. These tips will help you choose the right foods to get your calorie count for the day.

Avoid cutting calories too drastically

First, make sure you’re not cutting calories too drastically. Most people need at least 1,600 calories a day, and you never want to go lower than 1,200 calories a day without a doctor's oversight. Doing so puts you at risk for nutrient deficits and metabolism problems, according to US News. You’ll also trigger stress hormones, which can cause weight problems. Stay within the recommended ranges for your age, sex, body type, and overall activity level, but aim for the lower end of the range.

Avoid empty calories 

Empty calories are calories that add no nutrients to your body. Specifically, the University of Michigan defines empty calories that come from unhealthy fats or added sugars in foods, as these ingredients do not have nutritional value. 

Empty calories are usually found in processed foods with high sugar and saturated fat content. Examples include:

  • Ice cream
  • Processed meats, like sausages or hot dogs
  • Sodas, non-juice fruit drinks, and many sports drinks
  • Cakes, donuts, and similar baked goods
  • Fried foods, like french fries and chips
  • Candy

These foods have little nutritional value because they lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They’re great for occasional snacks and treats, but they aren’t a great choice for your daily nutrition. Sugary beverages are a huge source of empty calories because they don’t even stop hunger.

Choose nutrient-rich foods

Instead of foods with empty calories, choose foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber but low in calories. These are known as nutrient-rich foods. Most fruits and vegetables fall into this category. The American Heart Association indicates nutrient-rich foods are those that have high vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient content, without added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium. These foods often contain more fiber, too, which helps with feelings of fullness. Specifically, fruits, whole-grains, and vegetables are nutrient rich. Lean proteins, most seafood, and low-fat dairy foods also fall into this category, as do nuts and legumes.

Sometimes, making this switch means choosing healthier options for the same food. For example, if you need a piece of bread, you could choose a whole-grain slice or a non whole-grain. If you read the packaging, you may find that the whole-grain version has more fiber, higher vitamin content, and even more protein than the white bread, but with around the same number of calories per slice. The best choice for nutrient density would be the whole-grain option. 

Applesauce also shows the contrast between nutrient-rich foods and empty calorie foods. Applesauce comes from fruit and thus has a high amount of vitamin E content. However, sweetened applesauce adds sugars, which add empty calories. You could choose unsweetened applesauce or applesauce blended with another fruit instead, and avoid taking in the empty calories from the unnecessary sugar.

Even if your goal is to gain weight, not lose it, the nutrients in the foods you eat are important for your health. Thus, you still need to avoid empty calories. Instead, choose healthy carbohydrates and fats to add the calories you need for weight gain.

Choose healthy carbs

Simple carbohydrates can also be a source of empty calories. These foods digest quickly and cause blood sugar spikes, according to the American Heart Association. Both of these issues may derail your fitness and health goals. This doesn’t mean all carbs are bad, though. You need complex carbs to provide energy and keep you feeling full for a long time. Complex carbs are carbs paired with high levels of fiber. Choose vegetables, beans, legumes, and whole grains to give you the complex carbs you need.

Opt for lean proteins

Protein is also important when building a healthy diet. It builds muscles, which you need if you’re adding exercise to your routine. More muscle density also could raise your BMR. The American Heart Association recommends between 46 and 56 grams of protein a day, which is 10 to 35% of your daily caloric intake. You need protein, but the proteins you choose are important when considering your health goals and calorie needs. 

To optimize your calorie counts, consider lean proteins, like poultry and lean cuts of red meat. These will provide the protein you need without unnecessary calories from fat. 

Look at eating plans

Another option to help you get enough nutrition while staying within a calorie range is to choose an eating plan, such as the Mediterranean diet or the paleo diet. If these diets work with your eating and health goals, they can give you good boundaries to stay within a calorie range, avoid empty calories, and focus on complex carbs with lean proteins.

Take charge of your health

If you’re ready to take charge of your health, download the Evidation app. Start earning rewards while tracking the steps you're taking to improve your health.

Healthy Eating
March 22, 2023

17 Easy healthy breakfast ideas

8 minutes

Eating a healthy breakfast every day is a long-term investment in your health. With these easy recipes, you can enjoy variety and flavor that fits into your busy schedule.

Breakfast has long been called the most important meal of the day, and while experts can argue that point, the fact remains that your day's first meal can have a significant impact on how the rest of your day plays out.

Let's dive in and learn more about why eating a healthy breakfast is important. Then, we'll explore some delicious easy healthy breakfast ideas and recipes.

The importance of eating a healthy breakfast

There’s a long list of benefits of eating a healthy breakfast.

  • Energy: Breakfast gives your brain and body energy, which is what keeps you going throughout the day.
  • Boosted brain power: Studies suggest that children perform better in school if they have a solid breakfast. These children have increased alertness, memory, problem-solving ability, concentration, test scores, and mood. The same strategy works for adults.
  • Essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals: Breakfast plays a big role in your day's total intake of nutrients. People who eat breakfast have an increased chance of meeting their daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals.
  • Weight control: Research is ongoing, but people who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to be obese or overweight.

How to make a healthy breakfast

Breakfast foods to eat

Studies show that eating a high-protein breakfast keeps you feeling full throughout the day, so you’ll be less inclined to reach for unhealthy snacks. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a nutritionally balanced breakfast consists of:

  • A protein source
  • A vegetable or fruit
  • A whole grain
  • A healthy fat (optional)

The key is to be sure you're maximizing fullness by eating protein and fiber at breakfast. Don't become stuffed, though, or it can impact your productivity because of the time it takes a heavy breakfast to digest.

Breakfast foods to avoid

Researchers who conducted an NIH study comparing the effects of a high-sugar breakfast with the effects of a balanced breakfast of whole grains, fruit, and protein suggest steering clear of heavy-carb meals or treats for breakfast. This includes baked goods such as muffins (unless they're like the ones we've listed below), donuts, and most scones.

Another problem with starting the day with something sweet is that you may crave sweets more often throughout the day.

High-protein breakfast foods

For a breakfast that incorporates protein, vegetables, and whole grains, try some of these breakfast ideas.

  • Avocado toast with egg
  • High-fiber toast with peanut butter
  • Scrambled eggs with vegetables
  • Greek yogurt with nuts and berries
  • Cottage cheese with sliced tomatoes, olive oil, olives, fresh basil, and bruschetta
  • Protein smoothie made with milk (or non-dairy milk), frozen fruit, frozen kale or spinach, and low-sugar protein powder

Keep in mind that traditional breakfast meats such as bacon and sausage add a lot of fat to your daily food intake. If you enjoy breakfast meats, look for turkey or chicken versions.

17 healthy breakfast recipes

1. Breadless eggs benedict

Eggs benedict is one of our favorite healthy breakfast recipes, but the traditional version can be fatty and high in calories. Our version of this breakfast classic is much lighter. Instead of bread, we use tomatoes to make this recipe lower in carbohydrates and gluten-free.

Besides being loaded with flavor, this recipe is also full of protein and vegetables, such as fresh spinach and avocado. This lighter version of our hollandaise sauce is made with low-fat Greek yogurt instead of butter, so you're getting more protein to replace the fat.

2. Healthy breakfast burrito

These breakfast burritos are filling enough to power you through the toughest mornings. The protein comes from eggs and chicken sausage, and the burritos are also full of fresh veggies, including onion, fresh spinach, and bell peppers. Toppings can bring in more protein with cheese and some healthy fat from diced avocado.

Once you have the basic recipe down, you can customize it with different meats and fillings. This recipe has make-ahead instructions, too, so you can have a healthy and filling breakfast prepared before you go to bed the night before.

Try using whole grain or vegetable-based tortillas (like cauliflower or jicama) instead of traditional flour tortillas to make this dish even healthier! 

3. Peanut butter overnight oats

Overnight oats make breakfast easy and nutritious. You can make almost a week's worth of overnight oats because they keep well for up to five days. This recipe is made with old-fashioned rolled oats, vanilla almond milk, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, pure vanilla extract, and chia seeds. For sweetness, you can add maple syrup or honey.

Combine all of the ingredients in a container and stir well to combine. Then, seal the jar with a tight-fitting lid and allow it to sit in the refrigerator overnight. When you're ready for breakfast in the morning, simply pull the container from the refrigerator, stir well, and enjoy. Before eating your oats, add desired toppings, such as chopped peanuts or berries.

4. Breakfast veggie scramble

Eggs are one of the most popular breakfast food choices, and there are so many ways to cook them. Scrambled eggs are easy to cook, and you can make a full meal by stirring in some vegetables with your eggs.

This veggie scramble is made with bell pepper, fresh spinach, and grape tomatoes. Serve with sliced avocado, and add a dollop of hummus for even more protein.

5. Healthy breakfast sandwich

When you can make a quick and easy breakfast sandwich at home, you won't be tempted to opt for the drive-through versions. These hearty sandwiches are made with eggs, vegetables, turkey slices, and cheddar cheese. If you want a lighter sandwich, you can omit the cheese.

The veggies on this sandwich include onion, chopped broccoli, sliced mushrooms, garlic, and fresh spinach.

6. Chocolate peanut butter protein bites

There are days when you need a quick grab-and-go breakfast, and that's when these delicious protein energy balls will save your morning. These protein-packed nuggets taste like a chocolate peanut butter cup, but they're vegan and gluten-free.

To make these protein bites, use Medjool dates, peanut butter, vegan chocolate chips, chia seeds, and cocoa powder.

7. Make-ahead fruit and yogurt protein parfait

If you want a quick and healthy breakfast that's a kid-pleaser, you can't go wrong with a yogurt parfait. This is a recipe that can be prepared in advance, so breakfast is ready to go when you are.

With Greek yogurt, raw pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and chia seeds, this parfait is loaded with protein and nutrients. Flavor comes from cinnamon, ground cloves, and vanilla extract, and mixed berries add color and explosive flavor.

8. Banana chocolate chip muffins

Chocolate chip muffins for breakfast may sound like an indulgent sugary treat, but that's not the case with this recipe. These muffins are made without refined sugar and butter. The protein comes from Greek yogurt, and you can use antioxidant-rich dark chocolate chips for even more nutritional value.

By using melted coconut oil or olive oil to make these muffins, you have healthier fat, and whole-wheat flour adds more fiber. The sweetness comes from honey.

9. Cottage cheese pancakes

We're all guilty of loving pancakes as a special treat, but there's nothing guilty about these cottage cheese pancakes. They get protein not just from the eggs but also from the cottage cheese. Old-fashioned oats add all the fiber you could want, and there's no added sugar in this recipe.

Serve these pancakes with a little maple syrup for sweetness, or opt for fresh berries and whipped topping for a low-sugar treat.

10. Vegetarian crustless quiche

Most quiche recipes are healthy enough, but if you're eliminating gluten and reducing carbs, making quiche without the crust delivers an even healthier breakfast or brunch meal. This recipe has a secret ingredient that makes the flavor pop: nutmeg.

Because this quiche is made with eggs and cheese, it has a lot of protein. However, this recipe also has vegetables galore, including cremini mushrooms, red onion, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes.

11. Protein breakfast smoothie

While some smoothies made with fruit and vegetables are lighter, this smoothie is loaded with protein thanks to protein powder, almond milk, and peanut butter. The rolled oatmeal adds fiber, which makes you feel full for longer.

For fruit, you can use whatever you like, and the recipe calls for frozen bananas and strawberries.

12. Smoked salmon toast

Bagels with lox and cream cheese are a breakfast classic, but this lightened-up version is just as delicious with much less fat and carbs. Instead of a bagel, you can use whole-grain sourdough bread. The recipe calls for regular cream cheese, but a substitution of lower-fat cream cheese is also flavorful.

Thin slices of smoked salmon top the toast, and fresh lemon juice, capers, fresh chives, fresh dill, and red onion add plenty of flavor.

13. Homemade pecan and walnut chocolate energy bars

Granola bars and other types of bars are popular as a quick breakfast item, but the problem with store bought bars is that they're often laden with ingredients you don't have control over. When you make homemade energy bars with foods from your pantry, you know exactly what you're eating.

These tasty bars have two types of nuts—walnuts and pecans—and peanuts, which are actually a legume. Chia seeds and Medjool dates add even more wholesome goodness. For the chocolate flavor, use 60% dark chocolate and cocoa powder. The sweetness comes from natural agave.

14. Classic French omelette

The difference between a French omelette and an American omelet is all about the technique and the fillings. With a French omelette, the recipe is much simpler. The only ingredients are eggs, butter, salt, and fresh herbs.

With an American omelet, some browning of the eggs is okay, and you can stuff it to your heart's content with delicious lean meats and veggies.

15. Instant Pot steel-cut oats

Small kitchen appliances such as the Instant Pot have changed the way we cook dinner, but these handy tools are also ideal for preparing breakfast. With your pressure cooker, you've got a bowl of steaming steel-cut oatmeal prepared and ready to eat in less than half an hour. Best of all, it's easy hands-off cooking.

Optional toppings can include fresh or frozen fruits, nut butter, seeds and nuts, cacao nibs, and dairy-free milk.

16. Avocado toast with egg (4 ways)

Avocado toast has become a breakfast favorite that’s also easy to enjoy at any other time of day. This recipe shows you how to make delicious egg and avocado toast in four different ways: scrambled, fried, poached, and boiled.

However you like your eggs, there's an avocado toast recipe for you and your way of eating. The only seasonings you need for all four of these recipes are sea salt and cracked black pepper.

17. Breakfast cookies

Cookies for breakfast? We're in when they're this healthy. These little gems are made with rolled oats, walnuts, shredded coconut, cranberries, natural peanut butter, and bananas. Roll in some antioxidant-rich dark chocolate chunks and honey, and you've got some seriously healthy cookies.

You can use dairy milk for these cookies, or you can also substitute oat milk or almond milk. Cinnamon and vanilla add the earthy flavors.

Reach your health goals

Eating a healthy breakfast every day is a long-term commitment and investment in your health. With these easy recipes, you can enjoy variety and flavor that fits into your busy schedule. To track and earn rewards for your healthy habits, download our app to learn more.

Healthy Eating
February 22, 2023

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week: How to have a healthy relationship with food

7 minutes

Eating disorders affect nearly 30 million Americans, yet receive less funding and attention than many other mental health disorders, making getting support challenging. Find out how to recognize signs of an eating disorder and how to get help in our latest post.

February 27 through March 5, 2023 is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

“an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders and to provide hope, support, and visibility to individuals and families affected by eating disorders.”

Almost 30 million people in America struggle with eating disorders. And though eating disorders are common, they receive less funding and attention than many other mental health disorders, making support options hard to come by.

Eating disorder awareness is important so that individuals who are affected by them can get help. Eating disorders tend to get worse over time, and sometimes cause long-term health problems, but early identification of an eating disorder can mitigate long-term risks. 

Read on to learn how you can develop a healthy relationship with food and determine if you or someone you know may need help overcoming an eating disorder.

How do you know if you have an eating disorder?

Food is nourishment for all the complex processes your body needs to carry out. It provides energy, gives your brain fuel to think and dream, you even need food in the form of calories when you sit still and do nothing. But not everyone has a healthy relationship with food and recognizing an eating disorder can be challenging. If you find that you eat too much or too little, feel guilty when you eat, or struggle with any of the following symptoms, you should consider reaching out for help.

  • Self-induced vomiting
  • Taking laxatives, diuretics, or diet pills other than as prescribed by your doctor
  • Chewing food then spitting it out in the trash or a napkin
  • Obsessing about your food’s cleanliness
  • Feeling overweight even when you lose weight or are at a healthy weight
  • Obsessing about your body image
  • Having low body weight
  • Having impulsive or irregular eating habits such as a desire to eat only one type of food
  • Misusing insulin normally prescribed for diabetics, even if you are diabetic
  • Feeling depressed, anxious, guilty, or disgusted with yourself when you eat food
  • Talking excessively about food
  • Cooking food but then won’t eat it
  • Are always low energy
  • Recently suffered an emotional trauma and can’t eat because of it
  • Don’t want to talk about what you eat, or don’t eat with others

If you or anyone you know is struggling with any of the above symptoms, or if you’d like more information on how to recognize an eating disorder, there are several free online tools available. 

Mental Health America has a free online screening tool here. And The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) has a free screening tool here for anyone ages 13 and up.  


For support, resources, or treatment options for yourself or a loved one who’s struggling with an eating disorder, you can contact the NEDA Helpline by calling or texting (800) 931-2237. You can also use their live chat option here.

Here’s how you can have a healthy relationship with food

Eating disorders are serious medical and mental health issues which can lead to long-term health problems. That’s why it’s important to speak up and spread awareness, but it’s also important to provide resources and support. 

And it’s important to talk about developing a healthy relationship with food to help prevent eating disorders from developing and to help those currently struggling. 

7 tips for developing healthy eating habits

  1. Don’t binge eat and then diet. Do eat healthy meals, consistently, several times a day at the same time every day. Not only does binge eating wreak havoc on your hormones, excessive dieting following a binge can sometimes cause you to develop an eating disorder

While scientists are still learning to understand what exactly causes eating disorders, it's clear that people who struggle with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorders have different brain chemistry than people who don’t, and that a binge-diet cycle can harm brain chemistry.

  1. Make sure you're eating enough healthy calories. If you suffer from anorexia or bulimia, you could possibly have an unrealistic viewpoint of your body. This can cause you to refuse food or eat too little. For an accurate estimate of how many calories you should consume daily to stay healthy depending on your age, height, and activity levels, check this calorie counting tool
  2. Eat mindfully. Develop healthy eating habits one day and one food at a time. Do you tend to sit in front of the television with a gallon of ice cream and all of a sudden you look down and it’s gone? Don’t lambast yourself for binging, just decide to eat more mindfully, taking time to savor what you eat, without watching TV, texting, or doing anything but savoring your food. Check in with your body after each bite, and ask yourself, “Have I had enough?” We tend to eat more when we’re distracted, so you can make sure you’re not binging by paying attention to the act of eating itself. 
  3. Choose snacks wisely. Depending on your activity levels, you may need a snack to keep your blood sugar levels from dropping. Smaller meals throughout the day are sometimes essential for athletes, people with physically demanding jobs, or people who have larger caloric needs, such as when they're breastfeeding or pregnant. Harvard suggests a healthy snack if you anticipate going several hours without food and your blood sugar levels tend to fluctuate. If you get hungry in the evening, try eating complex carbohydrates or healthy fats rather than sugary snacks. Sugary snacks can spike your blood sugar, causing cortisol levels to increase. Cortisol is a stress hormone. It can cause a “wake up” signal to travel through the brain which disrupts your circadian rhythms, or natural sleep-wake cycles, making it impossible for your body to know when to sleep.
  4. Get healthy sleep. A lack of sleep can cause disruptions in the creation of two important hunger hormones, ghrelin and leptin. One regulates when you feel full, and the other regulates your appetite. Without these hormones in balance, you’re more likely to overeat. There are also links between lack of sleep and obesity. Lack of sleep can also cause elevated stress levels, and some people react to stress by not eating enough. 
  5. Write down your feelings instead of eating them. Food is a quick go-to for many people because it can relieve stress and provide relief from anxiety. When you eat sugary or starchy foods, it causes an instant serotonin and dopamine reward in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating our mood, and dopamine is a similar chemical hormone that “rewards” us for certain actions we take. While you can get a quick fix from eating, it’s possible to become addicted to the fast dump of these neurochemicals without realizing that what you eat may cause a subsequent cascade of less than desirable stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Instead of getting your serotonin and dopamine from a binge session, try other positive habits that also regulate your mood and reward you with dopamine like expressing gratitude or doing light aerobic exercise.
  6. Journal your food intake. Try keeping a log of what you eat in a week so that you have a realistic view of how much or little food you eat. If you write down the times you eat as well as what you eat, you’ll also sometimes notice patterns, like eating out of boredom at certain times in the day, or when you feel stressed. Once you’ve written down what you eat and when, sit with the information and determine if you might be eating too much or too little. If you tend to overeat, contemplate ways to do something to assuage your boredom that’s healthy instead, like spending time in nature, or talking to a good friend that makes you laugh. If you tend to eat too little, write down why you might be depriving yourself of life-giving food. Is there an underlying emotion that needs to surface?

How to get help for an eating disorder

If you think you or someone you know may have an eating disorder, you can get help. Reach out to a medical or mental health provider near you. 

If that isn’t an option for you, or it isn’t the right option, The National Eating Disorder Association has resources, support, and live help options.

There is hope

You can develop a healthy relationship with food even if you currently have an eating disorder. Be sure to reach out for help and try to slow down, eat mindfully, and give yourself time to process deeper emotions like sadness and grief by writing them in a journal. It can also help to keep a log of what and when you eat for a week, so you can have a realistic picture of your relationship with food and eating. If you or someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder, get help. You’re not alone.

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Healthy Eating
November 23, 2022

Healthy eating tips for your holiday feast

5 minutes

The holidays are a time for friends, family, gratitude—and food of course. By taking a mindful approach and learning a few tips, you can celebrate the holidays and still keep up with your healthy eating habits.

The holidays are a time for friends and family to come together to share gratitude and enjoy some of their favorite foods. From mashed potatoes and gravy to latkes, brisket, candied yams, or pumpkin pie—there's no shortage of meals to appreciate. 

But if you're striving to eat healthier, you may find it challenging to maintain healthy eating habits through the holidays. 

So how can you stay healthy over the holidays while still enjoying yourself?

In today's article, we'll share nine healthy eating tips for your holiday feast. Keep reading to learn more.

9 healthy eating tips for your holiday feast 

Get enough sleep

Sleeping habits can affect the amount of food you eat, and the types of food you're drawn to. Not getting enough sleep can make it more difficult to manage blood sugar—and may increase your desire for more high-fat and high-sugar foods. 

Healthy sleep also helps your body produce hormones that control appetite, specifically leptin and ghrelin.

What do these hormones do? 

  • Leptin regulates the body's balance of energy by regulating feelings of hunger and fat storage. 
  • Ghrelin, which is secreted in the stomach, acts as a counterpart of leptin—boosting appetite, growth, and fat production.

Normal and sufficient sleep keeps these hormones balanced. When you don’t get enough sleep, these hormones can become imbalanced, which can increase your appetite. This sets the stage for a higher calorie intake throughout the day.

Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to maintain this balance and avoid overeating. 

Stay active

Staying active in the days leading up to, after, and during the holidays can help keep stress levels at bay. 

Research links weight gain to stress. And when stressed, your body produces the hormone cortisol. Because the brain thinks it needs energy to fight off whatever’s causing the stress, cortisol creates cravings for fatty, sugary, and salty food. 

But staying active doesn't just help with stress. 

Adding some additional activity to routine can be a great way to make up for the higher caloric intake throughout the holidays. Light to moderate physical activity can burn anywhere from 240 to 460 calories per hour. Some quick ways you can stay active during the holidays include:

  • Going for a walk
  • Dancing with family
  • Getting a workout in

Don’t skip meals

Skipping breakfast to save room for the holiday dinner may be a bad idea as it can lead to a greater appetite later in the day. This puts you at risk of overeating during the holiday feast and  makes it harder to manage blood sugar levels.

Unhealthy food choices are also more likely to occur when you’re hungry.


You’re more likely to mindlessly eat when you’re hungry, instead of slowing down to consider healthier food choices. When hungry, the body craves foods that also tend to be quick and easy fixes like unhealthy, sugary snacks.

Skipping meals can also cause you to:

  • Gain weight 
  • Feel sluggish and tired 
  • Burn less energy (calories)

Bring healthy dishes

Whether you’re hosting or visiting, you can create healthy dishes that are still festive. 

Some healthy holiday dishes ideas include:

  • Green beans 
  • Sauteed carrots
  • Sauteed kale or collard greens
  • Vegetable salad 
  • Baked yams 
  • Butternut squash soup  

Ideally, consume a balance of:

  • Healthy protein foods (poultry, beans, and nuts). Choose options with less salt and with little to no bad fats.
  • Good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (avocado, almonds, and pecans)
  • Healthier sources of carbs (unprocessed whole grains, vegetables, and fruits). These have more nutrients than simple carbs and their higher fiber content allows them to digest more slowly.

Eating a balance of healthy proteins, carbs, and good fats is a simple way to feel satisfied, avoid overeating, and give you energy for your day. 

Stay hydrated

Drinking water helps your body digest more easily by breaking down foods and helping you absorb nutrients. 

Harvard suggests a daily water intake of:

  • 4 to 11 cups for kids and teens 18 and under
  • 13 cups for men 19 and older
  • 9 cups for women 19 and older 

Take a break

When you’re eating, your stomach may take a few moments to signal to the brain that it’s getting full. So it’s wise to take a break before helping yourself to seconds. 

Instead of going for your second plate—try talking with family, drinking more water, or enjoying some fresh air. 

Keep your distance

When at a get-together, try to stay away from the snack table if you’re prone to indulging.  Staying close to food makes it easier to mindlessly eat, which can cause overeating.

Instead, try chewing a piece of gum or eating a mint—or bring your own healthy snacks to share and enjoy. 

Some healthy snacks could include:

  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Vegetables with hummus
  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Try to limit calories from drinks

The holidays offer a variety of drinks—most of which are high in calories:

  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Eggnog  
  • Apple cider
  • Mixed drinks 

One glass of eggnog can contain up to 500 calories. And one cup of apple cider has around 28 grams of sugar.

One can of beer contains up to 350 calories, and a mixed drink, like a rum and coke, contains around 185 calories. If you’re drinking alcohol, it may be best to limit your intake, not only for the high calories, but also because it can affect your decision-making, behavior, and reaction time.

Whatever you’re drinking, try alternating with glasses of water to decrease the overall amount of unhealthy drinks you consume. 

Look before you eat

Before you start putting food on your plate, pause and look at everything on the table. This can help you make more proactive choices about the foods you eat. And it may help you lower the number of calories you consume during the meal. 


The holidays are a time to celebrate family, friends, and gratitude.

It’s ok to enjoy holiday food, drinks, and desserts in moderation. And by taking a more mindful approach, you can celebrate the holidays while still maintaining your health.

We hope you learned some tips to stay healthy this holiday season amid all the tempting foods and treats being served. Consider sharing this article with friends and family and help create a healthier holiday environment for all.

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