Self-Care Tips to Boost Your Mood
Whether you’re adventuring, decluttering, relaxing or starting a new hobby, there are plenty of ways to find balance and give your mental health a boost.
The opportunities to care for your physical, mental, and emotional health are endless. Whether you’re looking to check in, refresh, or relax, these self-care tips are guaranteed to give your mood a boost!
Self-care tips for your mind, spirit, and body
Self-care is a term that's easily defined: caring for yourself. Essentially, anything you do to prioritize your mental, physical, and spiritual health is self-care. However, while the term is easy to define, putting self-care into practice isn’t as easy as it sounds.
The world we live in demands a lot of us. Equally, as humans, we tend to demand a lot of ourselves. We're driven to perform, and there's nothing wrong with being productive or ambitious. The problem is that we too often neglect self-care when it stands in the way of getting more things done.
Knowing how to do self-care will have a profound effect on your overall well-being. Moreover, self-care helps you live a more balanced life. By practicing self-care, we're making an investment in our current and future selves, and we become more resilient and better able to confidently navigate life’s challenges.
1. Move your body
Taking care of our bodies is an important priority, but self-care physical exercise isn't about doing intense workouts. It's OK to take a break in the middle of your day to move your body with activities like stretching or a leisurely stroll around the block. When we take a half hour for ourselves to recharge and rejuvenate—whether in the morning, the middle of the day, or after work—we release tension and give ourselves some love in a way that doesn't require us to take a shower afterward.
By stretching and moving our bodies, we also promote flexibility and balance. Moving the body more often is an investment in our long-term health and well-being. The key to making body movement a consistent self-care practice is to find something that's easily accessible for you. Maybe this means taking the stairs instead of an elevator, or listening to your favorite podcast while you take a stroll instead of watching TV in the evening.
2. Disrupt your routine for a day
Have you ever found an unexpected pocket of time in the middle of a busy day? For example, maybe you were at work and your boss spontaneously told the entire office to leave an hour early. Or perhaps you had plans that fell through at the last minute, and your introverted soul secretly rejoiced because you suddenly recaptured a few hours of time for yourself.
These disruptions are usually a good thing, and it's in these unexpected moments that adventures often arise. There's no reason you can't plan in advance to disrupt your day. You could take an afternoon off and use that time to browse a bookstore or visit a museum. In other words, feed your spirit in a way that’s atypical. Just be sure you make your planned disruption all about giving yourself some self-care. It can be tempting to pack this new-found block of time with the tasks that are waiting for you, but this time is all for you to do something that feeds your spirit.
3. Unplug from technology
Without question, technology adds value to our lives. The internet, computers, smartphones, and TV make us more productive and efficient, and these tools give us a world of knowledge at our fingertips. Whether for learning, working, or enjoying some relaxing free time with a favorite show, most of us are connected in one way or another at all times. Specifically, a study conducted by Penn State showed that Americans spend more than 10 hours a day staring at screens. Unplugging from technology for a day (or half a day) is one of the easiest ways to practice self-care.
When we unplug, we start to pay attention to our thoughts again, and we become more present. We begin to notice the world around us, whether inside our homes or outside in nature.
Unplugging isn't just about stepping away from your computer screen. Consider putting your phone on "do not disturb" so that only the most important people can get through to you. Turn your smartphone upside down on your desk or bedside table so you're not distracted by notifications. Even better, leave it on your desk as you go explore your world.
4. Schedule a time for worrying (budget, planning, news)
Most of us tend to reactively deal with issues and worries as they arise. For example, when a news alert pops up in our notifications, maybe we stop what we're doing to read it. Or we spend varying portions of our day on planning. This can be creating to-do lists, clearing out our email inboxes, and budgeting.
Everyone has issues to worry about. These issues can include financial worries, personal challenges you're facing, or staying on top of current events. Creating a window of time—an hour or two every weekday—to devote to these concerns frees up the rest of your day for more positive things, and you have more time for self-care. In fact, setting up a designated period for dealing with issues that come up is a form of self-care.
5. Document your life journey
We’re all taking our own unique journeys through life, and your path is unlike that of anyone else in the world. Documenting your journey—whether through a bound journal, scrapbook, or blog—is a great way to practice self-care. Journaling helps us process our thoughts, getting them out of our heads and onto paper. However, reflection doesn't have to be done with pen and paper or even via a blog. You can create a video journal and share your thoughts with others online or keep them for yourself.
Maintaining an ongoing gratitude journal is also helpful. Consider spending time in reflection at the end of every day, jotting down the things that you feel grateful for. Or sit down at the end of the week and list the happenings that have affected you in a positive way.
Another idea is to get creative with documenting your journey. Creating a scrapbook of your life's milestones serves as a tangible reminder of the paths you've taken, and creating artwork that's meaningful to you serves the same purpose.
6. Indulge in reading fiction
Is reading the latest novel by your favorite author one of your guilty pleasures? If so, you already know one of the best things to do for self-care. According to research, reading fiction can benefit your memory, creativity, and cognitive abilities.
So go ahead and immerse yourself in an engrossing story and allow yourself a good dose of healthy escapism. Read a genre you already love or try something completely new, such as historical fiction, romance, or literary fiction.
7. Spend time with animals
Cuddling a furry kitten or playing fetch with a rambunctious puppy can be good for your health. When you spend time with animals, you’re connecting to another living creature, and these are creatures that are non judgemental and love unconditionally.
If you have a pet already, this isn’t news to you. However, if you don't have pets of your own, consider volunteering at your local animal shelter. According to science, giving back feels good, and when you combine volunteering with spending time with vulnerable animals, it’s a winning combination. For example, these havens for homeless animals often need volunteers to help socialize kittens so that they’re adoptable. It’s nearly impossible to focus on your worries when you’re spending time with vulnerable animals. And who knows? You may fall in love with one of these loveable creatures and have a new best friend.
8. Take a nap
As children, most of us dreaded being put down for a nap. However, as a grown adult with lots of responsibilities, a nap probably feels like a luxury you can’t afford. The fact is, naps are excellent for self-care, but it’s also a great investment into your productivity. The key to an effective nap is to keep it short. If you let yourself sleep too long, you may feel groggy when you wake up.
Experts agree napping for 20-30 minutes is ideal for a quick recharge. Find a quiet spot without distractions, using earplugs or an eye mask if you find it hard to sleep during the daytime. If you have a hard time sleeping in the middle of the day, use your naptime to do some reading. Just the act of lying still in a bed is refreshing, even if you don’t go to sleep.
9. Clean up what you take in
A great way to clean up what you take in is to embrace a cleaner diet. The food you eat has a significant impact on your mental health and could be a game changer in your energy and mental clarity. Local farmers' markets provide healthy, affordable produce options and meats for you to enjoy.
In addition to eating cleaner, another way to practice self-care is to reduce your caffeine intake. While coffee has health benefits, you can reap the same benefits by drinking half-caff or decaf coffee.
Cleaner eating is a great start to self-care through eating, but don't forget to treat yourself now and then. When you're rewarding yourself with a healthy treat—such as a couple of pieces of antioxidant-rich dark chocolate—it definitely falls into the pamper and self-care category.
10. Get outside
When the sun is out and the weather is warm, you have ample opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, a nearby park, or your own backyard. Spending time outside moving your body or just relaxing are great ways to get fresh air in your lungs and vitamin D into your system.
Especially if you live in a region where frigid winters and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are common, time outside in the warmer months can bolster your immune system and mental health while lowering your stress levels. It’s also a great time to explore where you live, visit small businesses, find local hikes, or enjoy a day at the beach.
11. Give your home a refresh
It’s always a great time to clean, declutter, and maintain your home inside and out. Small details add up to big results here, so you don’t have to worry about major projects and remodels unless they’re timely, affordable, and needed. Clearing cobwebs from corners and molding, washing pillows and bedding, and rearranging your furniture can make any space feel new again.
If you want to take things a step further, consider going through your belongings one room at a time to sort out any broken or donatable items. Removing things like expired food, old children’s toys, or clothes that no longer fit can leave you with extra storage or even more space to leave open and refreshed in your home.
If you’re a homeowner who finds yourself constantly stressed about maintaining appliances and avoiding a home emergency, look into appliance warranties that provide timely repair or replacement of items like your fridge and garage door opener. Also available for your home’s HVAC systems, these warranties can mean the difference between a broken air conditioner on a hot day and an efficient cooling system providing your family with fresh, clean air. This can contribute to your peace of mind all year long.
12. Check in with yourself
Outside or in, spending some time alone with yourself can do you a lot of good. Consider setting aside some quiet time to meditate, pray, journal, or rest. These moments alone can help you get in touch with how you’re really feeling and where your mental health is at, away from opinion and outside influence.
Perhaps the most important part of spending time alone is making sure you’re actually alone. This means removing any access you have to tech devices and finding a spot where you’ll remain uninterrupted. The more you practice this routine, the more comfortable you’re going to feel. Over time, these intentional moments can help you with goal-setting, communicating with others, and feeling more at ease.
13. Spend time in community with others
This might seem contradictory to what we talked about in the last section, but it’s important that you balance your moments alone with time spent building relationships. Whether you’re with family or friends, or in a community of faith, healthy relationships with others carry a lot of benefits for your mental and emotional health.
This is a great opportunity for those who experience social anxiety to practice their grounding techniques and create a safe, communicative environment with others. If you’re looking to keep busy or get creative, consider checking out your local YMCA or community center for cooking classes, weekly bingo, or recreational sports leagues. Other great community activities include volunteering together, having a picnic, or doing a paint ‘n’ sip evening.
14. Give yourself a break from social media
Just like you have a home for your body, your body is your home. If you’re cleaning and decluttering your physical space, consider making some changes to what you put into your body as well. It’s always good to evaluate things like your food intake, screen time, and media exposure.
We all know how easy it is to get lost in our phones these days. Between TikTok providing commitment-free bursts of entertainment and social media constantly jarring us with opinions, gossip, and unrealistic expectations, it’s important to log off and stay in touch with reality.
It’s a simple truth; we can’t thrive off of knowing every minute detail of someone else’s life, especially if they’re a complete stranger. If you’re interested in cutting back, you’re not alone in the challenge it poses. Remember to start small, remove your phone or TV from one meal a day, commit to a device-free friend hangout, or—if you’re feeling brave—turn your phone off for an entire day of exciting activities.
Now that you know how to do self-care, what's the next step?
Whether you’re adventuring, decluttering, relaxing or starting a new hobby, there are plenty of ways to find balance and give your mental health a boost. Don’t be afraid to make the most of it, and remember that caring for yourself means that you can be a better person for the important people in your life
Evidation Members can earn points for tracking self-care activities such as walking, sleeping, food intake, and more. Download our app today to learn more.
What muscles does biking work?
Whether you're hitting the road or the trail, there's no doubt that a two-wheeled workout can leave you feeling sore. It doesn’t matter if you're an experienced cyclist or you're getting started with biking for the first time, it’s helpful to understand what muscles biking works so you can get the most from your workout.
Whether you're hitting the road or the trail, there's no doubt that a two-wheeled workout can leave you feeling sore. It doesn’t matter if you're an experienced cyclist or you're getting started with biking for the first time, it’s helpful to understand what muscles biking works so you can get the most from your workout.
Here, we'll take a look at exactly what muscles are working when you're cycling--and check out some steps you can take to preemptively avoid soreness after spending some time logging cycling miles.
What are the most important muscles that leg cycling works?
There's no doubt about it--cycling can be a full-body workout, and it's normal to also feel your back, abs, and arms working while you're riding. Staying balanced is a full-body skill, and it can take time to get to know the muscles that you use when you’re riding. Even your forearms may get a workout from gripping the handlebars of your bike. That being said, most of the power in cycling comes from the lower body.
- Tibialis anterior (shins and calves)
- Soleus (calves)
- Gastrocnemius (calves)
- Vastus lateralis (quadriceps)
- Rectus femoris (quadriceps)
- Vastus medialis (quadriceps)
- Biceps femoris (hamstrings)
- Psoas (hip flexor)
- Gluteus maximus (butt)
*An important note: If you’re arm cycling, you’ll get an intense upper body workout, and you’ll especially feel the burn in your trapezius and rhomboid muscles.
There are several factors that can affect how much you depend on certain muscles to power you through your ride. Taking an indoor spin class will work different muscles than powering through a 100 mile trail ride, for example. Varying your speed and terrain can help you hit a larger percentage of muscle groups than sticking to the same routine time after time.
12 o'clock to 5 o'clock: What’s a pedal stroke?
Each time your foot moves in a full circle when you’re biking, you’re completing a pedal stroke. When you're in the saddle (the cycling term for sitting on the seat of your bike), your muscles are working hardest from the 12 o’clock to 5 o’clock positions of your pedal stroke. During this part of your stroke, your quads, glutes, and hamstrings are all working to exert the proper amount of force as you push your foot down to move the pedal. There's a mental aspect to this as well, as you need to consider your terrain and slope to decide how much force is required to move at your desired speed.
As your hip flexes to bring your foot to the 12 position, your muscles prepare to exert the force that pushes you forward. Once you hit the 6 position, your knees and hip flexors work together to bring you back to the start of your pedal stroke.
It's smart to pay attention to how your hips, knees, and muscles feel as you move through a full pedal cycle. If you feel weakness or tightness, see if you can pinpoint where it occurs. This will allow you to develop off-the-bike workouts that can help you pedal more efficiently.
Combine cardio and strength training to get faster and stronger
Looking to boost and strengthen the muscles used in cycling? You’ll want to check out these other outdoor activities, as well as put in some work in the gym. It’s important to strike a nice balance between cardio and strength training in order to build the muscles that allow you to fly down the trail.
Varying your cardio workouts can be a great way to support cycling. Don't forget, your heart is a muscle too. Running, swimming, and fast-paced walking can all help you develop your cardio fitness so you're better able to keep up on your bike.
A word of caution: be sure you're giving yourself time to recover in between cardio workouts. Swimming one day and biking the next is okay from time to time, but constant back-to-back cardio workouts can make it hard for you to fully recover, which can eventually have a negative effect on your fitness and your performance.
Ready to take your strength to the next level to help fuel your weekend rides?
Add these moves to your strength training routine:
- Heel raises: You already know that your calves put in work when you're on your bike, and strengthening them can help you get through your pedal cycle faster (and can help save you from soreness after your ride). To do heel raises, stand on the edge of a curb or the bottom stair of a staircase, with your toes supported and heels free. Use your calf muscles to raise your body up to tiptoe, and use control to slowly lower back to your starting position. Heel raises can be done with or without added weight.
- Single leg deadlifts: Stand with both feet parallel and hip-width apart, with a weight in one hand. Slowly lift the leg on the weighted side of your body behind you, keeping a slight bend in the planted leg. With hips square to the ground, lean your upper body slightly forward as you use your hamstrings to raise your back leg until you feel your glute tighten. Slowly lower back to starting position with control.
- Squats: Stand with both feet parallel and hip-width apart, with toes pointing forward. Shift your hips backward as you bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Already a squat pro? Throw some variation into your routine to challenge new muscle groups. Sumo squats (toes wide and pointing outward), narrow squats (feet together), and jump squats can all add a new challenge to your workout.
- Seated leg raise: Need to take a break and sit down? Don't worry–you can still keep your movement going. Sit on flat ground with your legs extended out in front of you. Fold your arms and use your core to sit tall as you lift one leg a few inches off the ground, using your quad and hip flexor to stabilize. Slowly lower back to starting position with control. Alternate legs.
When you're incorporating strength training into your cycling routine, two times per week is usually a good start. Plan for a light cycling workout the day after your strength training. Getting movement into your body can help to get rid of any post-lifting soreness, but overdoing it can lengthen your recovery time and negatively affect your performance.
Indoor vs. outdoor cycling: What you need to know
If you've ever taken a spin class, you know that it can be a challenge! That being said, indoor cycling works your muscles in a different way than outdoor cycling. When you're indoor cycling, you'll get a different workout that focuses almost completely on the lower body, as you're able to stand and change the resistance on your bike without having to worry about terrain or keeping your balance. When you're cycling outdoors, you need to use your entire body–including your core and your back--to stabilize as you navigate your path.
Safe recovery: How do you stay strong and injury-free?
Find that your calves, quads, or glutes are screaming after you're done with your ride? You're not alone. Soreness is actually caused by tiny tears in the muscles that will need to repair themselves after the workout. Post-cycling soreness is common, and there are a few steps that you can take to recover safely.
Stay hydrated
Before, during, and after your workout, staying hydrated is key to avoiding sore muscles. If you're working out for an hour or more, be sure to choose a drink infused with electrolytes (or make your own) to help your muscles recover. If you're planning on a super-intense ride, you may want to consider starting to boost your hydration in the days prior.
Use a foam roller
Using a foam roller is simple–and there are plenty of foam roller options that don’t break the bank. A foam roller is a tube-shaped piece of firm foam that you can sit on or lie on to help ease the aches and pains caused by exercise. First time using a foam roller? Check out a quick tutorial here.
Adhesions can develop between your muscle tissue and fascia (a thin piece of tissue that covers the muscles), and foam rolling can help to relieve these adhesions. Using a foam roller on your upper back, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves can help stop soreness before it starts. Taking some time to chill out on the foam roller with a glass of water following your ride can be the perfect way to cool off.
Get your rest
We know--you're busy, and it can be tough to get the rest you need to recover after your workout. Doing so, however, isn't just good for your mind. It's also important for your body to get plenty of high-quality sleep following tough cycling workouts. Turning off screens an hour prior to bedtime can be a great way to help promote healthy sleep.
Keep track of your health--download the app!
At Evidation, we're committed to supporting your wellness journey. Download the app today to get the motivation you need to get moving.
Do you Really Need a Wearable Device?
You may be wondering about the benefits of wearable devices like smart watches and fitness trackers. Especially if you aren’t interested in tracking exercise or fitness routines.
Wearable devices are all the rage right now, but what are wearable devices, exactly?
It seems we can do everything from our phones these days, so why the buzz around wearables? Do they really offer something our phones don’t? Do you need one to move forward with your fitness journey?
You may be wondering about the benefits of wearable devices like smart watches and fitness trackers. Especially if you aren’t interested in tracking exercise or fitness routines.
Of course, if you are interested in tracking your fitness journey or exercise milestones, having a wearable can have a HUGE impact on your success.
But the benefits don’t end there.
Newer wearable devices offer a range of benefits including health benefits, like monitoring your heart rate, and conveniences, like contactless payment options!
Health benefits of wearable devices
Wearable technology for healthcare
This is great for anyone who wants to keep tabs on their health, but it’s especially helpful for individuals with certain medical conditions.
Devices with built in heart, oxygen, and respiration (breath) monitors make it easy for anyone with a heart or lung condition to keep track of how they’re doing from day to day (or minute to minute!). Some devices have the ability to let you know when you’re likely nearing a health event, allowing you to have advance warning of an issue.
They can also help keep track of your weight, blood sugar, sleeping patterns, physical activity, and more. This can help you learn more about whether you’re moving in the direction you’d like to go when it comes to your health and fitness. If you have specific concerns for your health (like if you’re pre-diabetic, for example), it’s a good idea to talk with your physician about what type of wearable device is the best fit to support your ongoing health needs.
This type of continuous monitoring can give you and your medical provider a much bigger picture than what is visible in the clinic. Sharing the health information gathered by your wearable device with your healthcare provider can go a long way in helping them see what’s happening with your body when you’re not at the doctor’s office.
Fitness support
No matter what your health and fitness goals, having continuous monitoring of your health can allow you to move toward them. If you’re working to train for an event, you’ll find that the data provided by your wearable device (such as notifications of heart rate spikes and information on how well you recover post-workout) can be helpful in allowing you to fine-tune your training plan to meet your needs. If you’re working to gain or lose weight, you’ll find that the information on your fitness tracker can work to give you the information you need about how effective your workouts are, helping you adjust your caloric intake accordingly.
Many wearable devices provide motivational information that can help you push yourself to the next level in your workouts. Whether you’re trying to build your speed, stamina, or simply want to get into the habit of getting your body moving a few times each week, you can set goals within your wearable device and keep tabs on whether you’re moving forward.
If you’re using a wearable device to meet a fitness goal, it’s important that you work carefully to find out which device is the best fit for your needs. Some devices are great at reminding you to get moving, while others are better for letting you know how you’re recovering while you sleep. Be sure to keep an eye on the warranty policy when you’re choosing a wearable device–you may want to do a week-long trial run before deciding if the device you chose is the right fit for your needs.
Alerts / Predictions
While most (if not all) of these devices can send you alerts based on your activity, sleep, etc., and some of them can even alert you to a possible health threat, like if your heart rate is irregular or out of its normal rhythm.
Some can even predict potential illnesses (like the flu) and notify you so you can seek medical care. Over time, you’ll likely notice patterns when you’re getting sick. You may notice that your heart rate is consistently higher, or that you’re getting less sleep than usual. Knowing when a cold or flu is coming on can give you the notice that you need to get extra rest, stay super-hydrated, and maybe even take a day or two off from working out so that you can provide your immune system with a boost.
Being connected keeps us engaged, and what better to engage with these days than our health and wellbeing?
When you wear a smart fitness device, you’re able to get constant feedback on what your body is doing, which can often motivate us to keep striving to improve our health. Knowing that your hard work isn’t going unnoticed–even if it’s only being noticed by your device–can help to remind you that your hard work isn’t for naught. When you see the differences in your health created directly by your efforts over time, it’s easy to stick to your nutrition and workout plans even when things begin to feel a little stale.
Having the ability to monitor our actions and what effects they have on us physically allows us to engage in our own health management in ways never before possible.
Wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers give us instant access to information we can use to make day to day decisions about our health and lifestyle.
Other benefits of wearable devices
No-contact payments!
This is a big one these days. More and more people are moving to contactless payment options to minimize exposure. In an increasingly digital world, many people don’t carry cash, and it can be smart to have multiple payment options available when you’re out and about. When you choose a wearable device that’s able to make contactless payments, you have an even easier way to shop and make transactions.
Even no-contact credit and debit cards still require you to dig into your wallet or pocket. When you choose a wearable device that offers no-contact payment, it’s simple to make a transaction.
Some wearables cut the hassle of needing to carry credit and debit cards with a truly contactless payment option. That being said, we still recommend keeping at least some cash on hand (even if it’s in the car) in the event that your device struggles to connect to its network or has a low battery.
Emergency calls/SOS messages
Of course, no one ever thinks they’re going to experience an emergency, but it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected.
Being able to send an emergency message without your phone is a potential life saver. Often when we need help the most, our phones are not within reach or would take too long to access.
With access to emergency assistance right from our wrists, the time it takes to get help can be drastically reduced. If you choose to wear a wireless device, be sure to understand how to use it to call for help in an emergency. You may also be able to set up emergency contacts so that you’re able to reach out without typing in a physical number or looking up someone’s contact information.
Many of today’s wearable devices are also equipped with fall detection and can send messages for you if you are unable to respond. And even wearables without phone access can often connect to an emergency notification app.
After you purchase a wearable, be sure to take your time and understand its emergency contact capabilities. Typically, you’ll even be able to practice how to use your wearable in an emergency situation with the option to turn off the emergency call before it actually dials an emergency dispatch service.
Safer driving
Many of today’s wearables can send and receive hands-free calls and messages. They can also access maps and provide voice-guided or vibration-guided navigation. Features like these can help eliminate or reduce distractions while driving.
You’ll find that many wearable devices that are able to track fitness also have a voice recognition feature. This means that while you can talk to your device during a workout, you can also talk to it while you’re driving. This can make it easier to control the music in your car, hear the latest episode of your favorite podcast, and receive notifications.
Types of wearable devices
When it comes to choosing the right type of fitness device to track your movements and help you get the most out of your workouts, you’ve got options. If you’ve decided that moving forward with a wearable device is a good fit for your fitness needs, keep reading–we’ve got everything you need to know to choose the type of wearable fitness device that’s the best fit for you.
Smart jewelry
Yep, you read that correctly–rings and pins can do the same job as more noticeable wearable fitness trackers. Typically, these devices connect to smartphones and allow you to track your movement and your heart rate throughout your day. Some fitness enthusiasts find that using these types of trackers can make it easier to get workouts in, as they’re a constant reminder that you’re trying to keep moving throughout the day. If you’re interested in finding wearable jewelry that goes with more than one style of clothing, you may want to look for a device that offers a single tracking piece that can fit into several jewelry styles offered by the company.
Fitness trackers
You’ve likely heard of a few different fitness tracker options, such as the Apple Watch and the Fitbit. These are typically worn on the wrist and offer constant insight into your health and movement throughout the day. Some of these devices offer social features that allow you to connect with friends who have similar devices, which some people find motivating due to the competitive aspect of working out with others.
Much like smart jewelry, many fitness trackers offer bands that you can change out so that you’re able to make your tracker match your outfit. Choosing a few different bands can help you stay motivated to wear your fitness tracker every day, even if you’re going to be stuck in the office.
Smart clothing
Some types of clothing can work with you to provide information on how your body is functioning during your workout. This type of built-in tech can interact with your phone or apps that can help support your fitness journey.
Apps and wearables to pair with the Evidation app
Evidation is about supporting and rewarding you on your health journey. If you’re already using the app, you know how easy we make it to get paid for the work you’re already doing to keep yourself healthy. If you’re not using Evidation yet, we’re excited to meet you–and we can’t wait to hear what you think about our unique platform.
To make that easy and convenient we pair with other apps/trackers so that you can use whatever devices you prefer!
We’re working hard to grow this list of apps and devices. If there’s one you’d like to see let us know.
You can email us at
Or reach out on social media!
Below is a list of current apps and wearables that Evidation pairs with (as of April 2023). For an up-to-date list, click here.
Best wearable fitness trackers:
- Apple Watch
- Fitbit
- Garmin
- Oura Ring
- Withings
- Apple Health
- Dexcom
- Fitbit
- Garmin
- Google Fit
- MapMyFitness
- MapMyHike
- MapMyRide
- MapMyRun
- MapMyWalk
- MyFitnessPal
- Oura
- Qardio
- RunDouble
- RunKeeper
- Samsung Health
- Strava
Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? We’re here to help!
At Evidation, we’re proud to reward our members for the things they’re already doing–like working on their health. Download our Evidation app today to learn how you can earn cash for getting–and staying–fit.
How meditation for sleep works and its benefits
Quality sleep keeps our minds sharp, our bodies healthy, and our emotions in check. Find out how adding meditation to your routine can help improve your sleep quality.
We've all experienced this scenario: After an exhausting but productive day, all we want is a good night's sleep so we can get up tomorrow and get even more stuff accomplished. But the moment our heads hit the pillow, our minds start racing with thoughts, making it nearly impossible to drift off to sleep.
We've all been there. But there's a simple solution that may help you relax and drift off to sleep. Meditation for sleep is a proven technique you can use to catch those elusive and essential z's.
Let's dive into the science behind meditation for sleep: why (and how) it works, the many benefits of meditation, and what you can do to get started right away. We'll also explore three proven meditation techniques to get you drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Why quality sleep is essential to our health
Quality sleep is the unsung hero of our well-being. Too often, we get caught up in the ebb and flow of our weeks and overlook the importance of getting a good night's sleep.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that only 33% of Americans get enough sleep, and the American Sleep Association reported troubling statistics on the dangers of sleep deprivation:
- Living with a sleep disorder: 50-70 million adults
- Unintentionally experience excessive daytime sleepiness: 37.9% of people surveyed
- Nodding off while driving at least once per month: 4.7% of survey participants
It's not just about getting a certain number of hours of sleep. If you sleep for eight hours but toss and turn all night, you'll experience some of the same issues of not getting enough sleep.
Good sleep quality plays a key role in how we maintain our health and overall happiness. Sleep affects our mental focus, physical health, and emotional health.
1. Mental focus
When we're well-rested, our minds work better. We think more clearly, make better decisions, and find it easier to learn new things. Getting a good night's sleep is like hitting the reset button for our brains, giving us the clean slate we need to tackle the day's challenges.
2. Physical health
During sleep, our bodies work hard to repair and rejuvenate themselves. Our muscles become stronger, tissues heal, and our immune systems get a boost. Without quality sleep, our bodies don't perform at their best. This can make us more susceptible to illness and injury.
3. Emotional health
A lack of sleep can leave us feeling moody and irritable. If you live with depression or anxiety, insufficient sleep makes these conditions more troublesome. Quality sleep helps to balance our emotions and keeps us feeling grounded.
Can meditation help with sleep?
Meditation is used by people all over the world to increase calmness and mindfulness, and sleep meditations can train our minds to be more mentally relaxed and drift off to sleep naturally. Equally important, meditation can help us calm the "monkey mind" that often kicks into overdrive just when we're about to drift off to sleep.
Monkey mind is a Buddhist term that means restless and unsettled. More than 2,000 years ago, Buddha said our minds are full of drunken monkeys who constantly screech, fight, chatter, and distract, constantly creating mental chaos.
Whether you have racing thoughts occasionally or experience monkey mind every night, meditation can help you drift off to sleep more easily and get better quality sleep.
Here are the ways meditation helps prepare both mind and body for sleep.
- Increases serotonin levels (the precursor of melatonin, the chemical that regulates sleep)
- Reduces heart rate
- Encourages slower breathing
- Lowers blood pressure
- Activates the parts of the brain that control sleep cycles
Because meditation reduces stress and controls anxiety, it can be the first step towards establishing your healthy bedtime routine.
Should you meditate before bed?
For centuries, meditation has been used to help people become calmer, mindful, and relaxed. Just as meditation relaxes the body, it also calms the mind. When you meditate before sleep, you'll have a relaxed mind and be more likely to experience high-quality sleep.
If racing thoughts and mind chatter keep you from going to sleep or staying asleep, meditation before sleep may help you drift peacefully into the brainwave state associated with sleep.
The first thing to do for all types of sleep meditation is to create a relaxing bedroom environment. For good sleep hygiene, a bedroom needs to be comfortable, quiet, and dimly lit. This environment will set the stage for peaceful meditation and encourage restful sleep.
Consider hanging light-blocking curtains on your windows and placing a sound machine or fan on your bedside table to block out external noises. Having clean, comfortable bed linens will help you relax, too.
Mindfulness meditation for sleep
Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can be used to treat chronic insomnia. Additionally, a JAMA Internal Medicine study showed that mindfulness meditation helps with moderate sleep issues. With mindfulness meditation, your goal is to focus on the present. Mindfulness meditation is done by increasing your awareness of your breathing, consciousness, and body.
The key to successful mindfulness meditation is to observe a thought or emotion, then allow it to pass by without placing judgment on the thought or on yourself.
Follow these steps for effective mindfulness meditation for sleep:
- Set a timer: During meditation, it can be tempting to constantly check your phone for the time or to see how long you've been meditating. Eliminate this distraction by setting a timer for 10-20 minutes. Use an alarm sound that is gentle, not jarring.
- Lie down and get comfortable: Lying on your back, rest your arms by your sides. Settle into a position that feels relaxed and sustainable for the duration of your meditation.
- Start taking deep breaths: Close your eyes and begin to take slow, deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
- Focus on the present moment: Consistently bring your attention back to the present moment by becoming aware of your breath, body, and surroundings. Observe all sensations without judgment.
- Observe your thoughts: When thoughts arise, acknowledge them respectfully without judgment and allow them to pass. Don't get caught up in the thoughts. Instead, bring your focus back to your bodily sensations and your breath.
- Use an anchor: If your mind starts to wander, gently redirect your attention to your breath, or use a simple phrase such as "in" and "out" as you inhale and exhale. This will help anchor your mind when you're meditating.
- Gently end your meditation: When your timer goes off, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes slowly. Then, you can turn off your bedside lamp or read for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.
Body scan meditation for sleep
Body scan meditation involves systematically focusing on the various parts of the body, beginning with your feet and moving upwards to the head. You can do this meditation on your own or with a guided meditation. Follow these steps to do your own body scan meditation:
- Get comfortable: Dim your bedroom lights and lie down on your bed. Place your arms in a comfortable position at your sides, then close your eyes and start taking deep breaths.
- Begin at your feet: Bring your attention to your feet and observe the sensations. Do you feel warmth, tingling, or pressure? Breathe in and imagine a wave of relaxation moving through your feet.
- Relax and release: As you breathe out through your mouth, release any discomfort or tension you feel in your feet. Visualize the tension leaving your body with each breath.
- Slowly move up your body: Shift your focus gradually up your body, moving from your feet to your ankles. Then, continue working up the legs, through the calves, knees, and thighs. At each body part, observe the sensations you feel. Continue breathing in relaxation and exhaling tension.
- Include both sides of your body: As you move up your body, be sure you're giving equal attention to both sides of your body, ensuring a balanced and thorough body scan.
- Stay present: When your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the body part you're working on.
- Reach your head: After working up the rest of your body, you'll reach your head. Focus on your facial muscles, scalp, and the sensations within your head. Continue breathing in relaxation and exhaling tension.
- Full-body awareness: After scanning your entire body, take a moment to become aware of your body as a whole. Feel the sense of calm and relaxation that has spread throughout your body.
- Transition into sleep: Allow the relaxation to deeply and gradually let yourself drift off to sleep.
Guided meditation for sleep
Guided meditation or deep breathing sleep meditation involves using a pre-recorded audio or video with a narrator who guides you through your meditation session. Guided meditations combine visualization, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques to ease you into a state of deep rest.
Follow these steps for doing guided meditation for sleep:
- Choose a guided meditation: Find a meditation that resonates with you. From meditation apps, YouTube channels, and podcasts, there are a lot of good meditations out there. Be sure to choose a guided meditation that is specifically tailored for sleep, and find one with your desired duration.
- Set up the audio: Use headphones or a speaker to play your meditation. Adjust the volume so that it's at a comfortable level for you.
- Get into a relaxed position: Lie down in your bed or lean back on pillows to make yourself comfortable. You need to be able to sustain your position for your entire meditation.
- Start the guided meditation: Press play and allow the narrator to lead you. A good meditation guide will lead you through meditation by using breathing exercises, visualization, and body scans.
- Follow the narrator's instructions: As you listen, follow the instructions provided by your narrator, and be open and receptive to their guidance so that you can fully engage with the process.
- Stay present and focused: Your mind will wander some, and this is normal. When you feel your mind start to wander, gently bring your focus back to the narrator's voice.
- Embrace relaxation: As you progress through the guided meditation, let your mind and body relax. Release tension or worries so that you are fully immersed in the experience.
- Transition into sleep: Many guided sleep meditations are designed to help you drift off to sleep as the session comes to an end. If you're sleepy, allow yourself to fall asleep naturally during or after the meditation.
How to meditate in bed
Meditating in bed is a great way to unwind and set yourself up for a restful night. Best of all, you can drift off to sleep when you're finished with your meditation. Follow these steps to get started:
- Find a comfortable position: Sit up with your back supported by the headboard or pillows, or lie down on your back. Choose a position that feels comfortable and natural for you.
- Set a timer: Starting with 10-20 minutes is ideal for meditation for sleep.
- Relax your body: Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Release the tension in your muscles, starting at your feet and working your way up to the top of your head.
- Focus on the breath: Turn your attention to your breath, noticing the sensation of the air entering and leaving your nostrils. Don't try to force your breath. Allow it to flow naturally.
- Count your breaths: If you need help maintaining focus, you can count the inhales and exhales up to ten. When you reach ten, start again at number one. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the breath and restart the count.
- Observe your thoughts: When thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and allow them to pass. Picture them as clouds floating by in the sky. It's not your goal to eliminate thoughts, but rather, to keep them from consuming your attention.
- Transition slowly: When your timer goes off, take a few moments to stretch and bring your awareness back to your bedroom.
Other benefits of meditation
Countless medical studies outline the many benefits of meditation. While meditation can help you relax and fall asleep, you may also experience these benefits when you develop a regular meditation practice:
Sleep your way to your health goals
Quality sleep keeps our minds sharp, our bodies healthy, and our emotions in check. When you invest in a good night's sleep, you're making an investment in your overall well-being.
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Boost your mental health this winter with these tips
As the short days and long nights of winter progress, our body and mind can be more susceptible to increased stress responses and even seasonal depression. Here are some suggestions on ways to boost your mental health and thrive this winter.
As the short days and long nights of winter progress, our body and mind can be more susceptible to increased stress responses and even seasonal depression. So it’s important to take care of yourself; not only physically, but mentally this season. That’s easier said than done, but taking the following tips into consideration can help boost your mental health this winter.
Enjoy the outdoors when you can
You’d be amazed how spending some time outdoors each day can help mentally. Mental health self-care is especially important this time of year when the days are often gloomy. Take advantage of sunny days by going outside—bundle up and brave the cold if need be. Going for a walk every morning can drastically reduce stress and change your mood overall.
If there’s snow nearby, many people take on winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing—all of which are great ways to increase your daily exercise and improve your mental health. Consider joining a club that meets weekly for outdoor activities to help motivate you to get outside and move.
Have you heard of the healing power of nature? It’s real. Research shows immersing yourself in nature gives both short and long-term mental health benefits. Make going outside a daily priority and you’ll feel improvements in your mood in no time.
Create a safe space
When you’re done enjoying the outdoors, it’s nice to come home to a cozy spot to relax. Having a safe space in your home, somewhere away from other people, noises, and distractions can be great for your well-being.
Consider creating a calm space for yourself in a spare room you may have, or make a corner of a room your own. If you own your home, you might evaluate whether you’d like to do a renovation to add more space. Although renovations are pricey, you may be able to use your home’s equity to fund a project like this.
Fill your new safe space with things you enjoy. Print your favorite pictures, write positive affirmations and hang them on the wall, add plants, and make a cozy spot to sit. If you enjoy reading you might create a small reading nook, or make space for a yoga mat where you can meditate or stretch. Once your calm space is finished, sit back, relax, and enjoy the positive effects on your mental well-being.
Spend time with friends and family
Humans rely on social support to be fulfilled. Leaning on your friends and family can even provide health benefits. Prioritize seeing friends or family you enjoy being around—you’ll find it has a positive impact on your life.
Lean on loved ones to help talk through challenges or support with daily tasks that may be hard for just one person to handle. Have a puzzle or game night, or just plan to run errands together.
While not everyone has a close relationship with their family, good friends can fill the same role. Surround yourself with friends that you can both have fun with and rely on—and who make positive life choices you respect. Friends like this can motivate you to do the same.
Prioritize exercise
Just like going outdoors, prioritizing exercise can positively boost your mental health. If you don’t love the idea of going outdoors every day, try to push yourself to do some sort of exercise indoors every day. The more you move your body the better you will feel mentally.
You don’t need a home gym to exercise inside. Yoga is a great way to get your workout in and it offers many health benefits—both physical and mental. Yoga can help alleviate stress, improve balance, and boost sleep quality. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, yoga is a great way to ease the weight of both.
If yoga isn’t your style, you can do other at-home exercises. Try following a YouTube workout video, walking up and down stairs, or lifting dumbbell weights in your living room. Pushing yourself to do any form of exercise will have a positive effect on your mind.
Final thoughts
These are just a few of the many ways you can support your mental well-being. Put a few to the test and see what works best for you this season. Winter can be a great time to reset, but it may also bring extra challenges and stressors—like the holidays or the marathon of short, cold days. Check in on yourself and make a plan to support your mental well-being to thrive all the way to spring.
Managing emotional wellness during the holidays
The holidays are a time for joy—but they can also include stress. Learn tips to support your emotional wellness so you can better cope with any challenges, better show up for yourself and your loved ones, and enjoy the holiday season.
As the holidays begin, families and friends come together to celebrate. There’s much to be grateful for during this time, but the holidays can also bring up feelings of stress for many people.
An important way to take care of yourself is to manage emotional wellness—not only to improve your overall health but to help you better enjoy the end of year festivities.
Today we’ll answer:
- What’s emotional wellness?
- And how can you manage it?
What is emotional wellness?
Emotional wellness is a person’s ability to manage emotions and handle life challenges.
When emotional wellness suffers, your relationships, mental health, and ability to do day-to-day activities can also suffer.
Struggling to maintain emotional wellness may even impact physical health, with issues that can look like the classic effects of stress—including high blood pressure and digestive issues.
Managing emotions, handling life’s stresses, and coping with difficulties in a healthy way—especially during potentially stressful times like the holidays—is a powerful tool for better overall health.
6 tips to help manage emotional wellness during the holidays
Evidence suggests physically active people have lower rates of depression and anxiety than people who don’t exercise frequently.
This could be for a variety of reasons—though recent research suggests regular exercise has an “antidepressive effect.”
How does it work?
According to John Hopkins Medicine, it blunts the brain's response to emotional and physical stress.
Physical activities like walking, biking, or even dancing can help:
- Improve sleep
- Increase energy levels
- Reduce feelings of stress
- Enhance mood and emotional well-being
If you have time, try to go for walks or runs during the holidays to help blow off some steam and improve your mood. It’s a healthy habit that can support your well-being well after the holidays are over too.
The holidays are a great time to socialize as family and friends get together.
Socializing can help:
- Improve feelings of loneliness
- Sharpen memory and cognitive skills
- Increase happiness and well-being
Sometimes social gatherings and responsibilities can challenge our emotional well-being. But seeking positive social connection—whether with romantic partners, friends, family, or neighbors—can have a healthy impact on emotional well-being.
Reduce stress
While characterized as a time of joy and cheer, the holidays bring increased stress for many people. You may have to plan family gatherings, buy gifts, or travel during some of the busiest travel days of the year.
Here are a few tips to help reduce stress during the holidays:
- Plan ahead. Set aside time, or even days dedicated to cooking, packing for travel, or shopping.
- Consider minimizing or eliminating gift giving with your family or friend group. Instead of swapping presents, many people choose to donate to charities, share food, write letters, or plan an activity or outing together.
- Stick to a budget. Decide how much money you’d like to, and can afford to, spend before you shop.
- Keep up with healthy habits. Do your best to stay physically active, get enough sleep, and take time for yourself for relaxing practices and hobbies of your own.
Get your sleep
Poor sleep can decrease positive emotions and increase negative emotional responses to stressors.
To improve sleep during the holidays, do your best to:
- Exercise daily
- Avoid naps close to bedtime
- Avoid electronics, alcohol, and big meals before bedtime
- Sleep in a dark, quiet, and comfortable sleeping environment
- Keep a routine—go to bed at the same time every night
Practice mindfulness
Developing mindfulness practices can help you face stressful situations with more ease. Practicing mindfulness is about allowing yourself to be fully present—and not operating on autopilot, in a reactionary state.
Two common mindfulness techniques include:
- Deep breathing, which can help supply more oxygen to the brain and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system—promoting a sense of calmness.
- Body scans may also help you cope with challenges and stress. In one study, researchers found participants had reduced levels of stress after doing a body scan meditation. Body scans can be done in as little as five minutes and consist of being still and focusing on how various parts of your body feel, while breathing deeply and relaxing each body part.
Going for a stroll on your own can also be a great moment to practice mindfulness while getting exercise too.
Spend time with your hobbies
A hobby is any activity done regularly for leisure and enjoyment—like writing or painting, gardening, or athletic activities like sports or working out.
Your hobbies are unique to you. Spending time on them can help:
- Reduce stress. One study showed cortisol (the stress hormone) dropped by 75% after participants made art.
- Enhance well-being. In another study, researchers found people experienced a better mood after spending the day doing creative activities.
It’s important to take time for your emotional wellness during the holidays—it allows you to show up better for yourself, your relationships, and daily activities.
Whether it’s exercise, getting enough sleep, or spending time on a hobby—there are plenty of ways to take control of your emotional wellness.
We hope you learned something new to make the holiday season a little more joyful.
Happy holidays!
Yoga Awareness Month: Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is great for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. But it can be challenging to understand the different types and what’s right for you. This Yoga Awareness Month, we’re focusing on sharing information to help you decide what's right for you.
Yoga–an ancient meditative practice that often involves stretching and focusing on the breath–has become a popular form of exercise in the U.S. in recent years.
It’s estimated that 34.4 million Americans practice yoga, and one in three Americans have tried the practice at least once. The number of people practicing yoga in the U.S. has grown by nearly 64% over the past twelve years.
During National Yoga Awareness Month, we look to shine a light on this powerful practice as a way to improve physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
In today’s article, we’ll be talking about what yoga is, its origin, the risks and benefits, and how you can include yoga practice in your wellness routine.
Keep reading to find out more!
What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient and complex practice that stems from Indian philosophy. We can trace its origin back to northern India over 5000 years ago.
Originally thought of as a spiritual practice, yoga has become a method to promote physical and mental well-being too. Today, yoga is a worldwide practiced technique for spirituality and mental and physical health.
Classical yoga embodies many elements, but in the United States it places a large emphasis on:
- Meditation
- Physical postures
- Breathing techniques
There are many different forms of yoga. Some are more physically demanding, and others are more gentle and calming.
A few of the most popular forms of yoga practiced in the U.S. include:
- Yin yoga - this is a slower-paced, gentle yoga where you stay in supported positions that are held for longer periods of time.
- Hatha yoga - Hatha combines a variety of poses with breathing techniques. It is one of the most common forms of yoga practiced today.
- Hot yoga - this is a more vigorous form of yoga that's performed in a very humid and warm studio.
- Iyengar yoga - this practice focuses on detailed and precise movements as well as alignment. In a session of Iyengar, practitioners take different postures while they control their breath.
These are just some of the many yoga practices out there. There are a variety of options to choose from, no matter your experience and skill level.
When is National Yoga Month?
September is National Yoga Month, and it’s a great time to experience the benefits that a regular yoga practice can offer.
Created by the National Institutes of Health, National Yoga Month was developed to bring attention to the vast benefits of yoga for people across the United States. The month features free classes and events to help people learn more about how to practice yoga and how doing so can boost health and happiness.
September is the perfect time to try something new, and celebrating the fact that September is the national month for yoga is a great way to get back to a healthy routine, just as kiddos are heading back to school.
Are there risks?
When performed properly and under the guidance of a qualified instructor, yoga is a safe practice.
But are there risks otherwise?
Just like any form of physical exercise, there’s a risk of strains, sprains, and more. But the risk is less likely compared to more physically demanding forms of activity.
To best prevent injuries from occurring, you should:
- Practice with a qualified teacher
- Avoid more dangerous and extreme practices like headstands unless you are physically ready for advanced techniques
- Be aware of any risks specific to the form of yoga you are practicing. For example, hot yoga, where there’s the possibility of dehydration and overheating.
What are the benefits of yoga?
What are the benefits of yoga?
There are a variety of benefits to practicing yoga. Some benefits might include:
- Weight loss
- Stress relief
- Improved sleep
- Improved balance
- Improved quality of life
- Support for quitting smoking
- Relieved neck and back pain
- Relieved menopause symptoms
- Improved mental and emotional health
- Increased ability to manage anxiety and/or depression
Research suggests yoga can help improve sleep. It’s also said to relieve symptoms of arthritis, and it may even contribute to healthier hearts due to its ability to relieve stress and reduce inflammation.
If you’re looking to get into yoga, we recommend you find a qualified teacher or Yogi. Being new puts you at risk of making mistakes in your form and technique.
Following guidance from a professional can reduce the risk of injury, improve the benefits, and lead to a better experience.
How to take part in Yoga Awareness Month?
It’s exciting to share a love of yoga with others! Whether you’re interested in exploring the benefits of yoga for the first time or you’ve been acquainted with your mat for years, Yoga Awareness Month is the perfect time to share your practice.
Ways to get involved with Yoga Awareness Month include:
- Invite a loved one to join you at home or at a studio for a yoga class
- Recommend yoga to loved ones who are dealing with stress or pain
- Think about taking your love of yoga to the next level by enrolling in course to become a yoga instructor
- Practice yoga in public (such as in a park) to provide a reminder to others of the benefits of hitting the mat
Whether you’re looking to get more exercise or practice a form of mindfulness, yoga could be a great choice for you!
As it increases in popularity, and more studies help us understand the benefits involved with this practice, we’re slowly learning how it can improve our quality of life.
Did you learn anything new?
If you did, make sure to share this article with a friend or family member who you think could benefit from adding some yoga to their daily routine!
Try Evidation Today
If you’re ready to track the health benefits of yoga and all of the other things you do to promote your wellness, Evidation can help. Download the app today to start using your health data to better your life.
5 Summer Self-Care Tips to Boost Your Mood
Self-care is important all year long, and the warm days of summer provide great opportunities. Check out our tips on improving wellbeing during the summer months.
Nearly 1 in 5 US adults live with some form of mental illness. And the numbers are rising.
Mental illness is a common issue among Americans, but it’s something we can work on by practicing self-care all year round. And during the months of summer, there are a variety of self-care methods we can take part in to boost our mood while enjoying the warm weather.
In today’s article, we’ll be sharing 5 summer self-care tips to boost your mood and mind, all while embracing the sun. Keep reading to learn more.
Get some sun
Many people struggle with what's known as seasonal depressive disorder (SAD). SAD relates to the change in seasons, many people experience symptoms in the fall and later in the winter months.
And most people affected by SAD live at latitudes far south and far north of the equator where there’s much less sunlight during the fall and winter months.
But why?
The reason for this could be that in the darker months of winter and fall people are exposed to less sunlight. The skin produces Vitamin D when it’s exposed to the sun, and Vitamin D can help increase serotonin activity.
What’s serotonin?
And what does serotonin have to do with our mood?
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger) that carries messages between your brain and throughout the body. It has several roles, including influencing our memory, learning, and happiness.
Low levels of serotonin may cause depression.
Getting out in the sun may be a great way to not only get more Vitamin D, but it may also help increase the level of serotonin activity within us. Potentially improving our overall mood.
While getting sun is important, it’s vital to protect yourself from getting a sunburn or heat stroke.
It’s best to protect your skin with sunscreen and reapply every so often throughout the day. Reflective clothing is another great way to keep your skin safe in the sun.
Keeping cool is also important, as spending long amounts of time exposed to the sun could result in heat stroke. Try taking breaks from the sun in the shade and do your best to not over-exert yourself.
Exercise outdoors
In many places, one of the great things that summer has to offer is the ability to exercise outdoors.
Physical activity can:
- Help improve brain health - regular exercise may help improve cognitive function and sleep, and it may reduce depression and anxiety risk and overall improve our quality of life.
- Help manage weight - physical activity can help burn calories, build muscle, and decrease total body fat. This could result in better self-esteem and overall a more positive mood.
- Help improve our ability to do day-to-day tasks - when we improve our overall health, day-to-day tasks become easier. This can lead to a better quality of life and can greatly improve mood and well-being.
When compared to indoor activity, outdoor activity seems to have a greater impact on improving mental health. Studies suggest spending time in natural environments may have a positive impact on well-being.
The combination of mental health benefits from spending time outdoors as well as exercise is something worth taking advantage of.
So instead of going for a run at the gym, take a jog around your neighborhood. Or, try getting involved with some outdoor sports.
Relax outdoors
In one review of research, there’s evidence that spending time outdoors with nature can increase happiness and positive social interactions. It may even help bring a sense of purpose and meaning to our lives.
Combining your favorite way of relaxing with spending time outdoors might be an effective way to maximize your self-care this summer.
Different forms of relaxation may have different effects, but relaxation can help us:
- Reduce stress
- Improve sleep quality
- Improve mood and focus
- Reduce anger and frustration
- Reduce muscle tension and chronic pain
So, what are some of the different ways we can relax outdoors?
It depends on what you like to do, but a few ideas might include:
- Yoga
- Reading
- Meditating
- Breathing techniques
We encourage you to get outside and take some time to relax and unwind during the summer months!
Take some time off
The summer months are some of the best times to take a break from work.
Whether you decide to go on a vacation outside the country or enjoy the weather in your local area. It’s important to take time off to destress, and physically and mentally recharge.
Some benefits of taking a vacation from work might include:
- Lower stress
- Improved mental health
- Improvement in productivity
Overall, taking time off is important. And summer presents an opportunity for all of us to enjoy a break from work while embracing the warm weather.
Explore nature
As discussed earlier, spending time outdoors may help improve our well-being and happiness.
And exposure to sunlight could help increase the levels of serotonin in the body.
But how does exploring nature help?
Just as completing a workout can help us develop confidence, exploring nature may have the same effect.
You can try taking on a difficult hiking trail, or exploring a new area while paddling. Spending time outdoors and conquering a challenging task can increase your confidence and overall self-belief.
Closing thoughts - 5 Summer Self-Care Tips to Boost Your Mood
With such a variety of options, summertime may be one of the best times to practice self-care and boost your mood.
From getting your summer self-care essentials like sunscreen to relaxing outdoors by meditating or reading, there are many options when it comes to self-care in the summer.
And as more research comes to the forefront, we'll have a better understanding of how the sun and nature affect our moods.
Make sure to share this with a friend or family member who could use some self-care tips to boost their mood during the summer!
Stress Awareness Month
Now is the perfect time to learn about stress and the impacts it can have on us physically and mentally. Being aware of stress, and what may be causing it, is a great first step to improving mental health.
April is National Stress Awareness Month, and with everything that’s happened over the past few years, it’s no surprise that stress and mental health concerns are at an all-time high.
That’s why now is the perfect time to learn about stress and the impacts it can have on us physically and mentally. Being aware of stress, and what may be causing it, is a great first step to improving mental health. Try to think about what stress means to you and how you can apply some of these tips to your everyday life.
What are Stressors?
Stressors are anything that causes the mental or physical tension and strain we sometimes experience. Stressors are often life events or situations that bring about dramatic change. Despite the stigma around stress, small amounts of stress can actually be beneficial as it can be a daily motivating factor. On the other hand, an excess of stress can be detrimental not only to our physical health, but to our mental well-being too.
Work Stress
No matter your scope of involvement in the workforce, you’re bound to feel occupational stress at one point or another. Occupational stress can arise for a variety of different reasons, most commonly job insecurity, work overload, lack of leadership, conflicts, and general dissatisfaction. In today’s age, many people put their career before their personal lives, which can result in negative implications for their lives outside of work. Focusing on keeping a healthy work-life balance is key to feeling fulfilled and avoiding excessive stress in your career.
Financial Stress
We’ve all heard that “money can’t buy happiness”, but in reality, a less-than-ideal financial situation is more likely to cause stress in our lives.
Some common financial issues that affect many of us include:
- Unemployment or underemployment
- Debt
- Poor spending habits
- Financial emergencies
Addressing these stressors can help improve and fortify your financial health moving forward. Some common ways to help manage financial stress are:
- Comprehensive Budgeting - Creating a timely budget can help with overspending, thus reducing stress due to monthly monetary concerns. While monthly budgeting may be the most common, taking things a step further and creating weekly or even daily budgets can be a great financial resource. The most important aspect of budgeting is adherence. The use of a budgeting app is a great way to hold yourself accountable.
- Debt Consolidation - Some individuals who are burdened with debt and overwhelmed at the thought of how to pay it off, find it useful to consolidate by using a special loan for debt consolidation. This can help make repayment terms easier while providing immediate funds to pay off existing debts. For some, the benefits of consolidation, like lower interest rates and single installments each month, create much less of a headache when it comes time to pay.
- Automate Your Savings - Setting up automatic deposits into a savings account can help ease the stress of remembering on your own and help to further your savings goals. Having a savings account can help you be better prepared for financial emergencies. Accounts with high interest and low or zero monthly fees are a great way to grow your savings and mitigate financial stress.
Although they may seem insignificant, a few minor changes to spending habits and the way we think about money can go a long way towards decreasing the stress and anxiety many of us feel on a regular basis.
Relationship Stress
Work and financial stress aside, there are a number of other factors that can have us feeling anxious or overwhelmed in life. Stress stemming from relationships is one of the most common. Whether it’s personal conflicts, challenges in our relationships, or the social anxiety that can come from social media use, it’s important to be aware of the stress we experience as a result of our relationships.
Romantic, familial, work, and friend relationships are all prone to stressors that can negatively impact our connection to one another. Differences in communication styles, life aspirations and levels of attachment, along with unmet expectations have the ability to create unwanted divides. Without proper communication, it can be difficult for us to understand one another and support each other’s needs.
In many situations, talking to one another is enough to alleviate stress. But in some cases, outside help in the form of therapy may be needed.
Stress & Your Mental Health
Understanding stress and the impacts it has on our mental health is extremely important. Each of us handles stress differently. So it’s important to recognize what works for you and to reach out for help when you need it.
Stress & Your Physical Health
The physical effects of stress can include low energy, insomnia, a weakened immune system, overeating, a loss of libido, digestion problems, and memory defects. Chronic stress, which occurs from extended periods of intense stress, can have significantly adverse effects on health. Untreated chronic stress can result in raised blood pressure, fertility issues, respiratory issues and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Keeping stress levels low is a great way to promote a healthy mind and body.
How Stress Awareness Month Can Help
Stress awareness is important, not just in April, but all year long. Take time each month to check in with yourself mentally. Here are some best practices you may find useful in your stress reduction journey.
Exercise & Diet
One of the simplest changes you can make to better your mental wellness is to optimize your healthy eating and exercise habits. A clean, balanced diet has been shown to improve the ability to cope with stress. The same goes for exercise, which results in the body’s release of endorphins - natural chemicals that improve mood and mental state. While it may take some time to adjust, incorporating a healthy diet and small amounts of exercise can help improve your overall health while also reducing stress levels. Something as simple as using a workout app can help get you into the habit of exercising and eating healthy!
Take Time With Yourself
It’s okay to say no sometimes. Rather than concern yourself with the demands and expectations of others, try to take stock of your own desires and wants. Think about how you want to spend your time and energy compared to how you’re currently spending it. Taking a step back can show you just how much you have on your plate. Making self care a priority and practicing mindfulness in your personal life can be exceptionally valuable and reaffirm your sense of purpose.
Consider Your Support Options
It’s long overdue that we eradicate the stigma around seeking help when we’re not feeling ourselves. Seeking help is a great way to learn to cope with the stress and anxiety that we face every day. Although simply talking to anyone can help, it can be uncomfortable to discuss some feelings with family or friends. Talking to a professional removes this aspect altogether and can greatly improve your mental state.
Sadly, there’s no foolproof cure for stress. But we can all take steps to improve and maintain our mental health and actively monitor stressors. These small steps can make a huge impact on our day to day wellbeing.