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Lifestyle Health & Wellness
December 7, 2022

Managing emotional wellness during the holidays

4 minutes

The holidays are a time for joy—but they can also include stress. Learn tips to support your emotional wellness so you can better cope with any challenges, better show up for yourself and your loved ones, and enjoy the holiday season.

As the holidays begin, families and friends come together to celebrate. There’s much to be grateful for during this time, but the holidays can also bring up feelings of stress for many people. 

An important way to take care of yourself is to manage emotional wellness—not only to improve your overall health but to help you better enjoy the end of year festivities.

Today we’ll answer:

  • What’s emotional wellness?
  • And how can you manage it? 

What is emotional wellness?

Emotional wellness is a person’s ability to manage emotions and handle life challenges. 

When emotional wellness suffers, your relationships, mental health, and ability to do day-to-day activities can also suffer. 

Struggling to maintain emotional wellness may even impact physical health, with issues that can look like the classic effects of stress—including high blood pressure and digestive issues. 

Managing emotions, handling life’s stresses, and coping with difficulties in a healthy way—especially during potentially stressful times like the holidays—is a powerful tool for better overall health. 

6 tips to help manage emotional wellness during the holidays


Evidence suggests physically active people have lower rates of depression and anxiety than people who don’t exercise frequently. 

This could be for a variety of reasons—though recent research suggests regular exercise has an “antidepressive effect.” 

How does it work? 

According to John Hopkins Medicine, it blunts the brain's response to emotional and physical stress. 

Physical activities like walking, biking, or even dancing can help:

  • Improve sleep
  • Increase energy levels
  • Reduce feelings of stress
  • Enhance mood and emotional well-being

If you have time, try to go for walks or runs during the holidays to help blow off some steam and improve your mood. It’s a healthy habit that can support your well-being well after the holidays are over too. 


The holidays are a great time to socialize as family and friends get together. 

Socializing can help:

  • Improve feelings of loneliness
  • Sharpen memory and cognitive skills
  • Increase happiness and well-being

Sometimes social gatherings and responsibilities can challenge our emotional well-being. But seeking positive social connection—whether with romantic partners, friends, family, or neighbors—can have a healthy impact on emotional well-being. 

Reduce stress

While characterized as a time of joy and cheer, the holidays bring increased stress for many people. You may have to plan family gatherings, buy gifts, or travel during some of the busiest travel days of the year.

Here are a few tips to help reduce stress during the holidays:

  • Plan ahead. Set aside time, or even days dedicated to cooking, packing for travel, or shopping.
  • Consider minimizing or eliminating gift giving with your family or friend group. Instead of swapping presents, many people choose to donate to charities, share food, write letters, or plan an activity or outing together. 
  • Stick to a budget. Decide how much money you’d like to, and can afford to, spend before you shop. 
  • Keep up with healthy habits. Do your best to stay physically active, get enough sleep, and take time for yourself for relaxing practices and hobbies of your own.

Get your sleep

Poor sleep can decrease positive emotions and increase negative emotional responses to stressors. 

To improve sleep during the holidays, do your best to:

  • Exercise daily
  • Avoid naps close to bedtime
  • Avoid electronics, alcohol, and big meals before bedtime
  • Sleep in a dark, quiet, and comfortable sleeping environment
  • Keep a routine—go to bed at the same time every night

Practice mindfulness

Developing mindfulness practices can help you face stressful situations with more ease. Practicing mindfulness is about allowing yourself to be fully present—and not operating on autopilot, in a reactionary state. 

Two common mindfulness techniques include:

  1. Deep breathing, which can help supply more oxygen to the brain and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system—promoting a sense of calmness.
  2. Body scans may also help you cope with challenges and stress. In one study, researchers found participants had reduced levels of stress after doing a body scan meditation. Body scans can be done in as little as five minutes and consist of being still and focusing on how various parts of your body feel, while breathing deeply and relaxing each body part.

Going for a stroll on your own can also be a great moment to practice mindfulness while getting exercise too.

Spend time with your hobbies

A hobby is any activity done regularly for leisure and enjoyment—like writing or painting, gardening, or athletic activities like sports or working out. 

Your hobbies are unique to you. Spending time on them can help:

  • Reduce stress. One study showed cortisol (the stress hormone) dropped by 75% after participants made art. 
  • Enhance well-being. In another study, researchers found people experienced a better mood after spending the day doing creative activities.


It’s important to take time for your emotional wellness during the holidays—it allows you to show up better for yourself, your relationships, and daily activities.

Whether it’s exercise, getting enough sleep, or spending time on a hobby—there are plenty of ways to take control of your emotional wellness.

We hope you learned something new to make the holiday season a little more joyful. 

Happy holidays!

Personal Health
November 30, 2022

COPD Awareness Month: What does life with COPD look like?

5 minutes

COPD is a chronic lung disease caused by long-term exposure to irritants—like smoking and pollution. Learn the signs and symptoms, how to lower your risk, and why protecting children from irritants is so important.

November is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) awareness month. COPD is an umbrella term describing progressive lung diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 

According to John Hopkins Medicine, “COPD affects more than 24 million Americans, yet many don’t even know they have it.” 

In today’s article, we’ll cover:

  • What COPD is
  • What causes it
  • Symptoms and signs
  • How it’s diagnosed 
  • Treatment options

Read on to learn more about COPD and how to take part in COPD awareness month.

What is COPD?

COPD is a chronic lung disease caused by long-term exposure to irritants. These irritants can lead to scarring and narrowing of the airways, destruction of the alveoli, and excess mucus buildup—all of which make it difficult to breathe.  

Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the most common conditions that lead to COPD.

  • Emphysema occurs when alveoli—the air sacs in the lungs—become damaged. Over time, the air sacs can rupture, creating larger air spaces instead of many small ones. This reduces the surface area of the lungs and the amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream. 
  • Chronic bronchitis is long-term inflammation of the bronchi. Bronchi are large air passages that send air from the windpipe (trachea) to the lungs. This inflammation causes excess mucus production, among other things.

What causes COPD?

Smoking is the leading cause of COPD in developed countries. 

Worldwide, indoor air pollution—due to smoke from cooking and heating in poorly ventilated homes—causes the majority of COPD cases, particularly in developing nations. 

While cigarette smoking is the major cause of COPD in the US, physicians have discovered that some people are at higher risk for COPD because they never developed completely “healthy lungs.” 

Why do some people not develop healthy lungs? 

Exposure to second-hand smoke or air pollution as a child or before birth can impair lung growth. Respiratory infections in childhood may also impact lung development. 

This means that those exposed to irritants during their early development can be more susceptible to the toxic effects of tobacco smoke and COPD.


What are common symptoms associated with COPD?

Symptoms of COPD are often missed until significant lung damage has occurred. Early on in the course of the disease, people may feel out of breath during exercise and chalk it up to being out of shape. Symptoms often worsen over time, especially with continued exposure to smoke or other irritants. 

Symptoms of COPD may include: 

  • Wheezing
  • Lack of energy
  • Chest tightness
  • Swelling in feet, legs, or ankles
  • Recurring respiratory infections 
  • Unintended weight loss in later stages
  • Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity
  • Chronic coughing that may produce mucus (sputum) that’s clear, white, yellow, or greenish

After developing COPD, exposure to smoke, allergies, or illness can lead to episodes called exacerbations. During an exacerbation, symptoms become worse, even life threatening, and may continue for several days or weeks.  

How is COPD diagnosed? 

Many individuals aren’t properly diagnosed until the condition is fairly advanced.

To diagnose COPD, a doctor will look for the usual signs and symptoms. They’ll also ask about medical and family history and any past exposure to lung irritants. 

Afterward, there are several tests a doctor may order to diagnose the condition. Tests may include:

  • CT scans to help detect emphysema and assist in determining if a patient could benefit from surgery.
  • Chest X-rays to identify emphysema and rule out heart failure and other potential lung problems.
  • Laboratory tests may be used to determine the cause of symptoms and rule out any other possible conditions.
  • Arterial blood gas analysis, a blood test, to measure how well the lungs bring oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. 
  • Lung (pulmonary) function tests to measure the amount of air inhaled and exhaled and whether the lungs are delivering enough oxygen to the blood. During a spirometry test (the most common pulmonary function test), a person blows into a tube connected to a machine. The machine then measures how much air the lungs can hold, and how fast the person can blow out air from their lungs.

Treatment options 

Those with mild forms of COPD may need little intervention other than quitting smoking and avoiding air pollutants.

In more advanced stages, treatment can help:

  • Control symptoms
  • Slow disease progression 
  • Improve the ability to live an active life
  • Reduce the risk of complications and exacerbations 

If you’re a smoker, the most important step is to quit smoking to help avoid making the condition worse.

Your doctor can suggest the right interventions and medications, and help you learn how to handle relapses. Treatments include:

  • Medications: Bronchodilators and oral steroids are the most common medications. Bronchodilators help relax the muscles around the airways, which can make breathing easier by relieving coughing and shortness of breath. When COPD becomes more severe (during exacerbations), oral corticosteroids can be used to reduce inflammation and prevent worsening symptoms. 
  • Lung therapies: People with moderate to severe COPD may receive oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation programs (PRP). Oxygen therapy can help boost oxygen levels in the blood. Some people need oxygen therapy devices all day, while others use them only during activities or sleep. PRPs combine counseling, nutrition advice, and exercise training in an effort to reduce visits to the hospital, increase the ability to do daily activities, and improve quality of life. 
  • Surgery: When medications don’t provide relief, people may receive a lung volume reduction surgery, where small wedges of damaged tissue in the upper lungs are removed. For some people, this surgery can improve their quality of life and prolong survival. A complete lung transplant may be possible for people who meet certain criteria. A lung transplant can help people breathe and be active. However, it’s a major operation, and has many risks involved, including lifelong side effects of immune-suppressing medications. 

How to take part during national COPD awareness month

COPD is responsible for the loss of over 150,000 people each year in the United States. Despite this, COPD is ranked 176th for research funding. 

Here are three ways you can take part to help with COPD awareness: 

  • Educate yourself about COPD, what causes it, the symptoms and signs, and how it’s treated.
  • Tell people you know about what you’ve learned to spread awareness.
  • Share articles like this one on social media so others can learn about the risks and causes of COPD.
Healthy Eating
November 23, 2022

Healthy eating tips for your holiday feast

5 minutes

The holidays are a time for friends, family, gratitude—and food of course. By taking a mindful approach and learning a few tips, you can celebrate the holidays and still keep up with your healthy eating habits.

The holidays are a time for friends and family to come together to share gratitude and enjoy some of their favorite foods. From mashed potatoes and gravy to latkes, brisket, candied yams, or pumpkin pie—there's no shortage of meals to appreciate. 

But if you're striving to eat healthier, you may find it challenging to maintain healthy eating habits through the holidays. 

So how can you stay healthy over the holidays while still enjoying yourself?

In today's article, we'll share nine healthy eating tips for your holiday feast. Keep reading to learn more.

9 healthy eating tips for your holiday feast 

Get enough sleep

Sleeping habits can affect the amount of food you eat, and the types of food you're drawn to. Not getting enough sleep can make it more difficult to manage blood sugar—and may increase your desire for more high-fat and high-sugar foods. 

Healthy sleep also helps your body produce hormones that control appetite, specifically leptin and ghrelin.

What do these hormones do? 

  • Leptin regulates the body's balance of energy by regulating feelings of hunger and fat storage. 
  • Ghrelin, which is secreted in the stomach, acts as a counterpart of leptin—boosting appetite, growth, and fat production.

Normal and sufficient sleep keeps these hormones balanced. When you don’t get enough sleep, these hormones can become imbalanced, which can increase your appetite. This sets the stage for a higher calorie intake throughout the day.

Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to maintain this balance and avoid overeating. 

Stay active

Staying active in the days leading up to, after, and during the holidays can help keep stress levels at bay. 

Research links weight gain to stress. And when stressed, your body produces the hormone cortisol. Because the brain thinks it needs energy to fight off whatever’s causing the stress, cortisol creates cravings for fatty, sugary, and salty food. 

But staying active doesn't just help with stress. 

Adding some additional activity to routine can be a great way to make up for the higher caloric intake throughout the holidays. Light to moderate physical activity can burn anywhere from 240 to 460 calories per hour. Some quick ways you can stay active during the holidays include:

  • Going for a walk
  • Dancing with family
  • Getting a workout in

Don’t skip meals

Skipping breakfast to save room for the holiday dinner may be a bad idea as it can lead to a greater appetite later in the day. This puts you at risk of overeating during the holiday feast and  makes it harder to manage blood sugar levels.

Unhealthy food choices are also more likely to occur when you’re hungry.


You’re more likely to mindlessly eat when you’re hungry, instead of slowing down to consider healthier food choices. When hungry, the body craves foods that also tend to be quick and easy fixes like unhealthy, sugary snacks.

Skipping meals can also cause you to:

  • Gain weight 
  • Feel sluggish and tired 
  • Burn less energy (calories)

Bring healthy dishes

Whether you’re hosting or visiting, you can create healthy dishes that are still festive. 

Some healthy holiday dishes ideas include:

  • Green beans 
  • Sauteed carrots
  • Sauteed kale or collard greens
  • Vegetable salad 
  • Baked yams 
  • Butternut squash soup  

Ideally, consume a balance of:

  • Healthy protein foods (poultry, beans, and nuts). Choose options with less salt and with little to no bad fats.
  • Good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (avocado, almonds, and pecans)
  • Healthier sources of carbs (unprocessed whole grains, vegetables, and fruits). These have more nutrients than simple carbs and their higher fiber content allows them to digest more slowly.

Eating a balance of healthy proteins, carbs, and good fats is a simple way to feel satisfied, avoid overeating, and give you energy for your day. 

Stay hydrated

Drinking water helps your body digest more easily by breaking down foods and helping you absorb nutrients. 

Harvard suggests a daily water intake of:

  • 4 to 11 cups for kids and teens 18 and under
  • 13 cups for men 19 and older
  • 9 cups for women 19 and older 

Take a break

When you’re eating, your stomach may take a few moments to signal to the brain that it’s getting full. So it’s wise to take a break before helping yourself to seconds. 

Instead of going for your second plate—try talking with family, drinking more water, or enjoying some fresh air. 

Keep your distance

When at a get-together, try to stay away from the snack table if you’re prone to indulging.  Staying close to food makes it easier to mindlessly eat, which can cause overeating.

Instead, try chewing a piece of gum or eating a mint—or bring your own healthy snacks to share and enjoy. 

Some healthy snacks could include:

  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Vegetables with hummus
  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Try to limit calories from drinks

The holidays offer a variety of drinks—most of which are high in calories:

  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Eggnog  
  • Apple cider
  • Mixed drinks 

One glass of eggnog can contain up to 500 calories. And one cup of apple cider has around 28 grams of sugar.

One can of beer contains up to 350 calories, and a mixed drink, like a rum and coke, contains around 185 calories. If you’re drinking alcohol, it may be best to limit your intake, not only for the high calories, but also because it can affect your decision-making, behavior, and reaction time.

Whatever you’re drinking, try alternating with glasses of water to decrease the overall amount of unhealthy drinks you consume. 

Look before you eat

Before you start putting food on your plate, pause and look at everything on the table. This can help you make more proactive choices about the foods you eat. And it may help you lower the number of calories you consume during the meal. 


The holidays are a time to celebrate family, friends, and gratitude.

It’s ok to enjoy holiday food, drinks, and desserts in moderation. And by taking a more mindful approach, you can celebrate the holidays while still maintaining your health.

We hope you learned some tips to stay healthy this holiday season amid all the tempting foods and treats being served. Consider sharing this article with friends and family and help create a healthier holiday environment for all.

Healthy Eating
November 16, 2022

Health Mythbusting: Does eating turkey really make you tired?

4 minutes

Eating turkey this holiday? Worried about feeling sleepy afterward? Learn why turkey may not be the cause—and steps to take to avoid feeling tired.

This holiday season, Americans will consume around 87 million turkeys

And after they gobble down their turkey dinners, they might experience post-meal sleepiness. Often, people blame turkey as the cause.

  • But does turkey actually make you tired? 
  • Why?
  • What's in it?
  • And what other factors are at play?

In today’s article, we’ll break down the health myth of whether eating turkey really makes you tired. 

Why does turkey make you sleepy?

Theories say the sleepiness that comes after eating turkey is caused by an essential amino acid called L-tryptophan—or just tryptophan. 

Turkey has tryptophan—but many other foods do too, including: 

  • Milk
  • Chicken
  • Egg whites 

So do these meals cause drowsiness? It’s possible—but unlikely.

When tryptophan is consumed, the amino acid travels from the digestive system to the brain. There, the brain turns tryptophan into a chemical known as serotonin. 

Serotonin plays many roles in the healthy function of our body. One of those roles is regulating sleep. 

So does tryptophan in turkey cause drowsiness?

It can—but scientists learned that tryptophan can only make us tired if it’s ingested on its own. And just like the protein found in milk, chicken, and egg whites—the protein in turkey contains several amino acids. 

For tryptophan to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and produce serotonin (the hormone that regulates sleep), it first has to compete with the other amino acids in turkey. The BBB helps keep our brains safe by tightly regulating what can cross into the brain—acting like the security checkpoint at an airport. Even molecules that aren’t harmful, like tryptophan, have to compete with each other to gain access. This slows the process down and means not everything gets through.

So what does this all mean?

Turkey itself may not cause sleepiness. 

Other factors that may cause fatigue

If tryptophan isn’t what’s making you sleepy after a turkey dinner, what is?

Researchers believe this drowsiness may be a result of increased blood flow to the stomach to help digest a big meal. When more blood is sent to your stomach, there’s less blood left for the brain and the rest of the body—which may lead to tiredness. 

When we overeat, the digestive process takes up even more of our energy.

Research also suggests, high-fat and high-carb meals—like a turkey dinner—may produce sleepiness after eating. 

High-glycemic-index (HGI) meals may also make us fall asleep faster. HGI foods, like potatoes, baked goods, and sugar-containing beverages, create a quick spike in blood sugar (blood glucose) and insulin. 

When eating high-glycemic foods, it’s normal to feel a surge of energy as glucose pours into the blood. The body will then produce insulin to metabolize—or break down—the glucose. This insulin rush can deplete blood glucose within a few hours, and if it drops too suddenly, it can create feelings of exhaustion. 

Another thing that can make you sleepy after consuming it? Alcohol, which is often served on festive holidays. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which slows down brain activity, and can make you fall asleep faster than usual.

In short, a turkey dinner serves up plenty of ways to make you sleepy—turkey shouldn’t get all the blame.

How to avoid drowsiness after your turkey dinner

Despite all these forces working to make you sleepy this holiday, there are steps you can take to avoid feeling drowsy:

  • Control your portion sizes. If you fill your plate to the brim, it’s easy to overeat. Overeating can cause your digestion system to require extra energy as it increases blood flow to the stomach—leading to feelings of drowsiness. 
  • Get enough sleep. If you’re already tired, it’s going to be even harder to stay awake after a big meal. Research also suggests that poor sleep increases unhealthy food choices and overeating.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. By limiting or completely avoiding alcohol you can keep your brain activity in a normal state, which will help you stay awake longer after your holiday meal.
  • Exercise regularly. By exercising regularly you can boost your overall energy. Exercise can help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently—improving the health of your lungs and heart. 
  • Create a better sleep environment.  Your sleep environment plays a huge role in how rested you feel. Try reducing the light and sound in your bedroom, and keep your room temperature at a comfortable range—usually around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  • Take your time and stop eating once you’re full. This helps the digestive process keep up—and avoid going into overdrive. This means you’ll avoid using all your energy to break down your food.  

Does eating turkey really make you tired?

It’s not entirely clear if turkey itself is the main reason we experience drowsiness after a meal—or if it mistakenly gets the blame.

The amino acid tryptophan plays a role in activating brain chemicals that regulate sleep. But it may have to compete with the other amino acids in turkey that are also trying to break through the blood-brain barrier. And because it’s hard to isolate this amino acid from the other amino acids in turkey, it’s not clear how much of a role tryptophan plays on its own in post-holiday meal sleepiness.

Other factors like overeating, alcohol, and high-fat and high-carb meals may be the reason for feelings of drowsiness after a turkey meal. 

In any case, there are steps you can take to avoid feeling tired. 

By focusing on lifestyle and eating habits, you can avoid the unnecessary drowsiness that comes from a big turkey dinner. 

If you learned anything new, be sure to stay tuned for more mythbusting articles—we still have many more to cover!

In the News
November 9, 2022

Take Control of Your Health This Movember

4 minutes

Movember is all about men’s health. From mental health to cancer, it’s time for men to break the cycle of silence. Talking about health concerns, be it anxiety, physical health, or sexual function, is crucial to living a long, healthy, and happy life.

You may have heard of Movember, the month when men grow their facial hair in solidarity with men’s health issues, like testicular and prostate cancer. The trend has taken hold across the world and even generated its own spinoffs, like “No-Shave November.”

Movember started in Australia as a grassroots movement and began to become widespread in the early 2000s. Since then, the campaign has only grown, so you’re sure to see plenty of men rocking facial hair this November. 

Let’s take a moment to discuss what you can do to take care of your health, raise awareness, and show your support for men’s health issues. 

What Movember Is All About 

Movember is all about men’s health. Rather than focusing on one specific medical concern, Movember encourages us to spread awareness of the many health risks specific to men. Mental health is a huge focus during the month, as studies have shown that men are statistically far less likely to seek help for things like anxiety and depression. 

Men seek treatment less frequently for a variety of medical conditions, largely due to a culture that encourages men to be stoic and deal with things themselves. Regular checkups and cancer screenings are more likely to be put off or skipped entirely by men. We’re here to encourage guys to take charge of their health and break the cycle of stigmas that prevent so many men from properly taking care of themselves. 

Mental Health 

Mental health is a major issue for men, not just in the US but across the world. In the United States, men are 3.6x more likely to die by suicide than women. There are many reasons for this, but a lot of it comes down to a lack of comfort in discussing emotions. While we’ve made great progress, some men still feel ashamed of talking about their emotions, especially with a medical professional like a therapist or psychiatrist.  

 As a society, it’s important to treat mental health conditions, like anxiety and depression, with the same care and empathy we treat physical ailments. 

Here are some common signs of depression that men should look out for: 

  • Anger and irritability—especially if it’s atypical behavior
  • Insomnia and trouble sleeping 
  • Increased intake/abuse of alcohol and drugs 
  • Withdrawing from friends and loved ones 

It’s important to remember that many of these signs can appear before the person is consciously aware that they’re suffering from depression. While these symptoms aren’t unique to men, it’s important to remember that men are less likely to openly talk about what they’re experiencing. That’s why it’s important to be an active listener and to try and pick up on nonverbal cues from the people you care about. If you think someone is struggling, encourage them to talk to a professional, and offer a safe and non-judgemental ear. 

If you or someone you know is in in crisis, reach out to the suicide & crisis lifeline by calling or texting 988 for help.

Suicide and crisis lifeline logo - call 988 if you or someone you know is in crisis

Sexual Functioning 

One area where men feel a lot of stigma is in their sexual function. As men age, their levels of testosterone naturally tend to drop. This decrease can result in lower libido, delayed orgasm, and even erectile dysfunction (ED).

Though it’s completely normal for your interest in sex to decrease a little as you age, major changes or difficulties are often a source of great anxiety and embarrassment. For example, even though erectile dysfunction is very common and usually highly treatable, available data indicates about 39% of men with ED never discuss it with their doctor. Fortunately, medical professionals can offer various solutions. Whether you try simple lifestyle changes or medication, or look into a more advanced treatment like hormone therapy, it’s likely there’s a solution to fit the need. Lack of communication is often the biggest hurdle, so talk to your doctor if you’re struggling and encourage others to break the stigmas also. 

Physical Health 

It isn’t just mental health that men are less likely to seek help for. Physical ailments are also reported by men at a lower rate than women. The reasons are essentially the same. With a culture that celebrates physical strength and ‘working through the pain,’ men are more likely to feel like they need to simply push through it. The statistics bear this out, as a recent survey showed that less than half (46%) of men had a routine checkup in 2022. 

It’s imperative for men to get routine checkups, especially as they age. Prostate cancer is the third leading cause of death in men, and testicular cancer can be life-threatening and incredibly life-altering, if not caught early. The good news is that both of these cancers are generally fairly treatable when caught in time. Help the men in your life by encouraging them to get routine physicals, learn to perform a self-exam for signs of testicular cancer, and if you have a loved one that isn’t taking care of their health the way they should—talk to them. 

Movember is all about men’s health. From mental health to cancer, it’s time for men to break the cycle of silence. Talking about health concerns, be it anxiety, physical health, or sexual function, is crucial to living a long, healthy, and happy life. Whether you’re a man hoping to improve your overall health or you want to encourage a loved one to do the same, we hope this article has provided you with some helpful facts and resources. Happy Movember, and good health to all! 

Evidation Highlights
November 2, 2022

Why participants are so important to health research

3 minutes

Health research isn’t possible without the contributions of research participants. Find out how participants help contribute and how you can participate.

Health research is very important for improving health care for all

As we mentioned in a previous article, What is Health Research?,  this type of research helps medical researchers understand people’s health and how we can make treatments better for everyone. 

But health research isn’t possible without the contributions of research participants. Research participants are volunteers who consent (in other words, give their permission) to be in a study. They provide the data (from surveys, lab tests, interviews, etc.) that researchers need to answer important questions that improve health care. 

In fact, research participants are the most important part of research — without participants, medical advancements can’t happen!

Why participate in research?

There are a lot of great reasons to participate in research! Some common reasons people participate include:

  • Contributing to medical science
  • Learning more about health and health research
  • Wanting to help improve treatment options for a variety of conditions
  • Wanting to find a better treatment for a condition they have

Whatever your personal reasons for participating, being a part of health-related research can have a lasting impact.  

Why do researchers need research participants?

Did you know that most research studies don’t enroll enough people on time? When this happens, research efforts to develop medications, devices, and treatments get delayed. It causes studies to take longer than expected and ends up costing researchers more. This can lead to increased medication prices and delays in getting new treatments to market.

These factors limit progress in developing new treatments for conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Cancers, Autoimmune Disorders, and many others. 

Many of us have loved ones or know someone living with a condition that has no treatment and limited options for improving quality of life.

You may wonder, “with all the science and technology in the world, why isn’t there a cure or better treatment for this condition?” 

Without research and participants, we can’t develop new or improved treatments.

That’s why it’s important that those who want to participate in health research have the ability and support to do so. 

How to participate in research

There are many ways to learn about research participation opportunities. You can find opportunities online, in ads, through medical professionals, on the Evidation app, and more. 

Here are some resources that can get you started if you’re interested in participating in a study!

  • Evidation Studies specializes in decentralized research which is an easy way to contribute to medical science. To learn how to participate in one of our studies, check out our article How to Participate in a Research Study on Evidation. You can also download the Evidation app to learn more!
  • Check out, which is a registry of clinical trials that provides the public with information on past and current trials.
  • Talk to your healthcare providers to see if they know of research studies that may apply to you.

Want to know more about any of our Evidation Studies and how to get involved? Check out How to Participate in a Research Study on Evidation or reach out to us at and one of our friendly team members can help you get started. 

If you want additional general information on health research, we recommend checking out the following public resources: 

In the News
October 26, 2022

How to have a fun and healthy Halloween

3 minutes

Keeping good eating habits during Halloween doesn’t mean you have to avoid sweet foods altogether. We’re sharing tips to keep you and your family healthy while still enjoying the treats Halloween has to offer.

Whether you have younger kids who are trick or treating, or you’re attending a Halloween party, Halloween is full of celebrations and activities. It may also be a time of year when healthy eating and overall good habits slip. 

But what if you didn’t have to sacrifice fun for healthy choices?

We’ll share tips for you to keep you and your family healthy while still enjoying the treats Halloween has to offer.

Keep reading to learn more.

Eat before you go

Whether you’re heading to a Halloween party, or taking your kids trick or treating, eating before you head out can help you maintain your health.


Giving your kids a healthy snack before they go door to door will help them stay full and keep them from eating candy out of hunger while trick or treating. 

And instead of heading to a Halloween party on an empty stomach, eating a meal that fills you up will help you stay away from overindulging on treats and other sugary foods.

Try a snack or a meal rich in complex carbs. The fiber in complex carbs digests slower, providing a more steady release of glucose (energy) in the bloodstream and preventing energy crashes. It also helps you feel full for a longer period, making you (and your kids!) less likely to eat too many simple sugars like candy. 

Trick or treat with a small bag

Rather than sending kids off with a large container to collect candy, try giving them a smaller bag. This will help stop them from collecting too much candy and limit the amount of treats they have to snack on—or bring home to the family to share.

Host a party with healthy foods

If you want to socialize but are concerned about overindulging in unhealthy food typically served at parties, consider hosting your own party. You can serve your own healthy recipes, offer healthy snacks, and decide how many sweets and sugary beverages to provide. 

This doesn’t mean you have to avoid sweet foods altogether.

Serving chocolate? Choose dark chocolate. It contains 2 to 3 times more flavanol-rich cocoa. Flavonols help with the production of nitric oxide, which can relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, helping to lower blood pressure. It’s also rich in important minerals that support immunity, keep bones and teeth healthy, and improve sleep quality. 

Another option is to use fruits and healthy Halloween recipes like roasted veggies or pumpkin hummus rather than candy and sweets.

Avoid consuming too much chocolate, candy, and sugar

Halloween is an easy time to overindulge in candy, chocolate, and sugar in general. High sugar intake can lead to inflammation, high blood pressure, weight gain, and diabetes. 

While it’s best to avoid simple sugars, it’s more feasible to practice portion control. Set a daily limit for the amount of sugar, chocolate, and candy you allow yourself to consume. 

Try restricting treats to after dinner, or lunch. And work together with family and friends to hold each other accountable. 

Store the candy, chocolates, and sweets out of sight

By keeping the sugary snacks out of sight, you can reduce your temptation to over consume them. 

It’s easy to eat chocolates when they're sitting on your kitchen counter. It’s much harder when they're completely hidden in the cupboard and you’ve forgotten all about them. 

Buy candy for trick or treaters at the last minute

Instead of buying a box of treats long before Halloween—making it more likely you and your family eat them before the holiday, try buying treats at the last minute.

Then, because trick-or-treaters will be at your door soon, you’re less likely to risk eating too much candy in case you run out. 

Conclusion - How to have a fun and healthy Halloween 

It’s easy to start picking up bad habits and eat poorly around Halloween. 

It’s also ok to enjoy some treats in moderation. But making proactive choices and adding some tricks into your routine can help you and your loved ones have fun and stay healthy all season long. Having fun is important too—and now you have some tools to help you to gain control of the foods you’re consuming.

If these tips were helpful, feel free to share this article with someone who might benefit from them.

Evidation Highlights
October 26, 2022

Personality and Your Health

3 minutes

Many researchers agree that personality is made up of 5 unique traits: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness, Neuroticism, and Extraversion. Members on the Evidation platform were recently invited to complete a survey that measured conscientiousness.

Many researchers agree that personality is made up of 5 unique traits: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness, Neuroticism, and Extraversion. Members on the Evidation platform were recently invited to complete a survey that measured conscientiousness.

What is conscientiousness?

Conscientiousness describes the degree to which a person is organized, determined, and likely to follow norms and rules. 

  • High scorers tend to work hard to achieve their goals and complete tasks they’ve started. They also tend to get higher grades in school and perform better in many jobs, but are more likely to experience perfectionism and fear of failure.
  • Low scorers tend to act spontaneously instead of making plans. While they may be a bit disorganized, they’re also more likely to be flexible with decision making, and able to bounce back from setbacks. Overall, they may find it easier to look at the big picture than to pay attention to details. 

Why does conscientiousness matter for health?

Research has found that individuals who are high in conscientiousness tend to live longer and healthier lives. Why? Individuals who are high in conscientiousness tend to be rule followers, and are more likely to follow health recommendations. For example, on average, conscientious people drink less alcohol, eat healthier, and are more likely to wear seat belts.

Conscientious people may also have healthier coping mechanisms–that is, ways to deal with negative life events–than individuals who are less conscientious. For example, people who are conscientious are more likely to try to solve a difficult problem than to use an emotional escape.

For example, a highly conscientious person might think, “How can I fit in daily walking to reduce my cholesterol levels?”

And a less conscientious person might think, “I’ll watch TV now and think about my cholesterol tomorrow.” 

What does this mean for me?

Although research has found that conscientiousness relates to mental and physical health, having a low score doesn’t mean you’re destined to poor health. Regardless of your own conscientiousness, you can use what research has uncovered about personality and health to improve your own wellbeing. 

If you’d like to increase your conscientious behavior for better health, aim to set small, achievable goals. Below are some techniques you may find useful: 

  • Reflect on how to avoid or overcome obstacles. Imagine your desired future self and think about the obstacles you may face in becoming that person. For example, if your goal is to become a less distracted driver, an obstacle might be that you’re eager to look at your phone whenever you see an incoming message. One way to overcome this obstacle might be to set your phone to “do not disturb” when driving so that you can’t see the alerts and are reminded to break the habit of looking.
  • Create “if-then” plans for handling situations related to your health goals. For example, if you want to reduce your tobacco consumption, your if-then plan may look like this: “If I crave a cigarette, then I’ll take a five minute walk instead.” 
  • Track your progress and celebrate small victories. For example, if your goal is to walk more, set a small, specific, and achievable goal: “I’ll walk for 5 minutes every morning after I finish my coffee.” As your walks become a habit, increase the time of your walks, but be careful not to let missed walks discourage you–you can pick up again tomorrow!

…and don’t forget, start small to set yourself up for success!

Healthy Eating
October 19, 2022

AIP Diet: What is it and what are the risks and benefits?

4 minutes

By avoiding certain foods that can cause inflammation, the AIP diet may help lessen symptoms of autoimmune diseases. See what the research says and how to determine if the AIP diet is an option for you.

More than 80 known autoimmune diseases affect 24 million people in the US alone.

An autoimmune disease is the result of your body's immune system attacking your body rather than protecting it. A normal functioning immune system acts as a defense against invaders like bacteria or viruses. 

When someone experiences an autoimmune condition, the immune system can’t tell the difference between what's healthy and what's not. As a result, your body attacks healthy cells.

Common autoimmune conditions include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and more.

Is there a cure?

While there’s no known cure for autoimmune conditions, medications can help people manage their disease. Some people also seek alternative therapies like acupuncture or herbs to treat their condition or manage their symptoms. 

Can diet help reduce symptoms of autoimmune disease? 

The AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet is a food plan that aims to improve autoimmune symptoms.

In this post, we’ll break down the AIP diet, including:

  • What it is
  • Risks and benefits
  • How to consider if the AIP diet is the right choice for you

What is the AIP diet?

The AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet aims to cut foods, additives, or medication that can trigger dysbiosis (the imbalance of gut bacteria), intestinal inflammation, and even symptomatic food intolerance. It’s also used to help reduce symptoms caused by autoimmune conditions.

The AIP diet is an extension of the Paleolithic diet and shares similarities in the foods that are allowed and avoided. However, the AIP diet is a little more restrictive and eliminates nuts, seeds, nightshades, eggs, and seed herbs.

While it’s unclear what causes autoimmune disorders (certain genes and environments may increase the risk of developing a condition), some research suggests a leaky gut may play a role as well.

When a “leaky gut” occurs, bacteria and toxins can pass through the intestines and into the bloodstream. The AIP diet aims to avoid foods that make your gut permeable and incorporate foods that help support gut health and reduce inflammation. 

But how?

By avoiding certain foods that can cause inflammation and worsen symptoms of autoimmune conditions, the AIP diet works to support the gut lining and avoid inflammation altogether.

This includes avoiding food groups such as:

  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Seeds
  • Seed herbs
  • Grains
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Legumes
  • Nightshades

What can you eat on the AIP diet?

Foods recommended while following the diet include

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Fermented probiotic-rich foods
  • Natural sweeteners in moderation
  • Non-seed-derived herbs and spices
  • Minimally processed oils like avocado oil, olive oil, or coconut oil
  • Minimally processed meats, as well as lean cuts, wild-caught, and grass-fed meats whenever possible

What are the risks?

For starters, the AIP diet is restrictive. Beginning the diet includes three phases:

  • Phase 1: the elimination of foods that aren’t AIP compliant (at least 30 days)
  • Phase 2: continued maintenance and/or elimination (minimum of 30 days)
  • Phase 3: reintroduction of foods. Slowly reintroduce one food per week and assess symptoms 

Phase 1 (the elimination phase) can be difficult as it entirely restricts some foods many people are used to eating. Social situations can be challenging when there’s a limited choice of foods to enjoy. This is normal for the start of any diet, but because the AIP diet is so restrictive, it can be harder.

Remaining in Phase 1 or Phase 2 for too long can also make it difficult to reach your daily nutritional needs, leading to certain nutrient deficiencies if you don't follow the diet correctly.

This is why it’s critical to move into Phase 3 (the reintroduction phase) after 60 days. During this phase, you have the chance to re-introduce foods that will help you reach your daily nutrition easier.

What are the benefits?

The AIP diet may contribute to a reduction in common autoimmune disorder symptoms.

In a study following a group of people using the AIP diet with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), participants reported fewer IBD-related symptoms. They found an improvement in stress, bowel frequency, and their ability to perform leisure and sports activities. 

In another study, women with HT (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) who followed the AIP diet for 10 weeks experienced a 29% decrease in inflammation and a 68% reduction in disease-related symptoms by the end of the study. 

While the research is promising, it’s also limited. As more AIP diet research and data comes to the forefront, we may learn more about the impact of this diet.

Is the AIP diet a good choice for you?

Determining if the AIP diet is the right choice for you depends on several factors. 

Firstly, it’s important to know if it’s sustainable for you and your lifestyle. If enjoying food socially is a big part of your life, it might be more difficult to adopt the diet.

And although some studies support claims of the diet’s positive effects, there’s no way to determine in advance if it will work for you. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before you make a sudden and significant change to your diet.


The AIP diet may help reduce symptoms of autoimmune disorders. While there’s some evidence to support its effectiveness, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning a new diet—especially one with so many restrictions.

If you're ready for the lifestyle shift and can adhere to the diet while getting the nutrients needed to live a healthy life, it could be a great option.

If autoimmune symptoms are reducing your quality of life, there may be options available to help improve them—the AIP diet may be one option. 

If someone you know might benefit from this information, consider sharing it. You never know, you could help someone change their life!

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