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Evidation Highlights
December 21, 2021

Evidation Year in Review 2021

3 minutes

In 2021, members like you participated in over 200 research opportunities, contributed to 19 research publications, and together logged over 147 million days of activity data.‍ To honor all that hard work and to share back some of the exciting things that have happened, we wanted to highlight some of this year’s biggest accomplishments.

It’s been a busy year on Evidation!

In 2021, members like you participated in over 200 research opportunities, contributed to 19 research publications, and together logged over 147 million days of activity data.

To honor all that hard work and to share back some of the exciting things that have happened, we wanted to highlight some of this year’s biggest accomplishments. 

In 2021 Evidation Members:

  • Earned 7 billion points.
  • Redeemed millions of dollars in awards.
  • Completed 18 million offers.
  • Logged 951 billion steps. That's equivalent to walking to the moon over 1,896 times!
  • Logged over 2 billion minutes of exercise. If each minute of exercise burned 10 calories, our members burned the equivalent of 114 million donuts!
  • Spent some of their time finding their zen. According to our most popular connected devices, members logged 8 million minutes of yoga this year.
  • Joined from all over the US! California was the state with the most new members, and New York was the state that had the largest percent increase from last year.

New to Evidation in 2021:

We introduced several new features in 2021, including: 

Offer card in the Evidation app asking, Have you been exposed to the flu?"

Flu Monitoring on Evidation: Since November, 130,000 people have joined together to form our Flu Monitoring on Evidation community from all 50 states. In its first month alone, Flu Monitoring on Evidation identified nearly 6000 cases of flu-like symptoms from changes in activity data. This information can help people know when to access treatment and protect their loved ones. 

Steps Challenges: This year, some Evidation members stepped up their games in the form of a challenge, and in general, those who participated increased their steps! On Halloween, we wondered how trick or treating impacted our members’ activity levels, and our results showed that people who enrolled in the Halloween Steps Challenge stepped it up much more than people who opted out of the challenge - three times as much, to be precise! Stay tuned for more challenges in 2022.

Month In Review: We’re also working on sending you personalized insights on your healthy habits and activity, from steps to active minutes, which can be especially important to monitor during colder months as we tend to slow down. Keep an eye out for this new feature!

We also launched a new blog so you can find your favorite posts (and maybe some you missed) all in one place. 

These efforts and others like them help bring us closer to achieving our mission of creating new ways to measure and improve health in everyday life. But none of it would be possible without you! 

What’s Next?

We plan to keep the momentum going in 2022 by offering you more opportunities to earn points and participate in challenges. We’ll also be creating additional health programs and offering more personalized content experiences.   

And be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming Research 101 series and our Diversity in Research series!

Evidation Highlights
December 1, 2021

Here’s What’s Happening in Flu Monitoring on Evidation!

4 minutes

Did you know that changes in your activity levels can predict flu before you have symptoms? This month, we launched Flu Monitoring on Evidation. Here's what's happening!

The power of community building and data sharing.

This month, we launched Flu Monitoring on Evidation, and in that short time, more than 100,000 people have enrolled in the program!

In recent years, we’ve seen that tremendous good can come from sharing activity and symptoms data–and from a collective commitment to health. The impact these two actions have made in reducing the spread of illness in communities is profound, and your continued engagement with Flu Monitoring on Evidation follows that same path.

Enrollment across the US

In the spirit of health, we’ve seen people join together to form our Flu Monitoring on Evidation community from all 50 states. Ranging from young adults to those in their 80s!

With an average age of 37 years old, the Evidation Members participating in this program represent a diverse mix of geographies and ages throughout the US.

These maps show details of the program enrollment by state and by zip code:

Enrollment by state:

map of united states shaded in showing enrollment numbers per state

Enrollment by zip code:

map of united states showing clusters of enrolled members by zip code

Engagement in our health this flu season

As flu season kicks into high gear, it’s more important to take part in our health, but many people won’t receive treatment for their flu symptoms. This can lead to increased spread in our families, social circles, and communities.

flu offer card from the Evidation app
Flu offer card in the Evidation app

That’s where Flu Monitoring on Evidation comes in: Engaging with us regularly can help match the right people with the right services at the right time.

Remember, you can let us know at any time if you’re experiencing flu symptoms by clicking on this offer card. Being mindful of your symptoms and sharing that information is key to slowing the spread.

Flu cases among Evidation Members

Even though rates of influenza-like illness moving up from “minimal” toward “low,” may not seem severe, it’s an important trend to watch.

shaded map of the united states showing flu rates or the week ending November 13, 2021

Weekly CDC Influenza-like Illness Activity Map for Week Ending November 13, 2021

Identifying early signs of flu across the country can help us slow the spread of illness.

In its first month alone, Flu Monitoring on Evidation has identified nearly 1600 cases of flu-like symptoms from changes in activity data. This information can help people know when to access treatment and protect their loved ones.

It’s no surprise that most of the flu symptoms have been reported in states where program enrollments are highest — California and Texas. But when we look at the number of reports as a percentage of the total enrolled, a different pattern emerges.

We’re keeping an eye on the data we collect –both from the program and from the CDC–so make sure to look out for more personalized information about how the flu is circulating in your area.

Percentage of flu symptoms reported, of those enrolled:

shaded map of the united states showing percentage of flu symptoms reported by members enrolled in flu monitoring on Evidation

Total flu symptoms reported, of those enrolled:

shaded map of the united states showing total number of flu symptoms reported by members enrolled in flu monitoring on Evidation

Stay healthy and engaged

According to the CDC, this season’s flu vaccine will be quadrivalent–which means it’s designed to protect against the four most common flu viruses. That way it can provide the broadest protection. And while most Flu Monitoring participants report having their COVID vaccine, fewer than half reported getting their flu vaccine.

But it’s not too late! Join the 162 million people getting the flu vaccine. And in case you were wondering, flu vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines can be given at the same time.

offer card to join flu monitoring on Evidation in the Evidation app

Sticking with Flu Monitoring is easy, and only takes a few seconds each day. All you have to do is open your Evidation app regularly, and be sure to respond to any notifications we send you. Alert us when you’re feeling under the weather, and we’ll ask you a few follow up questions. And as always — sync your wearable device every day if you have one.

Haven’t joined us yet? You can still enroll! Visit your Evidation dashboard and look for this offer card.

Thanks for joining us on the journey toward healthier living this flu season.

Evidation Highlights
August 30, 2021

Preliminary Results from our Third COVID-19 Vaccination Perceptions and Behaviors Survey

4 minutes

COVID-19 continues to occupy our minds and affect our everyday lives. As vaccinations rolled out, questions emerged around what new directions the virus would take

COVID-19 continues to occupy our minds and affect our everyday lives. As vaccinations rolled out, questions emerged around what new directions the virus would take. For our third survey on COVID-19 Vaccination Perceptions and Behaviors (“Survey 3”), which was open between April and June 2021, we wanted to understand how people’s feelings and behaviors evolved as vaccination efforts continued in our communities.

We learned what percentage of members had gotten at least one vaccine, when they decided to get vaccinated, and what activities they felt comfortable resuming. The data also show interesting shifts in behaviors and mindsets compared to our previous surveys, and we’re excited to dive into some of the details with you below!

For an overview of the study objectives, methods, and results from the first perceptions and behaviors survey, please see our original blog post here. You can find the preliminary results from our second perceptions and behaviors survey here.


74,740 people (“participants”) completed Survey 3. The average age of participants was 39.1, which is slightly higher than the previous surveys. Most participants identified as female (80.7%) and identified as white (79.6%).

Vaccination Perceptions and Behaviors

The main focus for this survey was to examine people’s beliefs and preferences around COVID-19 vaccination now that access to the vaccine is more widespread.

72.6% of Survey 3 participants reported having received at least one COVID-19 vaccine.

This percentage represents a substantial increase compared to our last survey, in which only 11.4% of participants had received a vaccine. We expected to see an increase since more people were eligible for vaccination during Survey 3 than in Survey 2 (which launched in January 2021), but were surprised by the magnitude: for comparison, only about 63% of the US adult population had received at least one vaccine when the survey closed (see here for the CDC’s summary of COVID and US vaccination in early June).

A majority of vaccinated participants received the Pfizer vaccine (53.8%), followed by Moderna (39.2%) and Johnson & Johnson (6.7%).

Most vaccinated participants were eager to get the vaccine as soon as they became eligible. (63.3%).

Graph reflecting that most survey respondents received the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they were eligible

For many people, increasing access to COVID-19 vaccination was accompanied by a return to certain activities that had been put on hold. Between April and June, 47% of vaccinated participants started attending indoor events with others who are vaccinated, and 43.9% began eating in restaurants again. Meanwhile, 15.9% of participants reported that they had not yet resumed any activities.

Graph reflecting the activities survey respondents have resumed since receiving a COVID-19 vaccine

Changing Trends Over Time

We were happy to see a number of positive trends when we looked at evolving perceptions throughout the three surveys we’ve completed in the series so far. For example, Survey 3 participants tended to report lower hesitancy about COVID-19 vaccines compared to previous surveys.

Graph reflecting a stark decrease in survey respondents' hesitancy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine at the time of the third survey compared to the first and second

This decrease in hesitancy may be due to an increase in information: Survey 3 participants reported feeling even more informed about the vaccines than previous survey participants. 68.9% of people reported feeling “informed” or “very informed”, compared with 53.3% in Survey 2 and 27.1% in Survey 1.

Graph reflecting that survey respondents felt more informed about the COVID-19 vaccine at the time of the third survey compared to the first and second

Participants also reported being increasingly likely to get their children vaccinated when they could. 37.2% of participants reported that they would vaccinate their children when they were able to, compared to 26.9% in Survey 2 and 19.2% in Survey 1.

We look forward to exploring more about decisions to vaccinate children in our next Perceptions and Behaviors survey.

Graph reflecting that less survey respondents planned to get their children the COVID-19 vaccine at the time of the third survey compared to the first and second

Next Steps

To understand how people’s perceptions and behaviors related to COVID-19 vaccination have continued to evolve as variants spread and vaccines became available to children, we will soon send an additional survey on Evidation Members’ perceptions and behaviors. Stay tuned for more!

If you’d like to get vaccinated, see this CDC page with resources to find appointments near you.

Evidation Highlights
May 5, 2021

The Women who Inspire our Evidation Members

5 min read

Meet the women who inspire us to be our best selves! In honor on National Women's month, take some time to honor the inspiring women in your life.

Last month was Women’s History Month and later this month we celebrate one special group of women in our lives — the group of women we call mothers.

We know that Mother’s Day can be difficult for many, and we recognize that the word “mother” means many things.

With that in mind, we want to share the love and inspiration that comes from the women in our lives, whoever they are.

Some of these women have given birth, some have raised us, taught us, picked us up when we’ve been knocked down. Others have been friends, sisters, aunts, lovers. Some, we have lost.

But each of them have inspired us in one way or another.

And inspiration is something we appreciate here at Evidation.

So, we’d like to highlight the women who’ve inspired our community of members!

We recently asked Evidation Members about the women who inspire them, and the response was amazing!

Over 19,000 members sent us inspiring stories of the women in their lives.

It took us a while to get through the many heartfelt submissions, and while we’d love to share them all, we’ve chosen to highlight a few here in honor of women everywhere.

Meet our members and the women who inspire them

“Ms. Thomas was my first African American female teacher in the third grade; also my only till I reached college. We instantly bonded and have a relationship to this day. She was such a smart and powerful woman and I think she is one of the many people that have encouraged and supported me to become the woman I am today. I could not imagine what my school experience would have been without her. She was always there to offer me extra support outside of class time and continued to help when I was no longer in her class. I can say that I love this woman and am so glad that she is a part of my life.” — Brieanna, Lexington

“My friend Michelle inspires me in many ways. She is a retired firefighter/paramedic. She has been a competitive bodybuilder. Is a yoga instructor, painter, quilter and end of life doula. When she turned 50 she walked the Camino de Santiago and hiked the Kalalau in Kauai, both in a skirt. (Because, you know, year of the skirt). She is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She loves life and encourages others to love themselves and their life too.” — Karen, Las Vegas

“My Lola (grandmother in Tagalog) is a truly inspiring woman. She originally graduated at the top of her class in accounting, then when she was in her 40s, she fought ageism and attended medical school to become an ophthalmologist. Not only is she brilliant, she is also a wonderful mother to 7 children, and Lola to her 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. She was also one of the first female drivers in the Philippines. While my mom’s classmates were being picked up by their drivers, my Lola decided to learn how to drive a car so she could pick up her children herself. At 94 years old today, she is still brilliant, witty and going strong.” — Mariella, Toledo

“Nhu is a very dear friend of mine and she came to USA around 1980. She became USA citizens and is very much a good person. She has had her struggles along the way as she lives here in the USA and had always been a positive person no matter what happened to her as far as people treat her, she has always look to a more positive attitude towards them as she goes on with her life, she appreciate being here from where she came from she is a refugee from Vietnam and I can only imagine what her life was before her life here! To be so patient and positive about things takes a lot of patience and I love and dearly respect her for that. She has inspired me to look at things in a more patient and kind away in my life. She is a very dear and precious friend to have.” — Sher, Tacoma

“She has been my head principal for 10 years, and she continually inspires teachers, students, staff, parents, and the community to do and be their best. She never accepts excuses, and is continually looking for solutions to problems that make our high school awesome. She also treats everyone equally, which I never experienced until she came. She even helped our band to get funding for new marching band uniforms which we haven’t had in a few decades. I’m just sad to see her retire at the end of this school year, but wish her the best in her next chapter. I’m very grateful for knowing because she has made me a better teacher. I’ll never forget her.” — Charles, West Jordan

Give back by supporting woman-friendly charities

Evidation Members can donate the money they earn in app to a variety of charities. Some of the charities that are supportive of women and woman-related issues are:

  • Black Girls Code
  • Black Women’s Health Alliance
  • Girls who Code
  • Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Tides Foundation
  • Loveland Foundation

Want to learn more about Evidation? Click here!

Evidation Highlights
April 13, 2021

Preliminary Results from our Second COVID-19 Vaccination Perceptions and Behaviors Survey

4 minutes

COVID-19 vaccines have been a source of hope and trepidation for many. We wanted to know how individuals felt about the vaccines

The release of COVID-19 vaccinations has been a symbol of hope to many people — -and a source of hesitancy to some. For our second survey on COVID-19 vaccination perceptions and behaviors (which we will refer to as “survey 2” throughout this blog post), we wanted to understand how people were feeling about the vaccines as people first started getting access to them. We launched the survey in January 2021, and are excited to share some preliminary results with you!


100,080 people (“participants”) completed survey 2. 54,701 have completed all surveys in the study so far. The mean age of survey 2 participants was 37.4 (standard deviation: 12.2 years). The majority of survey 2 participants identified as female (80.8%) and identified as white (78.0%).

Vaccination Likelihood and Hesitancy

One of our main focuses for this survey was to examine how COVID-19 vaccination likelihood and hesitancy has evolved over time.

11.4% of participants had already gotten a COVID-19 vaccine when they took the survey, with an additional 0.6% reporting participating in COVID-19 vaccination trials:

Graph reflecting that at the time of the survey, 85% of survey respondents had not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine

Overall, survey 2 participants reported being more positive about COVID-19 vaccination than they had been previously. 30% of participants reported feeling more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine than they had been a month ago:

Graph reflecting that most survey respondents did not feel as if their stance on a COVID-19 vaccine had changed within a month's time

People reported a range of reasons for their likelihood of vaccination increasing, with some common responses including:

  • Feeling more informed about COVID vaccination overall (for example, “learned more information about it”, “just thinking and researching”)
  • Feeling more confident about COVID vaccination safety as more data and research were released (for example, “more data on potential side effects”, “studies are getting better and more people are receiving it.”)
  • Feeling more confident about COVID vaccination safety as they saw their friends, family, and community starting to get vaccinated (for example, “seeing those I respect get it”, “watching people I know get it with little adverse side effects”)

We saw a similar trend looking at the differences between reported vaccination likelihood in the first and second surveys; mean reported likelihood was 4.93 in survey 1 (median=5), and 6.53 in survey 2 (median=8.0):

Graph reflecting a stark increase in survey respondents' reported likelihood of getting a COVID-19 vaccine in the second survey compared to the first

Although the majority of participants (51.5%) still report being more hesitant about COVID-19 vaccines than other vaccines, a higher percentage of survey 2 participants reported being equally or less hesitant than survey 1 participants:

Vaccination Informedness

As mentioned above, one common reason people gave for their increase in vaccination likelihood was feeling more informed about the vaccines. Our data reflect this increase in self-reported informedness; in survey 1, only 27.1% of participants reported feeling “informed” or “very informed”, but 53.3% did so in survey 2:

Graph reflecting that survey respondents felt more informed about the COVID-19 vaccine at the time of the second survey compared to the first

The most common pieces of information unvaccinated participants reported needing to know before deciding to get the COVID-19 vaccine were all potential side effects (62.7%) and possible long-term impacts of vaccination (58.9%).

We look forward to further investigating these current perceptions and behaviors and see how they change as more people become eligible for vaccination!

Next Steps

To understand how people’s perceptions and behaviors related to COVID-19 vaccination continue to evolve as vaccines become available more broadly, we will send additional surveys over the following months asking for Evidation Members’ perceptions and behaviors. The exact dates of these future surveys will depend on developments in the pandemic and COVID-19 vaccination, so stay tuned for more!

If you’d like to get vaccinated, see this CDC page with resources to find appointments near you.

Evidation Highlights
December 16, 2020

How Election Night 2020 Impacted Our Bedtimes

3 minutes

Do people stay up later on election night? Find out what we discovered.

Our Research, Analytics, and Learning team is exploring and analyzing data from our Evidation platform, where members contribute to research and help us uncover insights that could improve their health and the health of others.

During this year’s presidential election there was high voter turnout which included record-breaking numbers of mail-in ballots due to COVID-19. As we now know, this high volume of ballots required multiple days to count, so no final winner could be projected on Election Day. We decided to look at Evidation Members activity data to see what changes the election may have caused for our members.

We used Fitbit data contributed by Evidation Members, to explore sleep characteristics and schedules for the month leading up to Election Day in 2020. We looked specifically at the time that each member went to bed in their local timezone. Equivalent time periods in 2017–2019 were used for comparison. These periods were aligned across years based on week rather than calendar date, so that differences in weekend and weekday sleep cycles would line up. This also syncs the end of daylight saving time, which happened on November 1, 2020, the Sunday two days before Election Day, and temporarily shifts our sleep cycles earlier. Positioning the data in this way allows for appropriate comparisons of data across years.

So, did anything about our sleep change? This plot shows the average time Evidation Members started sleeping on the weeks leading up to and immediately after daylight saving time from 2017–2020:

Graph reflecting that on Election Day 2020, bedtimes spiked up over 20 minutes from Sunday and Monday night.

There is a clear weekly pattern: we go to bed later on Friday and Saturday nights, when we have a weekend day ahead of us. On daylight savings weekend we started sleeping slightly earlier as we adjusted to the end of daylight saving time, a trend which continues through the following week as we slowly adjust to going to bed later again. However, on Election Day 2020 this pattern was disrupted; bedtimes spiked up over 20 minutes from Sunday and Monday night.

You may also notice the interesting pattern of later bedtimes in 2017, leading up to daylight saving time. This lines up with Halloween night and games 6 and 7 of the 2017 World Series. We’ve examined the impact of the 2017 World Series on sleep in the past.

As we looked closer at our sleep data, we were curious to see if members on the East Coast stayed up later in their time zone than those on the West Coast while they waited for results, so we examined average bedtimes in each time zone. On election night, members on the East Coast stayed up the latest (11:51 PM), compared to members in the Central (11:39 PM), Mountain (11:39 PM), and Pacific (11:43 PM) time zones. Compared to the previous night, members in Eastern Standard Time stayed up 22 minutes later, Central Standard Time 20 minutes later, and Mountain Standard Time 23 minutes later, while members in Pacific Standard Time stayed up only 14 minutes later.

Graph reflecting that on election night, members on the East Coast stayed up the latest compared to members in the Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones.

Regardless of where we live, sleep is an important part of our health. Fortunately, later bedtimes due to the election were confined to Tuesday night. Bedtimes returned to normal after Election Day, as it became clear that election results would take at least several more days to be projected.

Did you stay up late on Election Day? If you have tips to reduce stress or improve sleep, we’d love to hear them.

Evidation Highlights
December 3, 2020

Preliminary Results from our First COVID-19 Vaccination Perceptions and Behaviors Survey

5 Minutes

We wanted to understand people’s evolving perceptions and behaviors related to COVID-19 and vaccinations.

We are all looking forward to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruptions it’s caused in our lives. A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine will form part of the public health strategy to help us reach this endpoint faster. As many organizations work to develop and release such a vaccine, we wanted to understand people’s evolving perceptions and behaviors related to COVID-19 and vaccinations. We launched the first set of surveys in our study in October, and are excited to share some preliminary results with you!


This study’s goal is to describe people’s perceptions and behaviors around the COVID-19 vaccine. For example, what reasons do people have for getting or not getting the COVID-19 vaccine? How likely are they to get it once it’s released? Has the pandemic encouraged people to get the flu shot? This study will investigate whether and how these perceptions and behaviors change over time, as COVID-19 vaccines are developed and released.


To describe people’s perceptions and behaviors, and how those perceptions and behaviors change over time, we are asking for people’s input through a series of online surveys. These surveys will be sent throughout the development and release of COVID-19 vaccines.

So far, we’ve launched 2 surveys: one to understand the backgrounds of the people participating (for example, their demographics, where they live, whether they’re at risk for COVID-19), and one to characterize current perceptions and behaviors. We have started analyzing the data collected between October 9th, 2020 and November 11th, 2020. We won’t be able to understand how perceptions and behaviors have changed until we launch the next survey, but we can start to describe how people are currently feeling about the COVID-19 vaccine!

Preliminary Results

Here are some preliminary results from our first 2 surveys.


64,750 people (“participants”) have completed the first perceptions and behaviors survey. Mean age was 38.5 (SD: 11.7 years), and the majority of participants identified as female (79.7%) and identified as white (80.0%).

Graph reflecting that most survey respondents were around the age of 30

All 50 states (plus Puerto Rico and Washington, DC) are represented:

Map of the United States reflecting where survey respondents lived, with most living in the Midwest or East Coast

Vaccination Likelihood, Motivators, and Barriers

On average, participants were on the fence in terms of likelihood of getting the COVID-19 vaccine when it’s released (mean=4.93, median=5). The distribution shows a wide range of opinions, with the largest numbers of people reporting at:

  • 0 (“Very unlikely”): 18.8%
  • 5: 13.6%
  • 10 (“Very likely”): 14.3%

Graph reflecting that the most popular answers, when asked about the likelihood of getting a COVID-19 vaccine, were highly unlikely, highly likely, and neutral

The most common reasons people reported for getting the COVID-19 vaccine were to:

  • help protect their family, friends, or community (59.9%)
  • lower their chances of getting COVID-19 (56.7%)
  • lower their chances of having to go to the doctor or getting hospitalized due to severe COVID-19 symptoms (53.7%)
  • feel more comfortable spending time with their friends, family, or community (55.7%)

The most common reasons people had to not get vaccinated were because they were:

  • concerned the vaccine is being approved too quickly (61.3%)
  • concerned about possible side effects (60.1%)
  • not sure the vaccine will be safe (56.2%)
  • not sure the vaccine will be effective (57.0%)

Relative Vaccination Hesitancy

Most participants reported feeling more hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine than other vaccines (68.0%), with 24.9% feeling equally hesitant and 7.1% feeling less hesitant:

Graph reflecting that an overwhelming majority of survey respondents were more hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine compared to other vaccines

Vaccination Informedness

We’ve also found that people don’t feel particularly well-informed about the COVID-19 vaccine in general. 19.8% of participants report feeling “Not at all informed”, 22.7% “Slightly informed”, 30.4% “Moderately informed”, 19.2% “Informed”, and only 7.9% “Very informed”:

Graph reflecting that most survey respondents felt moderately informed about the COVID-19 vaccine

Pandemic Influence on Flu Shot Plans and Behavior

The CDC has stressed that getting the flu shot this season is more important than ever, to help protect oneself and others and to minimize burden on the healthcare system. Many participants seem to agree: of the 35,997 participants who had not gotten the flu shot yet (or were unsure), 20.2% reported being more likely to get it this season due to the pandemic:

Graph reflecting that an overwhelming majority of survey respondents' views on flu vaccines were not impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

Of the 28,753 participants who had gotten the flu shot, 20.0% reported that the pandemic encouraged them to get it, and 9.1% reported the pandemic was the primary reason they did so:

Graph reflecting that an overwhelming majority of survey respondents' decisions on getting a flu vaccine were not impacted by COVID-19 pandemic

We are excited to continue to investigate these current perceptions and behaviors and see how they change over the coming months!

Next Steps

To understand how people’s perceptions and behaviors related to COVID-19 vaccination evolve over the development and release of vaccines, we will send more surveys over the following months asking for Evidation Member’s perceptions and behaviors. These surveys will be sent as big events happen around the vaccine’s development, like its approval or release. The exact dates of these future surveys will depend on when these events happen, so stay tuned for more!

Evidation Highlights
July 24, 2020

Representation in Research Matters

1 minute

We’re collaborating with to ensure that the effects of COVID-19 are investigated in a representative population.

Historically, minorities have been inadequately represented in research studies. We’re committed to enrolling a more diverse and representative population in Evidation for studies.

We’re collaborating with to ensure that the effects of COVID-19 are investigated in a representative population.

We, in partnership with and Myovant Sciences, have launched Forward Momentum, a cross-sector coalition working to improve the lives of men with prostate cancer. Forward Momentum is committed to addressing the complex set of challenges that hold back the representation, information, and conversations that all men deserve. By bringing together organizations from diverse sectors and investing in novel digital initiatives, Forward Momentum strives to accelerate progress for men with prostate cancer.

Stay tuned for more updates from us on these research efforts!

Evidation Highlights
July 9, 2020

Hear from Us About the Future of Health

1 minute

Evidation partners with the world’s leading healthcare companies and enables everyone to participate in research.

Our CEO, Deborah Kilpatrick, recently spoke on a podcast about the importance of everyday behavior data and the future of health. After working in the medical technology space, she joined Evidation Health in 2014. Evidation partners with the world’s leading healthcare companies and enables everyone to participate in research. We’re focused on helping people measure everyday activities. We’re also invested in connecting our community to opportunities that will help them better understand the conditions that impact them and their loved ones. Listen more on this podcast here.

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