Evidation Highlights
May 24, 2023

Agreeableness and Your Health

3 minutes

Personality can impact our health and decision making. Learn more about how your level of agreeableness may affect your health.

Many researchers generally agree that personality is made up of 5 different traits: 

  • Conscientiousness (organization, productiveness, responsibility)
  • Extraversion (sociability, assertiveness; its opposite is Introversion)
  • Agreeableness (compassion, respectfulness, trust in others)
  • Openness (intellectual curiosity and creative imagination)
  • Neuroticism (tendencies toward anxiety and depression)

Some people may have very high or low levels of any single trait, but most of us fall somewhere in-between.

What is agreeableness?

Agreeableness describes how trusting, selfless, modest, and willing to follow rules someone is.

  • Those with high levels of agreeableness tend to be considerate and polite in social interactions. They prefer to resolve conflict by working together or letting things go, and find it easy to trust people and feel compassion towards others. 
  • Those with low levels of agreeableness tend to express themselves directly and bluntly, even if it might start an argument. They are more likely to enjoy competition, and less likely to trust others’ intentions. 

Why does agreeableness matter for health and health decision-making?

Agreeableness may relate to some health behaviors. For example, people who are more agreeable may be less likely to engage in certain risky behaviors, including drunk driving and smoking.

However, when it comes to other behaviors (such as physical activity) and overall health outcomes (such as disease or lifespan), there’s no clear scientific evidence on whether agreeableness helps or hurts your health. 

Overall, agreeableness is not strongly related to health outcomes, but people can use their knowledge about their level of agreeableness to focus on healthy habits. 

We recently offered our members the opportunity to take a survey to see where they fall on the spectrum for agreeableness. If you’re an Evidation Member who took the survey and received your agreeableness results, read on to understand what a high or low score may mean for your health. If you’re not a member and want to see results like these, download the Evidation app.

I scored low on agreeableness. What could this mean for my health?

If you’re low in agreeableness, you may be more likely to react negatively to stressful experiences. With this in mind, consider finding healthy methods of managing stress if you haven’t already. 

For example, you could try finding time to relax with meditation or deep breaths, take opportunities to talk with people you trust about how you’re feeling, or find physical activities that you enjoy.

Alternatively, as someone with a lower level of agreeableness, you may perceive yourself to be at higher health risks than someone who is higher in agreeableness. This, along with the trait itself, may translate to being more likely to self-advocate for your health by asking questions, disagreeing with recommendations that you feel may not be right for you, and seeking second opinions.

I scored high on agreeableness. What could this mean for my health?

Being higher in agreeableness may relate to a lower likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors, such as drunk driving. You may also be more likely to engage in healthy coping strategies when you’re stressed, such as seeking social support or reframing a stressful situation positively. 

In certain situations, however, people who are highly agreeable may be too trusting or willing to compromise. For some people, this may result in feeling unheard or like it’s hard to speak up to your healthcare provider. 

Some ways you can practice advocating for your health include:

  • Preparing a list of questions before your next healthcare appointment
  • Tracking your symptoms between healthcare appointments, so you can share a record of how you’ve been feeling with your provider
  • Do some research about your condition, symptoms, and treatment options before your healthcare appointment. This may help you better understand terms your provider might use or treatments that might be recommended to you.

Want to receive more personalized health insights? Complete cards daily in the Evidation app and, if you haven’t already, connect a compatible health app. 

Don’t yet have an Evidation account? Download the app today!

Evidation Highlights
May 22, 2023

Extraversion and Your Health

3 minutes

Did you know your personality can play a role in your health? Learn more about how extraversion may affect your health decision-making.

Researchers generally agree that personality is made up of 5 unique traits: 

  • Conscientiousness (organization, productiveness, responsibility)
  • Extraversion (sociability, assertiveness; its opposite is Introversion)
  • Agreeableness (compassion, respectfulness, trust in others)
  • Openness (intellectual curiosity and creative imagination)
  • Neuroticism (tendencies toward anxiety and depression)

Some people may have very high or low levels of a trait, but most of us fall somewhere in-between. 

What is extraversion?

Extraversion describes how outgoing, adventurous, and dominant someone is.

  • Those with high levels of extraversion tend to feel energized in large groups and enjoy being the center of attention. They are more likely to be thrill-seekers and the life of the party. 
  • Those with low levels of extraversion tend to be less social or outgoing. They think carefully before speaking, enjoy time alone or with a few close friends, and are less likely to take part in thrill-seeking activities. 

Why does extraversion matter for health and health decision-making?

Extraversion is associated with both healthy and unhealthy behaviors. For example, though people who are high in extraversion may be more likely to smoke or engage in distracted driving, they also tend to be more physically active

Personality is only part of the picture–that is, being high in extraversion doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a distracted driver. Additional factors, including genetics and your environment, come into play to affect health behaviors. 

We recently offered our members the opportunity to take a survey to see where they fall on the spectrum for extraversion. If you’re an Evidation Member who took the survey and received your extraversion results, read on to understand what a high or low score may mean for your health. If you’re not a member and want to see results like these, download the Evidation app. 

I scored high in extraversion. What could this mean for my health?

If you’re high in extraversion, try using what you’ve learned about your personality to help you improve your health behaviors. For example…

  • If your social activities often involve drinking or smoking, try finding other activities, such as concerts or hikes, that you and your friends may enjoy. 
  • As someone who is more extraverted, you’re likely to already be physically active. Make sure to keep that up! 
  • Individuals who are extraverted are more likely to enjoy thrill-seeking experiences. Find healthy and exciting experiences, such as fun runs, to keep yourself moving and motivated. 

I scored low in extraversion. What could this mean for my health?

If you’re low in extraversion, you may want to focus on keeping up your relationships. Research has found that social relationships may be just as important for a long and healthy life as not smoking, and even more important than being physically active! 

Of course, physical activity is also important. If you haven’t already, you may want to find methods of physical activity that fit your personality and that don’t drain you both physically and socially. 

You’re probably less likely to enjoy team sports or running clubs, for example, and more likely to enjoy walks with close friends, swimming, or small group activities. If you don’t have a routine yet, try out a few small-group or solo activities to see what you like. 

Want to receive more personalized health insights? Complete cards daily in the Evidation app and, if you haven’t already, connect a compatible health app. 

Don’t yet have an Evidation account? Download the app today!

Evidation Highlights
May 17, 2023

Conscientiousness and Your Health

3 minutes

Did you know that personality can impact health? Conscientiousness, one of the Big 5 personality traits may affect your health decision-making. Learn more in our latest post.

Many researchers generally agree that personality is made up of 5 unique traits: 

  • Conscientiousness (organization, productiveness, responsibility)
  • Extraversion (sociability, assertiveness; its opposite is Introversion)
  • Agreeableness (compassion, respectfulness, trust in others)
  • Openness (intellectual curiosity and creative imagination)
  • Neuroticism (tendencies toward anxiety and depression)

Some people may have very high or low levels of any single trait, but most of us fall somewhere in-between.

What is conscientiousness?

Conscientiousness describes how organized, determined, and likely to follow norms and rules someone is. 

  • Those with high levels of conscientiousness tend to work hard to achieve their goals and complete tasks they’ve started. They also tend to get higher grades in school and perform better in many jobs, but are more likely to experience perfectionism and fear of failure. 
  • Those with low levels of conscientiousness tend to act spontaneously instead of making plans. While they may be a bit disorganized, they’re also more likely to be flexible with decision-making, and able to bounce back from setbacks. Overall, they may find it easier to look at the big picture than pay attention to details. 

Why does conscientiousness matter for health and health decision-making?

Research has found that people who are high in conscientiousness tend to live longer and healthier lives. Why? Because they tend to be rule followers, people who are high in conscientiousness are more likely to follow health recommendations. 

For example, on average, conscientious people drink less alcohol, eat healthier diets, and are more likely to wear seat belts.

Conscientious people may also have healthier coping mechanisms–that is, ways to deal with negative life events–than people who are less conscientious. 

For example, conscientious people are more likely to try to solve a difficult problem (e.g., going for daily walks to reduce cholesterol) than to use an emotional escape (e.g., watching television to distract from thoughts about cholesterol).

We recently offered our members the opportunity to take a survey to see where they fall on the spectrum for conscientiousness. If you’re an Evidation Member who took the survey and received your conscientiousness results, read on to understand what a high or low score may mean for your health. If you’re not a member and want to see results like these, download the Evidation app. 

What does my conscientiousness score mean for me?

Although research has found that conscientiousness relates to mental and physical health, having a low score doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to have poor health just as having a high score doesn’t mean you’ll never be ill. 

No matter what your level of conscientiousness, you can use what research has uncovered about personality and health to improve your own well-being. 

If you’d like to increase your conscientious behavior for better health, aim to set small, achievable goals. Below are some tips you may find useful: 

  • Reflect on how to avoid or overcome obstacles. Imagine your desired future self and think about the obstacles you may face in becoming that person and how you might be able to overcome them. For example, if your goal is to become a less distracted driver, an obstacle might be that you’re tempted to look at your phone whenever you see an incoming message. One way to overcome this obstacle might be to set your phone to “do not disturb” when driving so that you can’t see the alerts and are reminded to break the habit of looking.
  • Create “if-then” plans for handling situations related to your health goals. For example, if you want to reduce your tobacco consumption, your if-then plan may be: “If I crave a cigarette, then I’ll take a five minute walk instead.” 
  • Track your progress and celebrate small victories. For example, if your goal is to walk more, set a small, specific, and achievable goal: “I’ll walk for 5 minutes every morning after I finish my coffee.” As your walks become a habit, increase the time, but be careful not to let missed walks discourage you–you can pick up again tomorrow!

…and don’t forget, start small to set yourself up for success!

Want to receive more personalized health insights? Complete cards daily in the Evidation app and, if you haven’t already, connect a compatible health app. 

Don’t yet have an Evidation account? Download the app today!

Evidation Highlights
April 21, 2023

Introducing the new Evidation app experience

3 minutes

The next time you open the Evidation app, you’ll probably notice some significant changes. We've redesigned the app experience, with the help of Evidation Members like you!

We've redesigned the app experience, with the help of Evidation Members like you! 

The new Evidation is more focused, intuitive, and appealing—and makes way for new features we have in the works to make your experience more rewarding and easier to discover health insights and opportunities to participate in research. 

We're excited to share these improvements and a little bit about how we incorporated member input along the way.

First, what’s improved?


  • Offers are now cards: There's a lot more to Evidation than offers—and to be honest, ‘cards’ just makes a lot more sense. 
  • Scroll vertically to view your available cards—like you do with, well...most apps! Plus, see the number of available cards on your home screen before you get started.
  • Card information is easier to view, from estimated time to complete to number of points awarded.


  • Your total points count is more prominently displayed at the top of the home screen and now includes your weekly points total. 
  • Learn more about how you earned your points in our new Points History screen.

Look & Feel

  • Enjoy a new, modern look & feel.
  • With accessible colors, fonts, and beautiful new illustrations, the app is easier on your eyes than ever before.

Now that you’ve gotten an overview of what’s new, let’s take a deeper dive into how and why we made these changes…

From offers to cards

In the past, we shared things in the app called ‘offers’. They might have asked you to complete a survey or read an article for points. 

Evidation Members let us know that this term was confusing, so with the app redesign, we’ve also taken the opportunity to update the term from ‘offers’ to ‘cards’. Heads up that while we update to ‘card’, you may still see ‘offer’ used here and there. 

Moving forward, cards will still allow you to do everything you currently can in Evidation. 

However, our new cards come with improvements. The new design is easier to read, easier to use, and makes it much easier to find the card you’re looking for. 

For example, in the past, cards appeared in a ‘carousel’ which had you scroll from side to side. Now, you can view your cards by more naturally scrolling up and down. 

Explore your points history in a whole new way

We’ve heard from members that it’s exciting to see your points add up and explore how you earned points. 

Previously this was included on the home screen, but there wasn’t enough space to allow members to fully explore their points, so we’ve created a screen dedicated to your Points History.

over shoulder view of person holding a smartphone with the Evidation Points History screen showing

In the Points History screen, you can now see the points you earned within any day, week, or month. You’ll also see what percentage of points you earned in each activity category from Apple Health, Samsung Health, Fitbit, and more. 

Access your Points History by tapping the “How did I earn my points?” button below your total points on the home screen. 

A new, focused and accessible look & feel

In addition to all this, we’re updating the design of our home screen. With improved font sizes, color contrast, and fun new illustrations, this new look & feel makes the app easier to use and more appealing. 

Check it out and let us know what you think!

We’re proud of the updated app experience and think it’s a big leap forward for our members. However, we’re always looking for ways to improve, so we’d love to hear from you. Email help@evidation.com to share your questions and comments!

If you're not seeing the new homescreen when you log into the app, be sure you're running the latest app version. Check your App or Play store for updates.

What’s next?

Looking ahead, we’re working on adding new features and continuing to update the app experience to help members like you stay motivated to: 

  • Meet your health goals
  • Contribute to health research 
  • Earn points and rewards along the way
  • Track and understand health conditions you many have

Don’t have the Evidation app yet? Tap below to download!

Evidation Highlights
April 19, 2023

Using your daily data to find patterns and improve your health

3 minutes

Monitoring your daily data is a great way to become more aware of your health and well-being and can help you identify small changes you can make to improve your mood, sleep quality, and overall health.

Evidation helps you make sense of your data

In December of 2022, we launched 2 daily check-in questions about your mood and sleep. Since then, we've had over 18 million responses!

daily checkins asking members to rate their mood and how they slept last night

For those with health or fitness tracking apps connected to Evidation, we combine your responses to those daily questions with data from your connected apps, like your activity, sleep, and heart rate data and look for trends. Then, we share what we learn back with you.

How do we determine if there’s a relationship between different types of health data?

To see if there’s a relationship between the different types of health data you log on Evidation, we look for correlations. 

How do we do that?

Correlation measures the strength of a connection between two things. If a correlation exists, it can either be positive or negative. 

  • A positive correlation means that two variables tend to rise and fall at the same time. For example, height and weight in growing children. When children get taller, their weight also tends to increase. 
  • A negative correlation means that two variables tend to rise and fall at opposite times. For example, weather temperature and coat sales. When weather temperatures increase, coat sales tend to decrease.

Why is correlation useful?

Correlation refers to the statistical relationship between two entities. In other words, it's how two variables move in relation to one another. Correlations are important because knowing the correlation, or relationship, between two variables (such as sleep and activity) can help you make decisions that could positively impact your health.

It’s important to highlight that just because there’s a relationship between two variables, doesn’t necessarily mean that one causes the other. The correlation could've been coincidental, or another factor we’re not considering could be affecting both things.  

Although you can't always determine what causes something, understanding correlations is still useful because it points out possible connections and allows you to identify areas where small changes could impact your mental or physical health. 

These small changes could include adding in an extra workout or lengthening your bedtime routine. You can try incorporating changes that make sense to you to see if your mood or sleep improve. If they do, you’ll know it’s working for you. And, if they don’t, you can try something new.

Example 1: Mood and Step Count

graph showing comparison between mood and step count

For example, let's say an Evidation Member logs into her app and sees this offer card. She notices that on the days she logs more steps, she’s in a better mood. She thinks about why that might be and realizes that she takes more steps on days when she goes for a morning walk before work. This helps her recognize that walking, as well as being outside, might be having a positive impact on her mood and causes her to prioritize her morning walks moving forward.

Example 2: Sleep Quality and Minutes in Deep Sleep

graph showing comparison between sleep quality and deep sleep

As another example, say an Evidation Member logs into his app and sees this offer card showing his sleep quality and minutes in deep sleep. He’s intrigued and does some research on deep sleep.  He finds out that deep sleep is the phase of sleep that helps people feel rested when they wake up. He looks up ways to increase his time in deep sleep and starts to adopt habits like exercising earlier in the day and putting away his phone a few hours before sleeping. He continues to monitor his sleep quality through the Daily Check-In in the Evidation app and notices that he’s starting to log more good and very good sleep quality days! He’s glad he took the time to invest in his sleep and overall health.


Ultimately, monitoring your daily data is a great way to become more aware of your health and well-being. It’s a great tool to help you identify small changes you can make to improve your mood, sleep quality, and overall health.

Evidation Highlights
April 12, 2023

What is Evidation?

8 minutes

Evidation is a free health app available on Android and Apple devices. It lets you earn money for engaging in health-promoting activities and choosing to participate in research to help others meet theirs. 

Many of us want to feel engaged in our health and motivated to meet our goals. Knowledge is power. And we can use it to make positive changes and feel our healthiest.

If that sounds like you, chances are you're part of the 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. who regularly track their health information using apps or wearables.

But it's tough to stay committed when it can take months, or years, to see results. That’s why some are asking: what is Evidation and how can it help me meet my health goals?

The Evidation app is helping millions of people from all over reach their health goals by rewarding them for tracking their health and making healthy choices. 

What is Evidation?

Evidation is a free health app available on Android and Apple devices. It lets you earn money for engaging in health-promoting activities and choosing to participate in research. 

Positive reinforcement for healthy choices

Many of us already take health surveys, track our exercise, log what we eat, read health articles, or use a fitness tracker. If you do, too, then you could be earning Paypal funds and gift cards for activities you may already do.

Your current fitness tracker may reward you with badges and encouraging messages. That's nice.

But in addition to these intangible rewards, you could earn a little passive income—even while you sleep.

Staying more accountable to yourself

Evidation can motivate you not only to take health-promoting steps, but it encourages you to turn those activities into healthy lifelong habits.

Simply track to meet and exceed your fitness goals and earn points doing it.

You’ll eliminate the very human impulse to "fib to yourself" about how much you actually exercised this week, etc. The data doesn't lie.

Track healthy activities over time to see how you improve and gain unbiased insights into steps you can take to achieve your health goals. And when you do have a tough week because you’re sick or feeling unmotivated, you can feel supported with suggestions for taking care of yourself.

Family hiking in woods

Choosing to support healthier communities

Every time you use the Evidation app, you're logging valuable health information that you can choose to share to help others like yourself overcome health challenges and reach their health goals. If or when you choose to take part in research on the app, we compile and aggregate or tokenize the Evidation community's real-world health data so that it can be used to further health research.

Your contribution could help researchers learn how to help people live at their healthiest, whether they're ready to tackle the next marathon or feeling limited by a chronic condition. And if you’re not comfortable with that, there are still many other ways for you to enjoy the Evidation app.

Learn more about how we protect your privacy and data here

How does it work?

Let's take a closer look at how this works! You get rewarded with points for engaging in health-promoting activities. This positive reinforcement can help you build healthy habits that stick over time. To start, just connect the app to one of many fitness-tracking apps you probably already have. Then tracking your activity is easy. You can earn automatically and turn those points into a payout. Plus, when you answer questions and respond to surveys in the app, we compare your responses to your activity data and share back insights you can use to recognize patterns, understand where you’re at, and take control of your health.

How it works:

  1. Visit your device’s app store to download the Evidation app.
  2. Provide some basic information for your profile. This information is important to connect you with opportunities and provide you with curated information.

We do not share your health data without permission. Our Privacy Notice can give you more insight into our privacy principles and how we collect, handle, and protect your personal information and data. You can also learn more by contacting our Privacy Office at privacy@evidation.com. 

  1. Connect the Evidation app to one of dozens of fitness-tracking apps.
  2. Come back to the app daily to answer health-related questions, track your mood, sleep, and more, and receive personalized health tips and related articles.
  3. Earn points for your daily activity and for actions you take in the app.
  4. Cash out through Paypal or gift cards.

Compatible health trackers

When you download the app and sign up, it will automatically identify compatible health fitness apps you already use on that device. All you have to do is choose the one, or more, you want the Evidation app to pull your data from.

You don't even have to have a wearable tracker. You can also log your data in the free health-tracking app of your choice. It then communicates directly with Evidation, so you never miss out on points.

Some compatible wearables include:

  • Fitbit
  • Apple Watch
  • Garmin
  • Misfit
  • Oura Ring

Some other compatible health-tracking apps where you may already log health and fitness information include:

  • MyFitnessPal
  • Apple Health
  • Strava
  • Withings
  • Daily Mile
  • MyLife
  • Qardio
  • MapMyFitness
  • MapMyHike
  • MapMyRide
  • MapMyRun
  • MapMyWalk
  • RunDouble
  • RunKeeper
  • Samsung Health
  • Record

When you sign up, you can choose categories of information you want to share. And if you want to do more and participate in research or a program, we’ll ask you if you want to and whether you’d like to share your data for those purposes before it starts. If we don’t hear from you, we take that as a, “No”. So, you control the data you share—always.

Why is health research so important?

According to NIH.gov, "Health research has high value to society. It can provide important information about disease trends and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions, functional abilities, patterns of care, and health care costs and use."

Medical Science Laboratory Scientist Looking Under Microscope

A lot of health research occurs in labs in a controlled environment. On the one hand, this helps researchers gather consistent and reliable information.

But lab studies are also limiting.

For one, the number or makeup of participants in the study may not represent the population as a whole. At the same time, observer bias can occur.

That's where people act differently because they know they're being watched. They want to meet the expectations of the observer (the researcher). It's a recognized issue that can change (or bias) a study's outcome.

All methods of scientific research have strengths and weaknesses. That's why it's so important to perform different kinds of research in various settings to get the whole picture—and to learn how specific differences can impact outcomes.

By tracking the data of thousands or millions of people in their everyday lives, researchers can see how people act when they're not actively aware they're being observed. That's the gap the Evidation app can help to fill by collecting this real-world data and sharing it with researchers. 

And remember: you get to choose when to share your health data.

Additionally, the data collected through the Evidation app looks at a wider swath of the population. So, this data can be more representative of the population as a whole.

This allows our researchers to identify subsets of individuals (anonymously) that require further research. Researchers make connections that can improve doctors' abilities to provide more personalized and effective care for patients.

Every time you choose to participate in health research, you contribute toward valuable societal improvements. You help yourself and others live at your (and their) healthiest. You're also powering the future health innovations that could positively impact people for decades to come.

And we think you deserve to be rewarded for that!

Earn Evidation rewards for making health-promoting choices

You can earn rewards passively by sharing the data your fitness tracker logs automatically with the Evidation app. Earn points just for logging:

  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Weight
  • Body fat percentage
  • What you eat
  • And more

If you already have a wearable tracker or smart scale, you may not need to do anything extra to earn your points. Just connect it to the Evidation app and start earning.

However, you can earn points even faster and receive valuable health insights by reading health-related articles, taking surveys, and participating in health research through the app. 

10,000 points = $10. And with so many ways to earn, those points can add up fast.

Every health-promoting choice matters

At the end of the day, getting healthier and achieving optimal health both come down to hundreds of little choices you make every day.

It's hard to see the benefits—or negative impacts—of choices in real time. This makes staying motivated more difficult. The Evidation app provides instant feedback because you can see your earned point balance rising.

Make healthy choices a habit

A lot of people want to make healthy decisions for their life and improve their health. A recent survey published by Gov.UK found that 80% of adults had been motivated to get healthier due to the recent pandemic. The global sentiment has been much the same.

But for this motivation to stick, people must form healthy habits. A behavior has to become automatic and that’s easier said than done.

Research shows an activity will "become habitual when it is frequently and consistently performed in the same context." 

The Evidation app provides real motivation to stick with the health-promoting activity until it becomes a habit.

For example, instead of allowing you to earn endless points by doing all your health-promoting activities in one day, the app caps you out at a certain number of points for each healthy activity each day. This encourages you to come back tomorrow and do it again. And again.

The repetition and consistency make it a habit.

Are you wondering, "is Evidation legit?" We invite you to see how real people like you are taking charge of their health and contributing to health research with us. We think you’ll love the inspiring stories from our community of Evidation Members.

Benefits of making healthier decisions

Regardless of where you are health-wise, the little choices you make matter. Making healthier decisions consistently can deliver several immediate and lasting benefits:

  1. Stay accountable with unbiased data
  2. Use data to optimize athletic performance
  3. Lower your risk of developing various lifestyle diseases
  4. Improve management of a chronic condition you live with
  5. Lessen the impact disease symptoms may have on your life
  6. Promote physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness
  7. Reach your health goals
  8. Make it easier to develop healthy habits for life

So, what is Evidation's role in all of this? We give you rewards for tracking your health and wellness information every day, and we share back with you trends and insights based on your data and how you respond to daily check-ins and surveys. We also share personalized health content and tips. As a result, you have the potential to realize these and other benefits of making healthy decisions. 

Evidation Highlights
January 25, 2023

Community Results: Daily Mood and Sleep Quality Check-Ins

3 minutes

Curious to see how the holidays affected Evidation Members’ mood and sleep quality? What’s the connection between step count and mood? Check out our latest community results post to see a summary from our Daily Check-In offers.

Last June, Evidation Members started seeing a new kind of offer in the Evidation app—the Daily Check-In. These Check-Ins provided what proved to be a much-needed opportunity to pause for a moment of reflection.

Inspired by the overwhelmingly positive response to the Daily Check-In offer, in December we created the Daily Mood and Daily Sleep Quality Check-Ins. Look familiar?

Since launch, over 4 million of these new check-ins have been completed! 

Today, we’re sharing some insightful and intriguing findings based on the responses, from changes in mood during the holiday season to the connection between sleep quality and mood. 

Mood and Sleep During the Holidays

Perhaps it’s no surprise that the festive spirit has a positive impact on our mood, but Christmas Day (December 25th) proved to be the day with the highest mood reported since we launched the Daily Mood Check-In on December 7th.

More specifically, on Christmas Day:

  • 31% of people reported they were in an excellent mood, which is 8% higher than the average.
  • 78% of people reported they were in a good or excellent mood, which is over 6% higher than the average. 

Christmas wasn’t the only holiday where we saw a spike in good cheer. People also reported better moods than average on New Year’s Eve. 74% of people reported they were in a good or excellent mood, which is over 2% higher than the average.

What about sleep? It appears people had better sleep quality than usual on the first night of 2023. 77% reported good or very good sleep that night, which is over 3% higher than the average. 

Perhaps after staying up until midnight (or later) the night before, members needed a chance to catch up on some much-needed sleep. We can’t be sure, but let’s call it a reasonable hunch!

In Other Sleep News…

Since launching the Daily Sleep Quality Check-In, we’ve found that Evidation Members generally report good sleep quality. 74% report good or very good sleep, to be exact.

Our last Community Results post shared which days of the week people felt best. But which day of the week comes out on top when it comes to sleep quality? 

Based on the Daily Sleep Quality Check-In, we’ve found members report:

  • The highest sleep quality on Friday nights, with 76% of members reporting good or very good sleep quality.
  • The lowest sleep quality on Monday nights, with 73% of members reporting good or very good sleep quality. 

You may be wondering about the connection between sleep quality and the amount of sleep members get. Fortunately, since many of our Evidation Members have a connected app such as Fitbit or Oura, we’re able to see if there’s a connection. 

When members reported good or very good sleep, they slept an average of 7 hours and 11 minutes a night. That’s 11% more than when members reported poor or very poor sleep. See the chart below for more details. 

Mood, Steps, and Sleep Quality

The results are in, and we see an undeniable connection between more steps and an improved mood.

Since launching the Daily Mood Check-Ins, we’ve found that Evidation Members who said they were in an excellent mood walked an average of 8,600 steps a day. That’s 19% more than members who said they were in a bad mood.

When it comes to mood and sleep quality, 96% of members reported they were in a good or excellent mood on days following a night of very good sleep. 

Stay tuned for our next round of findings in the coming weeks, and don’t forget to fill out your Daily Mood and Daily Sleep Quality Check-Ins to participate and contribute!

Evidation Highlights
December 28, 2022

Evidation Year in Review: 2022

3 minutes

How many steps did Evidation Members log in 2022? How many points did they earn? Before we get too far down the line on our 2023 plans, it’s important to pause and reflect on what went well in the last year. Tap to see highlights of one of Evidation’s best years yet!

Whether you’re working on resolutions like doubling your average daily step count, or dreaming up epic spring break travel plans, the beginning of the new year is a great time to gear up for what’s to come.

But before we get too far down the line on our future plans, it’s important to pause and reflect on what went well in 2022. For the Evidation community, 2022 was full of exciting programs, interesting health insights, and a wide variety of opportunities to earn points for everyday actions. 

For example, last year Evidation Members…

  • Earned 8 billion points
  • Completed 45 million offers
  • Redeemed millions of dollars in rewards

What came out on top in terms of time of year, where new members hail from, and more? 

We’ve analyzed the stats, and found that in 2022: 

  • Members were most active in May, and least active in January. 
  • California emerged as the state with the most new Evidation Members.
  • Overall, Fitbit is the app that most members have connected to Evidation, but in 2022 more members connected Apple Health than any other app.

Speaking of connected apps, in 2022 members like you logged a total of…

  • 952 billion steps. That’s like the equivalent of walking around the earth 18,000 times!
  • Climbed 929 million floors. That’s like walking up the Empire State Building over 9 million times!
  • 2 billion minutes of exercise
  • 349 million hours of sleep
  • Aside from walking, biking and swimming were the most commonly-tracked exercise activities. 
  • Swimming and breathwork were the fastest-growing types of tracked exercise compared to last year.

All Things New in 2022

Evidation rolled out new features and programs in 2022, including…

Personalized Insights: How did your average daily steps compare to the average for other Evidation Members in your state? What’s your sleep chronotype? In 2022 we helped you make sense of your activity data with personalized insights. 

Screenshot of offer in the Evidation app showing shart with a member's average hours of sleep per night by day of week

Daily Check-Ins: Many of us know that our mood is easily influenced by things like sleep and exercise. However, in 2022 we took a deeper dive to see exactly how our members’ mood relates to other aspects of their day-to-day life. 

We began asking members about how they felt on a daily basis with a Daily Check-In offer, and were able to share personalized insights back with members. Recently, we added in additional daily check-ins, such as the Daily Sleep Quality Check-In. Since launching our first check-in back in June, we’ve received over 15 million responses!

Screenshot of an offer in the Evidation app asking member s to rate their mood

FluSmart: After the success of the Flu Monitoring program over the last two years, we launched year three of the program—this time with a shiny new name: FluSmart! The program looks for changes in your activity data from wearable devices, and alerts you when a change suggests you may be feeling under the weather. 

screenshot of an offer within the Evidation app asking members if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms

Coming Up in 2023

2022 was a great year for Evidation, and we suspect 2023 will continue to bring new and exciting things for our members. Here are a few things you can look forward to in the new year on Evidation:

More Personalized Insights 

Using Daily Check-Ins, connected apps, and more, we’ll continue to share new personalized insights. These insights provide an opportunity for members like you to reflect on changes to your physical and mental health, and figure out what might be causing trends in your mood, sleep, and more. 

For example, maybe you figure out that your mood is best on certain days of the week, or your sleep quality is influenced by your daily step count. Whatever it may be, it’s always helpful to learn more about your everyday activity in order to improve your health!

Refreshed Homescreen: You can expect to see an improved layout and new features in the home screen this year, including: 

  • Easier navigation, with offer cards sorted by importance and relevance. 
  • An improved view into how you’ve earned your points—and how close you are to reaching your 10,000 point goal!

From everyone here at Evidation, thank you for making 2022 one of our best years yet, and cheers to 2023!

*Note: Data shared in this post represents totals from January 1, 2022 to December 21, 2022. 

Evidation Highlights
October 26, 2022

Personality and Your Health

3 minutes

Many researchers agree that personality is made up of 5 unique traits: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness, Neuroticism, and Extraversion. Members on the Evidation platform were recently invited to complete a survey that measured conscientiousness.

Many researchers agree that personality is made up of 5 unique traits: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness, Neuroticism, and Extraversion. Members on the Evidation platform were recently invited to complete a survey that measured conscientiousness.

What is conscientiousness?

Conscientiousness describes the degree to which a person is organized, determined, and likely to follow norms and rules. 

  • High scorers tend to work hard to achieve their goals and complete tasks they’ve started. They also tend to get higher grades in school and perform better in many jobs, but are more likely to experience perfectionism and fear of failure.
  • Low scorers tend to act spontaneously instead of making plans. While they may be a bit disorganized, they’re also more likely to be flexible with decision making, and able to bounce back from setbacks. Overall, they may find it easier to look at the big picture than to pay attention to details. 

Why does conscientiousness matter for health?

Research has found that individuals who are high in conscientiousness tend to live longer and healthier lives. Why? Individuals who are high in conscientiousness tend to be rule followers, and are more likely to follow health recommendations. For example, on average, conscientious people drink less alcohol, eat healthier, and are more likely to wear seat belts.

Conscientious people may also have healthier coping mechanisms–that is, ways to deal with negative life events–than individuals who are less conscientious. For example, people who are conscientious are more likely to try to solve a difficult problem than to use an emotional escape.

For example, a highly conscientious person might think, “How can I fit in daily walking to reduce my cholesterol levels?”

And a less conscientious person might think, “I’ll watch TV now and think about my cholesterol tomorrow.” 

What does this mean for me?

Although research has found that conscientiousness relates to mental and physical health, having a low score doesn’t mean you’re destined to poor health. Regardless of your own conscientiousness, you can use what research has uncovered about personality and health to improve your own wellbeing. 

If you’d like to increase your conscientious behavior for better health, aim to set small, achievable goals. Below are some techniques you may find useful: 

  • Reflect on how to avoid or overcome obstacles. Imagine your desired future self and think about the obstacles you may face in becoming that person. For example, if your goal is to become a less distracted driver, an obstacle might be that you’re eager to look at your phone whenever you see an incoming message. One way to overcome this obstacle might be to set your phone to “do not disturb” when driving so that you can’t see the alerts and are reminded to break the habit of looking.
  • Create “if-then” plans for handling situations related to your health goals. For example, if you want to reduce your tobacco consumption, your if-then plan may look like this: “If I crave a cigarette, then I’ll take a five minute walk instead.” 
  • Track your progress and celebrate small victories. For example, if your goal is to walk more, set a small, specific, and achievable goal: “I’ll walk for 5 minutes every morning after I finish my coffee.” As your walks become a habit, increase the time of your walks, but be careful not to let missed walks discourage you–you can pick up again tomorrow!

…and don’t forget, start small to set yourself up for success!

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